"[Dewasa ini muncul berbagai kasus penuntutan mengenai pembukaan rahasia bank di ranah publik oleh Pers dan pembukaan informasi tersebut dianggap mengancam kepentingan negara. Pembukaan rahasia bank khususnya dalam hal ini yang dimiliki pejabat publik. Padahal seharusnya pembukaan rahasia bank tersebut merupakan tolak ukur bagi pengawasan masyarakat terhadap aparatur-aparatur negara yang melakukan tindak pidana seperti korupsi atau praktek pelanggaran hukum lainnya dan Pers muncul sebagai media yang mengakomodir kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut. Dalam mengakses informasi bukan hanya Pers lembaga swadaya masyarakat seperti Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) juga memiliki kesulitan dalam mendapatkan suatu informasi publik berkaitan suatu instansi pemerintahan atau pejabat-pejabat publiknya.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
, Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.