ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya suatu sistem pemerintahan yang di gulirkan
oleh seorang tokoh Syi?ah Ayatullah Khumaini, yang selanjutnya terkonsep dalam
bentuk sistem yang disebut Wilayah Faqih, yang berbeda dengan sistem
pemerintahan di negara lain yang menganut sistem pemerintahan Islam sekalipun.
Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban tentang
bagaimana bentuk kongkrit sistem pemerintahan Republik Islam Iran?
Sebagai kerangka teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori politik Islam
Syi?ah. Dan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini bahwa pemikiran politik Islam Syi?ah tertuang
dalam konstitusi negara dengan berlandaskan teks agama baik dari al-Qur?an
maupun al-Hadist, atau konsep ini juga dikenal dengan sebutan Teo-Demokrasi,
walau demikian kekuasaan ada pada rakyat dalam hal partisipasi politik. Wilayah
Faqih juga mengadopsi sistem trias politica, dimana kekuasaan terbagi dalam
tiga lembaga ; Yudikatif, Eksekutif dan Legislatif. Yang menjadi pembeda adalah
landasan pada masing-masing bagian. Dalam sistem Wilayah Faqih terdapat
kekuasaan di atas 3 lembaga tersebut, yaitu Rahbar.
ABSTRACTThis research is motivated existence of a system of government in the scroll by a
Shiite leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who subsequently conceptualized in the form
of a system called Wilayah Faqih, which is different from the system of
government in other countries that embrace the Islamic government system
though. Therefore, this study was conducted to seek answers about how the
concrete form system of government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
As a theoretical framework in this study using Shiite Islamic political theory. And
this study used qualitative research methods.
The findings in this study that the Shiite Islamic political thought contained in the
state constitution on the basis of religious texts from both the Koran and al-
Hadith, or the concept is also known as Teo-Democracy, however power is in the
people in terms of political participation. Wilayah Faqih also adopted trias
politica system, in which power is divided in three institutions; Judiciary,
Executive and Legislative. That the difference is the cornerstone on each section.
In the system there is power in the Wilayah Faqih on 3 institutions, namely
Rahbar, This research is motivated existence of a system of government in the scroll by a
Shiite leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who subsequently conceptualized in the form
of a system called Wilayah Faqih, which is different from the system of
government in other countries that embrace the Islamic government system
though. Therefore, this study was conducted to seek answers about how the
concrete form system of government of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
As a theoretical framework in this study using Shiite Islamic political theory. And
this study used qualitative research methods.
The findings in this study that the Shiite Islamic political thought contained in the
state constitution on the basis of religious texts from both the Koran and al-
Hadith, or the concept is also known as Teo-Democracy, however power is in the
people in terms of political participation. Wilayah Faqih also adopted trias
politica system, in which power is divided in three institutions; Judiciary,
Executive and Legislative. That the difference is the cornerstone on each section.
In the system there is power in the Wilayah Faqih on 3 institutions, namely