ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang efektivitas implementasi promosi di
lingkungan Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL). Fokus penelitiannya pada
faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi promosi kepangatan di
lingkungan PNTL, efektivitas pelaksanaan promosi di lingkungan PNTL serta
model-model pelaksanaan promosi di lingkungan PNTL. Implementasi promosi di
lingkungan PNTL saat ini harus diakui belum baik, karenakan faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi promosi seperti faktor senioritas, faktor pendidikan, dan faktor
prestasi kerja belum maksimal diperhatikan. Disamping itu model-model promosi
di lingkungan PNTL belum diimplementasikan secara baik dan benar, sehingga
menimbulkan kekecewaan. Pembinaan karier di PNTL, khususnya mengenai
promosi kepangkatan dilaksanakan oleh Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia atau
Departemento Rekurso Humanu PNTL melalui arahan Wakil Kepala Kepolisian
Timor Leste berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 16 tahun 2009 tentang
Organic law PNTL. Selanjutnya diperjelas dengan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor:9
tahun 2009 tentang Promosi PNTL. Namun dalam kenyataannya banyak PNTL
yang merasa kecewa dengan sistem promosi terutama mengenai promosi
kepangkatan personil. Hal ini yang menjadi penelitian dan pembahasan penulisan
tesis ini
Metode penelitian dan penulisan tesis ini dilakukan secara kualitatif
dengan melaksanakan studi dokumen dan wawancara terhadap personil PNTL di
Markas Besar Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) Caicoli, Dili. Disamping itu
peneliti juga melakukan wawancara terhadap mantan Kepala PNTL dan mantan
Wakil Kepala PNTL, NGO, dan orang sipil yang bekerja di PNTL.
Dari hasil analisa data yang di himpun oleh peneliti, dapat disimpulkan bahwa:
a, Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi promosi kepangkatan di PNTL seperti faktor
senioritas, faktor pendidikan dan faktor prestasi kerja belum di implementasikan
secara baik dan benar, b. Pelaksanaan promosi kepangkatan di lingkungan PNTL
belum dilaksanakan secara efektif karena masih terdapat campur tangan luar, c.
Model-model promosi yang diterapkan di lingkungan PNTL belum secara rinci
dan sempurna dijelaskan atau dijabarkan dalam peraturan yang mengatur tentang
promosi PNTL. Sehubungan dengan itu disarankan:
Maka disarankan agar: a. Faktor-faktor dalam promosi di lingkungan PNTL harus
benar-benar diperhatikan dan diterapkan dengan benar, b. Pelaksanaan promosi
harus di laksanakan secara efektif tanpa campur tangan pihak luar atau pihak
c. Model-model promosi di PNTL harus dijelaskan secara rinci dalam peraturan
ABSTRACTThis thesis is analyses about effective implementation of promotion
system in National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL). The Research focused about
the elements or factors that influence to the rank promotion implementation in
PNTL, effective implementation of rank promotion in PNTL and the models of
rank promotion of PNTL. We have to recognize that the promotion
implementation in National Police of Timor Leste (PNTL) is still imperfect, due
the several factors: seniority, education, job performance such as which are not
fully taken into consideration. Beside that the implementation of promotion
models were not specifically written. The causes were the promotion decree law
did not specify so the decision makers did not make the right decision and created
dissatisfaction to the PNTL members. Human Resources Department of PNTL
thought the Deputy Commander of PNTL are responsible for the promotion based
on the PNTL Organic Law number 16th 2009 and PNTL Promotion Law number
9th 2009. But the reality shows that some PNTL members were unhappy with the
promotion specially rank promotion to the PNTL staff. This is become the focus
of the research in this thesis.
Research conducted base on qualitative method, which is research
conducted and interview to the PNTL staffs in PNTL Main Head Quarter Caicoli
Dili, former PNTL General Commander, former PNTL Deputy Commander,
NGOs and Civilian staff. The conclusion of analysis data and information from
the research is that: a). The factors that influence to the promotion such as
seniority, education, task performance were not well implemented, b). The rank
promotion in PNTL were not effectively implemented, c). Promotion models were
not well explained in the promotion regulation.
Based on these finding it is recommended: a). The promotion factors should be
consider and well implemented, b). Promotion should be effective and out from
the political interference, c). Promotion models should be explained well in
promotion regulation."