"Penelitian ini merupakan uji klitis paralel, membandingkan kelompok yang mendapat terapi gizi adekuat pascabedah (P) denga:n kelompok yang mendapatkan diet standnr RSUPNCM (K),Sebanyak 17 pasien pascabedah dige.stif yang dirawat di rua:og perawatan bedah kelas III RSUPNCM yang memenuhi kriteria dibagi dalam dua kelompok secara randomisasi blok. Data yang dlambil dari catatan medik pada awal perlal."UM meiiputi usijenis keiamin, lama operasi. jenis opemsi skor ASA, dan jumlah perdaran. Data asupan energi dan protein dengan food recorcL pemeriksaan antropometri (BB. PB dan IMT), dan laboratorium (kadar GDS dau MDA plasma) dilekukan padn awal dan akbir perlakuan. Anal isis data menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann Whitney dengan batas kemaknaan 5%.
Sebanyak 9 orang kelompok P dan 8 orang kelompok K dengan rata rata usia 38,82±10,89 tahun mengil"Uti penelitian secara lengkap. Jenis opcrasi terbanyak yang dijalani subyek adalah reseksi-anastomosk Lama operasi :subyek perlakuan tergolong lama dan subyek kontrol tergolong singkat. Jumlah perdar.ahan tergolong sedikit. Data awal tidak menunjukkan pcrbedaan bermakna (p> 0,05). Setclah -enam hari perlakuan, didapatkan persentase asupan energi dan protein diba:ndingkan kebutuhan total termasuk kategori adekuat pada kelompok perlakuan dan tidak adekuat pada kelompok kontrol, dan perbedaan ini berm.akna (p<0,05). Pada kedua kelompok didapatkan peningkatan kadar ODS plasma yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok kontrol, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna (p> 0,05). Pada kelompok perlakuan terdapat pcnurunan kadar MDA plasma sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terdapat peningkatan MDA plasma, meskipun secara statistik tidak berrnakna (p>0,05).
Pada kedua kelompok didapatkan peningkatankadar GDS plasma yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok kontrol, namun secara ststistik tidak bermakna serta didapatkan penurunan MDA plasma pada kelompok perlakuan penelitian ini memperlihatkan terapi gizi dapat memperbaikistres metabolik dan oksidatif dibandingkan tanpa terapi gizi.
The study was a parallel randomized clinical trial which compared the treatment group received postoperative adequate nutrition therapy (P) and tbe control group received hospital standard diet {K). Seventeen subjects postoperative digestive surgery admitted to Surgery Ward of Dr. Cipto Manguukusumo Hospital woeful filled the study criteria, were divided into two groups using block randomization. Data collection taken from medical record at the beginning of intervention were age, gender, duration of surgery, type of surgery, ASA score, and the amount of blood loss during surgery. Data of energy, and protein intake using food record, anthropometric (body weight, body Jength, and body mass index); and laboratory findings (plasma glucose and malondialdehyde levels) were done before and after intervention. For statistical analysis, unpaired t-test and Mann W1Iitney were used. The level of significance was 5%.
Nine subjects in the treatment group and eight subjects in the control group whose mean of age is 38.82±10.89 years old completed the study. The most type of surgery was resection-anatomists. The duration of surgery "'as categorized as longtime in P and shortish inK groups. The amount of blood loss during surgery was little for both groups. The characteristic of the two groups were closely matched at base line (p> 0.05). After six days intervention. the percentage of energy and protein intake in treatment group were adequate in appropriate to the requirement, and these were statistically significant compared to control group (p<0.05). There were increase of plasma glucose levels in both groups which was higher in control group, however the increase wns not statisticaHy significant (p>0"05). Plasma levels of MDA were decrease in treatment group while in control group were increase eventhough the changes between the two groups were not ststitical significant (p>0.05). There were increase of plasma glucose level which was higher in the control group, although has not statistically significant, and there were decrose of plasma MDA levels in treatment group. This study revealed that nutrition therapy can improve metabolic and oxidative stress better than those without nutrition therapy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009