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Bila dilihat semenjak didirikannya Sekolah Kedokteran Gigi (Stovia) di Surabaya tahun 1928 maka adanya 2 Guru Besar bidang Periodontologi akan terasa amat langka apalagi bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah dokter gigi yang ada < 10.000 dokter gigi) serta penduduk Indonesia yang 200 juta jiwa. Selama hampir 69 tahun baru ada 2 Guru Besar, namun bila dilihat dart berkembangnya Ilmu ini, maka cabang ilmu Kedokteran Gigi ini merupakan cabang ilmu yang retatif masih baru dikembangkan yaitu sejak tahun 1960. Kelangkaan itu ditambah dengan banyaknya dokter gigi yang kurang berminat masuk di bagian ini, karena secara finanslil dianggap kurang menguntungkan. Kalau Prof. Aryatmo mengatakan bahwa ahli Blologi Kedokteran sama dengan ahli "perkodokan" maka di kalangan dokter gigi menganggap bahwa ahli di bidang Periodontologi sama dengan ahli "perjigongan" (istilah Surabaya ahli "pergudalan"). Namun dengan bertambah majunya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, para dokter gigi sudah menyadari akan pentingnya ilmu ini. Hal ini terbukti dengan banyaknya dokter gigi yang mengambil spesialis bidang periodontologi baik dari kalangan ABRI, Depkes maupun kalangan pendidikan.

Hadirin yang saya hormati

Selama kebanyakan masyarakat hanya mengenal cabut gigi, tambal gigi, gigi palsu dan akhir-akhir ini mulai populer meratakan gigi (ortodonsi) yang oleh kebanyakan remaja sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan status sosial dari orang tuanya karena harganya yang cukup aduhai mahalnya.

Lalu apakah sebenarnya Periodontologi itu ?

Periodontologi yang berasal dad kata Per yang artinya pinggir/sekeliling, odont yang berarti gigi, logi = logos yang berarti ilmu. Jadi Periodontologi adalah ilmu (cabang ilmu kedokteran gigi) yang mempelajari pengetahuan dari jaringan sekitar gigi yang.terdiri dari jaringan gusi, tulang penyangga gigi, jaringan ikat di sekitar gigi dalam keadaan sehat dan sakit, sekaligus melakukan cara pencegahan dan perawatan penyakitnya. Untuk selanjutnya penyakit ini disebut "penyakit periodontal".

Berbagai penelitian menjelaskan bahwa penyakit periodontal ditandai dengan terjadinya kerusakan tulang dan dalam keadaan lanjut gigi menjadi goyang. Terjadinya kegoyangan gigi sering kurang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat karena tidak disertai rasa sakit. Kegoyangan gigi yang tidak/kurang diperhatikan maka lama-kelamaan akan lepas dengan sendirinya.

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Jakarta: UI-Press, 1997
PGB 0448
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Nurul Mustaqimah

Berdasarkan sejumlah hasil penelitian di luar negeri ditemukan bahwa beberapa orang dewasa muda menderita penyakit periodontitis agresif. Saya memilih judul ini karena ternyata di Indonesia pun ditemukan adanya individu dewasa muda, baik dari kalangan sosial ekonomi rendah maupun sosial ekonomi menengah ke atas, yang menderita penyakit periodontitis agresif ini, yaitu geligi menjadi goyang hingga tanggal pada usia dini, remaja, atau dewasa muda. Prayitno (1990) meneliti pada 592 petani pemetik teh di Puncak dan Bandung serta pada 747 mahasiswa UI dari 10 fakultas yang semuanya berumur 18-30 tahun. Meskipun higiene mulut kelompok petani lebih buruk daripada kelompok mahasiswa, namun ditemukan tidak adanya perbedaan prevalensi kejadian penyakit periodontitis agresif pada kedua kelompok tersebut, yaitu 4,2% pada petani dan 3,9% pada mahasiswa. Untuk kejelasannya, saya akan membahas secara singkat mengenai jaringan periodonsium, macam penyakit, prevalensi, faktor-faktor risiko yang dapat menyebabkan atau memodifikasi penyakit periodontal, kecepatan progresi, serta patogenesis proses pengrusakannya.

Jaringan Periodonsium dan Macam Penyakit Periodontal

Jaringan periodonsium terdiri dari jaringan gingiva, ligamen perio. dontal, scmentum, dan tulang alveolar yang menyangga gigi di tempatnya. Penyakit periodontal mencakup gingivitis dan periodontitis. Gingivitis merupakan keadaan keradangan pada jaringan lunak di sekitar gigi sebagai respons imun langsung terhadap plak bakteri yang terbentuk di dekatnya. Periodontitis akan menyertai gingivitis, tergantung pada respon imun dan keadaan keradangan individu bersangkutan. Keadaan tersebut diawali oleh keberadaan plak bakteri. Namun, pada periodontitis terjadi keradangan kerusakan jaringan penyangga gigi, dan setelah jangka waktu tertentu dapat menyebabkan gigi terlepas. Gingivitis terjadi tanpa kerusakan epithelial attachment (perlekatan jaringan) yang merupakan bagian dasar dari sulkus gingiva (saku gusi), sedangkan periodontitis diawali oleh kerusakan perlekatan jaringan.

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Jakarta: UI-Press, 2005
PGB 0450
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Nurul
"Periodontal diseases are frequently suffered in patient of all ages. This condition consist of several signs and symptoms, etiology, pathogenesis, and response to treatment which seems almost similar. The classification of those diseases have been adjusted, lately in 1999, the major cause of these diseases is bacterial. Microorganisms acts to result in infection due to the influence of host response, genetic, local and systemic factors. Gingivitis condition has an irreversible status and periodontitis has to be overcome immediately to prevent from further destruction. Some steps of initial treatment and supporting treatment should be given to the patient, which is able to be done by all dentists."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In the last few years, people from various age group are looking for orthodontic treatment, among them are adult. Adult patients in comparison with children or adolescent, have different condition in regard to their teeth and periodontal tissue. These differences will affect treatment plan we are making for adult patients. Orthodontic treatment for adult patients requires the use of light force, bondable tube and ligature wire. These steps are taken as an effort to overcome chief complaint and to prevent periodontal breakdown."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Low oral health literacy has been associated with poor awareness and understanding of oral health care needs among diabetes patients. Specifically, the association between diabetes and periodontal disease is not known to them. Objective: To develop a literacy-appropriate health education package to create public awareness on periodontal
disease and diabetes. In spite of the rising prevalence of both diseases, many people remain unaware of their early signs and relationship with each other. Methods: We divided the study into three phases: needs assessment, development of the package and evaluation of the package. Phase 1 was conducted via a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving periodontitis patients with diabetes recruited from the UKM Dental Faculty patient list. For phase 2, we developed three video clips of 5-minutes duration each, based on the themes that emerged from the FGD. Phase 3 was conducted using a set of self-administered questionnaires distributed to the public and patients. Results: Sixty
respondents viewed the videos and at least 95% found them interesting, easily understood, useful and satisfactory. There were however some suggestions for improvement. Conclusion: The health education package developed in this study was literacy-appropriate for the general public and should be made accessible to them. "
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Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dibart, Serge
Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning offers its readers a step-by-step guide to diagnosing and planning treatment for periodontal patients through the latest evidence-based"
Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
617.632 DIB p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 25-31
A periodontal health survey, using the WHO crireria 1997. was conducted among 585 Palestinian refugees living in the United Nations Camps in Jordan, the sample consists of 363 females and 222 males aged 15-54 years. The purposes ofthh study were to determine the prevalence and the severity of periodontal disease and the treatment needs among this population and to correlate the periodontal status with age and gender. By using WHO periodontal probes, the community periodontal index (CPI), the treatment needs (TN) and the loss of attachment (LA) were measured for subject. The number of permanent teeth loss was also recorded. Females were found to have worse periodontal conditions than males. Also, a significant age difference was present. All subjects of the present population had experienced periodontal disease, where 34% and 43% of them had a shallow pocket of 4-5 mm and deep pocket of 6 mm or more respectively.
The results of this study have shown that 5.48 of sextant per subject in this population were with bleeding or higher, 4.80 with calculus or higher, 2.48 with shallow pockets or higher, and 0.88 with deep pocket. This study demonstrated that the loss of attachment increased significantly with increasing age and 42% of this population had normal level of periodontal attachment, while the rest of them (58%) had different amounts of attachment loss. Almost all subjects of this population needed oral hygiene instruction, scaling and/or removal of overhangs and 43% of them needed complex periodontal treatment. The mean number of loss permanent teeth was among this population with significant age and gender difference. Our data indicated that high prevalence and severity of periodontal disease were observed in this population require programs for both prevention and treatment."
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Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The lateral periodontal lateral cyst (LPC) is an uncommon developmental odontogenic cyst defined as a radiolucent lesion which develops along the lateral aspect of an erupted vital tooth. LPC represents approximately 0.8% to 2% of all odontogenic cysts. The most frequently reported location of a lateral periodontal cyst is the mandibular caninepremolar area, followed by the anterior region of the maxilla. The lateral periodontal cyst is usually asymptomatic and presents as a round, oval or teardrop-like well-circumscribed inter-radicular radiolucent area, usually with a sclerotic margin lying between the apex and cervical margin of the teeth. The lateral periodontal cyst usually is seen in the fifth to sixth decade of life with a male preponderance. This paper reports an atypical case of an inter-radicular radiolucent cystic lesion in located between the mandibular central incisor and the canine area in an 87-year-old female patient mimicking clinically and radiographically as a residual cyst but histopathologically
confirmed as a lateral periodontal cyst. "
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Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, A B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Nitte University, Mangalore, India, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachel Yuanithea
Latar belakang: Terapi regeneratif periodontal GTR memiliki keterbatasan pada defek tulang alveolar satu dinding. Rekayasa jaringan menggunakan teknologi periodontal ligament cell sheet pada chitosan dengan kombinasi molekul adhesif Arginylglycyaspartic Acid RGD diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kadar periostin sebagai indikator regenerasi tulang. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi peningkatan kadar periostin pascaaplikasi RGD pada chitosan-periodontal ligament cell sheet PDLCS . Metode: Aplikasi chitosan-PDLCS dengan penambahan RGD n=3 dan tanpa RGD n=3 pada defek tulang satu dinding yang dibuat pada insisif lateral M. nemestrina. Sampel CKG dikumpulkan setiap minggu selama empat minggu dan disimpan dalam suhu -80 C. Analisis kadar protein menggunakan perangkat ELISA Human POSTN Elabscience. Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan kadar periostin pascaaplikasi RGD pada PDLCS dibandingkan kelompok non-RGD pada minggu pertama dan kedua, dan penurunan kadar periostin pada minggu ketiga dan keempat dengan perbedaan bermakna pada minggu kedua dan keempat p.

Background Periodontal regenerative therapy has limitations on one wall alveolar bone defect. Tissue engineering using periodontal ligament cell sheet on chitosan addition of adhesive molecule Arginylglycyaspartic Acid RGD is expected to increase periostin levels as an indicator of bone regeneration. Objective To see levels of periostin post application of RGD on chitosan periodontal ligament cell sheet PDLCS . Method Application of chitosan PDLCS with addition of RGD n 3 and without RGD n 3 on one wall bone defect made on the lateral incisor of M. nemestrina. The CKG sample was collected weekly for four weeks and stored at 80 C. Analysis of protein content using ELISA Human POSTN Elabscience. Results Periostin level was increased in RGD PDLCS compared to non RGD groups in the first and second weeks, and decreased periostin levels in the third and fourth weeks with significant differences in second and fourth weeks p "
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Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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