ABSTRAK Cara manusia hidup sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan yang terbentuk
disekitarnya yang juga mempengaruhi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Sudah merupakan tugas arsitek untuk berkontribusi dalam menciptakan lingkungan
yang tidak hanya menarik secara estetika, namun juga meningkatkan kesehatan
psikologis. Menggambungkan aspek kesehatan ke dalam arsitektur dimulai dari
tempat di mana manusia bernanung, yaitu tempat tinggal, Ide mendirikan tempat
tinggal yang sehat diimplementasikan ke dalam skala yang lebih besar, yaitu sebuah
bangunan mixed-use, di mana komunitas masyarakat menjadi penentu besar
kesehatan itu sendiri. Kehadiran lingkungan alam di tempat tinggal sangat penting
untuk menciptakan sebuah bangunan yang bergabung dengan lingkungan
sekitarnya. Banyak produk arsitektur yang berhasil menggabungkan aspek tersebut,
tapi tidak bekerja dengan baik dengan keadaan wilayah mereka. Dengan demikian,
memperkenalkan lingkungan alam dengan kearifan lokal, termasuk iklim seperti
yang diusulkan dalam bioclimatic architecture, menjadi pendekatan dalam
membangun tempat tinggal sehat yang mengangkat kesehatan manusia. Memalui
berbagai macam penelitian, dari studi teoritis, preseden, observasi situs, dan
perkembangan desain berkelanjutan, laporan desain ini akan membahas tiga aspek
iklim, lingkungan, dan masyarakat sebagai penentu efektif dalam menciptakan
lingkungan tempat tinggal yang sehat.
ABSTRACT Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment thatalso affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contributein creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologicallyimproving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the placewhere people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing isimplemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, wherecommunity becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a naturalenvironment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with itssurrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, butdo not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing naturalenvironment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimaticarchitecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplifthuman?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design reportwill discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as theeffective determinant in creating a healthy housing.;Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment thatalso affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contributein creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologicallyimproving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the placewhere people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing isimplemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, wherecommunity becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a naturalenvironment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with itssurrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, butdo not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing naturalenvironment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimaticarchitecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplifthuman?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design reportwill discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as theeffective determinant in creating a healthy housing.;Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment thatalso affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contributein creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologicallyimproving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the placewhere people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing isimplemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, wherecommunity becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a naturalenvironment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with itssurrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, butdo not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing naturalenvironment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimaticarchitecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplifthuman?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design reportwill discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as theeffective determinant in creating a healthy housing., Human’s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment thatalso affect people’s health and wellbeing. It has been architects’ job to contributein creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologicallyimproving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the placewhere people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing isimplemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, wherecommunity becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a naturalenvironment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with itssurrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, butdo not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing naturalenvironment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimaticarchitecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplifthuman’s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design reportwill discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as theeffective determinant in creating a healthy housing.]"