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Agus Prayitno
"Rumah Sakit Kepolisian Pusat Raden Said Sukanto, yang disebut juga Rumah sakit Sukanto merupakan badan pelaksana pada Disdokkes Polri. Salah satu kegiatan pelayanan yang dilakukan adalah pembedahan. Selama tahun 1997 telah dilakukan operasi sebanyak 1861 kasus yang terdiri dal 872 (46,86%) pasien umum dan 989 (53,14%) pasien dinas. Kegiatan ini memerlukan dukungan logistik farmasi yang besar. Unit Bedah Sentral menerima logistik farmasi melalui 4 jalur pengadaan dari 3 jenis pembiayaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi logistik farmasi yang pengadaannya berasal dari berbagai sumber, yang berguna untuk menentukan biaya yang harus di alokasikan Rumah said Sukanto untuk menunjang Unit Bedah Sentral sebagai pusat biaya dan pusat laba, mengetahui bantuan yang diberikan pasien umum terhadap pasien dinas, serta mengetahui sistem pengadaan logistik farmasi di Unit bedah Sentral.
Design penelitian adalah cross sectional, untuk mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana proses suatu pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit khususnya dalam hal pengadaan logistik farmasi di Unit Bedah Sentral. Tehnik pengumpulan data primer dengan pengisian kuesiner dilanjutkan dengan wawancara kepala pejabat terkait, sedangkan data sekunder didapatkan dengan cara pengumpulan data dari Unit Bedah Sentral, Bendahara Materiil dan Unit Farmasi.
Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan komposisi logistik farmasi Unit Bedah Sentral terdiri dad 72 obat-obatan dan 108 jenis alat kesehatan habis pakai. Sebagian besar obat-obatan adalah obat anestesi (72,2 %), sedangkan sebagain besar alat kesehatan habis pakai yakni 83,3 % digunakan oleh dokter bedah. Alat kesehatan habis pakai terbanyak adalah benang operasi yang terdiri dari 52 jenis benang (50%).
Prosentasi pengadaan dari Dropping Disdokkes Polri hanya 6,17 % dad Apotik Pusat hanya 1,65 %, pengadaan Penunjang Medik (50,32%) dan pengadaan Unit Bedah Sentral (41,86%).
Selama tahun 1997 Unit Bedah Sentral Rumah Sakit Sukanto bukan merupakan pusat laba, karena ternyata terdapat subsidi dari Rumah sakit ke pasien umum sebesar Rp. 20.841.465,- atau 12,45 % dari seluruh kebutuhan logistik farmasi pasien umum.
Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan sistem pengadaan logistik farmasi Unit Bedah Sentral yang paling tepat adalah yang hanya melewati satu pintu yakni Penunjang Medik. Perlu dibuat formularium obat-obataan dan alat kesehatan habis pakai untuk Unit Bedah Sentral serta dilakukan analisis A B C untuk pengadaan benang yang jumlahnya besar dan harganya sangat mahal.

Raden Said Sukanto Central Police Hospital, which is also called Sukanto Hospital is the technical operational of Police Medical and Health Services. It serves surgery programmed. In 1997, 1861 surgical cases was done. It consists of 872 cases (46.86%) general patients and 989 cases (53.14 %) military patients. These surgeon activities need pharmaceutical logistics support. Central Surgery Department receives pharmaceutical logistics from four procurement resources and three fund resources.
The research's objective is to analyze the pharmaceutical logistics composition from many kinds of procurement resources. It is important to make cost decision to support Central Surgery Department as cost center and profit center. How far is the general patients support the military patients and which system pharmaceutical logistics procurement in the Central Surgery Department is needed.
The research design is a cross sectional based, how the hospital health services especially in the pharmaceutical logistics procurement of Central Surgery Department must be done. The primary, data is done due to questionnaire and interviews, whereas the secondary data is from Central Surgery Department, Logistic officer and Pharmaceutical Department.
The research's result has established pharmaceutical logistics composition consist of 72 pharmaceuticals and 108 pharmaceuticals used up product. Most of the pharmaceuticals product is anesthetic and the pharmaceuticals used up is mostly for surgical. Lots of the pharmaceuticals used up product is surgical suture that consist of 52 kinds.
There are only 6.17 % Procurement percentage from The Police Medical and Health Services dropping, 1.65 % from Central Pharmacy, 50.32 % from Medical Support procurement and 41.86 % from Central Surgery department procurement.
In the 1997, Central Surgery department is not likely to be the profit center because Rp. 20.841.465,- has been subsided by the hospital to the general patients. It is 12.45 % from all the pharmaceutical logistics composition needed by the general patients.
This research find out that one way procurement through medical supported department is the only right way of Pharmaceutical logistics procurement system in the Central Surgery department. We need pharmaceutical formulation of pharmaceuticals (medicines) and pharmaceutical used up product for the Central surgery. Whereas for the most expensive surgical suture we use the A B C analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mega Dewanty
"Pelayanan farmasi merupakan salah satu pelayanan yang menunjang pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu di rumah sakit, sehingga perbekalan farmasi terutama obat memerlukan pengelolaan dengan konsep manajemen logistik yang bermutu.
Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran mengenai proses pengendalian persediaan obat generik dengan menggunakan metode analisis ABC indeks kritis di Seksi Logistik Perbekalan Kesehatan RSIJ Cempaka Putih tahun 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan 6 orang informan dan operational research dengan 6 orang user (dokter).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok A indeks kritis terdiri atas 7 item (4,19%) dengan nilai investasi Rp615.646.911,-(15,22%) dan jumlah pemakaian 540.374 (20,91%). Kelompok B terdiri atas 101 item (60,48%) dengan nilai investasi Rp3.296.055.432,- (81,48%) dan pemakaian sebanyak 1.852.301 (71,68%). Kelompok C terdiri atas 59 item (35,33%) dengan nilai investasi Rp133.541.081 (3,3%) dan pemakaian 191.416 (7,41%). Pada kelompok A indeks kritis economic order quantity (EOQ) menghasilkan besar bervariasi antara 373 ? 5741 yang terdiri atas jenis tablet, kapsul, dan injeksi. Sementara, reorder point (ROP) bervariasi antara 82 ? 362.
Pharmaceutical services has an important role in determining the quality of health service in the hospital, so that good logistic management concept for pharmaceutical supplies especially drugs, is required.
The objective of this research is to describe an inventory control process of generic drugs using analysis of ABC critical index at Pharmaceutical Logistics of Islamic Jakarta Cempaka Putih Hospital in 2012. This research used qualitative approach with in depth interview with six participants and operational research from six users (doctors).
The results showed that the group A critical index comprised of seven items (4.19%) with an investment of Rp 615.646.911,- (15.22%) and the usage of 540.374 (20.91%). Group B consisted of 101 items (60.48%) with an investment of Rp,- (81.48%) and the usage of 1.852.301 (71.68%). Group C consisted of 59 items (35.33%) with an investment of Rp 133.541.081,- (3.3%) and the usage of 191.416 (7.41%). In group A critical index, economic order quantity (EOQ) varied between 337 and 5741 consisting of tablets, capsules, and injections. Meanwhile, reorder point (ROP) varies between 82 and 362
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herry Bhaktiar Koe
"Pernbentukan kawasan perdagangan bebas oleh banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia, membuat pexsaingan makin ketat, termasuk induslri rumah sakit. Agar dapat bcrtahan, rumah sakit diharapkan dapat mcningkatkan pendapatan dan menekan biaya. Pendapatan lnstaiasi Farmasi RSAB HK hanya mempunyai ratio pcndapatun sebesar 28 - 29 % giari total pendapatan rumah sakit, sedangkan litcmtur menyatakan sekitar 40-50 %. Dineksi rumah sakit mengharapkan pcndapatan ditingkatkan menjadi 40 %.
Dilakukan penelitian kualitatif selama 2 bulan pada bulan April dan Mei 2007 di Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda I-Iarapan Kita untuk mengctahui mengapa banyak resep keluar. Jumlah informan sebanyak 21 orang. Kesesuaian infonnasi didapatkan dari informan petugas Instalasi Farmasi dan petugas lain yang mcngetahui/berhubungan dengan aktivitas instalasi. Kecukupan informasi/inf`o|'man clilakukan dengan snow balling efécr. Metode pengumpulan informasi dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan data/dokumen. Validitas data dijaga dcngan lriangulasi sumber, metode, dan data/analisis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan harga obat mahal, obat tidak lengkap, dan waktu tunggu lama berhubungan dengan rendahnyn pcmanfaatan lnstalasi Farmasi RSAB HK. Peneiusuran lebih lanjut, empat faktor diatas disebabkan:
  1. Forrnularium yang out of date dan tidak ditaati;
  2. Pembayaran vendor dan petty cash yang terlambat,
  3. Kurangnya insentif untuk memotivasi pasien rnembeli opal di RS;
  4. Pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang kurang tepat;
  5. Pengelolaan dan monitoring stok kurang optimum;
  6. SIRS yang tidak dapat digunakan memonitor stok;
  7. Skedul kerja petugas tanpa pcnjadwalan scsuai beban kcrjajam sibuk.
Beberapa hal disarankan untuk mengatasi hal ini berdasarkan kemudahan melakukan, lama waktu pelaksanaan, penggunaan sumbcr daya, dan efektivitas:
  1. Koreksi hai-ga jual obat rajal scsuai aturan PPN;
  2. Mempcrccpal pembayaran vendor dan penggantian petty cash gudang farmasi;
  3. Menerapkan metode stok minimum dan maksimum pada pengelolaan persediaan;
  4. Sosialisasi peian lnstalasi Farmasi dalam memmjang aktivitas RS;
  5. Perbaikan SIRS schingga mampu mcmonitor stok dan melatih petugas menggunakan dengan benar;
  6. Mengatur jadwal masuk petugas sesuai jam sibuk;
  7. Membatalkan rencana penambahan depo ranap;
  8. Penentuan strategi harga dengan super value strategy (kualitas tinggi dan harga murah) untuk jangka pendek (misalnya 1 tahun) dan dilanjutkan dcngan high value strategy (kuaiilus tinggi dengan harga sedang) atau good value strategy (kualitas sedang harga dengan rendah) ditambah pengenaan margin lebih besar untuk obat pasien ranap kelas yang lebih linggi dan obat slow moving, serta perlakuan pembelian obat pasien rawat inap kelas 3 dan intensif sebagai pasien rawat map.

Free trade zone among countries, including Indonesia, create tight competitions in hospital industry. To survive, hospital has to increase revenues and decrease costs. As a government hospital, the ratio of pharmacy installation revenues compared to total revenues is 28 - 29 %. Some literatures indicate higher number reaching 40-50 % for industry average. The management of the hospital is targeting and demanding increased ratio to 40 %.
A qualitative research was conducted in April and May 2007 at the Children and Women Hospital Harapan Kita to detemtine why many prescriptions failed to be used inside and were outside. 21 persons were used as informants. Informations appropriateness was got by using employees of Instalation and other persons who knew lnstalation activity. Snow balling effect in deciding the adequacy of the informants and information was used. Information and data collection was conducted using interviews, observation, and documents/data study. Triangulation of sources, methods and data/analysis were used to maintain the validity of data.
The results of the study show that high price ofthe drugs/medicines, unavailability of some arrays of the medicines, and long queues are the prominent causes of internal prescription leakage. Further investigation reveal above problems were caused by:
  1. Outdated formularium;
  2. Dcllaycd payment lo vendor and reimbursement of the petty cash;
  3. Not enough incentives to motivate patient to buy inside;
  4. In-appropriate application of value added tax;
  5. Not optimized inventory management;
  6. Hospital Information system is unable to monitored drugs stocks;
  7. Evenly distributed staffs allocation, without considering the needs to assign more people at busy hours.
Seven issues are suggested to solve the problems based on feasibility, effcetivity, duration of the afford, and usages of the resources:
  1. Price correction due to in-appropriate of value added tax;
  2. Expedite faster payment to vendors, and expedite reimbursement petty cash;
  3. Apply minimum and maximum stock system to inventory management;
  4. Sosialize the iinance role of thc instalation to Hospital activity;
  5. Upgrade computer program systems and train staffs in better using it;
  6. Reschedule work force so that more staffs are on duty at peak hours;
  7. Abort the plan to establish second In-patient depo;
  8. Rocalculating thc selling price in terms super value strategy (high quality low price) for I year, then to high value strategy (high quality normal price) for good value strategy (normal quality low price), higher margin for higher class of in-patient and slow moving drug, and sell medicine without VA tax to class 3 and intensive in-patient.
    1. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Andjani
Praktek kerja profesi di Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat (RSPAD) Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad
periode bulan Juli ? Agustus tahun 2015 bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas dan
tanggung jawab Apoteker di Rumah Sakit sesuai dengan ketentuan dan etika pelayanan farmasi
pada khususnya dan pelayanan kesehatan pada umumnya, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit
serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari
strategi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka perkembangan praktek
kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Praktek kerja profesi dilakukan selama dua bulan dengan tugas
khusus yaitu identifikasi drug related problems (drps) pasien post operasi CABG dan DM Tipe 2
terkontrol di perawatan unit ICU Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat (RSPAD) gatot soebroto
ditkesad. ABSTRACT The aims of apothecary profession internship program at Rumah Sakit Pusat Tni Angkatan
DaratGatot Soebroto Ditkesad on July- August 2015 are to understand the duties and
responsibilities clinical pharmacists in accordance with the provisions and ethics in particular
thepharmaceutical and healthcare service in general, have insight, knowledge, skill and
experience the practical for doing pharmaceutical care in hospitals and having an example about
pharmaceutical care and learning strategy and activities can be implemented in pharmaceutical
care to the hospital. The apothecary profession internship program conducted during two months
in a special assignment that is given entitled the identification of drug related problems (drps)
CABGs post operation and DM type 2 patient in ICU in Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat
(RSPAD) Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wahyuni Lestari
Telah dilakukan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Rumah Sakit Pusat
Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebrot (RSPAD Gatsoe) Ditkesad. Kegiatan PKPA ini
berlangsung selama dua bulan dari tanggal 1 September sampai dengan tanggal 30
Oktober 2015. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKPA ini adalah agar mahasiswa Apoteker
mampu memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Rumah Sakit
sesuai dengan ketentuan dan etika pelayanan farmasi khususnya dan pelayanan
kesehataan umumnya dan agar mahasiswa Apoteker memiliki wawasan,
pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek
kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKPA yang dilakukan,
diketahui bahwa Apoteker di RSPAD Gatsoe Ditkesad bertanggung jawab atas
kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai
dan pelayanan farmasi klinik. Pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Kecamatan
Kembangan mangacu pada Permenkes No. 58 Tahun 2014 tentang standar
pelayanan kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. ABSTRACT Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebrot (RSPAD Gatsoe) Ditkesad has been done for two months from September 1st until October 30 th 2015. Profession Internship at this area was intended to make
apothecary student understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist in Hospital accordances to the statutory provisions and ethics, have insight into the
implementation of pharmaceutical practice in Hospital, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in Hospital. Based on the activities, pharmacist in Hospital
have been carrying out the duties and responsibilities in management of pharmaceutical preparation, medical devices, and consumable medical supply and in practice of clinical pharmacy. Pharmacy services in Hospital is carried out refers to Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 58 Tahun 2015 about the standard of pharmacy services at Hospital. ;Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebrot
(RSPAD Gatsoe) Ditkesad has been done for two months from September 1
October 30
2015. Profession Internship at this area was intended to make
apothecary student understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist in Hospital
accordances to the statutory provisions and ethics, have insight into the
implementation of pharmaceutical practice in Hospital, and know the issues in
pharmaceutical practice in Hospital. Based on the activities, pharmacist in Hospital
have been carrying out the duties and responsibilities in management of
pharmaceutical preparation, medical devices, and consumable medical supply and
in practice of clinical pharmacy. Pharmacy services in Hospital is carried out refers
to Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 58 Tahun 2015 about the standard of pharmacy
services at Hospital. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritonga, Rima Hayanty
Praktek Kerja Profesi di Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami peran dan tanggung jawab apoteker sebagai pengelola instalasi farmasi, baik dalam bidang manajemen instalasi farmasi maupun dalam hal pelayanan farmasi klinik. Peran apoteker dalam manajemen instalasi farmasi yaitu pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai meliputi pemilihan, perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian, pemusnahan, pengendalian, pencatatan dan pelaporan. Sedangkan pelayanan farmasi klinik yang telah dilakukan yaitu pengkajian dan pelayanan resep, penelusuran riwayat penggunaan obat, rekonsiliasi obat, pelayanan informasi obat, konseling, visite, pemantauan terapi obat, monitoring efek samping obat, dan dispensing sediaan steril. Tugas khusus yang diberikan adalah analisis drug related problem pada penderita rawat inap dengan diagnosa fraktur mandibula sinistra dengan riwayat HIV/AIDS dan gangguan mental organik akibat toksoplasmosis di lantai 4 perawatan umum Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad untuk dapat memberikan rekomendasi terkait terapi pasien kepada tenaga kesehatan terkait.ABSTRACT Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad was held to learn and understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist as a pharmacy manager, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy that is management of drugs, medical devices, and medical materials consumable, such as selection, planning, supplying, receipt, saving, distribution, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmaceutical care that been done such as receipt assessment and services, tracking a history of drug use, drug reconciliation, drug information service, counseling, visite, drug therapy monitoring, drug side effects monitoring, and sterile drug dispensing. Specific assignment that been given is about the analysis of drug related problem in patient hospitalized with sinistra mandibular fractures diagnosed with a history of HIV / AIDS and organic mental disorder due to toxoplasmosis in the general nursing 4th floor Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad to be able to provide recommendations related to the patient therapy to related health professionals.;Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad was held to learn and understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist as a pharmacy manager, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy that is management of drugs, medical devices, and medical materials consumable, such as selection, planning, supplying, receipt, saving, distribution, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmaceutical care that been done such as receipt assessment and services, tracking a history of drug use, drug reconciliation, drug information service, counseling, visite, drug therapy monitoring, drug side effects monitoring, and sterile drug dispensing. Specific assignment that been given is about the analysis of drug related problem in patient hospitalized with sinistra mandibular fractures diagnosed with a history of HIV / AIDS and organic mental disorder due to toxoplasmosis in the general nursing 4th floor Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad to be able to provide recommendations related to the patient therapy to related health professionals.;Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad was held to learn and understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist as a pharmacy manager, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy that is management of drugs, medical devices, and medical materials consumable, such as selection, planning, supplying, receipt, saving, distribution, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmaceutical care that been done such as receipt assessment and services, tracking a history of drug use, drug reconciliation, drug information service, counseling, visite, drug therapy monitoring, drug side effects monitoring, and sterile drug dispensing. Specific assignment that been given is about the analysis of drug related problem in patient hospitalized with sinistra mandibular fractures diagnosed with a history of HIV / AIDS and organic mental disorder due to toxoplasmosis in the general nursing 4th floor Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad to be able to provide recommendations related to the patient therapy to related health professionals.;Profession Internship at Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad was held to learn and understand the role and responsibility of pharmacist as a pharmacy manager, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy that is management of drugs, medical devices, and medical materials consumable, such as selection, planning, supplying, receipt, saving, distribution, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmaceutical care that been done such as receipt assessment and services, tracking a history of drug use, drug reconciliation, drug information service, counseling, visite, drug therapy monitoring, drug side effects monitoring, and sterile drug dispensing. Specific assignment that been given is about the analysis of drug related problem in patient hospitalized with sinistra mandibular fractures diagnosed with a history of HIV / AIDS and organic mental disorder due to toxoplasmosis in the general nursing 4th floor Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad to be able to provide recommendations related to the patient therapy to related health professionals."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irene Maria
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mita Nurdiana
"Praktek kerja profesi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati periode bulan September- Oktober tahun 2015 bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Rumah Sakit sesuai dengan ketentuan dan etika pelayanan farmasi pada khususnya dan pelayanan kesehatan pada umumnya, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka perkembangan praktek kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Praktek kerja profesi dilakukan selama dua bulan dengan tugas khusus Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO) pada pasien Rawat Inap Ruang Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati.

The aims of apothecary profession internship program at Fatmawati Hospital on September- October 2015 are to understand the duties and responsibilities clinical pharmacists in accordance with the provisions and ethics in particular the pharmaceutical and healthcare service in general, have insight, knowledge, skill and experience the practical for doing pharmaceutical care in hospitals and having an example about pharmaceutical care and learning strategy and activities can be implemented in pharmaceutical care to the hospital.The apothecary profession internship program held during two months in a special task that is Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit ( PICU) Fatmawati Hospital."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vina Hilary Khaterina
Praktik kerja profesi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Fatmawati periode bulan September Oktober tahun 2017 bertujuan agar mampu memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di rumah sakit sesuai dengan standar pelayanan farmasi, dan memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di rumah sakit, serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktik kefarmasian di rumah sakit serta mempelajari strategi dan kegiatan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek kefarmasian di rumah sakit. Praktik kerja profesi di RSUP Fatmawati dilakukan sekitar 6 minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu Pemantauan Terapi Obat Pasien Anak Dengan Glomerulonefritis Akut Pasca Streptokokus dan Sepsis di Gedung Bougenville Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini yaitu untuk memantau terapi obat pada pasien yang terdapat di ruangan perawatan intensif anak dan mengetahui rekomendasi solusi yang tepat untuk mencapai keberhasilan terapi yang diterima pasien

Internship at Fatmawati General Hospital Center month period September October 2017 aimed to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in pharmacaceutical care service in community health clinic according to applicable laws and ethics, then had knowledge, skills, professionalism, insight and reality to undertake pharmaceutical practices in hospital, had practical experiences about problems of pharmaceutical care practice in hospital. Internship at RSUP Fatmawati was conducted for six weeks with special assignment Drug Therapy Monitoring In Pediatric with Acute Glomerulonephritis Post Streptococcus and Sepsis at Bougenville Building Fatmawati General Hospital Center. The purpose of this special assignment was to monitor the drug therapy of pediatric in pediatric intensive care unit and to look for the right solution to reach the goals of therapy"
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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