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Nurdina Rahmah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola hubungan antara tingkat imbal hasil tabungan dan deposito mudharabah 1 bulan. 3 bulan, 6 bulan, dan 12 bulan di Bank Muamlat Indonesia (BMI) dan Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) dengan suku bunga tabungan dan deposito perbankan konvensional. Penelitian ini merujuk pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Kaleem dan Isa (2003) di Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan Granger Causality Test. diketahui bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara produk /iending di kedua bank umum syariah tersebut dengan produk simpanan perbankan konvensional. lni artinya bahwa suku bunga tidak memberikan dampak terhadap tingkat imbal hasil BMI dan BSM. Kemudian, hasil uji tersebut diperkuat dengan hasil regresi model distribusi lag, dimana outputnya menunjukkan pengaruh yang sangat rendah di antara obyek penelitian ini. Persamaan-persarnaan tersebut memiliki koefisien determinasi yang sangat rendah dan tidak signifikannya variabel independen baik secara individu maupun secara bersama-sama. Meskipun hasil ini diharapkan tetapi dalam kenyataannya manajemen bank syariah masih mempertimbangkan suku bunga simpanan bank konvensional. Sehingga, kesimpulan penelitian ini perlu ditanggapi secara hail-hati. Meskipun demikian. tingkat imbal hasil simpanan pada bank syariah dan suku bunga simpanan pada bank konvensional tidak dapat diperbandingkan sebagaimana yang berkembang di masvarakal. Ketika manajemen bank syariah menetapkan tingkat imbal hasil tersebut, ia tengah bertindak rasional karena pihak manajemen tidak hanya mempertimbangkan unsur dunia tetapi juga akhirat.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the causal relationship between rate of return of mudharabah saving deposit and mudharabah term deposit under four different categories i.e. I month. 3 months_ 6 months, and 12 months in Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) and Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) and interest rate of saving accounts and time deposit in conventional banking. The approach used in this study is similar to the econometric procedure used on Kaleem and lsa (2003) study in Malaysia. According to the Granger causality test, this research indicates that there is no causal relationship between rate of return (pricing) and interest rate of both savings and deposit. It means that interest rate doesn't have impact in all cases on the Islamic rate of return (BMI and BSNi). Afterward, the outputs of distributed-lag models strengthen the Granger test result. Each models has low coefficient of determination and repressors whether individually or jointly semi to be statistically insignificant. Nevertheless this is the expected result; in fact Islamic banking management still considers interest rate of funding at conventional banking. That is why the conclusion of this research should be responded cautiously. However, both rate of return and interest rate have different pricing mechanism. Islamic banking management acts in a rational way when determining its rate of return because it not only considers the immediate financial returns but also the return in the hereafter."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasrah Mawardi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan return bagi hasil Deposito Mudharabah Muthlaqah. Faktor-faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi tingkat bagi hasil adalah, tingkat bunga deposito bank konvensional, tingkat Financing to Deposit Ratio, tigkat Non Performing Finance, serta effective rate pendapatan bank.
Penelitian dilakukan pada Unit Usaha Syariah Bank X, data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data internal Unit Usaha Syariah Bank X, meliputi Equivalent rate atau return bagi hasil deposito 1 bulan, tingkat FOR, tingkat NPF, effective rate pendapatan periode Juni 2002 sampai dengan Desember 2004. Data eksternal adalah tingkat bunga deposito Bank Swasta Nasional jangka waktu 1 bulan selama periode Juni 2002 sampai dengan Desember 2004.
Hasil penelitian pada unit syariah Bank X ini, yang mengambil data-data keuangan dan perkembangan usaha pada Unit Usaha Syariah di Jakarta, menunjukan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi return bagi hasil Deposito Mudharabah Muthlaqah pada Unit Usaha Syariah Bank X adalah bunga deposito bank konvensional.

The objective of this research is identifying the prime factors in the determination of return of mudharabah muthlaqah fixed deposit. The assumed factors of the rate of return are as follows: interest rate of conventional bank's fixed deposit, rate of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), rate of Non Reforming Finance (NPF), and effective rate of earnings.
The research was performed upon Islamic Business Unit of Bank X and used its internal data, included equivalent rate of return of 1-month fixed deposit, rate of FDR, rate of NPF, effective rate of earnings from June 2002 to December 2004. Meanwhile, the external data used in the research is the interest rate of 1-month deposit of National Private Bank from June 2002 to December 2004.
The result of research upon Islamic Business Unit of Bank X using financial data and growth of Islamic business unit in Jakarta, indicates that the interest rate of conventional Bank's is the prime factor in the determination of return of mudharabah muthlaqah fixed deposit at Islamic business unit of Bank X.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mangkuto, Imbang J.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat bagi hasil deposito mudharaba (DM) di perbankan syariah dengan tingkat bunga deposito konvensional (DK), dan sejauh mana pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah deposan deposito mudharaba dengan menggunakan data time-series. Penelitian ini merujuk pada model fungsi permintaan atas dua barang yang bisa disubstitusi dan juga model yang pernah diteliti di Malaysia.
Dengan menggunakan uji Chow diketahui bahwa dalam kurun waktu penelitian (Januari 1995-Juli 2004) telah terjadi perubahan struktur data. Perubahan struktur data itu terjadi karena faktor eksternal, yakni terjadinya krisis moneter di Indonesia sejak bulan September 1997. Fokus penelitian kemudian diarahkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh selisih harga (PDIFF) tingkat suku bunga deposito konvensional (YDK) dengan tingkat bagi hasil deposito mudharaba (YDM) terhadap pertumbuhan DM.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PDIFF memiliki korelasi negatif dengan pertumbuhan DM. Penurunan PDIFF sebesar 1% akan mengakibatkan kenaikan DM sebesar 11,8 %. Selain itu variabel PDIFF mampu 72,8 % menjelaskan perubahan yang terjadi pada pertumbuhan jumlah DM, sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor lain. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dengan menggunakan variabel PDIFF tadi, model yang dihasilkan tetap efektif tetapi lebih efisien dari pada model yang ditawarkan sebelumnya.

Through a time series data observation, this research is aimed to analyze the relationship between Mudharaba Deposit (MD) Yield in syariah banking and time deposit interest rate. Also, it is to find out its effects toward the MD growth. With reference to the demand function model of two goods with substitution effect and the previous research in Malaysia, this observation covered a period from January 1995 to July 2004.
From the Chow test result, the data set showed significant structural break evidence. The prolonged Indonesian economic crisis, initiated by the Asian foreign exchange turbulences in 1997, is believed to be associated with some data abnormality as well as structural change. Subsequently, the research focus is directed to promote a Price Difference (PDIFF) variable as an alternative to replace the base model of two goods variables.
The results showed that PD1FF has a negative correlation with DM growth. Any 1 % decrease in PDIFF will increase the DM balance around 11.8 %. The R2 (determinant coefficient) from the Pll1FF model is 72.8 %. This hence suggests that it is as equally effective but is a more efficient model then the previous one.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridho Putra
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai
Rasio Kecukupan Modal pada Bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
periode 2009-2014. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang
diperoleh dari situs Bank Indonesia dan Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel yang
digunakan berjumlah 16 bank umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode panel
regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bank Size (SIZE), Equity Ratio
(EQR) dan Deposit Assets Ratio (DAR) memiliki pengaruh signifikan negatif
terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) sedangkan Return On Assets (ROA)
memiliki pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) dan
Risk Assets Ratio (RAR) tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap Capital Adequacy
Ratio (CAR

The objective of this research is to determine the factors that affect toward capital
adequacy ratio at banks listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2009-2014
periods. The data used is secondary data obtained from Bank Indonesia and
Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample were 16 commercial banks. This study
uses panel regression. The results showed that the Bank Size (SIZE), Equity Ratio
(EQR) and Deposits Assets Ratio (DAR) have a significantly negative effect on
the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), while the Return on Assets (ROA) has a
positive significant effect on the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Risk Assets
Ratio (RAR) has no effect on Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Letitiya Kusuma Aisyah
Sebagai salah satu unsur penting dalam jaring pengaman sistem keuangan khususnya dibidang perbankan, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) memiliki peranan untuk menjaga stabilitas keuangan Indonesia. Krisis ekonomi global pada tahun 2008 mengharuskan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2009 dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, menganalisis kemungkinan penurunan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS serta hubungannya dengan penerapan risk-based premium di Indonesia untuk menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis-normatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan Pasal 11 UU LPS dimungkinkan terjadi penurunan terhadap Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS. Berdasarkan alasan peningkatan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan pada tahun 2008, yaitu adanya ancaman krisis ekonomi, UU LPS mengatur apabila alasan tersebut telah teratasi maka besaran Nilai Penjamin Simpanan dapat disesuaikan kembali. Maka berdasarkan hal ini, dimungkinkan untuk menurunkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia’s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nevya Wulandary
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi penjaminan simpanan, rasio kecukupan modal (CAR) dan non performing loan (NPL) terhadap tingkat deposit, risiko moral hazard dan net interest margin (NIM) bank umum di Indonesia periode 2000-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi data panel.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan implementasi penjaminan simpanan, CAR dan NPL mempengaruhi tingkat deposit bank umum secara negatif.Implementasi penjaminan simpanan terbukti signifikan meningkatkan risiko moral hazard sementara variabel CAR dan NPL berpengaruh negatif terhadap risiko moral hazard. Temuan lain menunjukkan NIM dipengaruhi positif oleh implementasi penjaminan simpanan dan CAR, tetapi dipengaruhi negatif oleh NPL.

This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of deposit insurance, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and non-performing loan (NPL) towards deposit, moral hazard risk and net interest margin (NIM) of commercial banks in Indonesia from 2000 to 2012. This study uses panel data regression method. The results of this study demonstrate the implementation of deposit insurance, CAR and NPL affects commercial bank deposits negatively. Implementation of deposit insurance were proven significantly increases moral hazard risk while the variable CAR and NPL negatively affect moral hazard risk. Other findings showed NIM is affected positively by the implementation of deposit insurance and the CAR, but negatively affected by the NPL."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Nicha Soraya Chairuddin
"Penghimpunan dana dari masyarakat luas atau dana pihak ketiga memegang peranan penting terhadap pertumbuhan suatu bank disebabkan dana dari masyarakat adalah sumber dana yang paling utama bagi bank. Sehingga Bank harus menerapkan Prinsip Kehati-Hatian dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-Hatian juga untuk menghindarkan adanya kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh Bank & Petugas Bank, dalam hal ini, Bank X, yang dapat menimbulkan risiko-risiko dalam hal ini risiko hukum.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Kesimpulannya, prinsip kehati-hatian bank diimplementasikan dalam peraturan internal bank namun ditemukannya kelalaian bank dan petugas bank dalam hal mengimplementasikan prinsip kehatihatian pada kegiatan operasional yang menyebabkan risiko hukum bagi bank.

Funding from public or a third party fund plays an important role on the growth of a Bank due to funding from the public is the most important source of funds for Bank. Because of that, the Bank must apply the Prudential Banking Principle in carrying out all its business activities and implementing the prudential banking principle to the Bank?s internal regulation. Implementing Prudential Banking Principle is also to avoid any breach by the Bank and Bank Officer, in this case, Bank X, that could arouse risks for bank, for this matter, legal risk.
This thesis uses normative juridical method. As a conclusion, the prudential banking principle is implemented in the Bank X's internal regulations but its been found out that there is a breach by the bank officers in terms of implementing the prudential banking principle in the operations that led to legal risks for Bank X.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Maulisa Yanti
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menginvestigasi pengaruh implementasi deposit insurance system (DIS) terhadap depositor dan bank. Pertanyaan fundamental yang ingin dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah implementasi DIS memperbaiki tingkat deposit bank umum di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan panel data analysis dengan pendekatan random effect yang memungkinkan analisis terhadap perbedaan individu dan waktu.
Studi membuktikan bahwa implementasi DIS di Indonesia efektif meningkatkan deposit bank umum di Indonesia. Disamping itu, dana masyarakat juga semakin terbesar dan tidak terkonsentrasi pada bank milik pemerintah. Namun demikian, dari studi ini tidak terbukti bahwa implementasi DIS menimbulkan moral hazard pihak bank umum dalam bentuk peningkatan risk taking dalam bentuk penurunan komposisi modal terhadap aset atau peningkatan komposisi kredit terhadap aset bank.

This study evaluates the impact of the deposit insurance system (DIS) to the depositors and banks in Indonesia. The implementation of explisit deposit insurance system in Indonesia is managed by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC). The fundamental question tried to answer in this research is whether the DIS improved the effectiveness of the banking system evidenced by the increased of the bank level of deposit. The research conducted in a panel data analysis using the random effect model approach, that controlled individual and time.
The research find that the deposit level of the bank has improved since the deposit insurance is available. It also find that the deposit is not concentrated in the state controlled banks any longer since the implementation of DIS in Indonesia. Another good news is that the study did not find that the DIS affect the increasing of bank risk taking not only the composition of credit to asset, but also the level of equity to asset of the bank.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Prastieto Ikhsan
Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, bank menerbitkan produk-produk simpanan, yaitu salah satunya ialah sertifikat deposito. Sertifikat deposito merupakan produk perbankan yang menawarkan simpanan dalam bentuk deposito, namun dapat dipindahtangan dengan mudah oleh pemiliknya. Saat ini penggunaan sertifikat deposito masih terhitung sangat rendah bila dibandingkan dengan produk simpanan bank lainnya, padahal terdapat banyak keunggulan di dalamnya. Selain simpanan bank, seritfikat deposito juga merupakan instrumen yang dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Uang. Dalam perkembangannya, sertifikat deposito mengalami berbagai perubahan, baik secara definisi, penerbitan, maupun transaksinya. Perubahan-perubahan ini ternyata juga melahirkan suatu permasalahan hukum yang akan dibahas pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dimana dalam penelitiannya menekankan pada penggunaan norma-norma hukum secara tertulis yang didukung dengan hasil wawancara dengan narasumber dan informan. Dari tipe penelitian tersebut berdasarkan sifatnya penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pengembangan pasar sertifikat deposito dapat mendorong perekenomian nasional. Di samping itu, terdapat juga suatu permasalahan hukum mengenai klasifikasi sertifikat deposito sebagai produk simpanan bank yang berbentuk surat-surat berharga.

In conducting business activities, Bank offers corporations of Deposit Products, one of which is the Negotiable Certificate of Deposit. Negotiable Certificate of Deposit is a financial product that offers savings in a form of deposit, however it can be transferred to another person by endorsement. Current use of negotiable certificates of deposit is still very low if compared to the rate of other bank deposit products. Even though, it has many excellence traits in it. Besides a bank deposits, negotiable certificate of deposit is also an instrument that can be traded in the Money Market. In its developments, Negotiable certificate of deposit have various changes, either in its definition, issuance, as well as the transactions. These changes have also created a legal issue, which is going to be discussed in this thesis. In this research the writer is using the normative juridical method that emphasize the use of norms in writing which is supported with the result of interviews with interviewees and informants. Based on that type of research seen from its character, this research is a descriptive research. The results of this study indicate that with an expansion of negotiable certificate of deposit, it can improve the national economy. Other than that, there is also a legal problem regarding the classification of negotiable certificate of deposit as a bank deposit product in a form of negotiable instruments"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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