"Penyakit respirasi termasuk penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Namun prevalensinya pada pemukiman kumuh di Indonesia masih belum diketahui. Penelitian cross sectional kemudian dilakukan di Kelurahan Petamburan, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat dengan teknik cluster consecutive sampling pada 18-26 Januari 2012 untuk mengetahui prevalensi penyakit tersebut dan kaitannya dengan pengetahuan masyarakat, sebagai langkah awal intervensi pendidikan kesehatan.
Hasil penelitian terhadap 104 responden berusia >18 tahun berdasarkan kuesioner: 1) Prevalensi penyakit respirasi sebanyak 5% terdiri dari asma (1,7%), pneumonia (0,2%), TB (2,2%) dan PPOK (0,9%) serta tidak ditemukannya hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan penyakit respirasi (p=0,342); 2) Terdapat 3,8% responden dengan tingkat pengetahuan baik, 41,3% cukup dan 54,8% kurang, berdasarkan pengetahuan terhadap penyakit respirasi. Kemudian tidak ditemukan hubungan karakteristik demografi usia (p=1,000), jenis kelamin (p=0,935) dan status pekerjaan (p=1,000) dengan tingkat pengetahuan; 3) Sumber informasi yang sering digunakan adalah televisi dan ditemukan korelasi bermakna antara jumlah sumber informasi dengan skor pengetahuan (p<0,05; r=0,278).
Dalam penelitian disimpulkan masih belum perlunya penyuluhan. Namun perlu ditinjau lebih lanjut hubungan pengetahuan terhadap konsistensi perilaku hidup sehat yang dapat mencegah penyakit respirasi. Selain itu juga perlu diketahui faktor lain yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan, serta perlunya optimalisasi informasi kesehatan respirasi melalui televisi sebagai sumber informasi tersering yang digunakan.
Disease of the respiratory system is one of leading cause of death in the world. However there has not been report about this prevalence in slum neighborhood, especially in Indonesia. Cross-sectional study was conducted in slums area, Kelurahan Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta using cluster consecutive sampling technique on 18?26 January 2012 to know the prevalence of respiratory diseases and its association with level of knowledge as the early step to analyze the need of health education.
The results of research on 104 respondents aged >18 years old using questionnaire: 1) Prevalence of respiratory health problems as much as 5% consists of asthma (1,7%), pneumonia (0,2%), TB (2,2%), COPD (0,9%) and there is no association between level of knowledge and those prevalence; 2) There are 3,8% of the respondents with a good level of knowledge, 41,3% sufficient and 54,8% poor based on respiratory health problems. And the research found that there is no association between socio demographic such as age (p=1,000), gender (p=0,935), employment (p=1,000) and level of knowledge; 3) Frequently used source of information is through television and there is significant correlation between the number of sources information with knowledge about respiratory health problems (p<0,05; r=0,278).
In the study, it was concluded that health education was not yet needed. But the influence of knowledge to the healthy living behavior which can prevent respiratory disease should be analyzed. Besides factors having association with level of knowledge about respiratory health is also needed to be found, and finally it is considered that optimalization of television as the most frequently used source information is needed."