Licensing services have an important role in development starting from the planning, implementation, to the control and supervision stages. Good licensing services, especially those related to starting a business permit can be used as a tool to increase investment and increase regional income, therefore the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is trying to transform licensing services that had a bad image in the past. This study aims to explore or describe how the licensing service transformation is carried out and how it has implications for the Regional Revenue of DKI Jakarta Province. This study adopts the positivism paradigm using qualitative methods. Primary data sources were obtained through in-depth interviews with selected informants. The licensing service transformation in DKI Jakarta is carried out by transforming the licensing service provider organization, which is the Jakarta Capital Investment and One Stop Integrated Service Office, through continuous improvement of the permit and investment management policies and procedures that are part of the improvement in the organizational structure. Improvements were also made through improving the quality of human resources with an emphasis on changing attitudes to be friendly and polite as well as a neat appearance accompanied by enforcement of integrity and anti-corruption commitments, selection of Human Resources especially for leadership positions that have technical competence and leadership skills as well as increasing individual and organizational communication skills. In addition, the transformation of licensing services is also carried out by the use of modern technology that updates the manual licensing service into an online licensing service. This licensing service transformation is going well in the province of DKI Jakarta, as evidenced by increasing public satisfaction with the performance of licensing services provided by the Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services so that the value of the Community Satisfaction Index increases each year. The transformation carried out by DPMPTSP of DKI Jakarta Province can increase the realization of investment achievements and the realization of regional retribution revenues also plays a role in collecting Regional Tax receivables through the Tax Clearance Program.
"Penanaman modal asing (PMA) dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang luar biasa, bahkan di negara-negara berkembang. PMA dapat menyediakan sumber daya keuangan, transfer teknologi, meningkatkan praktik dan keterampilan organisasi dan manajerial, dan memberikan akses ke pasar internasional. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menyadari bahwa PMA dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pembangunan ekonomi negara. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kepentingan relatif dari berbagai jenis aglomerasi untuk penentuan lokasi PMA di sektor manufaktur di Indonesia. Data ini dianalisis dengan model multinomial logit di mana variabel dependen adalah pilihan lokasi. Tesis ini meneliti faktor-faktor penentu PMA baru (greenfield) di sektor manufaktur di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data tingkat mikro dari izin prinsip yang tidak dipublikasikan dari Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Indonesia (BKPM). Penelitian ini menguji dari 23 kabupaten di Pulau Jawa yang menerima PMA di sektor manufaktur dalam lima tahun terakhir. Hasil dari temuan ekonomi agglomerasi (baik milik asing dan perusahaan domestik) menunjukkan dampak yang signifikan dan positif namun kecil. Variabel-variabel lain, termasuk fasilitas, dan kondisi pasar tenaga kerja—secara anomali dengan upah minimum yang lebih tinggi— menunjukan hasil yang lebih penting dibandingkan aglomerasi. Karena efek aglomerasi yang kecil, hal ini berarti bahwa ekonomi aglomerasi bukanlah faktor penentu dalam menarik PMA. Investor asing yang baru tidak hanya mencari kabupaten di mana pabrik asing atau domestik telah berada tetapi juga mempertimbangkan hal-hal lain seperti kepadatan jalan dan ketersediaan tenaga kerja.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) may precipitate remarkable economic growth, even in developing countries. FDI can provide financial resources, transfer technology, improve organizational and managerial practices and skills, and afford access to international markets. This paper aims to measure the relative importance of the different types of agglomeration for location decision of FDI in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia. These data are analyzed with a multinomial logit model where the dependent variable is the choice of location. It examines the determinant factors of new (greenfield) foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector in Java Island, Indonesia. This study used unpublished micro-level data of principle licenses from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (IICB), which examine23 counties of Java Island that received manufacturing FDI in the last five years. The finding is agglomeration economies in production (both foreign-owned and domestic firms) show a significant and positive but small impact. Other variables, including facilities, and labor market conditions—anomalously in that a higher minimum wage—matter as much or more than an agglomeration of production. Because the agglomeration effect is small, it means that agglomeration economies are not the detemining factor in attracting FDI. The new foreign investors not only seek counties in which foreign or domestic plants have already located but also consider other things such as the density of roads and the availability of labor.