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Dwi Lestari Effriana
"Latar Belakang : Pekerja di PT X banyak yang bekerja dengan sikap tubuh berdiri, yang jika dipertahankan dalam waktu lama akan dapat menyebabkan gangguan muskuloskeletal yaitu berupa nyeri tungkai bawah (NTB). Pada penelitian pendahuluan di perusahaan tersebut ditemukan 42,3% mengalami NTB, sehingga perlu diketahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan NTB tersebut.
Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian adalah kros seksional, dengan 107 orang responden yang merupakan total populasi yang memenuhi kriteria umur dan masa kerja. Data diperoleh melalui wawaneara, pemeriksaan fisik dan pengamatan sikap tubuh pada waktu kerja yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2005.
Hasil : Didapatkan prevalensi NTB 46,7 %, dan dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan responden yang sikap berdiri statis 39 orang (36,44%). Faktor-faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan NTB adalah sikap tubuh berdiri statis (OR= 8,01), kemudian bagian pekerjaan di finishing ( OR=3,88) dan umur X30 tahun (OR = 0,31).
Kesimpulan dan Saran : Prevalensi NTB cukup tinggi ( 46,7 %) dan faktor sikap tubuh yang paling berhubungan dengan NTB adalah sikap tubuh berdiri statis sedangkan faktor-faktor lain yang berhubungan adalah bagian pekerjaan difinishing dan umur >30 tahun. Pekerja perlu diberi pelatihan tentang sikap tubuh yang baik dan benar agar pekerja lebih sering merubah sikap berdiri statis menjadi sikap berdiri dinamis saat bekerja.

Back ground : Many workers in PT X are working with standing posture. If this standing position is maintained for along time, it can cause musculoskeletal problem among other lower extremity pain. A preliminary study found that 42,3% workers have Lower Extremity Pain. This study will find out what are the risk factors that are associated with the symptom.
Methodology : The research design was cross sectional. Total samples were 107 workers, which is the total population that meets the age & work period criteria. Data was collected by interview, physical examination and visual observation of working posture in June 2005.
Result: Prevalence of Lower Extremity Pain (LEP) was 46,7%, observation of working posture showed 39 worker (36,44%) of worked with static standing posture. The factor has the highest association with Lower Extremity Pain is static standing posture (OR=S, 01) followed by workers in the finishing department (OR=3,88) and age more than 30 year (OR=0,31).
Conclusion : Prevalence of LEP is hight ( 46,7%). Related factors are static standing posture and are finishing department were static posture while working, workers who?s working in the finishing department and age more than 30 years. Recommendation : The workers should be trained in proper work position and change to dynamic standing position from static position.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Areska Ramadhan
Studi literatur menemukan bahwa parameter gait telah stabil di umur 20 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetauhi apakah ada hubungan antara panjang kaki dan panjang langkah pada orang dewasa muda. Desain potong-melintang digunakan untuk penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan data primer dari subyek di Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia di usia 18-22. Subyek akan diminta untuk menandatangani informed consent, dan diukur berat badan, tinggi badan, panjang langkah, dan panjang tungkai. Semua data akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 23. Hasil analisis menemukan laki-laki memiliki ukuran panjang tungkai lebih panjang dari perempuan 89.42 4.42 cm, 85.14 3.40 cm; p 0,05 . Peneliti menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara panjang langkah dan panjang kaki dalam kelompok laki-laki p 0,05, r = 0,142 . Peneliatan ini menemukan korelasi antara panjang langkah dan panjang tungkai pada laki-laki, namun tidak pada perempuan. Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil adalah kecepatan berjalan bebas di tanah dan obesitas.

Literature study found that the gait parameters are already stabilized in the age of 20. This study aims to see whether there is correlation between leg length and step length in young adult. Cross sectional study design is used in this study using primary data from subjects in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia in the age of 18 22. Subjects will be asked to sign the informed consent, then researcher will measure the weight, height, step length, and leg length. Data will be analyzed using SPSS version 23. Data obtained shows male have a higher leg length measurement than female 89.42 4.42 cm, 85.14 3.40 cm p 0.05 and male step length is not differ than female 62.31 6.90 cm, 61.79 6.43 cm p 0.05 . Researcher found a significant relationship between step length and leg length in male p 0.05, r 0.414 . In contrary, female shows no correlation between the two variables p 0.05, r 0.142 . Correlation between step length and leg length was found in male, however not in female. Factors that may contributed to the results could be due to free walking speed ground and overweight. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Krismawanto
"Kejadian sindroma kompartemen akibat latihan atau aktivitas berlebihan (Exertional Compartment Syndrome ) yang biasa terjadi pada tungkai bawah, di Indonesia belum pernah dilaporkan. Ini bisa disebabkan memang tidak pernah terjadi atau sistem pendataan yang kurang baik.
Dari pengukuran tekanan intrakompartemen anterior tungkai bawah pada siswa calon bintara Polri di SPN Pontianak, sebanyak 63 siswa didapatkan tekanan intrakompartemen sebelum exercise rata-rata 7,3 mmHg dan setekah exercise dengan Ian selama 20 merit didapatkan tekanan rata-rata 10,9 mmHg pada 1 menit setelah selesai lari, dan tekanan rata-rata 8,0 mmHg 5 menit setelah selesai lari.
Peningkatan tekanan tersebut masih di bawah 15 mmHg yang merupakan batas tekanan sebelum exercise pada orang yang potensial terjadi exertional compartment syndrome kraals sesuai kriteria dari Pedowitz.
Dengan demikian dapat diperldrakan bahwa orang Indonesia memiliki batas anibang yang cukup tinggi untuk terjadinya sindroma kompartemen yang disebabkan oleh latihan atau aktivitas berlebihan.

Incident of the Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the lower leg, there is no case had been report in Indonesia. May be threre is no case or no data in Indonesia.
Pre and post exercise pressure of the anterior compartment of the lower leg has been measure from 63 students in military basic training Indonesian Police Department at Pontianak Police Training. Mean pre exrcise pressure is 7,3 mmHg ; one minute post exercise pressure is 10,9 mmHg ; five minute post exercise pressure is 8,0 mmHg.
The result is under value from Pedowitz criteria of Exertional Compaertinent Syndrome. Pre or post exercise still at 15 mmHg lowest than Pedowitz criteria I was assumed Indonesian people had high critical value to be exertional compartment syndrome.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rama Devarie Likumahwa
"Nyeri tungkai bawah adalah salah satu keluhan muskuloskeletal yang sering dialami para penjahit industri garmen UMKM. Menurut penelitian- penelitian yang sudah ada sebelumnya, diketahui bahwa baik stretching ataupun mini-break mampu mengurangi keluhan muskuloskeletal pada pekerja, namun belum pernah ada yang meneliti efektivitas kedua intervensi tersebut pada penjahit industri garmen. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi Experimental, dan menggunakan desain two-group pre test-post test. Penelitian ini melibatkan 70 orang subyek penelitian, yang terbagi menjadi 33 orang pada ruang kerja 1, dan 37 orang pada ruang kerja 2. Sebelum diberikan intervensi, terlebih dahulu diambil skor VAS pre- intervensi dari seluruh subyek penelitian, kemudian para subyek mengikuti program intervensi sesuai ruang kerjanya, dimana pada ruang kerja 1 akan diberikan intervensi stretching, dan ruang kerja 2 akan diberikan intervensi mini- break. Kedua intervensi dilaksanakan oleh subyek penelitian selama 2 minggu. Setelah pemberian intervensi, akan dilakukan kembali pengukuran nilai VAS post- intervensi untuk menilai efektivitas dari program intervensi yang telah diberikan. Data-data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik untuk menilai perbandingan efektivitas kedua kelompok intervensi. Hasil: Terdapat nilai median  selisih VAS pre- post intervensi sebesar 4 pada kelompok stretching, dan nilai median selisih VAS sebesar 2 pada kelompok mini- break. Dari hasil analisis perbedaan penurunan nyeri tungkai bawah antara kelompok intervensi stretching dan kelompok intervensi mini- break diperoleh hasil nilai p <0,001, yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara nilai median selisih VAS kelompok stretching dan selisih VAS kelompok mini- break yang signifikan secara statistik. Kesimpulan:  Terdapat penurunan nyeri tungkai bawah setelah pemberian program stretching ataupun pemberian mini- break, namun begitu, efek pengurangan nyeri setelah pemberian stretching lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemberian mini-break

Lower leg pain is one of the musculoskeletal problem that often felt by a sewing worker of a MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) garment industries. According to previous research, it is known that either stretching or mini- break were able to reduce musculoskeletal problem in workers, but there has never been any research about the effectiveness of both interventions in reducing pain, specifically in lower leg in a sewing worker of a garment industry. Methods: Quasi experimental studies was applied, and using a two group pre test- post test design. This research involved 70 subjects, that was divided into 33 persons in workroom 1, and 37 persons in workroom 2. Before intervention was given to subjects, a pre- intervention VAS were collected first, then subjects followed the intervention program, correspond to their workroom. Stretching intervention was given to subjects in workroom 1, and mini- break intervention was given to subjects in workroom 2. Both intervention were given to the subjects for 2 weeks. After the intervention has been given, the post- intervention VAS was measured to assess the effectiveness of the given interventions. Collected datas will be analyzed using a statistical test to assess the comparison of effectiveness within the intervention groups. Result: From this research, a VAS differences median score of 4 at stretching group, and VAS differences median score of 2 at mini-break group were found. From the analysis of lower leg pain reduction comparison between stretching group and mini- break group, we found a p score <0,001, which means there was a statistically significant difference between VAS difference median score of stretching group and VAS difference median score of mini- break group. Conclusion: There were reduction of lower leg pain after stretching or mini- break programs were given, however, the effect of pain reduction after stretching program was better than mini- break."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Putra Asmoro
"Latar Belakang: Dalam diagnosis varises vena tungkai bawah (VVTB), venous clinical severity score (VCSS) merupakan alat bantu diagnosis VVTB yang praktis, cepat, dan dapat dikerjakan oleh semua tenaga kesehatan termasuk perawat. Hingga saat ini belum ada peneliti yang melakukan validasi eksterna penilaian VCSS yang dikerjakan oleh perawat di Indonesia.
Tujuan: Mengetahui tingkat ketepatan metode skor VCSS oleh perawat dibandingkan dengan komponen klinis (C) klasifikasi clinical-etiology-anatomy-pathophysiology (CEAP) oleh dokter spesialis bedah vaskular.
Metode: Studi cross-sectional ini mengikutsertakan 63 orang perawat instalasi bedah pusat RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tanpa varises sebelum menjadi perawat sebagai sampel yang diambil secara consecutive Penilaian VCSS dilakukan dengan komponen klinis klasifikasi CEAP sebagai pembanding. Variabel dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square, dilanjutkan dengan uji nilai sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif (NDP), nilai duga negatif (NDN), likelihood ratio dan akurasi skor diagnostik, termasuk analisis uji diagnostik menggunakan indeks Youden.
Hasil: Prevalensi VVTB pada studi ini berdasarkan skor VCSS adalah 9,5%. Korelasi antara klasifikasi CEAP dan VCSS ditemukan bermakna (p<0,05). Derajat VVTB antara klasifikasi CEAP dan VCSS berhubungan secara signifikan (p <0,05). Pada cut-offVCSS 2 didapatkan nilai sensitivitas 66,67%, spesifisitas 66,67 %, NDP 32,0%, NDN 89,47%, likelihood ratio (+) sebesar 2,00, likelihood ratio (-) sebesar 0,50, dan akurasi 66,67%.
Kesimpulan: Skor VCSS memiliki akurasi lemah terhadap komponen klinis (C) klasifikasi CEAP untuk menegakkan diagnosis VVTB.

Background: In the diagnosis of lower leg varicose veins (LLVV), the venous clinical severity score (VCSS) is practical, fast, and can be done by all health workers including nurses. Until now there has been no researcher who has conducted external validation of the VCSS assessment carried out by nurses in Indonesia.
Aim: To determine the accuracy of the VCSS scoring method by nurses compared to clinical component (C) of the clinical-etiology-anatomy-pathophysiology (CEAP) classification by vascular surgeons.
Method: This cross-sectional study included 63 nurses at the central surgical installation of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital without varicose veins before becoming a nurse as a consecutive sample. The VCSS assessment was carried out with the clinical component of CEAP classification as a comparison. Variables were analyzed by the Chi-square test. Followed by testing the value of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), likelihood ratio, and accuracy of diagnostic scores, along with the ROC analysis using Youden Index.
Results and Discussion: The prevalence of LLVV in this study is 9,5%. Bivariate analysis of CEAP and VCSS has a significant correlation (p <0,05). The degree of LLVV with CEAP and VCSS is related significantly (p <0,05). With VCSS cut off at scores of 2, the sensitivity is 66.67%, the specificity is 66.67%, the PPV is 32,0%, the NPV is 89.47%, the positive and negative likelihood ratio are 2.00 and 0.50, and the accuracy value is 66.67%.
Conclusion: The VCSS score has weak level of accuracy against the clinical component (C)  of CEAP classification for diagnosing VVTB.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Prasetiowati
Pendahuluan. Masalah gizi pada anak tidak hanya gizi kurang tetapi juga gizi lebih, termasuk berat badan berlebih dan obesitas. Status gizi anak dapat dinilai menggunakan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Perbedaan IMT dapat mengakibatkan perubahan anatomik akibat adanya peningkatan beban tubuh sehingga mempengaruhi performa motorik termasuk keseimbangan postur, kekuatan otot dan lokomosi. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh IMT terhadap keseimbangan postur dan kekuatan otot tungkai atas serta mengetahui adanya korelasi antara keseimbangan postur dengan kekuatan otot tungkai atas pada anak 8 – 10 tahun. Metode. 63 anak usia 8 – 10 tahun terbagi dalam 3 kelompok IMT normal, IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT obesitas. Pengukuran keseimbangan dengan single leg balance test pada MatScan dan didapatkan hasil area centre of pressure (COP). Kekuatan otot isometrik dari ektensor panggul dan ektensor lutut diukur menggunakan hand-held dynamometer. Hasil. Area COP pada anak obesitas lebih besar signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.004) dan anak normal (p = 0.000). Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara kekuatan ekstensor panggul anak dengan IMT obesitas daripada IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT normal yang tidak signifikan (p = 0,527). Kekuatan ekstensor lutut anak obesitas lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.038) dan anak normal (p = 0.001). Namun tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara area COP dengan kekuatan otot ekstensor panggul dan ekstensor lutut. Kesimpulan. Anak obesitas memperlihatkan penurunan keseimbangan postur dan peningkatan kekuatan otot ekstensor lutut dibandingkan dengan anak berat badan berlebih dan berat badan normal. Tidak ada korelasi signifikan antara keseimbangan dan kekuatan otot.

Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.;Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength., Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyityasmono Tri Nugroho
"[Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) merupakan sumbatan aliran darah arteri selain koroner dan intrakranial. PAP dihasilkan dari proses atherosklerosis, emboli, trombus, dan inflamasi yang mengarah ke stenosis arteri. PAP asimptomatik menempati 3-10% populasi dunia, dan meningkat hingga 15-20% pada 70 tahun ke atas. Divisi kami mencatat 18,1-24,7% pasien kaki diabetik dengan PAP mengalami amputasi pada kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir. Evaluasi ultrasonografi Doppler pada arteri utama ekstremitas bawah diharapkan mampu mendeteksi secara dini apakah pasien akan diamputasi atau tidak baik mayor maupun minor. Metode yang diambil adalah analitik komparatif kategorik independen dengan disain penelitian kohort retrospektif. Selama Januari 2010 hingga Desember 2011 didapatkan 24 pasien yang masuk kriteria inklusi. Arteri yang diperiksa a.femoralis, a.poplitea, a.tibialis posterior, dan a.dorsalis pedis dengan tampilan spektral mulai dari monofasik, bifasik, atau trifasik terutama dengan pelebaran spektral. Ultrasonografi salah satu modalitas ?operator dependent?, untuk mengurangi bias, peneliti menggunakan operator ultrasonografi adalah peneliti sendiri, trainee atau konsultan divisi kami. Hasil didapatkan spektral bifasik hingga monofasik pada a.femoralis 25,0%, a.poplitea 58,3%, a.tibialis posterior 41,6%, a.dorsalis pedis 45,8%, angka amputasi mayor dan minor masing-masing 4%. Perhitungan statistik didapatkan untuk a.femoralis p=0,054 (95% CI), a.poplitea p=0,006 (95% CI), a.tibialis posterior p=0,010 (95% CI), dan a.dorsalis pedis p=0,021 (95% CI). Secara statistik, prediksi amputasi dapat bermakna pada ultrasonografi Doppler pada a.poplitea, a.tibialis posterior, dan a.dorsalis pedis. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi Doppler penting dilakukan pada setiap pasien PAP untuk mengevaluasi secara khusus keadaan empat arteri utama ekstremitas bawah pasien dan untuk prediktor amputasi
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss., BACKGROUND
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation.
Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division.
Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI).
Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.]
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oldi Dedya
Latar Belakang: Mengukur berat badan pada kondisi tertentu pada pasien geriatri sulit untuk dilakukan sehingga diperlukan suatu alat bantu baru murah dan mudah yang dapat digunakan untuk mengestimasi berat badan aktual pada seorang geriatri.Tujuan: Mendapatkan faktor yang berperan terhadap estimasi berat badan aktual serta mendapatkan rumus estimasi berat badan aktual pada pasien geriatri.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap 150 pasien geriatri yang berobat di Poliklinik Geriatri RSCM periode Juli 2016. Pasien dengan overload cairan, riwayat amputasi tungkai, imobilitas, instabilitas, tidak dapat mengikuti perintah, riwayat operasi ganti sendi lutut atau total hip replacement, dan menolak diikutsertakan, dieksklusi dari penelitian ini. Pengukuran yang dilakukan adalah penimbangan berat tungkai, pengukuran lingkar lengan atas, pengukuran lingkar perut, dan pengukuran lingkar paha. Uji korelasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berperan terhadap estimasi berat badan aktual. Uji regresi linear dilakukan untuk memperoleh rumus estimasi berat badan aktual pada geriatri.Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian dilakukan pada 70 pria dan 80 wanita dengan usia rerata 70 tahun dengan indeks masa tubuh rerata 24,67 kg/m2. Hasil uji korelasi berat badan aktual terhadap berat tungkai adalah 0,91. Hasil tersebut akan lebih tinggi pada wanita dengan r = 0,95 dan pada pria r = 0,83. Lingkar perut pada pria diketahui memiliki korelasi terhadap berat badan dengan r = 0,85. Rumus estimasi berat badan aktual yang didapat = 16,262 12,414 berat tungkai. Formula tersebut dapat memprediksi keluaran sebesar 81 p

Background In Elderly, weight measurement in specific condition can be difficult, so we need a new cheap and easy tool that can be used to estimate the actual body weight on a geriatric.Objective Obtain a factors that contributes to estimate actual body weight. Make a formula for body weight estimation in geriatric patients.Methods This study is a cross sectional study on 150 geriatric patients who seek treatment at the Geriatric clinic RSCM period of July 2016. Patients with fluid overload, limb amputations, immobility, instability, can not follow orders, history replace the knee joint surgery or total hip replacement, and refused to involve the research were excluded from this study. Lower limbs weight measurement, upper arm circumference, abdominal circumference measurement, and the measurement of thigh circumference were taken in this study. Correlation test was conducted to determine the factors that contribute to the estimated actual weight. Linear regression analysis was conducted to obtain the actual body weight estimation formula in geriatrics.Results This study involve 70 man and 80 woman with average age is 70 and average body mass index is 24,67 kg m2. The correlation for actual weight to the weight of the lower limb is 0.91. The result would be higher if differentiated into women with r 0.95, and r 0.83 in men. Abdominal circumference in men have strong correlation with actual body weight r 0.85. Estimated actual body weight formula 16.262 12.414 weight of the lower limb. The formula can predict the output by 81 p"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adiputra
"Pendahuluan: Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas Kinesio Tape dan Sham Taping terhadap performa ekstremitas bawah atlet voli. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan taping tidak hanya meningkatkan performa atlet tetapi juga dapat menurunkan angka cedera atlet voli. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan single-blind randomized clinical trial dengan menilai efektivitas penggunaan taping pada jangka waktu 20 menit, 24 jam dan 72 jam dan hubungannya terhadap performa atlet voli sehat. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 38 orang dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki dan kondisi atlet voli sehat tanpa faktor risiko. Seluruh subjek dilakukan randomisasi acak dengan aplikasi untuk membagi menjadi 2 kelompok, kelompok intervensi (Kinesio tape) dan kelompok kontrol (Sham Taping). Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi Kinesio Tape memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan Sham Taping dalam hal pengukuran body reaction time, pengukuran daya ledak otot, pengukuran kekuatan otot dengan leg dynamometer, pengukuran fleksibilitas otot dengan sit and reach test dan pada pengukuran agility dengan modified agility T test. Kesimpulan: Kinesio tape terbukti efektif dalam mempersingkat waktu body reaction time, meningkatkan daya ledak otot, meningkatkan kekuatan otot, meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot dan meningkatkan agility.

Background: To assess the effectiveness of Kinesio Tape and Sham Taping on the performance of the lower extremities of volleyball athletes. This research shows that the use of taping not only improves athlete performance but also reduce incidence rate of athlete injury. Method: Research used a single-blind randomized clinical trial by assessing the effectiveness of using taping over a period of 20 minutes, 24 hours and 72 hours and its relationship to the performance of healthy volleyball athletes. The subjects of this research were 38 people, with characteristics male and healthy volleyball athletes without risk factors. All subjects were randomly assigned with an application to divide them into 2 groups, the intervention group (Kinesio tape) and the control group (Sham Taping). Result: The results of this study show that Kinesio Tape intervention provides better results than Sham Taping in terms of measuring body reaction time, measuring muscle explosive power, measuring muscle strength with a leg dynamometer, measuring muscle flexibility with the sit and reach test and measuring agility with modified agility T test. Conclusion: Kinesio tape has proven to be effective in shortening body reaction time, increasing muscle explosive power, increasing muscle strength, increasing muscle flexibility and increasing agility."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raja Fitrah Aulia Nurpalah
"Studi analisis ini merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk menganalisis dan menghitung kekuatan tegangan tendon dan besar beban ekternal dari lingkungan untuk menghindari terjadinya failure pada perencanaan dan perancangan TLP agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal serta bangunan dapat bertahan dalam jangka waktu 100 tahun (lifetime design). Guna mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud, harus dilakukan analisis terhadap pembebanan pada struktur TLP sendiri, beban angin, arus, jenis soil, dan beban ombak yang diderita TLP dalam kondisi kritis yaitu pada kondisi badai 100 tahunan di tempat operasional. Adapun hasil analisis ini menyatakan bahwa kekuatan tegangan tendon pada TLP yaitu 239.105.642,12 N/m2 dan hal ini sesuai dengan standar sehingga mampu diterapkan di laut dalam Wilayah Timur Kalimantan, Indonesia.

This analysis study is an activity to analyze and calculate about the tendon tensile strength of Tension Leg Platform (TLP) and the value of external load to avoid a failure in planning and designing it in order to obtain optimal results, and this building can survive within period 100 years (lifetime design). To achieve this intended goal, should be analyzed internal load on the structure, wind load, currents load, soil type, and wave load in critical condition (100 years storm condition) of operational place. The result of this analysis states the tendon tensile strength is 239.105.642,12 N/m2, it shall be appropriate with the standards an regulations, so the TLP can be applied for deep water on Eastern Region of Kalimantan, Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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