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Ditemukan 17969 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Asrul Harsal
"Cancer pain management: is a multidisciplinary effort, where the use of drug is often greatly beneficial for the patient. Pain assessment using the visual analog scale (VAS) is very helpful. Mild pain can be managed using acetaminophen or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Moderate pain can be treated using mild opioids, while severe pain is treated using strong opioids such as morphine. Administration of morphine is safe, with a dose that is titrated to reach the optimal dosage, and does not produce serious side-effects. Administration of laxatives to prevent constipation should commence since the. first administration of morphine."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fisch, Michael J.
New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical, 2007
616.994 FIS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Nurfitriani
"Penyakit kanker dapat menimbulkan nyeri, kelemahan, masalah tidur, dan kelelahan, dan mempengaruhi keterbatasan fungsi yang akan berakibat ke kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu gejala yang paling umum dan sering dikeluhkan pada pasien kanker adalah nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan manajemen perawatan diri terhadap nyeri pada pasien kanker dengan menggunakan design cross sectional. Jumlah responden pada penelitina ini sebanyak 110 responden pasien kanker dewasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara manajemen perawatan diri dengan nyeri (p=0,034; ?=0,05). Terdapat variabel konfonding yang mempengaruhi manajemen perawatan diri dengan nyeri yaitu jumlah anak, penggunaan analgesik, tindakan non farmakalogi, dan status pekerjaan. Manajemen perawatan diri dapat menjadi salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk manajemen nyeri pada pasien kanker.

Cancer can cause pain, weakness, sleep problems, and fatigue, and cause functional limitations that affect daily life. One of the most common and frequently complained symptoms in cancer patients is pain. This study aims to determine the relationship of self-care management to pain in cancer patients using a cross-sectional design. The number of respondents in this study were 110 adult cancer patients. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between self-care management and pain (p=0.034; ?=0.05). There are confounding variables that affect self-care management with pain, namely the number of children, use of analgesics, non-pharmacological measures, and employment status. Self-care management can be one of the nursing interventions that can be done for pain management in cancer patients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamzah Shatri
pain is one of the most often symptoms experienced by patients with advanced or chronic diseases which can cause a decrease in the quality of life of palliative patients. Pain in palliative patients has not yet received enough attention, especially factors associated with pain and its management. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with pain in palliative patients and also assess whether there is a two-way relationship between psychological factors and pain. In addition, we will also see whether spiritual services play a role in relieving pain. Methods: cross-sectional study were used and secondary data were obtained from medical records of 285 palliative patients at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. The data were processed to determine the psycho-socio-demographic characteristics, the reciprocal relationships of psychological and pain aspects, and the relationship of pharmacological therapy (opioids), non-pharmacological therapy (spiritual services), and combination of both therapies in pain management. Results: of the 285 palliative patients, 60.3% had pain, which was found more in cancer patients (74.4% vs 25.6%). Pain was found more in patients aged 41-60 years (51.1%), women (51.2%), and unemployed (30.2%). The severity of the pain was found to be significant in patients with depressive symptoms (p=0.045), while patients with anxiety symptoms (p=0.155) and sleep disorders (p=0.619) had no significant relationship. Pain experienced by palliative patients was not statistically significant in causing depression (p=0.058), anxiety (p=0.107), and sleep disorder (p=0.639). Moreover, pain management with opioids, spiritual services, or combination of them turned out to have significant results (p=0.022). Conclusion: pain in palliative patients is mainly experienced by cancer patients and the elderly. Psychological factors affect the condition of pain, so the management that includes biopsychosocial aspect will be able to reduce pain significantly."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:4 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trowce Lista Nalle
Nyeri merupakan keluhan utama penderita kanker yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya. Langkah awal untuk menanggulangi nyeri akibat kanker adalah penilaian nyeri. Penatalaksanaan nyeri yang adekuat akan tercapai bila nyeri dijadikan tujuan utama dalam pengobatan kanker, hal ini dapat terpenuhi bila ada kesesuaian antara derajat nyeri yang dilaporkan pasien dengan analgesik yang diresepkan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menilai ketepatan pemilihan analgesik dan keadekuatan terapi analgesik pada pasien nyeri kanker. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional prospektif dengan cara melakukan kajian penggunaan analgesik pada pasien dewasa dengan nyeri kanker yang menjalani rawat inap di RSCM periode Maret-Mei 2016, pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling yaitu semua pasien baru dengan nyeri kanker dan sesuai kriteria inklusi dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini sampai jumlah sampel yang diinginkan terpenuhi. Keadekuatan terapi dinilai dengan Pain Management Index PMI . Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara deskriptif. Hasil yang didapat dari 96 pasien yang dirawat, pada awal masuk didapatkan nyeri ringan pada pada 55 pasien 57,29 , setelah 24 jam rawat pada 60 pasien 62,5 dan setelah 48 jam rawat; nyeri ringan didapatkan pada 80 83,33 pasien. Nyeri sedang di awal masuk 41 42,7 pasien, setelah 24 jam 36 37,5 pasien dan 48 jam sebanyak 16 16,66 pasien. Dari 96 pasien yang dirawat terdapat 672 penggunaan analgesik. Jenis analgesik yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Parasetamol tablet 51,63 . Persentase cara pemberian analgesik secara oral 77,23 dan intravena 21,87 . Ketepatan penggunaan analgesik berdasarkan derajat nyeri adalah 290 43,1 penggunaan dari 672 penggunaan. Skor PMI nol dan positif didapatkan 95 98,9 pasien dan skor negatif 1 0,01 pasien. Overtreatment didapatkan pada 79 82,2 pasien. Tingkat kepuasan pasien dengan skor kepuasan > 5 pasien yang merasa puas adalah 77,08 . Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini didapatkan ketepatan pemilihan jenis analgesik masih relatif rendah, meskipun tingkat kepuasan tinggi 77,08 Kata kunci :Analgesik, nyeri kanker, derajat nyeri

Abstract Pain is an important problem for cancer patients that can affect their quality of life. The first step to manage cancer pain is assessing the pain. Adequate pain management will be achieved if pain control is the main goal in cancer treatment. This will be fulfilled if there is compatibility between pain level reported by the patient and prescribed analgesic.To evaluate the accuracy of analgesic selection and the adequacy of analgesic therapy in cancer pain patients.This research is a prospective observational study, by reviewing analgesic administration in adult patients with cancer pain that were hospitalized in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in March to May 2016. Subjects were selected by consecutive sampling admissions, i.e. all new admitted patients with cancer pain that meet inclusion criteria were included in the study until required sample was fulfilled. The adequacy of therapy was measured with Pain Management Index PMI . Collected data was analyzed descriptively. Results from 96 selected subjects, mild pain was found in 55 patients 57,29 at the time of admission, 60 patients 62,5 at 24 hours of hospitalization, and 80 patients 83,33 at 48 hours of hospitalization. Moderate pain was found in 41 patients 42,7 at the time of admission, 36 patients 37,5 at 24 hours of hospitalization, and 16 patients 16.67 at 48 hours of hospitalization. From 96 patients, there were 672 analgesic usage. The most frequently used analgesic is paracetamol tablet 51,63 . Percentage of oral route administration is 77,23 , while intravenous is 21,87 . The accuracy of analgesic usage based on pain level is 290 43,1 out of 672 usage. PMI score of positive and zero was found in 98,9 subjects, while negative was found in 0,01 patients. Overtreatment was found in 79 patients 82,2 . Level of patient rsquo s satisfaction for satisfaction score 5 patient is satisfied is 77,08 .Conclusion from this research we found that the accuracy of analgesic selection for cancer pain is relatively low, but level of satisfaction is high 77,08 .Keywords analgesic, cancer pain, pain level"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Ariyanti
"Kanker prostat merupakan salah satu penyakit keganasan pada saluran kemih atau organ reproduksi pria yang menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian terbesar pada pria di dunia. Salah gejala yang dirasakan oleh pasien kanker adalah nyeri. Manajemen nyeri yang adekuat diperlukan agar nyeri dapat dikontrol dengan baik. Karya Ilmiah Akhir Ners ini merupakan studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk melaporkan kasus pasien dengan kanker prostat dan penerapan intervensi terapi musik pada manajemen nyeri. Salah satu intervensi yang digunakan dalam manajemen nonfarmakologi adalah terapi musik. Musik dapat menstimulasi pelepasan endorphin dan sistem neuro-hormonal, bereaksi pada reseptor spesifik di otak yang dapat mengubah emosi, mood, fisiologis dan psikologis dimana dapat berpengaruh terhadap respon dan persepsi pasien terhadap nyeri yang dirasakan. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah intervensi selama enam (6) hari didapatkan terdapat penurunan skala nyeri.


Prostate cancer is a cancer of the urinary system in the male reproductive organs, which is one of the biggest causes of death in men in the world. One of the symptoms of cancer patients is pain. Adequate pain management is required so that pain can be well controlled. This Paper is a case study which aims to report cases of patients with prostate cancer and the application of music therapy interventions to pain management. One of the interventions used in nonpharmacological management is music therapy. Music can stimulate the release of endorphins and the neuro-hormonal system, reacting to specific receptors in the brain that can change emotions, moods, physiology and psychology which can affect the patients response and perception of pain. The results obtained after the intervention for six (6) days showed a decrease in the pain scale"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angka kejadian kanker payudara di Indonesia tertinggi diantara jenis kanker pada
wanita dengan prevalensi nyeri diperkirakan 40-89%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
mengembangkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching dan mengidentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap derajat nyeri, kenyamanan, dan
kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui dua tahap,
yaitu tahap 1 berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan pengembangan model, serta
tahap 2 berupa penelitian kuasi eksperimen pre-post test control group design.
Metode sampling tahap 1 digunakan purposive sampling dengan 11 partisipan. Tahap
2 sampel dipilih secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 64 responden (32 pasien
kelompok intervensi dan 32 pasien kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian tahap satu
teridentifikasi 12 tema dan dihasilkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
beserta perangkatnya. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh
yang signifikan dari model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching terhadap penurunan derajat nyeri, peningkatan kenyamanan, peningkatan
status fungsional dan perbaikan status gejala pasien kanker payudara. Namun, tidak
ada pengaruh pada status kesehatan/kualitas hidup global. Rekomendasi penelitian
hendaknya perawat menerapkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
sebagai bentuk nyata pengelolaan nyeri kanker secara holistik dalam pelayanan

Incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is still the highest among the other type of
cancer deseases on women with the prevalence of pain estimated from 40 ? 89
per cent. The purpose of this research was to develop model of pain management
based on comfort with coaching strategy and identify its effect on pain severity,
comfort, and quality of life patient breast cancer. This study was conducted in two
stages. The first stage was descriptive qualitative research and the development of
model. The second stage was quasi-experimental research with pre - post test control
group design. The sampling method that used to stage 1 was purposive sampling
with 11 partisipants. Sampling method on stage 2 this study was consecutive
sampling with 64 breast cancer patients (32 respondents as intervention group and 32
respondents as control group). The first stage of the study resulted 12 themes and has
resulted the model of pain management based on comfort and its devices. The second
stage of research proved that there were significance effects from the model of pain
mnagement based on comfort with coaching strategy toward decreasing pain
severity, increasing comfort and functional status, and repairing symptom status for
breast cancer patients. However, there was no effect on global health status/quality of
life. This study recommends that nurse should apply the model of pain management
based on comfort as a concrete holistic cancer pain management in setting practice of
nursing care."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Spiritual care merupakan tindakan keperawatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spiritual pasien dalam upaya penurunan nyeri pada pasien kanker. Penelitian spiritual care telah banyak dilakukan, namun intervensi spiritual masih sangat beragam khususnya bagi pasien kanker yang mengalami nyeri. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spiritual care pada pasien dengan nyeri kanker. Literature review ini menggunakan sumber database Scopus, Pubmed, Proquest, Science Direct dan Google Scholar. Hasil akhir penelusuran artikel didapatkan 10 artikel yang dianalisis menggunakan JBI Critical Appraisal. Pada literature review ini didapatkan jenis intervensi spiritual care terdiri dari Yoga, Psychoreligious Intervention, Mindfulness, Music Therapy dan Therapeutic Touch. Outcome dari spiritual care menunjukkan adanya perubahan yang signifikan pada penurunan tingkat nyeri pada pasien kanker yang bervariasi. Literature review ini menunjukkan spiritual care yang sangat beragam dengan penggunaan waktu yang bervariasi pada semua jenis kanker. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian spiritual care yang spesifik pada pasien dengan jenis kanker tertentu yang mengalami nyeri.

Spiritual care is a nursing intervention to meet the spiritual needs of patients in an effort to reduce pain in cancer patients. Many spiritual care research has been conducted, however spiritual interventions are still very diverse, especially for cancer patients who experience pain. This literature review aims to determine spiritual care in patients with cancer pain. This literature review uses the Scopus, Pubmed, Proquest, Science Direct, and Google Scholar database sources. The final results of the article search obtained 10 articles which were analyzed using JBI Critical Appraisal. In this literature review, it was found that the types of spiritual care interventions consist of Yoga, Psychoreligious Intervention, Mindfulness, Music Therapy, and Therapeutic Touch. Outcomes of spiritual care showed a significant change in reducing pain levels in various cancer patients. This literature review shows that spiritual care is very diverse with varying times of use in all types of cancer. Therefore, specific spiritual care research is needed in patients with certain types of cancer who experience pain."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Herawati
"Kanker kolorektal merupakan penyakit keganasan yang menduduki posisi ke-empat di Indonesia. Salah satu penatalaksanaan kanker kolorektal adalah pembedahan. Pasien pascapembedahan kemungkinan akan mengalami nyeri dengan intensitas yang tinggi. Karya Ilmiah Akhir Ners ini merupakan studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis kasus pasien dengan kanker kolorektal pasca pembedahan laparatomi dan penerapan intervensi relaksasi napas dalam pada manajemen nyeri. Relaksasi napas dalam dilakukan sebagai manajemen nonfarmakologi  nyeri akut pascapembedahan. Penerapan relaksasi napas dalam dilakukan selama tiga hari berturut-turut sampai pasien dipulangkan. Hasil intervensi menunjukan adanya nyeri yang terkontrol pada pasien dibuktikan dengan kemampuan ambulasi pasien yang meningkat dan tanda-tanda vital yang stabil. Penulis merekomendasikan pemberian relaksasi napas untuk manajemen nyeri nonfarmakologis pada pasien pascapembedahan khususnya laparatomi.

Colorectal cancer is the fourth position in cancer disease in Indonesia. One of the treatments for colorectal cancer is surgery. Post operative patients will likely experience pain of high intensity. This paper is a case study which aimed to analyse cases of patients with colorectal cancer after laparotomy surgery and the implementation of deep breath relaxation for pain management. Deep breathing relaxation is implemented as non-pharmacological management of post operative acute pain. The deep breath relaxation intervention is was conducted  for three consecutive days until the patient was discharged. The results showed that the pain can be controlled which was shown by the increased of patient ambulation and stable vital signs. The author recommend giving breath relaxation for nonpharmacological pain management in post aoperative patients, especially patient with laparotomy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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