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Ditemukan 8638 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Walker, Orville C.
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006
658.8 MAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Walker, Orville C.
"Marketing Strategy, 8e is a focused, succinct text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book. It covers the concepts and theories of creating and implementing a marketing strategy and offers a focus on the strategic planning process and marketing?s cross/inter-functional relationships. This text distinguishes itself from competitors by maintaining a strong approach to strategic decision making. The eighth edition helps students integrate what they have learned about analytical tools and the 4P?s of marketing within a broader framework of competitive strategy. Four key and relevant trends that are sweeping the world of marketing theory and practice are integrated throughout this new edition."
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014
658.802 WAL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perreault, William D.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014
658.8 PER b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edelina Melisa
"Peningkatan daya beli di masyarakat mengakibatkan persaingan di pasar menjadi semakin ketat. Produsen harus senantiasa berinovasi dan memberikan added value terhadap produknya agar dapat memenangkan pangsa pasar dan mempertahankan eksistensinya. Salah satu aspek utama dalam strategi pemasaran adalah promosi, dimana promosi menjadi salah satu faktor difusi dalam proses adopsi konsumen terhadap produk baru. Faktor difusi lainnya dalam proses adopsi konsumen adalah adanya fenomena word of mouth yang juga memainkan peran besar.
Skripsi ini menyajikan pemahaman atas pengaruh dan interaksi antara variabel-variabel yang menjadi faktor difusi dalam proses adopsi konsumen yang merupakan pengembangan dari Bass Diffusion Model, dengan pendekatan sistem dinamis. Sehingga sebagai hasilnya akan diberikan strategi promosi yang paling efektif dan efisien untuk produk consumer goods yang baru diluncurkan.

Increase in purchasing power has been causing a tight competition in the marketplace. Producer must constantly innovate and give added value to their products in order to gain market share and maintain its existence through marketing strategy. One of the main aspects in marketing strategy is promotion, which also one of diffusion factors in consumer adoption process. Another diffusion factor in consumer adoption process is the word of mouth phenomenon, which plays a great role in it.
This research presents an understanding of the interaction of variables in diffusion factors and its influence in consumer adoption process using a system dynamics model developed from the Bass Diffusion Model. At the end, the result will be given as a better, effective, and efficient promotion strategy for newly launched consumer goods product.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Suyanto
Yogyakarta: Andi, 2007
658.84 Suy m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Citra Masulili
This thesis identified a not-for-profit business model strategy that is mostly
focuses on covering costs rather than optimizing profitability or revenue. To be
able to compete in the future, Not-for-profit hospitals must embrace best practices
of the for-profit and develop a cost limitation strategy to increasing revenue. This
research was taken in one of class B-government own hospital in North of Jakarta,
RSUD Koja. Using a qualitative-descriptive approach through interview,
questionnaires and observations, this research proven that not-for-profit
organization such as RSUD Koja has beginning to competitively generate profit
without having to rely on government subsidies by developing a sounding
marketing strategy, especially in pricing. Based on Internal ? External Matrix and
TOWS analysis for three major units in the hospitals; Emergency, Inpatient and
Outpatient Unit, we found several improvement in service quality as well as in
their human capital in order to achieve a competitive independent hospital."
T 28092
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudia Sonia Sofyan
"Jakarta Aesthetic Clinic (JAC) menggunakan influencers dalam pelaksanaan Electroning Word of Mouth Marketing sebagai bentuk Social Media Marketing. Video Youtube "Beautiful Transformation Series with Mrs. Soraya Hylmi" dan highlight Instagram Donna Agnesia merupakan dua contoh konten eWOM yang diunggah oleh JAC. Makalah ini menganalisis kedua konten tersebut dengan tujuan untuk melihat apakah JAC telah menerapkan konsep eWOM dalam pembuatan konten. Dalam menganalisis kedua konten, penulis menggunakan konsep Social Media Marketing, Social Media Influencers, dan Electronic Word of Mouth. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Konsep 5T seperti talkers, topics, tools, taking part, tracking dan dimensi eWOM seperti kredibilitas sumber, kualitas argumen, tipe review, recomendation sideness, dan visual cue digunakan untuk menganalisis kedua konten yang disebutkan di atas. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konsep 5T dan dimensi eWOM sendiri telah terpenuhi dalam kedua konten, hanya saja masing-masing konten memiliki kelemahan dalam hal taking part dan tracking.

Jakarta Aesthetic Clinic (JAC) uses influencers in the implementation of Electroning Word of Mouth Marketing as a form of Social Media Marketing. The Youtube video "Beautiful Transformation Series with Mrs. Soraya Hylmi" and Donna Agnesia's Instagram highlight are two examples of eWOM content uploaded by JAC. This paper analyzes those two content in order to see if JAC has implemented the eWOM concept in content creation. In analyzing the two content, the writer uses the concept of Social Media Marketing, Social Media Influencers, and Electronic Word of Mouth. The method used is literature study. 5T concepts such as speaker, topic, tool, taking part, tracking and eWOM dimensions such as source credibility, quality of argument, type of review, recommended sideness, and visual cues are used to analyze the two content above. The results of the analysis shows that most of the 5T concepts and eWOM dimensions themselves have been fulfilled in both content, however, each content has weaknesses in terms of taking part and tracking."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The global changes in all sectors open a tight competitions among hospitals which create a much higher need of a marketing strategy. Until now the marketing department was not yet established in the PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital. In this study we conduct three step in determining the marketing strategy. The first step analyzed the overall study on hospital comprising the organization, the missions, the product and the appearance. The second step was a the costumer's opinion survey that included demographical characteristics. The last step conducted a SWOT analysis and determining the hospital position. Following those steps then the marketing strategy was determined.
The results of the analysis showed that the marketing oriented was not applied. It was found that the market segment consist of low to middle level of sosioeconomical society, comprising private workers, farmer, private laborer, retired worker, government workers and armed-forces. Majority of the customers were Moslem (96.05%). All the specialist doctors were not fulltimes and not optimally botwating or (96.05%). All the specialist doctors were not fulltimes and not optimally botwating or promotions patients to be hospital customers. The results of the poll gave, in general, sufficient hospital services, Although there were some bad comment which needed further action. At present the hospital is developing skin cosmetic surgery. The hospital is at present in the position to raise the manpower and the hospital physical building.
As a follow up; the hospital her sit three objectives for improvement, which are to make the hospital more popular and serve to be chosen, and give better 2 valith of services. The program of the marketing strategy consist of establishing the marketing department, improving and training the manpowers. As a follow up of the marketing audit , hospital introduce to all related hospital staffs, the goal of the organization the position of the target markets, and prepare alternatives concerning product, price, place, promotion.

Arus perubahan di era globalisasi memberikan dampak persaingan antar rumah sakit menjadi semakin diperlukan. Namun sampai saat ini rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah ternyata belum memiliki lembaga yang secara khusus mengelola bidang pemasaran. Dalam upaya penetapan strategi pemasaran, dilakukan analisis pertama gambaran umum rumah sakit baik menyangkut organisasi, visi, dan misi serta produk dan penampilan tahap kedua analisis konsumen terhadap layanan jasa rumah sakit. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan analisis SWOT, dan penentuan posisi rumah sakit. Atas dasar itu dibuat penetapan kebijakan strategi pemasaran.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rumah sakit belum berorientasi pada pemasaran. Segmen pasar terdiri atas golongan ekonomi menengah kebawah dengan jenis pekerjaan swasta, petani, buruh, pensiunan, pegawai negeri/ABRI. Sebagian besar konsumen beragama Islam (96,05). Seluruh dokter spesialis sebagai dokter tamu dan belum optimal menjadi motivator dan atau promotor acuan kedatangan konsumen ke rumah sakit. Terhadap kualitas layanan, sebagian besar konsumen berpendapat cukup, bahkan terdapat nilai kurang dan buruk. Ini berarti perlunya peningkatan kualitas layanan. Rumah sakit sedang mengembangkan bedah kosmetik kulit. Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah pada posisi yang memerlukan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan sarana fisik.
Sebagai saran dibuat rumusan tujuan rumah sakit yaitu agar lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat, pantas untuk dipilih dan dapat menyajikan pelayanan jasa kesehatan yang berkualitas. Strategi program meliputi pembentukan badan yang mengelola pemasaran, penambahan dan pelatihan tenaga. Tindakan lanjut dari audit pemasaran adalah memasyarakatkan tujuan organisasi kepada seluruh jajaran rumah sakit yang terlibat, pemahaman keadaan pasar sasaran, dan disusun alternatif pengembangan menyangkut produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Elma Widyaningrum
Untuk membantu pengembangan Kampung Batik Laweyan sebagai salah satu pusat penjualan batik khususnya batik tulis dan cap maka dilakukan penelitian terhadap Kampung Batik Laweyan tujuannya agar dapat mengetahui dan menganalisis langkah-langkah yang telah dilakukan dan diharapkan hasil analisis dapat dijadikan bahan untuk memberi masukan berharga dalam penyusunan strategi pemasaran Kampung Batik Laweyan di Solo. Positioning dilakukan dengan menetapkan strategi Differentation, dengan tujuan memberikan
value yang lebih kepada pembeli, dimana pernyataan Positioning yang
ditampilkan oleh Kampung Batik Laweyan adalah "membeli dengan
pengalaman". Tujuannya agar Kampung Batik Laweyan diasosiasikan sebagai tempat penjualan batik yang juga menyediakan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam dunia batik. Strategi promosi yang dapat diterapkan di berdasarkan analisis dan kebutuhan yang ada maka strategi promosi yang diperlukan adalah dengan menggunakan cara kombinasi promosi antara metode personal selling dan sales promotion.

To help the development of Kampung Batik Laweyan as a batik sales
center at Solo especially writing batik and batik cap, therefore a writer make a research to Kampung Batik Laweyan with the objective to know and analysis a step that has been done and hopefully the result of the analysis can be a substance material to arrange or to making marketing strategic at Kampung Batik Laweyan, Solo. Kampung Batik Laweyan based on this research, better to use a differentiation strategy with the objective to giving a value to it?s customer, with a positioning statement "membeli dengan pengalaman" the purpose for this
statement is to associate that there is more that buyers get when they doing the activity of buying batik at Kampung Batik Laweyan, which is an experience to knowing about the knowledge and the history of making batik itself. The promotion strategy that been decide based on the analysis and the requirement from the condition of Kampung Batik Laweyan is by using a promotion combination of Personal selling method and Sales Promotion method."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Richardus Handojo Wiwoho
"Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan Model Strategi Pemasaran Potensi Kawasan dan bagaimana masyarakat di sekitar lokasi berpotensi menjadi audiens sekaligus pelaku pemasaran di kawasan tersebut. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam disertasi ini. Kajian potensi kawasan menggunakan pendekatan pemasaran, sedangkan kajian potensi masyarakat menggunakan studi eksploratori dan pendekatan pembelajaran pilihan bebas (free-choice learning). Untuk studi eksploratori dipilih sepuluh informan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara semi-terstruktur. Untuk validasi dipilih seorang pakar yang memiliki otoritatif di kawasan. Muarajambi digunakan sebagai studi kasus kajian disertasi ini, dalam pengertian bukan memecahkan kasus di Muarajambi, namun Muarajambi dipilih menjadi kasus untuk studi ini.
Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan Muarajambi memiliki potensi untuk menjadi: (1) Cagar budaya (Cultural heritage); (2) Cagar alam (Natural heritage); dan (3) Tempat umum (Public place). Hasil studi eksploratori memperlihatkan bahwa pengunjung datang dengan motivasimotivasi berbeda yang tergantung pada identitasnya yakni: Explorer, Experience Seeker, Facilitator, Proffesional/ Hobbyist dan Recharger.

The objective of this dissertation is to formulate the model of marketing strategy of potential area and how communities around become the audience as well as the marketers of the area. Qualitative research method was used in this dissertation. The study of potential area uses marketing approach, and the study of the audience uses exploratory study and free-choice learning approach. Ten informants were selected for the purpose of exploratory study using semi-structured interviews. An authority figure was selected for the purpose of expert validation. Muarajambi was used as a case study of this dissertation, in the sense of not solving the case in Muarajambi, but Muarajambi was chosen to be the case for this study.
The results obtained showed that Muarajambi has the potential to be: (1) Cultural heritage; (2) Natural heritage; and (3) Public place. The results of exploratory study showed that visitors come with their identityrelated motivations which are: Explorer, Experience Seeker, Facilitator, Proffesional/Hobbyist and Recharger."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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