"[Desa Jayanti yang merupakan bagian dari Estuari Ci Mandiri bagian utara
memiliki penggunaan tanah yang produktif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan wilayah
pertaniannya yang masih mendominasi. Jumlah penduduk yang kian meningkat
tentunya akan meningkatkan pembangunan dan akan mengurangi jumlah
penggunaan tanah yang produktif sehingga perlu diprioritaskan wilayah mana
yang dapat dimanfaatkan terlebih dahulu. Penentuan prioritas ini dilakukan
berdasarkan valuasi ekonomi penggunaan tanah. Penggunaan tanah pertanian
yang produktif dihitung nilai ekonominya dengan valuasi ekonomi dan dikaitkan
dengan potensi banjir sebagai faktor yang juga mempengaruhi nilai ekonomi
penggunaan tanah. Hasilnya, prioritas utama, prioritas kedua, dan prioritas
terakhir untuk dimanfaatkan berada pada seluruh penggunaan tanah pertanian,
seperti penggunaan tanah sawah 1 kali padi setahun, sawah 1 kali padi setahun
dengan sayuran, sawah 1 kali padi setahun dengan palawija, sawah 3 kali padi
setahun, perkebunan jati dan sengon belum produksi, dan kebun campuran namun
berbeda lokasi pada setiap prioritasnya.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority., Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.]"