"Tariff plays an important role in the national development because it traditionally constitutes a source of state revenue and income. Consequently, it must be regulated, managed, controlled and organized so as to benefit the whole country and people. Being the source of national revenue and Income, it becomes an integral part of any business and commercial activity. The tariff serves, in the business world, a consideration and an attraction or a source of excellence for a country. Further, in the intemational trade system, the tariff itself is a kind of tax imposed on imported goods and forms the oldest trade policy used as the source of government earnings.
In a commercial context, telecommunication has become an exchanged commodity and that its policies will refer to free mamet enterprise (free market). Such principles of the free market as equality and transparency are a demand towards the more constructive competition for increasing public welfare and prosperity. Today, many countries reform their tariffs to stimulate their development programs. The reform may take the form of tariff system simplification, strict tariff elimination, and reduction of presumably excessive tariff.
One of the noteworthy tariff policies is that of telecommunication tariff management. That policy is popularly known ?rebalancing tariff' that serves principally to adjust the telephone tariff to costs of its components. Rebalancing Tariff is, in Itself, for a reasonable price in accords with the current trend where local monthly tariff is rising whereas that for direct-dial long distance network and new set of connections is falling.
That government made the policy by using the widely used Price Cap formula in other parts of the world. This formula considers such factors as cost of development, industrial strike, change of exchange rate, investment fund requirement, and customer ability and inflation rate.
From the calculation result, the government raises, then, the tariff of local network, monthly bm and direct-dial long distance network as well. The policy becomes an attraction to investment in the telecommunication services management and infrastructure development. lt goes with the problem facing the telecommunication development in Indonesia, that is, geographical constellattion and demographic condition, investment capacity because the telecommunication is capital- intensive and investment security while the govemment has no longer financed it since 1985.
Therefore, the policy is really directed to invite investors, either foreign or local, and that the government does not any more function as operator but only regulator according to their functions and duties. For the international direct-call with the tariff rebalancing, the organizer as the operator should reduce the cost of utility because it does not depend on the distance and location other than its bandwidth and mobility so as to encourage the state internationalization in its various commodities for the benefits of community, nation and country."