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Teuku Yasir
"Latar belakang : Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk waktu optimal pemberian fentanil 2 .tg/kg BB dengan tujuan menekan respon kardiovaskuler akibat laringoskopi dan intubasi dengan membandingkan waktu pemberian fentanil 5 dan 7 menit sebelum dilakukan tindakan laringoskopi dan intubasi.
Metode:Tiga puluh enam pasien ASA 1 dan ASA 2 dibagi dalam dua kelompok secara acak masing-masing tediri dari delapan belas pasien. Kelompok pertama diberikan fentanil dosis 2 µglkg BB waktu 5 menit sebelum laringoskopi dan intubasi, sedangkan kelompok kedua diberikan dosis yang sama dengan waktu 7 menit sebelum laringoskopi dan intubasi , data tekanan darah sistolik , diastolik, tekanan arteri rata-rata dan laju jantung dari kedua kelompok dibandingkan sampai 5 menit setelah intubasi.
Hasil : Secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok yang dibandingkan (p>0.05) dalam hal tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik, tekanan arteri rata-rata dan laju jantung akibat laringoskopi dan intubasi.
Kesimpulan : Waktu optimal untuk injeksi fentanil 21tg kg BB-' untuk dapat menekan respon hemodinamik akibat laringoskopi dan intubasi adalah 5 dan 7 menit sebelum tindakan tersebut dilakukan.

Background :This study was designed to examine the optimal time of injection of 2 gg/kg fentanyl to Attenuate circulatory responses due to laringoscopy and tracheal intubation that compared between 5 minute and 7 minute before laringoscopy and tacheal intubation.
Method : Thirty six patients ASA 1 and ASA 2 were randomly in two groups which each group eighteen patients. The patients in group 1 received fentanyl 2 pg/kg 5 minute and group 2 received the same dose 7 minute before laringoscopy and tracheal intubation.
Result : The result of this study were no statistical significant values both of groups in systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressure and heart rate due to laringoscopy and intubation
Conclusion : The effective time to administer fentanyl 2pg kg _I to protect circulatory response to laringoscopy and tracheal intubation are 5 minute and 7 minute before intubation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Permatasari
"Menggigil pasca anesthesia merupakan komplikasi yang potensial bagi pasien pasca bedah yang dapat mengakibatkan Iiipoksemia karena peningkatan konsumsi oksigen jaringan dan peningkatan kadar C02 dalam darah. Hal ini berbahaya tenriama bagi pasien dengan riwayat penyakit jantung iskemi atau pasien-pasien dengan fungsi cadangan ventilasi yang terbatas. Teiah banyak upaya pencegahan maupun penanggulangan dilakukan untuk mengatasi menggigil pasca anestesia, obat yang lazim digunakan adalah petidin. Penelitian terbaru juga menunjukkan bahwa ketamin juga efektif untuk mencegah menggigil pasca anestesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan apakah ketamin lebih efektif dibandingkan petidin untuk mencegah menggigil pasca anestesia inhalasi N20/02/isofluran, Penelitian ini bersifat uji klinis tersamar ganda yang membandingkan keefektifan ketamin intravena 0,5 mg/kb BB dengan petidin 0.35 mg/kg BB. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSCM dengan jumlah sampel 40, laki-laki dan perempuan, usia 16-65 tahun, status fisik ASA I-II. Kriteria penolakan adalah mempunyai riwayat alergi terhadap petidin dan ketamin, memiliki riwayat kejang, hipertensi dan penyakit jantung koroner, jika suhu tubuh sebelum induksi >38 °C atau <36°C dan bila pasien mengkonsumsi obat inhibitor monoamine oksidase. Kriteria pengeluaran jika operasi berlangsung >180 menit atau kurang dari 30 menit, mendapatkan darah atau komponen darah, memerlukan perawatan di ruang rawat intesif pasca pembedahan., mengalami komplikasi selamaanestesia seperti syok atau henti jantung dan bila intra operatif pasien mendapatkan obat klonidin, prostigmin, petidin dan ondansetron."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang. Manajemen jalan nafas merupakan salah satu tahap yang paling penting dalam bidang anestesiologi. Salah satu jenis Alat bantu jalan nafas yang telah dipergunakan secara luas adalah Laringeal Mask Airway (LMA/Sungkup Laring). Pada pemasangan sungkup laring tanpa menggunakan pelumpuh otot membutuhkan kedalaman anestesi yang cukup, Tes klinis yang mudah, akurat dan aplikatif diperlukan untuk menghindari terjadinya komplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan trapezius squeezing test dan jaw thrust sebagai indikator kedalaman anestesi pada pemasangan sungkup laring dengan propofol sebagai agen induksi
Metode. Sebanyak 128 pasien di randomisasi ke dalam 2 kelompok yaitu jaw thrust dan trapezius squeezing test. Seluruh pasien mendapatkan premedikasi dengan midazolam 0.05 mg/kgBB dan Fentanyl 1 mcg/kgBB. Induksi menggunakan propofol titrasi. Manuver jaw thrust dan trapezius squeezing test dilakukan setiap 15 detik. Saat respon motorik hilang dilakukan pemasangan sungkup laring. Dicatat keberhasilan pemasangan, dosis propofol, tekanan darah, laju jantung, dan insiden apneu.
Hasil. Keberhasilan pada kelompok jaw thrust 93.8%, sedangkan trapezius squeezing test yang 90.6%. Penggunaan rerata propofol pada kelompok jaw thrust yaitu sebesar 120.34 mg, sedangkan pada kelompok trapezius squeezing test yaitu sebesar 111,86 mg. Insiden apneu yang pada kelompok jaw thrust terjadi pada 10 (15.6%) pasien, sedangkan pada kelompok trapezius squeezing test sebesar 11 (17.2%) pasien. Tidak terdapat perubahan hemodinamik yang berarti pada kelompok jaw thrust sedangkan sedangkan pada kelompok trapezius squeezing test terdapat perubahan hemodinamik yang berarti di menit ke 3 dan ke 4
Kesimpulan. Trapezius squeezing test tidak lebih baik daripada jaw thrust sebagai indikator klinis dalam menilai kedalaman anestesia pada insersi sungkup laring.

Background. Airway management is one of the most important phase in anesthesiology. One of airway device that have been used generally is Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA). Laryngeal mask insertion without muscle relaxant requires a level of depth anesthesia. An easy, accurate, an applicable clinical indicator were required to avoid complication. This study was determine the comparison trapezius squeezing test and jaw thrust as indicator of depth of anesthesia in laryngeal mask insertion with propofol as induction agent.
Methods. 128 patient have been randomize in to 2 group that are jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test. All patients were received premedication with midazolam 0.05 mg/kg and fentanyl 1 μg/kg. Induction were done by propofol titration. Jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test maneuver were done in every 15 second. When motoric respond negative the laryngeal mask were inserted. The successful of laryngeal mask insertion was recorded, propofol consumption, blood pressure, heart rate, and incidence of apnea were also documented.
Result. Laryngeal mask successfully inserted in 93.8% patients in jaw thrust group, and 90.6% in trapezius squeezing test group. Mean of propofol consumption in jaw thrust group is 120.34 mgs, and in trapezius squeezing test is 11.86 mgs. Incident of apnea in jaw thrust group happened in 10 patients (15.6%), and in trapezius squeezing test group happened in 11 patient (17.2%). Hemodynamic in jaw thrust group relatively stable but in trapezius squeezing test there is significant hemodynamic changing in minute third and fourth.
Conclusion. Trapezius squeezing test is not better than jaw thrust as clinical indicators of depth of anesthesia for laryngeal mask insertion.;Background. Airway management is one of the most important phase in anesthesiology. One of airway device that have been used generally is Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA). Laryngeal mask insertion without muscle relaxant requires a level of depth anesthesia. An easy, accurate, an applicable clinical indicator were required to avoid complication. This study was determine the comparison trapezius squeezing test and jaw thrust as indicator of depth of anesthesia in laryngeal mask insertion with propofol as induction agent.
Methods. 128 patient have been randomize in to 2 group that are jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test. All patients were received premedication with midazolam 0.05 mg/kg and fentanyl 1 μg/kg. Induction were done by propofol titration. Jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test maneuver were done in every 15 second. When motoric respond negative the laryngeal mask were inserted. The successful of laryngeal mask insertion was recorded, propofol consumption, blood pressure, heart rate, and incidence of apnea were also documented.
Result. Laryngeal mask successfully inserted in 93.8% patients in jaw thrust group, and 90.6% in trapezius squeezing test group. Mean of propofol consumption in jaw thrust group is 120.34 mgs, and in trapezius squeezing test is 11.86 mgs. Incident of apnea in jaw thrust group happened in 10 patients (15.6%), and in trapezius squeezing test group happened in 11 patient (17.2%). Hemodynamic in jaw thrust group relatively stable but in trapezius squeezing test there is significant hemodynamic changing in minute third and fourth.
Conclusion. Trapezius squeezing test is not better than jaw thrust as clinical indicators of depth of anesthesia for laryngeal mask insertion., Background. Airway management is one of the most important phase in anesthesiology. One of airway device that have been used generally is Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA). Laryngeal mask insertion without muscle relaxant requires a level of depth anesthesia. An easy, accurate, an applicable clinical indicator were required to avoid complication. This study was determine the comparison trapezius squeezing test and jaw thrust as indicator of depth of anesthesia in laryngeal mask insertion with propofol as induction agent.
Methods. 128 patient have been randomize in to 2 group that are jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test. All patients were received premedication with midazolam 0.05 mg/kg and fentanyl 1 μg/kg. Induction were done by propofol titration. Jaw thrust and trapezius squeezing test maneuver were done in every 15 second. When motoric respond negative the laryngeal mask were inserted. The successful of laryngeal mask insertion was recorded, propofol consumption, blood pressure, heart rate, and incidence of apnea were also documented.
Result. Laryngeal mask successfully inserted in 93.8% patients in jaw thrust group, and 90.6% in trapezius squeezing test group. Mean of propofol consumption in jaw thrust group is 120.34 mgs, and in trapezius squeezing test is 11.86 mgs. Incident of apnea in jaw thrust group happened in 10 patients (15.6%), and in trapezius squeezing test group happened in 11 patient (17.2%). Hemodynamic in jaw thrust group relatively stable but in trapezius squeezing test there is significant hemodynamic changing in minute third and fourth.
Conclusion. Trapezius squeezing test is not better than jaw thrust as clinical indicators of depth of anesthesia for laryngeal mask insertion.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadi Prakoso Wreksoatmodjo
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Citra Resmi
"Tujuan : Mengetahui kondisi intubasi 60 delik setelah peinberian rokuronium 0,6 mg/kg berat badan dengan menggunakan teknik induksi kombinasi propofol-efedrin 10 mg intravena dan teknik induksi propolbl intravena.
Desain: Prospektif, data dikumpulkan pada salah pusat penelilian dengan uji acak tersamar ganda.
Metode: 42 pasien dengan status fisik ASA 1 atau 2 yang akan dilakukan pembedahan berencana dengan anestesia uimnl dan intubasi endotrakea disertakan dalaah penelitiaa ini. Pasien dibagi dalam dua kelompok, kelompok I diberikan kombinasi propofol 2,5 mg/kg berat badan-efedrin 10 mg intravena (kelompok efedrin) dan kelompok II diberikan propofol 2,5 mg/kg berat badan intravena (kelompok salin). Premedikasi dengan midazolam 0,05 mg/kg berat badan dan fentanyl 1 pg/kg berat badan diberikau 3 merit sebeluin induksi. Setelah pemberian obat induksi, diberikan rokuronium 0,6 mg/kg berat badan. Kondisi intubasi dinilai bcrdasarkan kritcria Krieg dan peman[auan neuromuskular dengan nicnggunakan Train-of-four pada otot adductor pollicir.
Hasil: Kelompok efedrin didapatkan kondisi intubasi yang sangat baik 85,7% dan baik 14,3%. Kelompok satin didapatkan kondisi intubasi yang sangat balk 75% dan baik 25%.
Kesimpulan . Kondisi intubasi 60 delik selclah pemberian rokuronium 0,6 mg/kg berat badan dengan inenggunakan teknik induksi kombinasi propofol-efedrin 10 ing intravena saina baiknya dengan teknik induksi propofol intravena.

Objective : The aim of this study was to evaluate intubating conditions 60 second after rocuronium 0,6 mg/kg body weight administration using induction technique propofol-ephedrine 10 mg intravenous in combination and induction technique propofol intravenous.
Design : Prospective, randomiked controlled trial study.
Methods : 42 patients with physical status ASA 1 or 2 who were scheduled for elective surgery requiring general anaesthesia and tracheal intubation. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either propofol 2,5 ing/kg body weight-ephedrine 10 mg intravenous in combination (ephedrine group) or propofol 2,5 mg/kg body weight intravenous (saline group). Premedication drugs were midazolam 0,05 mg/kg body weight and fenlanyl l }mg/kg body weight, 3 minute prior to induction. Alter induction drugs were administered. then rocuronium 0,6 inglkg body weight was given. Criteria of Krieg was used to evaluate when intubating conditions and neuromuscular function which was assessed by using Train-of dour monitoring at the adductor pollicis.
Results : In the ephedrine group the intubating conditions were excellent 85,7% and good 14,3%. In the saline group the intubating condition were excellent 75% and good 25%.
Conclusion : intubating conditions 60 second after rocuronium 0,6 mg/kg body weight administration using induction technique propofol-ephedrin 10 mg intravenous in combination as good as induction technique propofol intravenous.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Aditianingsih
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Anastasia subarahnoid adalah salah satu tindakan anestesia regional yang sexing dilakukan untuk bedah sesar. Bupivakain hiperbarik 0,5% adalah obat anestetik lokal yang lazim dipakai untuk tehnik pembiusan tersebut. Posisi tubuh dan gaya gravitasi memiliki efek dan mempengaruhi penyebaran dari obat yang bersifat hiperbarik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi tubuh saat penyuntikan obat bupivakain hiperbarik 0,5% terhadap efek hipotensi yang ditimbulkan.
Metode : Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 90 wanita hamil berstatus ASA I-II usia 17-50 tahun yang menjalani bedah sesar, dibagi secara arak menjadi 2 kelompok duduk dan lateral dekubitus kiri. Setelah dilakukan penyuntikan obat, setelah 2 menit pasien dikembalikan ke posisi terlentang miring kiri 15 derajat, dan dilakukan co loading kristaloid 10 mllkgBB selama 10 menit Dilakukan pencatatan tekanan darah selama operasi setiap 2 menit selama 20 menit pertama clan selanjutnya tiap 5 menit. Ketinggian hambatan sensorik clan ketinggian maksimal hambatan, jumlah total efedrin dan cairan kristaloid yang diberikan selama operasi juga dicatat. Data hasil penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan uji t, uji Mann Whitneydan uji Chi kuadrat.
Hasil : Kekerapan hipotensi antara kelompok posisi duduk dan lateral dekubitus kiri tidak berbeda secara statistik meskipun lebih banyak terjadi pada kelompok lateral dekubitus kiri (67%) dibandingkan posisi duduk (51%). Posisi duduk mengalami hipotensi lebih lambat, derajat hipotensinya lebih rendah dan pemakaian efedrin yang lebih sedikit.
Kesimpulan: Posisi tubuh saat penyuntikan that bupivakain hiperbarik 0,5% pada anestesia subarahnoid mempengaruhi derajat hipotensi yang terjadi pada kasus bedah sesar.

Backgrounds and objectives . Spinal anesthesia is one of the regional anesthesia technique frequently performed for cesarean section. Hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% is the most frequent local anesthetic used for this technique. Spread of the hyperbaric local anesthetics is affected by the position of the patient and gravity. In the present study we evaluated the effect of maternal posture whether sitting position during the induction of spinal anesthesia using 05% hyperbaric bupivacaine would induce less hypotension as compared with the left lateral position.
Methods. Ninety pregnant women underwent cesarean delivery were randomly assigned to receive a spinal injection consisting of 12.5 mg 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine in either sitting or left lateral position. After 2 minutes, patients were turned to a 15 degrees left lateral position and intravenous infusion of 10 mllkgbodyweigh t of crystalloids was started for 10 minutes along with the induction of spinal anesthesia. Intraoperative blood pressure were recorded , in this study hypotension is defined as a decrease in systolic blood pressure less than 100 mmHg or 20% below baseline values. The height of sensory block was measured, time to T6 spread of the sensory block and the highest level of sensory blockade were noted. Total given of ephedrine and crystalloids rntraopertive were also noted. Statistical evaluation was performed using t?test, Mann Whitney test and Chi square as appropriate.
Result : The incidence of hypotension was not significantly different between sitting and left lateral position but more often in lateral position (51% vs 67%). Sitting position group has longer interval of the first hypotension (p=0.008),less severe of hypotension (p=0.042), less ephedrine supplementation (p=0.014), and longer interval for reaching the T6 dermatome blockade (p <0,0001).
Conclusion: Maternal posture during induction of spinal anesthesia using 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine has influence to severity of hypotension for cesarean section.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A.A. Gde Putra Semara Jaya
"Latar Belakang. Bedah jantung terbuka mengakibatkan nyeri dan respons stres pascabedah yang dapat memberikan dampak buruk bagi pasien. Blok transversus thoracis plane merupakan blok interfascial dalam di area parasternal untuk mengatasi nyeri sternotomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas penambahan blok transversus thoracis muscle plane bilateral dalam mengurangi nyeri dan respons stres pascabedah jantung terbuka terhadap kontrol. Metode. Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis terkontrol acak tersamar ganda. Tiga puluh empat subjek yang memenuhi syarat yang menjalani operasi jantung elektif antara September 2020 dan Agustus 2001 secara acak dimasukkan ke kelompok blok TTP atau kontrol. Penelitian membandingkan beda rerata konsumsi morfin 24 jam pascabedah, waktu pertama dosis morfin pascabedah, waktu ekstubasi, konsentrasi plasma IL-6 dan kortisol pada 24 jam dan 48 jam pascabedah. Penelitian juga ingin mengetahui konsumsi fentanil intraoperatif, waktu pertama opioid rescue intraoperatif, komplikasi, efek samping opioid, dan lama rawat inap. Hasil. Konsumsi morfin 24 jam pertama pascabedah lebih tinggi secara bermakna (p<0,001) pada kelompok kontrol dibandingkan kelompok blok TTP. Waktu pertama pemberian morfin pascabedah lebih lama secara bermakna (p<0,001) pada kelompok blok TTP dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Waktu ekstubasi tidak berbeda bermakna antara kelompok blok TTP dan kelompok kontrol. Konsentrasi plasma IL-6 dan kortisol tidak berbeda bermakna antara kelompok blok TTP dan kelompok kontrol pada 24 jam dan 48 jam pascabedah. Kesimpulan. Penambahan blok transversus thoracis muscle plane bilateral tidak terbukti lebih efektif dalam mengurangi nyeri dan respons stres pascabedah jantung terbuka dibandingkan dengan kontrol.

Background. Open-heart surgery is a major surgery that causes postoperative pain and surgical stress response, contributing further to postoperative complications and morbidity. Transversus thoracis muscle plane block is a deep interfascial block in the parasternal area to treat sternotomy pain. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of bilateral transversus thoracis muscle plane blocks in reducing pain and stress response after open-heart surgery versus control. Methods. This is a prospective, double-blind, randomized control trial. Thirty-four eligible subjects who underwent elective cardiac surgery between September 2020 and August 2001 were randomly assigned to the TTPB or control group. The primary outcomes were the different means of 24-hour postoperative morphine consumption, time of first postoperative morphine dose, extubation, postoperative plasma levels of IL-6 and cortisol at 24 hours and 48 hours after surgery. The secondary outcomes were intraoperative fentanil consumption, time of first intraoperative opioid rescue, complication, opioid side effects, and length of stay. Results. The 24-hour postoperative morphine consumption was significantly higher (p<0.001) in the control group than in the TTPB group. The time of first postoperative morphine dose was significantly longer (p<0.001) in the TTPB group than in the control group. Extubation time was not statistically different between the TTP block group and the control group. Plasma levels of IL-6 and cortisol were not statistically different between the TTP block group and the control group at 24 hours and 48 hours after surgery. Conclusion. The bilateral transversus thoracis muscle plane blocks were not shown to be more effective in reducing pain and stress response after open-heart surgery compared to controls."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Wahyudi
Latar Belakang : Kami mengevaluasi kegunaan dari pemeriksaan rasio jarak
hiomental (HMDR,hyomental distance ratio), yang didefinisikan sebagai rasio
dari jarak hiomental (HMD,hyomental distance) posisi kepala ekstensi maksimal
dengan posisi kepala netral, dalam memprediksi kesulitan visualisasi laring pada
pasien-pasien normal, yang dilakukan pemeriksaan prediktor-prediktor jalan
napas praoperasi dengan skor Mallampati dan jarak tiromental (TMD,
tyhyromental distance) sebagai pembanding.
Metode Penelitian : Praoperasi, kami menilai empat prediktor jalan napas pada
169 orang dewasa yang menjalani anestesi umum. Pelaku laringoskopi adalah
residen anestesiologi minimal tahun ke 2, dan menilai skor Cormack-Lehane(CL)
yang dimodifikasi. Sulit visualisasi laring (DVL,difficult visualization of the
larynx) didefinisikan sebagai CL derajat 3 atau 4. Titik potong optimal (The cutoff
point) untuk setiap tes ditentukan pada titik maksimal daerah di bawah
kurva dalam kurva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Skor Mallampati
dengan derajat ≥ 3 sebagai prediktor DVL. Untuk TMD ≤ 65 mm dianggap
sebagai prediktor DVL.
Hasil : Didapatkan 21 (12,4%) orang pasien dengan sulit visualisasi laring(DVL).
HMDR memiliki hubungan yang bermakna terkait dengan DVL. HMDR dengan
titik potong optimal 1,2 memiliki akurasi diagnostik yang lebih besar (dengan area
di bawah kurva 0.694), dibandingkan prediktor tunggal lainnya (P <0,05), dan
HMDR sendiri menunjukkan validitas diagnostik yang lebih besar (sensitivitas,
61,9%, spesifisitas, 69,6%) dibandingkan dengan prediktor lainnya.
Kesimpulan :HMDR dengan ambang batas uji 1,2 adalah prediktor klinis handal
dalam memprediksi kesulitan dalam visualisasi laring.

Background: We evaluated the usefulness of the hyomental distance (HMD) ratio
(HMDR), defined as the ratio of the HMD at the extreme of the head extension to
that in the neutral position, in predicting difficult visualization of the larynx
(DVL) in apparently normal patients, by examining the following preoperative
airway predictors: the modified Mallampati test, HMD in the
neutral position, HMD and thyromental distance at the extreme of head extension
and HMDR.
Methods : Preoperatively, we assessed the four airway predictors in 169 adult
patients undergoing general anesthesia. A second years resident, performed all of
the direct laryngoscopies and graded the views using the modified Cormack and
Lehane scale. DVL was defined as a Grade 3 or 4 view. The optimal cutoff points
for each test were determined at the maximal point of the area under the curve in
the receiver operating characteristic curve. For the modified Mallampati test,
Class ≥ 3 was predefined as a predictor of DVL. And thyromental distance (TMD)
≤ 65 mm was predefined as a predictor of DVL.
Results : The larynx was difficult to visualize in 21 (12,4%) patients. The HMDR
with the optimal cutoff point of 1.2 had greater diagnostic accuracy (area under
the curve of 0.694), with significantly related to DVL (P <0.05), and it alone
showed a greater diagnostic validity profile (sensitivity, 61,9%; specificity,
69,6%) than any other predictor.
Conclusions : The HMDR with a test threshold of 1.2 is a clinically reliable
predictor of DVL."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Kumara Anindhita
"Latar Belakang: Penjadwalan operasi yang baik adalah yang mengoptimalkan workflow suatu kamar operasi, mengurangi kasus pembatalan operasi, dan ketidaktepatan prediksi waktu operasi. Unit Pelayanan Bedah Terpadu RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo memiliki peran besar terhadap berlangsungnya operational efficiency sehingga hal-hal terkait efisiensi kerja yang termasuk didalamnya penjadwalan pasien di kamar operasi menjadi fokus perhatian utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai korelasi waktu persiapan, induksi, dan pemulihan anestesi berdasarkan pemilihan teknik anestesi terhadap anesthesia-controlled time (ACT). Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional yang dilaksanakan di Unit Pelayanan Bedah Terpadu RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo sejak Maret 2019 hingga Desember 2020, dengan total 1727 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan tidak memiliki kriteria eksklusi. Tim anestesi kamar operasi dengan menggunakan jam digital melakukan observasi, pengambilan, dan pencatatan data waktu secara manual kedalam lembar kuesioner yang disediakan di kamar operasi atau secara daring dengan mengakses tautan yang tersedia.Hasil: Terdapat hubungan linier positif yang bermakna antara waktu persiapan anestesi dengan ACT pada teknik anestesi umum-ETT (r=0.1, p 0.009), anestesi umum-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.253, p 0.028), dan anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, blok saraf perifer, CVC, ABP (r=0.489, p 0.013); waktu pemasangan monitor dengan ACT pada teknik anestesi umum-ETT (r=0.125, p 0.001), anestesi umum-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.502, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.372, p 0.001), anestesi umum-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.436, p 0.006), sedasi (r=0.516, p 0.001), spinal (r=0.501, p 0.000), anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, CVC, ABP (r=0.321, p 0.000), dan anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, kaudal (r=0.445, p 0.001); waktu induksi anestesi dengan ACT pada teknik anestesi umum-ETT (r=0.513, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.391, p 0.001), anestesi umum-LMA (r=0.312, p 0.017), anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.818, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT, epidural, CVC, ABP (r=0.559, p 0.000), spinal (r=0.503, p 0.000), kombinasi spinal-epidural (r=0.779, p 0.000), blok saraf perifer (r=0.729, p 0.000), anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, CVC, ABP (r=0.511, p 0.000), dan anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, kaudal (r=0.543, p 0.000); waktu insersi CVC dengan ACT pada teknik anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, CVC (r=0.553, p 0.002), anestesi umum-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.434, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.415, p 0.010), dan anestesi umum-ETT, epidural CVC, ABP (r=0.288, p 0.023); waktu pemulihan anestesi dengan ACT pada teknik anestesi umum-ETT (r=0.157, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, CVC (r=0.664, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.374, p 0.001), anestesi umum-LMA (r=0.299, p 0.023), anestesi umum-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.557, p 0.000), anestesi umum-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.338, p 0.035), anestesi umum-ETT, epidural, CVC, ABP (r= 0.343, p 0.006), sedasi (r=0.351, p 0.033), anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, CVC, ABP (r=0.424, p 0.000), dan anestesi umum pediatrik-ETT/LMA, kaudal (r=0.589, p 0.000). Simpulan: Waktu persiapan, induksi, dan pemulihan anestesi tidak berkorelasi dengan anesthesia-controlled time berdasarkan pemilihan teknik anestesi di Unit Pelayanan Bedah Terpadu Rumah Sakit Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo.

ackground: An ideal operating schedule is the one that optimizes the workflow of an operating room, reduces case cancellation and inaccurate prediction of total procedural time. Central Surgical Unit of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has a major role of ensuring the continuity of operational efficiency so that matters related to work efficiency, including patient scheduling in the operating room, are the main focus of attention. This study aims to assess the correlation of time of preparation, anesthesia induction and recovery time with anesthesia-controlled time (ACT) based on the choice of anesthesia technique. Methodes: This observational research was done in Central Surgical Unit of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from March 2019 to December 2020, with a total of 1727 samples that fulfilled inclusion criteria, without exclusion criteria. By means of using a digital clock, anesthesia team performs observations, retrieval, and recording of time data manually into a questionnaire sheet provided in the operating room or an online document by accessing the link provided.Results: There is a significant positive linear correlation between anesthesia preparation time and ACT on general anesthesia-ETT (r=0.1, p 0.009), general anesthesia-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.253, p 0.028), and general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, peripheral nerve block, CVC, ABP technique (r=0.489, p 0.013); basic monitoring placement time and ACT on general anesthesia-ETT (r=0.125, p 0.001), general anesthesia-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.502, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.372, p 0.001), general anesthesia-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.436, p 0.006), sedation (r=0.516, p 0.001), spinal (r=0.501, p 0.000), pediatric general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, CVC, ABP (r=0.321, p 0.000), and pediatric general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, caudal technique (r=0.445, p 0.001); anesthesia induction time and ACT on general anesthesia-ETT (r=0.513, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.391, p 0.001), general anesthesia-LMA (r=0.312, p 0.017), general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.818, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT, epidural, CVC, ABP (r=0.559, p 0.000), spinal (r=0.503, p 0.000), combined spinal-epidural (r=0.779, p 0.000), peripheral nerve block (r=0.729, p 0.000), pediatric general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, CVC, ABP (r=0.511, p 0.000), and pediatric general anesthesia -ETT/LMA, caudal technique (r=0.543, p 0.000); CVC insertion time and ACT on general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, CVC (r=0.553, p 0.002), general anesthesia-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.434, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.415, p 0.010), and general anesthesia-ETT, epidural CVC, ABP technique (r=0.288, p 0.023); anesthesia recovery time and ACT on general anesthesia-ETT (r=0.157, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, CVC (r=0.664, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT, CVC, ABP (r=0.374, p 0.001), general anesthesia-LMA (r=0.299, p 0.023), general anesthesia-ETT/LMA, epidural (r=0.557, p 0.000), general anesthesia-ETT, epidural, CVC (r=0.338, p 0.035), general anesthesia-ETT, epidural, CVC, ABP (r= 0.343, p 0.006), sedation (r=0.351, p 0.033), pediatric general anesthesia-ETT/L anesthesia-ETT/LMA, caudal technique(r=0.589, p 0.000). Conclusions: Time of anesthesia preparation, induction, and recovery do not correlate with ACT based on the anesthesia technique used to fascilitate surgery in Central Surgical Unit of Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Riviq Said
"Tujuan: Membandingkan keefektifan klonidin dan meperidin dalam mencegah menggigil pasta anestesia umum.
Metode: Uji KIinik Acak Tersamar Ganda. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSCM pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2006, dengan jumlah sampel 61 ()rang dan dikeluarkan 5 sampel, sehingga tersisa 56 sampel yang menjalani operasi berencana dan anestesia umum. Pasien dibagi secara acak kedalam 2 kelompok; 28 pasien mendapatkan klonidin 1,54g/kgBB sebagai premedikasi dan 28 pasien Iainnya mendapatkan meperidin 0,35mg ketika isofluran dihentikan. Dilakukan pencatatan pasta operasi kejadian menggigil pada kedua perlakuan, dilakukan juga pencatatan terhadap efek samping pada kedua kelompok perlakuan. Analisa statistik untuk melihat perbedaan kekerapan antara kedua perlakuan dilakukan uji Chi Square.
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik antara kedua kelompok perlakuan dalam haI kekerapan kejadian menggigil.

Objective: To compare the effectiveness of Clonidin and Meperidin in preventing the post-anesthesia shivering.
Methods: Double-blinded, randomized clinical trial. The study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Central Surgery Room from March until May 2006 to 61 adult patients who went to elective surgery and were planned to be under general anesthesia, 5 of them were excluded The rest were divided randomly into two groups; 28 patients were given 1,5 pg/kg BW Clonidin intravenously as premedication and the other 28 patients were given 0,35 mg/kg BW Meperidin intravenously when Isoflurane was stop. The incidence of post-anesthesia shivering and adverse-effect on both groups were recorded. Chi Square method was performed to identify the frequency difference between the two groups.
Result: There were no significant statistical differences' between the two groups in a matter of frequency of shivering.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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