ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang terhadap prospek liberalisasi jasa dibidang pos dalam
lingkup General Agreement On Trade In Service (GATS), kendala dan manfaatnya bagi
Indonesia. Tahapan-tahapan liberalisasi jasa bidang pos di Indonesia dan hal-hal yang terkait
dalam penyusunan Schedule Specific of Commitment (SoC).
Penelitian thesis ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, karena penelitian ini menitik
beratkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematis hukum, dan
sikronisasi hukum dengan jalan menganalisis dan kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap
prospek liberalisasi industri dibidang jasa pos. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan
menggunakan metode preskiptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini
Indonesia belum membuka jasa khususnya bidang pos. Peraturan Nasional Indonesia di bidang
jasa khususnya bidang pos merupakan landasan dalam penentuan komitmen Indonesia dalam
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the prospects of liberalization in the field of postal services within the scope
of the General Agreement On Trade In Services (GATS), the constraints and benefits for
Indonesia. Stages of liberalization of the postal services sector in Indonesia and the things
involved in the preparation of the Schedule of Specific Commitment (SoC).
This thesis research is a normative study, because this study focuses on the research literature
that examines the general principles of law, systematic laws, and synchronization with the legal
and policy analysis of the prospects of the government's liberalization of postal services in the
field of industry. Data were analyzed using qualitative methods preskiptif. From the results of
this study indicate that Indonesia has not opened the field of postal services in particular.
Indonesia's National Regulations in the field of postal services sector, particularly in the
determination is the cornerstone of Indonesia's commitment in the GATS-WTO."