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Yudi Fribadi
"Bagi warga Tangerang yang akan menuju Kota {Jakarta) dan Grogol telah tersedia angkutan resmi baik itu bus kota dan angkutan umum resmi iainnya. Di Tangerang terdapat 169 trayek resmi nntuk melayani pergerakan pendudnknya, mereka saling berkompetisi untuk memperebutkan penumpang. Situasi semacam itu diperparah dengan beroperasinya angkutan-angkutan liar berplat hitam yang jelas tak membayar pungutan trayek, pajak, dan kewajiban lain. Angkutan umum plat hitarn ini telah beroperasi puluhan tahun lamanya dan masih beroperasi di Jalan Daan Mogot. Sementara itu jumlah armada plat hitam yang beroperasi dari hari ke hari semakin banyak.
Berdasarkan fenomena di atas maka rumusan masalah peneiitian yang peneliti ajukan adalah: "Keberadaan angkutan umum plat hitam Jurusan Tangerang-Jakarta di Kota Tangerang, yang tetap bisa beroperasi walaupun pada rule tersebut telah ada angkutan umum resmi."
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan angkutan umum plat hitam ini tetap bisa beroperasi (eksis), dan mengetahui alasan konsumen memilih angkutan umum plat hitam. Dengan menggunukan rnetode pendekatan kualitatif yaitu melalui pengarnatan rerlibat, v.rawancara scrta observasi didapat kesimpuian bahwa keberadaan angkutan umum plat hitam jurusan Tangerang-Jakarta disebabkan kareoa pelayanan yang diberikan oleh angkutan ini mampu mengisi harapan sebagian penumpangnya terutama unsur kepraktisan yaitu tidak perlu berpindah-pindah modal angkutan sehingga hal ini berpengaruh terhadap biaya yang mesti dikeluarkan oleh penumpang.

The public transportation which are official such as buses and others have been available for the Tangerang citizens who want to go to KotJl (Jakarta and Grogol). There are 169 official designated routes to serve the mobility of its citizens. Each route competes with others to get the passengers. This situation is getting worse with the operation of the unofficial private license public transportativns that are obviously do not pay for the route payments. the taxes. and any other obligations. These private license public transportation have been operated for more than a decade and it still operates up to now. Although it does not have the official route permission, this public transportation still operates in Jalan Daan Mogot. Meanwhile the numbers of this public transportation got more and more each day.
Due to the phenomena above, the formula of the research problem that the researcher proposes is: "'The existence of private license public transportation Tangerang-Jakarta route in Tangerang City, which can be still operated even though there are official public transportations on that route."
This research is to find out the reason why this private license public transportation can still be operated (existed), and to fmd out the consumers' reason using this public transportation. By using the method of qualitative approach where the researcher involved on the research, interviews and observation, it has been concluded that the existence of private license public transportation is that because of its service fascinated the users especially because of it is more practice where the users do not have to change or use one public transportation to another one which can cause to the amount of money that the users should pay.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardiyyah Salsabiila
"Kenaikan kendaraan bermotor di DKI Jakarta serta meningkatnya pengguna angkutan online di tahun 2020 ketika pandemi masuk ke Indonesia. Hal tersebut disebabkan akibat tingkat urbanisasi yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahunnya. Keadaan ini dapat mengancam para komuter untuk beralih menggunakan transportasi pribadi. Pemerintah sudah melakukan upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan membuat rancangan transportasi umum yang terintegrasi, salah satunya pada bagian pembayaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan empat moda transportasi umum dengan transportasi pribadi termasuk angkutan online dengan menggunakan model optimasi untuk menentukan jarak, waktu tempuh, dan biaya paling optimal dari setiap moda transportasi untuk dibandingkan. Metode shortest path problem dengan algoritma Floyd-Warshall digunakan untuk transportasi umum sedangkan transportasi pribadi menggunakan Google Maps API. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam segi waktu tempuh transportasi pribadi yang menggunakan jalan tol menghasilkan nilai relatif lebih rendah daripada moda lainnya. Dalam segi biaya, transportasi umum menjadi alternatif terbaik dibandingkan moda transportasi lain.

The increase in motorized vehicles in DKI Jakarta and the increase online in 2020 when the pandemic entered Indonesia. This is due to the increasing level of urbanization from year to year. This situation can threaten the commuters to switch to using private transportation. The government has made efforts to overcome this problem by making an integrated public transportation design, one of which is in the payment section. This study aims to compare four modes of public transportation with private transportation including online by using an optimization model to determine the optimal distance, travel time, and cost of each mode of transportation to compare. The shortest path problem optimization with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is used for public transportation while private transportation uses the Google Maps API. The results obtained in terms of travel time for private transportation using toll roads produce a relatively lower value than other modes. In terms of cost, public transportation is the best alternative compared to other modes of transportation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrul Alam
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kebijakan pemerintah di sektor transportasi, khususnya di daerah perkotaan. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di wilayah Kota Tangerang. Tingginya angka kecelakaan yang menyebabkan korban meninggal, serta kerugian material dan kerugian imaterial akibat ketidak efisienan sistem transportasi, melatar belakangi penelitian ini. Lambatnya pemerintah pusat dalam mensosialisasikan undang-undang dalam hal pengimplementasian di daerah, menciptakan permasalahan tersendiri di banyak daerah di Indonesia. Ketimpangan kualitas sumber daya manusia antara pusat dan daerah, juga menjadi permasalahan yang mengakibatkan menjadi lambatnya proses adopsi pembangunan secara keseluruhan. Tesis ini dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analityc Hierarchy Process). Meneliti seberapa besar pengaruh pemangku kepentingan berperan dalam menciptakan iklim atau kondisi transportasi yang ideal. Pada penelitian ini pemangku kepentingan(stakeholders) ini dikelompokkan menjadi tiga yakni, Pemerintah, Legislatif, dan Masyarakat. Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam kurun waktu April hingga Juni 2010 juga mencari alternatif tindakan atau alternatif kebijakan yang dapat dijadikan prioritas oleh Pemerintah Kota Tangerang dalam mengurai persoalan lalulintas khususnya di Kota Tangerang.

This study discusses the government policy in the transportation sector with focus on the urban areas. Tangerang city has been chosen as the case study due to the high numbers of deaths caused by accidents on the roads. The high numbers of accidents that cause deaths, according to the Indonesian police records, reached approximetely 11000 people per year. I concluded that this high numbers of losses of deaths are very significant to understand the implementation of the transportation policy in Tangerang. In order to solve the problem, in searching for solutions, I decided to use Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP) as my research method to examine how much influence of the stakeholders in making the transportation conditions become ideal for safetiness and efficiencycy. In the study, the stakeholders are grouped into three types of groups according to their sectors namely; Government Authorities, Legislative Authorities, and Community (Public Users). The study has been conducted from April to June 2010. The study also aims at an understanding of the alternative policies of urban transportation which become a priority in searching for a better solution to the current conditions in Tangerang. I found that the Indonesian Government is too slow in inplementing the transportation regulations to the local government. This slow implementation has also created a major problem for other local governments in Indonesia, including the area which I choose as my case study. Another problem arise because of the slow implementation are an inequality in quality of human resources between Indonesian government in Jakarta and local governments and inequality of development in other district areas in Indonesia. Based on these conclusions I have established alternative suggestions for the local governments to take better policies for the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malna Widahta Musad
Analisis kebutuhan armada angkutan umum berbasis jalan pada lingkup trayek ditinjau menggunakan permintaan tertinggi pada trayek sehingga mungkin terdapat potensi kelebihan pasokan jika perbedaan permintaan cukup drastis di tiap segmen trayek. Sehingga, penelitian ini mencoba menjawab apakah terdapat potensi kelebihan pasokan, seberapa signifikan perbedaan hasil perhitungan jumlah armada pada lingkup trayek dengan lingkup jaringan, dan implikasinya pada karakteristik operasional headway dan faktor muat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membangun perangkat bantu analisis. Kemudian dengan perangkat tersebut jumlah armada tiap trayek dihitung dengan permintaan tertinggi tiap trayeknya, selanjutnya kapasitas statis tiap segmen dihitung dan dianalisis efisiensinya pada jaringan dengan parameter faktor muat rerata seluruh segmen. Jika faktor muat rerata berada dibawah nilai ideal dari rujukan, maka kebutuhan armada di tiap trayek akan dioptimasi dengan Metode Heuristik dan Metode Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG). Hasil menunjukkan, perhitungan jumlah armada dengan lingkup trayek membutuhkan 2257 hingga 3578 armada dan lingkup jaringan membutuhkan 1644 hingga 2673 armada. Headway rerata perhitungan lingkup trayek adalah 3 menit dan hasil lingkup jaringan adalah 5 menit. Hasil perhitungan lingkup trayek untuk faktor muat rerata adalah sebesar 38%, lebih rendah ketimbang hasil lingkup jaringan yaitu 79%. Metode terbaik untuk optimasi jumlah armada pada lingkup jaringan adalah Metode GRG dengan titik awal iterasi adalah hasil perhitungan jumlah armada dari Metode Heuristik.  Dari penelitian ini, perangkat bantu analisis telah dikembangkan, juga dapat disimpulkan terdapat kelebihan pasokan sebesar 54% jumlah armada dengan perhitungan jumlah armada lingkup trayek dibandingkan dengan lingkup jaringan, serta karakteristik operasional headway dan faktor muat rerata lingkup jaringan lebih tinggi dibandingkan hasil perhitungan lingkup trayek.

Fleet number calculation on a route scope is using a highest demand on the route segment so that there may be excess supply potential if the demand difference is quite drastic in each of route segment. Thus, this study attempts to answer whether there is an oversupply potential, how significant the result difference between fleet calculations on the scope of the route with the network scope, and the implications on the operational characteristics of the headway and load factors. The research was conducted by building analytical tools. Then the tool calculates the number of fleets per route, then the static capacity of each segment is calculated and its efficiency on the network is analyzed with the average load factor of all segments parameter. If the average load factor is below the ideal value, then the fleet number in each route will be optimized with the Heuristic Method and Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Method. The results show, the calculation of the number of fleets with the scope of the route requires 2257 to 3578 fleets and the scope of the network requires 1644 to 2673 fleet. The average headway of the route scope calculation is 3 minutes and the result of the network scope is 5 minutes. The calculation of route scope for average load factor is 38%, lower than the result of network scope that is 79%. The best method for optimizing the number of fleets on a network's scope is the GRG Method with the starting point of the iteration is the calculation results of the Heuristic Method. From this research, the analytical tool has been developed. Also from the research, it can be concluded that there is an oversupply about 54% of the fleet number calculations based on the route scope compared to the network scope, and the operational characteristics of the headway and the load factor of the network scope is higher than the route scope calculation."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Dharma YP
"Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan umuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan pengembangan manajemen transportasi perkotaan, mengkaji berbagai faktor kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman/kendala dalam mendukung perumusan kebijakan di sektor transportasi dan membuat perumusan kebijakan tentang transportasi perkotaan di kota dengan cri-ciri sebagai berikut: tingkal urbanisasi yang tinggi (pertumhuhan penduduk 58%), merupakan ibukota provinsi, pusat kegiatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, penduduk yang mgmpunyai keragaman etnik dab budaya, dan dikategorikan sebagai kata besar (X). Hal ini mempengaruhi pelayanan angkutan umum, pengaturan lalu-lintas dan perbaikan Sarana di jalan raya."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bani Pamungkas
"Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca di tingkat global saat ini telah mencapai kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan. Salah satu sumber pencemar terbesar adalah sektor transportasi. Bagi kawasan perkotaan, sektor ini merupakan salah satu problem yang harus menjadi perhatian serius. Terjadinya kemacetan akibat tingginya penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dan minimnya ketersediaan angkutan umum telah menciptakan dampak yang cukup serius baik dalam skala lokal maupun global. Dibutuhkan suatu sistem transportasi kota berkelanjutan yang dapat menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan tersebut. Namun penyediaan sistem transportasi kota berkelanjutan ini membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
Saat ini di tingkat global, upaya untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca sangat berpeluang untuk mendapatkan dukungan pendanaan melalui mekanisme Clean Development Mechanism. Mekanisme yang diatur dalam Protokol Kyoto ini memberikan dukungan pendanaan bagi kegiatan penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara berkembang, diantaranya sektor transportasi. Untuk itu diperlukan kajian tentang strategi kebijakan pemanfaatan CDM dalam mendukung pengembangan sistem transportasi kota berkelanjutan.
Penelitian ini membahas empat permasalahan. Pertama bagaimana model CDM Transportasi yang ada saat ini dan potensi pemanfaatannya di Kota Jakarta. Kedua berapa besar insentif yang diperoleh dari implementasi pelaksanaan model CDM Transportasi yang ada. Ketiga strategi dan bentuk kebijakan seperti apa yang dapat disusun dalam pemanfaatan CDM untuk angkutan umum. Dan keempat strategi mana yang diprioritaskan untuk digunakan oleh Pemda DKI Jakarta dalam pemanfaatan CDM untuk angkutan umum ini.
Data yang digunakan untuk analisis dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner AHP serta data-data pendukung yang dikeluarkan oleh instansi terkait. Responden dipilih secara purposive, yaitu pihak-pihak yang dianggap pakar dalam sektor transportasi atau lingkungan hidup dan mengerti mengenai CDM. Analisa data dilakukan melalui 3 (tiga) tahapan meliputi (1) analisa insentif CDM, (2) analisa SWOT, dan (3) analisa AHP. Hasil analisa AHP digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas strategi pemanfaatan CDM Sektor Transportasi untuk Angkutan Umum di Jakarta.
Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran diperoleh 3 (tiga) model pemanfaatan CDM Transportasi, yaitu (1) model penggantian bahan bakar, dari bahan bakar konvensional ke bahan bahan rendah emisi, (2) model penggantian moda transportasi dan (3) model peningkatan efisiensi sistem transportasi bersama penggantian moda. Untuk memberikan gambaran besamya pengurangan emisi CO2 dan insentif yang dapat diterima dari pemanfaatan CDM dilakukan penghitungan pada model penggantian bahan bakar BBM ke BBG pada seluruh angkutan umum (Bus Besar, Bus Sedang, Bus Kecil dan Taxi). Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan emisi CO2 yang dicapai selama 7 tahun dari pelaksanaan proyek sebesar 3.974.958 ton C02 (eq). Bila harga jual CER diasumsikan sekitar USD 5 per ton, maka diperkirakan insentif yang didapat mencapai atau setara dengan USD 19.874.791.
Sedangkan melalui analisa AHP diketahui bahwa pilihan optimis pemanfatan CDM, model pengembangan efisiensi sistem transportasi dalam pengembangan BRT¬Transjakarta, paling dominan dipilih oleh para responden. Sedangkan pada pilihan pesimis, para responden menilai model Penggantian Bahan Bakar lebih tepat di pilih dalam pemanfaatan CDM Transportasi.
Strategi yang dinilai paling mendukung upaya pemanfaatan CDM dalam model penggantian bahan bakar adalah strategi SO yang mencakup 3 (tiga) strategi turunan berupa (1) menerapkan penggunaan BBG pada angkutan umum secara bertahap (diutamakan pada Bus (Besar, Sedang, kecil) dan Taxi), (2) mengganti semua bus BRT Transjakarta yang beroperasi pada koridor I untuk menggunakan BBG dan (3) memberikan insentif kepada pengusaha angkutan umum yang menggunakan BBG.
Sedangkan pada model pergantian moda, strategi yang dinilai paling mendukung upaya pemanfaatan CDM adalah paket strategi WO. Paket strategi ini meliputi penyediaan jalur pedestrian dan jalur khusus sepeda yang memadai bagi pengguna moda alternatif transportasi ini. Dan untuk model pengembangan efisiensi sistem transportasi pada BRT¬ Transjakarta, strategi yang menjadi pilinan adalah strategi WO. Jabaran strateginya meliputi (1) menambah jumlah Bus pada masing-masing koridor sesuai kebutuhan, (2) menggunakan model bus yang berkapasitas lebih besar (bus gandeng), (3) melengkapi fasilitas pada halte si setiap koridor BRT-Transjakarta, (4) melakukan penataan jalur BRT¬ Transjakarta untuk memperkecil hambatan pergerakan BRT-Transjakarta, (5) meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan bus pengumpan sebagai satu kesatuan sistem dan BRT ¬Transjakarta, dan (6) melakukan edukasi secara berkala kepada pengemudi dan SDM pendukung BRT-Transjakarta beserta SDM penyedia layanan bus pengumpan.

This study aimed to determine whether Greenhouse emission at global level recently has achieved a disturbing condition. One of the biggest pollutant sources is transportation sector. For developing countries, this sector is one of problems to pay attention seriously. Traffic jam due to a higher use of private cars and limited number of public transportation has given relatively serious impacts both at local and global scale. Therefore, every city needs to develop transportation system to solve these problems. However, establisment of the sustainable city transportation requiries huge investment. CDM might be one of the potential financial sources that can support the establishment of such system.
CDM is a mechanism regulated in Kyoto Protocol. Thus mechanism offers financial assistance for activities conducted in developing countries than can reduce greenhouse emission. Transportation sector is one of sectors, has big potentially to reduce greenhouse emission.
Considering the above argument, this study assessed the following issues: First, what does the Transportation CDM model look like nowadays at a global level, and how is the potency of using the model in Jakarta City?, Second, what are incentive from the implementation of one of the existing Transportation CDM models? Third, what are forms of policy and strategy on the use of CDM for Public Transportation? Fourth, which strategy should be priority Local Government of DKI Jakarta to use CDM for Public Transportation?
The methods used in collecting primary data were interview with and AHP questionnaire to the respondents. In this data collection using AHP method respondents were selected purposively, assumed experts in transportation and living environment area, and understood CDM. Secondary data were gathered from various sources that Included numerous government agencies and a literature study. Data analysis was performed through three (3) stages: (1) CDM incentive analysis, (2) SWOT analysis, and (3) AHP analysis. Data analysis on the results of AHP study was used to determine strategy priorities in the implementation of Transportation Sector CDM for Public Transportation in Jakarta that was taken previously from SWOT analysis.
The results of the study showed that there were three (3) models ion the use of Transportation CDM, with projects today being proposed to CDM executive Board. They were: (1) a methodology to replace fuel from conventional fuel to lower emission fuel; (2) to replace transportation mode; and (3) to increase efficiency in transportation system blended with mode replacement.
A simulation to calculate the use of Transportation CDM was carried out with a fuel replacement model from petroleum to gas for all four-wheel fleets, namely, Large Bus, Medium Bus, Mini Bus, and Taxi. A decrease in C02 emission by 3,974,958 tons was achieved within 7 years of project. Of the lowered emission, an estimated incentive from CER selling was USD19,874,791.
It was known from the AHP analysis that, concerning the optimistic choice for CDM use, a development model for the efficiency of transportation mode (BRT ¬Transjakarta Development) was made very dominantly by the experts; while, regarding pessimistic choice, those experts considered fuel replacement as more appropriate in the implementation of Transportation CDM.
A strategy considered as the most useful in supporting the CDM use for the fuel replacement was SO Strategy that comprised three (3) generic strategies, namely, implementing the gas to the public transportation in a gradual way (especially for Buses (Large and Medium) and Taxi. Second, replacing petroleum in all BRT-Transjakarta fleets operated alongside Corridor I for gas. And third, giving incentive to public transportation consuming gas (tax deduction, conversion kit subsidy).
Regarding transportation mode efficiency development (BRT-Transjakarta), the selected strategy was WO strategy that included, first, an addition of number of buses to each Corridor. Second, a replacement of bus model with trailer model. Third, a provision of facilities at bus stops alongside the BRT-Transjakarta corridors. Fourth, an arrangement of BRT-Transjakarta lane to reduce any barriers. to the movement of BRT-Transjakarta (arranging road crosses, increasing road quality, etc). Fifth, an improvement in service quality of feeder buses as an integral system of Busway Program. And sixth, a provision of education on a periodic base for all bus drivers and other supporting human resources within BRT-Transjakarta and feeder bus providers as well. With respect to the transportation mode, the selected strategy was WO Strategy, namely, providing pedestrian lane and bicycle-only lane and any other facilities and infrastructures as supporting alternatives in the implementation of transportation mode.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faris Satria Alam
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai aspek hukum perlindungan konsumen pengguna jasa angkutan umum jenis angkot di Jakarta. Salah salah satu jasa yang paling sering digunakan atau dinikmati konsumen adalah jasa transportasi angkutan umum jenis angkot yang ada di Jakarta. Konsumen sebagai pengguna jasa transportasi jenis angkot sejatinya mempunyai hak untuk mendapat perlindungan hukum dan pelayanan maksimal. Pentingnya jaminan pemenuhan hak konsumen atas pengguna jasa angkutan umum jenis angkot di DKI Jakarta ini sebenarnya sudah dalam status yang menghawatirkan. Buruknya kualitas pelayanan angkutan umum di perkotaan tidak bisa dilihat secara sektoral saja. Akan tetapi melibatkan semua stakeholder, mulai dari pemerintah, pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sebagai konsumen tentunya. Salah satu langkah yang harus dilakukan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam membenahi karut marutnya transportasi yakni dengan membuat Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) bagi angkutan umum di Jakarta. UU No. 22 tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan mengatur bahwa perusahaan angkutan umum wajib memenuhi standar pelayanan minimal termasuk keamanan, keselamatan, kenyamanan, keterjangkauan, kesetaraan, dan keteraturan. Disamping itu juga diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 81 Tahun 2011 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Perhubungan Daerah Provinsi dan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota yang meliputi: jaringan pelayanan angkutan jalan, jaringan prasarana angkutan jalan, fasilitas perlengkapan jalan, keselamatan, dan sumber daya manusia (SDM) untuk daerah Provinsi dan untuk daerah Kabupaten/Kota ditambah dengan fasilitas pelayanan pengujian kendaraan bermotor. Serta juga diatur secara tersirat dalam Peraturan Daerah DKI Jakarta Nomor 12 Tahun 2003 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan, Kereta Api, Sungai, dan Danau Serta Penyeberangan di Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta meliputi sarana dan prasarana serta kewajiban pengemudi kendaraan angkutan umum. Berdasarkan UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan terdapat pengaturan mengenai hak-hak konsumen dan kewajibankewajiban yang harus dipenuhi pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Disamping itu juga terdapat upaya hukum penyelesaian sengketa dan pengaturan mengenai sanksinya.

This thesis discusses the aspects of consumer protection law type "angkot" of public transport users in Jakarta. Among one of the most frequently used services or the services enjoyed by consumers is the kind of public transportation types of "Angkot" in Jakarta. Consumers as users of transport services actually have the right kind of public transportation to get legal protection and maximum service. Importance of ensuring the fulfillment of the rights of consumers over public transport users types of "Angkot" in Jakarta is already in a worrying state. The poor quality of public transport services in the urban sector cannot be seen alone. However, involving all stakeholders, ranging from government, business, and society as a consumer of course. One of the steps that must be performed in Jakarta Provincial Government to fix the distorted chaotic transport is by making minimum service standards (MSS) for public transport in Jakarta. Law. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Road Transportation requires that public transport companies must meet minimum service standards including security, safety, comfort, affordability, equality, and regularity. Besides, it is also the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 81 Year 2011 about Minimum Service Standards Provincial Transportation Sector and District / City which includes: road transport network services, network infrastructure, road transport, road equipment facilities, safety, and human resources (HR ) for the region and the province to the Regency / City coupled with testing of motor vehicle service facilities. As well as implicitly stipulated in the Regulation of DKI Jakarta No. 12 Year 2003 on Traffic and Road Transport, Railways, Rivers, and Lakes Crossing well as in the province of Rizal include infrastructure and public transport vehicle drivers obligations. Based on Law no. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and the Law. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation are arrangements regarding consumer rights and obligations that must be met businesses in operation. Besides, there is also a legal remedy and dispute resolution arrangements regarding sanctions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Arkananta
"Kota Bogor berada di tengah wilayah Kabupaten Bogor serta lokasinya cukup dekat dengan lingkup Jabodetabek sehingga mobilitas masyarakat semakin tinggi. Namun, terdapat beberapa layanan angkutan umum yang tidak efisien di Kota Bogor sehingga diperlukan alternatif untuk meningkatkan layanan angkutan umum di Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis preferensi masyarakat terhadap layanan Trem di Kota Bogor. Metode analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan model logit biner yang dibangun berdasarkan hasil data survei primer dengan metode Stated Preference. Model fungsi utilitas dibangun dengan pendekatan regresi logistik yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan karakteristik perjalanan dan moda transportasi. Pembentukan fungsi utilitas pada setiap kelompok dibangun dengan variabel yang berkorelasi dan signifikan berdasarkan uji korelasi Spearman serta terpilih melalui metode stepwise. Setiap fungsi utilitas diuji kelayakannya dengan uji Omnibus Test of Model Coefficients, Hosmer and Lameshow Test, Overall Percentage, -2 Log Likelihood, dan Nagelkerke R Square. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji validasi antara data real dengan data model menggunakan Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Setelah itu, dilakukan pemilihan model terbaik berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan dan validasi serta dilakukan pengujian komparasi menggunakan Mann-Whitney. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditetapkan enam model terpilih dengan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap preferensi masyarakat, yaitu tarif, waktu tunggu, penghematan waktu, dan selisih biaya. Potensi penggunaan layanan Trem berdasarkan preferensi tarif Rp5.500 pada kendaraan umum eksternal sebesar 93.96%, pada kendaraan mobil internal sebesar 76.69%, dan pada kendaraan motor eksternal sebesar 93.36%. Sedangkan tingkat potensi penggunaan layanan Trem berdasarkan preferensi waktu tunggu 5 menit pada kendaraan umum internal sebesar 91.88% dan pada waktu tunggu 10 menit sebesar 86.39%.

Bogor City is located in the middle of Bogor Regency and is quite close to the Jabodetabek area, resulting in higher community mobility. However, there are several inefficient public transport services in Bogor City so that alternatives are needed to improve public transport services in Bogor City. This study aims to analyze people's preferences for Tram services in Bogor City. The analysis method in this study uses a binary logit model built based on the results of primary survey data with the Stated Preference method. The utility function model was built with a logistic regression approach grouped by travel characteristics and transportation modes. The formation of utility functions in each group was built with variables that were correlated and significant based on the Spearman correlation test and selected through the stepwise method. Each utility function was tested for feasibility using the Omnibus Test of Model Coefficients, Hosmer and Lameshow Test, Overall Percentage, -2 Log Likelihood, and Nagelkerke R Square. Furthermore, a validation test is carried out between real data and model data using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). After that, the best model selection was carried out based on the results of the feasibility and validation tests and comparative testing using Mann-Whitney. Based on the results of the analysis, six models were selected with the most influential variables on public preferences, namely tariff, waiting time, time savings, and cost difference. The potential use of Tram services based on tariff preferences of Rp5,500 on external public vehicles amounted to 93.96%, on internal car vehicles amounted to 76.69%, and on external motor vehicles amounted to 93.36%. While the level of potential use of Tram services based on 5-minute waiting time preferences on internal public vehicles amounted to 91.88% and at a waiting time of 10 minutes amounted to 86.39%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atiek Soeparyati
"Tingkat laju urbanisasi yang tinggi sebagai akibat laju perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat, kota Jakarta mengalami ledakan populasi penduduk sehingga mengakibatkan meningkatnya jumlah perjalanan akibat mobilitas penduduk yang akhimya memerlukan peningkatan sistem transportasi kota.
Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang lalu lalang di jalan raya di kota baik kendaraan pribadi maupun angkutan umum merupakan gambaran adanya interaksi antara peningkatan taraf hidup dankebutuhan mobilitas penduduk. Prediksi perkembangan penduduk Jakarta tahun 2015 akan mencapai 32,3 juta jiwa dengan laju perkembangannya rata-rata 2,19% per tahun dan diperkirakan kebutuhan perjalanan akan meningkat menjadi 23,7 juta perjalanan per hari, sehingga terjadi peningkatan rata-rata 3,6% per tahun. Pada tahun 2015 jumlah kendaraan pribadi akan mencapai 4,5 juta kendaraan, hal ini di dapat dari hasil survei yang menyatakan bahwa penduduk yang berpenghasilan tinggi lebih banyak menggunakan kendaraan pribadi sedang yang berpenghasilan rendah banyak menggunakan transportasi umum.
Permasalahannya dengan meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan yang beroperasi di jalan yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kebutuhan perjalanan, akan berakibat cukup serius terhadap menurunnya kualitas udara. Upaya peningkatan ruas Bekasi-Tangerang adalah untuk memperlancar lalulintas sehingga waktu tempuh dari dan ke tempat tujuan dapat dipersingkat, pelayanan cepat, memperlancar roda perekonomian dan pencemaran udara dapat ditekan sehingga darnpak sosialnya positip namun di sisi lain kebisingan meningkat. Sebagai akibatnya, bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas hidup masyarakat kota di sekitar ruas jalan ini.
Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara sistem transportasi, kualitas udara dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan (persepsi masyarakat) serta memberi masukan kepada perencana transportasi perkotaan. Hipotesis yang dipakai yaitu adakah hubungan antara arus lalulintas dan kualitas udara; dan persepsi dampak kesehatan masyarakat.
Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah untuk lokasi penelitian dipilih berdasarkan metode two stage cluster, sedang data sosial-ekonomi diperoleh dari hasil wawancara terstruktur dan mendalam dari 570 sampel yang ditentukan (Purposive stratified random sampling) di 15 kelurahan terpilih yang diwakili oleh pengguna jalan (penumpang/pengemudi kendaraan pribadi, penumpang kendaraan umum dan pengemudi kendaraan umum) yang tinggal/beraktivitas pada kawasan penelitian. Kualitas udara dan data lalulintas diperoleh dari hasil penelitian terdahulu dari instansi terkait.
Dari hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum sistem transportasi mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kualitas udara serta persepsi dampak kesehatan masyarakat pengguna. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh adanya keterkaitan erat antara sistem transportasi dengan kualitas udara dan variabel sosek, sehingga unsur sosek ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai pengendali kemacetan lalu-lintas di antaranya dengan cara:
- Membatasi urbanisasi penduduk karena laju fertilitas relatif Iebih kecil dibanding dengan laju urbanisasi penduduk.
- Pembatasan tingkat urbanisasi ini dapat diantisipasi dengan menciptakan suatu lapangan kerja yang memadai dengan tingkat laju penduduk di suatu wilayah, misalnya dengan menciptakan suatu kawasan mandiri, sehingga mengurangimobilitas penduduk antar wilayah dan biaya transportasi dapat ditekan.
- Diperlukannya sarana angkutan umum yang memadai, mudah, murah, aman dan nyaman serta ramah lingkungan,
- Perlunya penataan tata ruang yang tepat dan enforcement dilaksanakan dengan benar, sehingga perencanaan jaringan jalan dapat dilaksanakan sesuai sasaran (perencanaan terpadu).
- Sebagai perimbangan akibat keterbatasan lahan di perkotaan, maka perencanaan superblok/ kawasan mandiri sebagai altematif upaya mengatasi kemacetan lalulintas perkotaan serta menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas umum yang lain yang sesuai dan cukup dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan tingkat pelayanan yang cukup baik kapasitas, keamanan maupun kenyamanannya dan murah. Dengan demikian masyarakat akrab dengan lingkungannya, sehingga mengurangi niat untuk berpindah/bergerak ke lingkungan yang lain. (mengurangi intensitas mobilitas).
- Dari seluruh altematif penanganan yang direncanakan, maka penanganan pelayanan transportasi massal urnum (Mass Rapid Transportation) adalah solusi yang perlu dipertimbangkan penggunaannya di masa mendatang.

The high growing urbanization in Jakarta Metropolitan City was due to developing of economic rapidly, caused of the booming population so the citizen's intensity traveling increased.
The increasing numbers of the vehicles passing on the highway road city, either the private vehicles or public vehicles were the reflection of the interaction between the increasing living cost and the needs of citizen mobility.
In 201 5 the citizen of Jakarta will be predicted up to 32.3 million with increasing growth in average of 2.19% per year and. the needs of mobilization estimated to increased up to 23.7% per day, therefore this average progress raised up to 3.6% per year. In 2015, the total number of private vehicle will be 4.5 million, based on field - survey, which stated that the people which have high income more frequently use private vehicles while those who has lower income use public transportation.
Due to increasing the needs of trips, the numbers of vehicles pass the highways increased so this condition caused the seriously air pollution. Effort to upgrade the Bekasi - Tangerang Corridor is to smoothing the traffic so that the traveling time can be shorter, a good public services, then the economic cycling raised and finally the air pollution can be reduced, so the social impact positively, however on the other-side the noisy increased.
Based on that all conditions above how is the influences of the life quality of the urban society on this corridor. The aim of this research is to know of the correlation between transportation system, air pollution and the effect of the society life quality and give the input to the urban transportation planner. The hypothesis used in this research is to know how deep is correlation between the trips and the air pollution, and its impact to the society health perception.
The method used to select the location based on method two stage cluster, while social-economic data get from a structure deep interview from 570 samples (purposive stratified random samples) in 15 selected sub-district was represented by road user (passengers/private car drivers, passengers and drivers of public transport) living and their activities in research area. The air quality and the trips data obtained from previous involved institution.
The conclusion from this analysis in generally the transportation system has impact to the society life quality. It is can be shown by the closed correlation between transportation system and the air quality, and also with the social economic variables, so the social economic parameter can be used as controlling the traffic jam, that is :
- To limiting the booming of urban population is by pressing the urbanization cause the urbanization index is higher than the birth people index.
- The limitation of the urbanization can be anticipated by creating a business job in that region, for instance, to create the super-block system area. So, the people necessities could be fully support locally, finally reduced the inter region mobilization and the transportation cost.
- It needs the sufficient and good services of public transportation easy, cheap, sound, comfortable and environment guarantee (familiar to the environment) need.
- It needs a good master planning and enforcement implementation correctly in this area, so the network road planning can be use in a good function.
- To balance of limited urban area, the super-block planning is an alternative to solve the urban traffic jam, provided a sufficient public facilities, either capacity, safety, comfortable and cheap. So that the society will have environment guarantee and decreasing the mobility intensities.
- From all the system proposed, the Mass Rapid Transportation System is the solution for considering used in the future.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research aims at examining the services of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia in the Special Province of the Capital City of Jakarta towards the customers and the conditions that influence the customers' satisfaction. The research involves 400 respondents but only 80 managed to fill in completely. The method of the research is snowball method where the writer delivered elaboration to the drivers as to how to fill in the questionnaires.
To analyze the respondents' responses the writer used such statistics descriptive analysis as mean, deviation, standard, distribution frequency of each answer given towards service quality dimension which comprises of expectation indicators which include tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The Linked- method is used for the performance indicators related with the responses from the customers towards services which consist of 7 demand scales. To see the extent of the relationship or the correlation between service quality and customers' expectations based on the respective dimension, Spearman method is used to analyze the correlation.
The results of the correlation analysis between service quality and expectation reveal the following: tangible dimension shows that the correlation score between them is r = 0.52 and the significant level at 0.05. This means that service quality has a significant relationship with the customers' expectation perceived from the tangible aspect at 0.37. Reliability dimension shows that the correlation score between them is r = 0.50 and the significant level at 0.05. This indicates that service qualify has significant relationship with the customers perception from responsiveness at 0.40. Assurance dimension shows that the correlation dimension shows that correlation score between them is r = 0.49 and the significant level at 0.05.
This means that service quality has a significant relationship with the customers' expectations viewed from the responsive aspect at 0.40. Assurance dimension shows that correlation score between them is r = 0.71 and the significant level at 0.05. It means that the service qualify has a significant relationship with the customers' expectations viewed from assurance aspect at 0.52. Empathy dimension shows that the correlation score between them is at 0.47 and the significant level at 0.05. It means that the service quality has significant relationship with the customers' satisfaction view ed from the empathy aspect at 0.37.
From the results of the survey it can be concluded that: (I) the customers satisfaction towards the service quality of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia in aspects such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are not of satisfactory level; (2) the performance of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia shows unsatisfactory results which means it does not have the required characteristics in the customers' views; (3) there is q relationship between the service quality provided by the Koperasi Taxi Indonesia and the customers' satisfaction, that is, if the driver feels satisfied with his jobs and is happy to carry out his duty, of course. it will affect the driver's empathic altitude.
In connection with the results of the research, it is recommended that Koperasi Taxi Indonesia: (1) increase better service to the customers in terms of meeting their needs: (2) the increase in service quality is fully supported by the availability of the quality and the satisfaction as well as the attitude of the driver/worker. Thus the efforts to create service satisfaction need to be done well through human resources development as well as competence base, working atmosphere, compensation, career development and etc: (3) based on the results of the interview, there are several suggestions proposed by the customers of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia among others are the drivers' attitudes and behaviors which need to be paid attention to.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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