"Penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori gerak kreatif dalam konsep tari pendidikan dari Rudolf Laban serta teori kreativitas yang dikembangkan oleh Utami Munandar,bertujuan untuk menentukan peranan gerak tari kreatif dan minat tari kreatif siswa terhadap tingkat keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah 1). Terdapat peranan yang positif dari gerak tari kreatif siswa terhadap keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa, 2). Terdapat peranan yang positif dari minat tari kreatif siswa terhadap keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa, 3). Terdapat paanan yang positif dari gerak tari kreatif siswa dan minat tari kreatif siswa bersama-sama terhadap keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di SLTP St. Theresia, Jakarta. Sampel penelitian dipilih secara acak dari siswa-siswa peserta program ekstra kurikuler seni tari berjumlnh 35 orang, terdiri dari 30 orang siswa perempuan dan 5 orang siswa laki-laki.
Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumeu dalam bentuk angket untuk mengukur minat tari kreatif siswa serta lembar skala penilitan untuk mengukur gerak kreatif siswa dan keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa. Sebelum digunakan, dilakukan ujicoba kesahihan dan keandalan instrumen di SLTP Al Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai, SLTP Negeri 252 Pondok Kelapa, Jakarta Timur, dan di SLTP St. Theresia,Jakaxta Pusat.
Hasil analisis korelasi parsial dan regresi ganda menyatakan ketiga hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi (Rl) temyata 48,80% variasi skor yang terjadi pada variabel keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa ditentukan oleh variabel gerak tari kreatif siswa dan variabel minat tari kreatif siswa, sedangkan sisanya disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor lain (5l ,20%).
Selanjutnya diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa gerak tari kreatif siswa dan minat tari kreatif siswa berpefanan terhadap keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif siswa. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah pada pengembangan kreativitas dalam kurikulum kesenian khususnya bidang seni tari.
Saran-saran yang diajukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalahz 1). Jumlah sampel dan sekolah perlu diperbanyak agar lebih representatif 2). Alat ukur gerak tari kreatif dan keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut, 3). Perlu penelitian terhadap variabel lain yang diduga berperan terhadap keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif 4). Perlu diteliti perbedaan gerak tari kreatif dan minat tari kreatif serta keberhasilan belajar menari kreatif antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan.
This research, based on Rudolf Laban's theory of creative movement inthe concept of educational dance and Utami Munandar?s theory of creativity, is aimed to determine the role of students? interest and creative dance movement in the degree of success in learning creative dance. The proposed hypotheses arc: l. There is a positive role of the students' creative movement 2. There is a positive role of the students' interest in creative dance. 3. There is a positive role of both the students' creative dance movement and interest in the success of their learning creative dance.
This research was conducted at St. Theresia Junior High School, Jakarta. The samples of the research were taken at random from students who were taking dance as their extracurricular activity. They consisted of 35 students: 30 female and 5 male.
The data were collected by using an instrument in the form of questionnaire to measure the students' interest in creative dance and evaluation scale sheet to measure the students' creative movement and the success of learning creative dance. Before the instrument was used, it was twted for its validity and reliability at Al Azhar Junior High School-Bumi Serpong Damai, State Junior High School 252-Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta, and St. Thersia Junior High School, Central Jakarta.
The results of the partial correlation and multiple regression analysis show that the three proposed hypotheses are accepted. Based on the value of the determination coefiicient (R), 48,80% of variation scores that occur in the success variables of the students' creative dance leaming are determined by the students' crmtive dance movement variables, while the rest (51,20%) is determined by other factors.
The conclusion is tl1at the students' creative dance movement and interest in creative dance play a signiticant role in the students' success in teaming creative dance. It implies that the results of this research are significant for development of creativity in the curriculum of art, especially in the art of dance.
The suggestions proposed for futher research are: 1) Increasing the number of samples and schools to be more representative, 2) Further developing the instrument of measurement for creative dance movement and the success of learning creative dance. 3) Conducting further research on other variables assume to have a significant role in the success of learning creative dance. 4) Conducting a research on the difference between male and female students in their creative dance movement, interest in creative dance and their success in learning creative dance."