"Sejak pemerintah memberlakukan kebijakan subsidi tetap untuk bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis solar, harga eceran solar bergerak secara cepat dan fluktuatif. Peraturan Presiden No.191 tahun 2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian dan Harga Jual Eceran BBM telah memberi kewenangan kepada Menteri ESDM untuk menetapkan harga dasar dan harga jual eceran BBM, sehingga hampir sebulan sekali terjadi perubahan harga eceran solar.
Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan subsidi tetap harga BBM jenis solar terhadap perubahan harga sembako di Indonesia, dan menganalisis terjadinya transmisi harga antara harga solar dan harga sembako.
Berdasarkan pengujian dengan pendekatan teori Asymmetric Vertical Price Transmission dan model Error Correction (ECM), didapatkan bahwa hubungan antara harga solar dan harga sembako bersifat tidak simetris, yaitu ketika harga solar naik, maka harga telur, beras dan daging ayam naik, namun ketika harga solar turun, harga telur, beras dan daging ayam tidak ikut turun. Harga telur, beras dan daging ayam terkoreksi kembali kepada keseimbangan jangka panjangnya dalam jangka waktu 2 sampai 4 bulan. Sedangkan untuk komoditi jenis gula, susu, minyak goreng dan daging sapi, pergerakan harga keempat komoditi tersebut tidak memiliki hubungan kointegrasi dengan harga solar.
Faktor yang menyebabkan transmisi harga tidak simetris ini adalah kekakuan harga jasa transportasi dan perilaku spekulan yang memiliki market power dalam struktur pasar oligopoli, baik dalam rantai supply telur, beras dan daging ayam, dimana pedagang besar memiliki bargaining yang kuat dalam penentuan harga.
Ever since the government formally issued fixed subsidy policy for diesel fuel, the price of diesel fuel has been very dynamic and volatile. Presidential Decree No.191/2014 has given authority to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for setting a basic price and selling price of diesel fuel. By the policy, the retail price of diesel fuel changes every month. The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the impact of fixed subsidy policy for diesel fuel on basic commodities price in Indonesia, and (2) to analyze price transmission between diesel fuel price and basic commodities price. By using theory of asymmetric vertical price transmission and Error Correction Model (ECM), it can be shown that relations between diesel fuel price and basic commodities price is asymmetrical. It means when diesel fuel price increased, the price of eggs, rice and chicken meat increased accordingly, however, when diesel fuel price decreased, the price of egg, rice and chicken meat did not decrease. The price of egg, rice and chicken meat will be corrected to its long-term equilibrium with the diesel price for 2 to 4 months. Meanwhile, the price of other basic commodities such as sugar, milk, cooking oil and beef have not cointegrated with the diesel fuel price. The asymmetric price transmission between diesel price and some of basic commodities is caused by price rigidity of transportation, and behavior of speculators which have market power in an oligopoly market structure in the supply chain of eggs, rice and chicken meat. In this case, big traders have a strong bargaining power for pricing."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015