With urbanization accelerating, more land is developed for further human activities. This in turn would create more impermeable surfaces so that less rainfall will be infiltrated, and more runoff is created. This research aims to design a stormwater management system based on the Zero Delta Runoff Approach through implementation of BMP infrastructure in the Faculty of Engineering in Universitas Indonesia.
The types of BMP infrastructures used as well as the placement of each infrastructures is done using the BMP Siting Tool. The ArcGIS is also used to map the whole catchment area and the land use. As for the calculation of runoff conditions, the software used is WinTR-55. Results show that through the proposed implementation of BMP infrastructures recommended by the BMP Siting Tool, which are green roofs, cistern systems and porous pavements, it reduces the amount of runoff by on average 7.8 % for return periods of 2, 5, 10, and 25 years with the highest in the 2-year return period. Porous pavement also provides the highest amount of contribution shown in the sub-area that has the largest amount can reduce by up to 9.67% in that sub-area. In conclusion, the proposed design could not create runoff conditions as the same as the pre-development conditions. However, the amount of reduced runoff still creates benefits and can reduce runoff effectively especially in low intensity precipitations."
Maraknya pembangunan di sub DAS Ciliwung Tugu menyebabkan kenaikan wilayah tutupan lahan kedap air yang menyebabkan kenaikan limpasan permukaan dari waktu ke waktu. Dalam upaya penanggulangannya tidak mungkin dilakukan penggusuran bangunan di lahan terbangun. Maka dari itu digunakanlah penerapan infrastruktur hijau untuk pengelolaan air limpasan permukaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik wilayah yang berpotensi diterapkan teknologi infrastruktur hijau dan mengidentifikasi peran penerapan infrastruktur hijau dalam pengelolaan limpasan permukaan di lahan terbangun Sub DAS Ciliwung Tugu. Analisis tumpang-susun digunakan untuk mendapatkan lokasi potensial penerapan infrastruktur hijau dan Metode Rasional digunakan untuk menghitung perubahan debit sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya infrastruktur hijau. Hasil wilayah potensial dan perubahan debit dianalisis dengan memperhatikan aspek fisik DAS. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa jenis infrastruktur hijau sengkedan berumput paling berpotensi diterapkan pada bentuk medan hummocky, atap hijau paling berpotensi diterapkan pada bentuk medan hilly, trotoar berpori paling berpotensi diterapkan pada bentuk medan hilly, dan lajur saringan bervegetasi paling berpotensi diterapkan pada bentuk medan hilly. Penerapan infrastruktur hijau di lahan terbangun sub DAS Ciliwung Tugu berpotensi untuk menurunkan debit limpasan. Berdasarkan perhitungan, persen penurunan debit limpasan klasifikasi tinggi berpotensi terjadi pada bentuk medan hummocky, hillocky, hilly, dan mountainous. Sedangkan persen penurunan debit limpasan klasifikasi rendah berpotensi terjadi pada bentuk medan undulating.
Massive development in Ciliwung Tugu sub watershed has caused an increase in imprevious cover area. This also causes an increase in surface runoff over time. In an effort to overcome them, it is impossible to do eviction of buildings in the built-up areas. Therefore, the application green infrastructure is used for managing the stormwater itself. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of potential area of green infrastructure implementation, and identificate the function of green infrastructure in case of reduce runoff discharge in Ciliwung Tugu sub watershed built-up areas. Overlay analysis is used to get the potential area to aplicate the green infrastructure and the Rational Method is used to calculate the runoff discharge change of green infrastructure implementation. The result of potential areas and runoff discharge change is analyzed with concern in watershed physical aspect.
The results show that the type of grassed swales has the most potential to be applied to hummocky terrain, green roofs have the most potential to be applied to hilly terrain, porous pavements have the most potential to be applied to hilly terrain, and vegetated filterstrips have the most potential to be applied to hilly terrain. The implementation of green infrastructure in the built-up areas of the Ciliwung Tugu sub-watershed has the potential to reduce runoff discharge. Based on calculations, the high percentage reduction in runoff discharge has the potential to occur in hummocky, hillocky, hilly, and mountainous terrain. Meanwhile, the low percentage reduction in runoff discharge has the potential to occur in the undulating terrain.