ABSTRAKPersentase partisipasi ibu di Posyandu menurun dalam satu dekade terakhir, termasuk di wilayah Grogol Selatan, Jakarta. Kurangnya partisipasi ibu di Posyandu adalah salah satu penyebab dari sejumlah permasalahan kesehatan dan gizi balita Intervensi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan jumlah kehadiran balita ke Posyandu dengan menggunakan teknik persuasi dan komitmen publik.Berdasarkan studi baseline, didapatkan bahwa faktor yang paling memengaruhi perilaku ibu untuk membawa balitanya ke Posyandu adalah barrier perception. Selain itu, dari data pendukung didapat hasil bahwa persepsi kerentanan para ibu akan dampak Posyandu terhadap kesehatan balita mereka juga masih rendah. Berdasarkan data tersebut, peneliti melakukan intervensi untuk meningkatkan perilaku membawa balita ke Posyandu dengan fokus mengurangi barrier perception dan juga meningkatkan persepsi kerentanan para ibu. Desain intervensi ini adalah field experiment 3x1 ldquo;teknik persuasi rdquo;vs rdquo;teknik persuasi komitmen publik rdquo;vs rdquo;kelompok kontrol rdquo; non randomized between participant pre-post test design. Kelompok eksperimen yang diberikan komitmen publik setelah teknik persuasi diharapkan akan lebih banyak hadir di Posyandu dibandingkan kelompok lainnya. Berdasarkan penghitungan data post-test, didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan jumlah ibu yang hadir antara kelompok eksperimen 1 dan kelompok eksperimen 2.
ABSTRACTThe participation percentages of mothers to Posyandu has decreased in the last decade, including in Grogol Selatan district, Jakarta. Mother rsquo s lack of participation in Posyandu activities as one of the causes of poor health dan nutritional status of a significant number of children under five. This intervention is aimed at increasing the number of mother rsquo s participation in Posyandu by using persuasion techniques and public commitment. Based on the baseline study, it was found that the factor that most influencing mother 39 s behavior on taking their children to Posyandu is barrier perception. In addition, from the supporting data obtained results that the perceptions of the susceptibility of mothers about the impact of posyandu on their children rsquo s health are still low. Based on these data, researchers intervened to improve the mother rsquo s behavior on taking their children to Posyandu with a focus on reducing barrier perception and also improving the perceptions of mother 39 s susceptibility. The design of this intervention is field experiment 3x1 persuasion technique vs. persuasion technique public commitment vs control group non randomized between participant pre post test design. The experiment group which had public commitment after being given persuasion is expected to will be more present to the Posyandu than other groups. Based on the post test, the finding shows that there is no significant difference in the number of mothers attended between group experiment 1 and group experiment 2. "