"Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya menemukan bahwa skeptisisme sains dipengaruhi oleh berbagai hal seperti konservatisme politik, religiusitas, literasi sains, dan kepercayaan terhadap sains. Namun, pengaruh kepercayaan sekuler masih belum banyak diteliti dan penelitian yang ada memperlakukan kepercayaan sekuler sebagai kebalikan dari religiusitas. Disamping itu, mekanisme dari hubungan kedua variabel itu belum diketahui. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melihat pengaruh kepercayaan sekuler terhadap skeptisisme sains dengan mediasi literasi sains dan kepercayaan terhadap sains. Partisipan merupakan 202 warga negara Indonesia (95 laki-laki, 101 perempuan, 6 memilih tidak menjawab; M=32,25 tahun, SD=11,823). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kepercayaan terhadap sains memediasi pengaruh ketiga dimensi kepercayaan sekuler terhadap skeptisisme sains, yaitu dimensi pertama (b=0,289, p=0,005; b=-0,287, p=0,000), dimensi kedua (b=0,378, p=0,000; b=-0,258, p=0,000), dan dimensi ketiga (b=0,440, p=0,000; b=-0,306, p=0,041). Sementara itu, literasi sains hanya memediasi dimensi ketiga (b=-0,041, p=0,005; b=-0,444, p=0,044). Artinya, pengaruh kepercayaan sekuler terhadap skeptisisme sains lebih kuat dimediasi oleh kepercayaan terhadap sains, dibandingkan dengan literasi sains.
Previous studies have found that scientific skepticism is influenced by various things such as political conservatism, religiosity, scientific literacy, and belief in science. However, the effect of secular belief has not been studied much and the existing research treats secular belief as the opposite of religiosity. In addition, the mechanism of the relationship between the two variables is not yet known. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of looking at the effect of secular belief as a predictor of scientific skepticism with the mediation of scientific literacy and belief in science. Participants were 202 Indonesian citizens (95 males, 101 females, 6 chose not to answer; M=32.25 years, SD=11.823). This study found that belief in science mediates the effect of the three dimensions of secular belief on scientific skepticism, namely the first dimension (b=0.289, p=0.005; b=-0.287, p=0.000), the second dimension (b=0.378, p=0.000; b=-0.258, p=0.000), and the third dimension (b=0.440, p=0.000; b=-0.306, p=0.041). Meanwhile, scientific literacy only mediated the third dimension (b=-0.041, p=0.005; b=-0.444, p=0.044). This means that the influence of secular belief on scientific skepticism is more strongly mediated by belief in science, compared to scientific literacy."