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Ditemukan 8511 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dampier, William Cecil
Cambirdge: Cambridge University Press, 1989
509 DAM h
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farrington, Karen
London: Chancellor Pres, 1998
R 200.9 FAR h
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pojman, Louis P.
"Publisher Synopsis
PART I: THE CONCEPT OF GOD. Concepts of God and the Ultimate. Aristotle, Metaphysics 12; Stoics; Epicureans. Thomas V. Morris: The Concept of God. Clark Pinnock: The Openness of God-Systematic Theology. Sallie McFague: God and the World. Paul Tillich: A Christian-Buddhist Conversation. Buber, The Love of God and the Idea of Deity. Classical Theistic Attributes. Stephen T. Davis: Temporal Eternity. Hugh J. McCann: The God Beyond Time. St. Thomas Aquinas: Is God's Power Limited? George Mavrodes: Some Puzzles Concerning Omnipotence. Harry Frankfurt: The Logic of Omnipotence. St. Augustine: Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will. Nelson Pike: God's Foreknowledge and Human Free Will are Incompatible. A. Plantinga: God's Foreknowledge and Human Free Will are Compatible. William Rowe: Can God be Free? Edward Wierenga: The Freedom of God.
PART II: TRADITIONAL ARGUMENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God. St. Anselm: The Ontological Argument. Immanuel Kant: A Critique of the Ontological Argument. The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God. Thomas Aquinas: The Five Ways. Samuel Clarke: The Argument from Contingency. William Rowe: An Examination of the Cosmological Argument. W. L. Craig and J.P. Moreland: The Kalam Cosmological Argument. Paul Draper: A Critique of the Kalam Cosmological Argument. The Teleological Argument for the Existence of God. William Paley: The Watch and the Watchmaker. David Hume: A Critique of the Design Argument. Richard Swinburne: The Argument from Design. Robin Collins: A Scientific Argument for the Existence of God.
PART III: RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. Selections of Mystical Experiences. William James: Mysticism. William Alston: Perceiving God. Eugene G. D'Aquili and Andrew B. Newberg: The Neurophysiological Basis of Religions, Or Why God Won't Go Away. Jeffrey Jordan: Religious Experience and Naturalistic Explanations. Michael Rea: Divine Hiddenness, Divine Silence.
PART IV: THE PROBLEM OF EVIL. Historical and Literary Perspectives. David Hume: The Argument from Evil. Gottfried Leibniz: Theodicy: A Defense of Theism. Fyodor Dostoevsky: Rebellion. Contemporary Formulations. J. L. Mackie: Evil and Omnipotence. W. Rowe: The Inductive Argument from Evil Against the Existence of God. Paul Draper: Evolution and the Problem of Evil. Replies. Alvin Plantinga: The Free Will Defense. John Hick: Evil and Soul-Making. Alvin Plantinga: Supralapsarianism or "O Felix Culpa". Eleonore Stump: The Problem of Evil and the Desires of the Heart. Marilyn Adams: Horrendous Evil and the Goodness of God. Laura Waddell Ekstrom: Suffering as Religious Experience.
PART V: MIRACLES. David Hume: Against Miracles. Peter van Inwagen: Of 'Of Miracles.' J. L. Mackie: Miracles and Testimony. Richard Swinburne: Evidence for the Resurrection. Hud Hudson: Hyperspace and Christianity.
PART VI: DEATH AND IMMORTALITY. Plato: Immortality of the Soul. Bertrand Russell: The Finality of Death. John Hick: Immortality and Resurrection. Jeffrey Olen: Personal Identity and Life After Death. Prasannatma Das: A Hindu Theory of Life, Death, and Reincarnation.
PART VII: FAITH AND REASON. Pragmatic Justification of Religious Belief. Blaise Pascal: The Wager. W. K. Clifford: The Ethics of Belief. William James: The Will to Believe. Rationality and Justified Religious Belief. John Hick: Rational Theistic Belief Without Proof. Anthony Flew, "The Presumption of Atheism". Michael Bergmann: Rational Religious Belief without Arguments. Louis P. Pojman: Faith, Hope, and Doubt.
PART VIII: SCIENCE, RELIGION, AND EVOLUTION. The Relationship Between Science and Religion. Richard Dawkins: Science Versus Religion. Steven Jay Gould: Non-Overlapping Magesteria. Pope John Paul II: Faith and Science. Evolution, Naturalism, and Intelligent Design. William Dembski: Signs of Intelligence: A Primer on the Detection of Intelligent Design. Michael Murray: Natural Providence (Or Design Trouble). Alvin Plantinga: An Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism. Michael Bergmann: Commonsense Naturalism.
PART IX: RELIGIOUS PLURALISM. John Hick: Religious Pluralism and Ultimate Reality. Alvin Plantinga: A Defense of Religious Exclusivism. David Basinger: Hick's Religious Pluralism and "Reformed Epistemology". A Middle Ground. Dalai Lama: Buddhism, Christianity, and the Prospects for World Religion. Joseph Runzo: God, Commitment, and Other Faiths: Pluralism Versus Relativism"
Belmont, California: Cengage Learning, 2012
210 POJ p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich
New York: Dover, 1956
109 HEG p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajarananda, Swami
"Buku Stray Thoughts ini merupakan ?penyimpangan? pemikiran mengenai agama, filosofi, dan sains oleh Swami Ajarananda. Lima hal yang dibahas dalam buku ini, yaitu: 1. Sebuah sintesis: agama dan sains.; 2. Masalah utama dari sains dan filosofi.; 3. Buddhisme, sebuah pemenuhan dari Hinduisme.; 4. Perencanaan dan kepentingan Evolusi Kosmik.; 5. Word dan Cross (putra Allah dan Salib) dalam (kebudayaan) India Kuno."
Bangkok: Thai Bidhaya Press, [date of publication not identified]
BKL.0730-LL 86
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus, 1972-
New York: Routledge, 2016
327.101 JAC c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dumont, Louis
Paris: Mouton, 1970
301 DUM r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970
London: George Allen and Unwin, 1957
190 RUS h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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