"[Penelitian mengenai karakterisasi morofologi bunga dan pollinaria 14 spesies Hoya atau bunga lilin telah dilakukan dari Februari--Mei 2015. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan membandingkan 14 spesies Hoya koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) berdasarkan morfologi bunga dan pollinaria. Sampel yang digunakan merupakan 14 spesimen awetan basah bunga koleksi KRB. Data yang diambil berupa data kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan visual melalui metode pengamatan langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi bentuk dan ukuran bunga serta pollinaria pada 14 spesies Hoya koleksi KRB. Hasil juga menunjukkan adanya karakter pembeda antarspesies yaitu bentuk calyx, keberadaan trikom pada bagian tepi calyx, bentuk corolla, bentuk corona, pelengkap anther, bentuk pollinia, bentuk corpusculum, ada atau tidaknya caudicle, bentuk caudicle, ada atau tidaknya pellucid edge, dan bentuk translator.
;Research on morphological flowers and pollinaria characterization from 14 species Hoya or wax flowers was conducted from Februari--Mei 2015. The aims of this research was to describe and compare 14 species of Hoya collections from Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) based on flower and pollinaria morphology. The research was carried out using preserved 14 specimen collections from BBG. The qualitative, quantitative, and visual data were collected by direct observation method. The result showed that the shape and size characters from flowers and pollinaria of 14 Hoya species from BBG were varied. Beside variation of Hoya flowers and pollinaria, there were also some distinguish characters of calyx shape, presence or absence of trichome in calyx, corolla shape, corona shape, anther appendages, pollinia shape, corpusculum shape, presence or absence of caudicle, caudicle shape, presence or absence of pellucid edge , and translator shape.
;Research on morphological flowers and pollinaria characterization from 14 species Hoya or wax flowers was conducted from Februari--Mei 2015. The aims of this research was to describe and compare 14 species of Hoya collections from Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) based on flower and pollinaria morphology. The research was carried out using preserved 14 specimen collections from BBG. The qualitative, quantitative, and visual data were collected by direct observation method. The result showed that the shape and size characters from flowers and pollinaria of 14 Hoya species from BBG were varied. Beside variation of Hoya flowers and pollinaria, there were also some distinguish characters of calyx shape, presence or absence of trichome in calyx, corolla shape, corona shape, anther appendages, pollinia shape, corpusculum shape, presence or absence of caudicle, caudicle shape, presence or absence of pellucid edge , and translator shape.
, Research on morphological flowers and pollinaria characterization from 14 species Hoya or wax flowers was conducted from Februari--Mei 2015. The aims of this research was to describe and compare 14 species of Hoya collections from Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) based on flower and pollinaria morphology. The research was carried out using preserved 14 specimen collections from BBG. The qualitative, quantitative, and visual data were collected by direct observation method. The result showed that the shape and size characters from flowers and pollinaria of 14 Hoya species from BBG were varied. Beside variation of Hoya flowers and pollinaria, there were also some distinguish characters of calyx shape, presence or absence of trichome in calyx, corolla shape, corona shape, anther appendages, pollinia shape, corpusculum shape, presence or absence of caudicle, caudicle shape, presence or absence of pellucid edge , and translator shape.