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Emyda Djauhari S.
"Resorpsi apikal akar pada perawatan ortodonti adalah suatu hal yang biasa terjadi, tapi hal ini secara klinis tidak bermakna. Resorpsi apikal akar tidak baik untuk fungsi dan retensi apabila resorpsi akar sudah mencapai setengah dari panjang akar. Keadaan seperti ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap kestabilan dari hasil akhir perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan, bahwa perawatan ortodonti dengan tehnik Begg tidak menyebabkan resorpsi pada apikal akar gigi molar satu bawah, yang dipakai sebagai penjangkar. Sampel penelitian diambil dari 23 kasus maloklusi kelas 1 dan kelas II. Data diolah dengan uji student t- test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan, terjadinya pemendekan panjang akar gigi pada sebagian sampel, sebelum dan sesudah perawatan . Ini berarti terjadi resorpsi akar gigi, akan tetapi perbedaan panjang akar gigi tersebut secara statistik tidak berrnakna."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan gutaperca yang dipanaskan menghasilkan adaptasi
yang baik dan material obturasi yang homogen. Teknik kompaksi lateral panas
menggabungkan kon gutaperca utama dan aksesoris menjadi satu massa homogen
yang solid. Teknik carrier-based gutta-percha memiliki seal dan adaptasi yang
baik. Teknik downpack-backfill mengkombinasikan teknik kompaksi vertikal dan
injeksi termoplastis. Tujuan: Membandingkan adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal
apeks antara teknik kompaksi lateral panas, carrier-based gutta-percha, dan
downpack-backfill. Metode: Preparasi saluran akar pada 90 gigi saluran akar
tunggal dan dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kompaksi lateral panas (KLP),
carrier-based gutta-percha (T), dan downpack-backfill (DB). Adaptasi tepi
sepertiga apikal apeks ditentukan dengan melihat penetrasi pewarna di antara
material obturasi dan dinding dentin pada sampel yang dipotong melintang. Hasil:
Adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal apeks DB paling baik, diikuti T dan KLP (p>0,05).
Kesimpulan: Adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal apeks teknik downpack-backfill
paling baik, namun tidak berbeda bermakna.

Background: The use of heated gutta-percha can provide good adaptation and
homogeneity of obturation material. Warm lateral compaction technique
combines primary and accessory gutta-percha cones into one solid homogeneous
mass. Carrier-based gutta-percha technique has a good adaptation and sealing
ability. Downpack-backfill technique combines warm vertical compaction and
thermoplastic injection techniques. Aim: Compare the apical third marginal
adaptation of warm lateral compaction, carrier-based gutta-percha, and
downpack-backfill techniques. Methods: Ninety single rooted teeth were prepared
and assigned to three groups: warm lateral compaction (KLP), carrier-based
gutta-percha (T), and downpack-backfill (DB). Apical third marginal adaptation
was evaluated by observing the dye penetration between the obturation material
and the root canal walls on cross sectioned samples. Results: DB showed the best
apical third marginal adaptation, followed by T and KLP (p>0,05). Conclusion:
Downpack-backfill technique has the best apical third marginal adaptation, but
no significant difference was observed between the three techniques."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shofwatul Nafi’ah
"Latar Belakang: Hubungan kedekatan antara sinus maksilaris dan gigi posterior rahang atas sering menjadi tantangan dalam kedokteran gigi karena dapat menyebabkan komplikasi. Evaluasi posisi akar gigi posterior rahang atas sinus maksilaris dapat dinilai melalui radiograf panoramik.
Tujuan: Mengetahui posisi akar gigi posterior terhadap sinus maksilaris menurut jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia pada radiograf panoramik.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 192 radiograf panoramik digital laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-70 tahun di RSKGM FKG UI. Posisi akar gigi posterior rahang atas terhadap sinus maksilaris dievaluasi berdasarkan klasifikasi oleh Ok et al, yang mengkategorikan menjadi 3 tipe. Tipe 1 adalah ketika akar menonjol atau overlap dengan rongga sinus. Tipe 2 adalah ketika akar berkontak dengan dasar sinus. Tipe 3 adalah ketika akar tidak berkontak atau memanjang di bawah dasar sinus.
Hasil: Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, tipe 1 didominasi oleh laki-laki, sedangkan tipe 2 dan tipe 3 didominasi oleh perempuan. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, tipe 1 didominasi oleh kelompok usia >39 tahun, sedangkan tipe 2 dan tipe 3 didominasi oleh kelompok usia 20-39 tahun.
Kesimpulan: Posisi akar gigi posterior rahang atas terhadap sinus maksilaris pada kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok usia 20-39 tahun dan >39 tahun.

Background: The close relationship between the maxillary sinus and posterior maxillary teeth is often a challenge in dentistry because it can cause complications. Evaluation of the root position of the maxillary posterior maxillary sinus can be assessed using a panoramic radiograph.
Objective: To determine the position of the roots of the posterior teeth to the maxillary sinus according to gender and age group on a panoramic radiograph.
Methods: This study used 192 digital panoramic radiographs of men and women aged 20-70 at RSKGM FKG UI. Subjects were divided into two categories: 20-39 years old and >39 years old. The position of the posterior maxillary teeth to the maxillary sinus was evaluated based on the classification by Ok et al., which categorizes it into 3 types. Type 1 is when the root protrudes or overlaps with the sinus cavity. Type 2 is when the root is in contact with the sinus floor. Type 3 is when the root is not in contact or extends below the sinus floor.
Results: Based on gender, type 1 was dominated by men, while type 2 and type 3 were dominated by women. Based on age group, type 1 is dominated by the age group >39 years, while type 2 and type 3 are dominated by the age group 20-39 years.
Conclusion: The position of the roots of the posterior maxillary teeth to the maxillary sinus in the male and female groups was statistically significant, but there was no significant difference in the 20-39 years and >39 years age groups.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahratul Umami Annisa
"Latar Belakang: Poket periodontal merupakan karakteristik periodontitis. Scaling dan root planing merupakan standar emas untuk perawatan periodontitis. Antimikroba lokal tambahan direkomendasikan pada pasien dengan kedalaman probing ≥5 mm.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas klorheksidin dibandingkan dengan antimikroba lokal lainnya pada periodontitis.
Metode: Pencarian dilakukan dengan menggunakan panduan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (PRISMA). Meta-analisis dilakukan pada studi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi setelah penilaian risiko bias.
Hasil: Meta-analisis antara chip klorheksidin dan antimikroba lain menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata kedalaman probing setelah satu bulan sebesar 0,58 mm (p<0,00001) sedangkan setelah tiga bulan perbedaan rata-rata kedalaman probing adalah 0,50 mm (p=0,001), indeks plak 0,01 (p=0,94) dan indeks gingiva -0,11 mm (p=0,02). Antara gel chlorhexidine dan antimikroba lainnya menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata kedalaman probing 0,40 mm (p=0,30), indeks plak 0,20 mm (p=0,0008) dan indeks gingiva -0,04 mm (p=0,83) setelah satu bulan.
Kesimpulan: Chip klorheksidin lebih efektif pada indeks gingiva dibandingkan antimikroba lainnya setelah tiga bulan. Antimikroba lainnya lebih efektif daripada chip klorheksidin pada kedalaman probing setelah satu dan tiga bulan, dan dari gel klorheksidin pada indeks plak setelah satu bulan.

Background: Periodontal pockets are characteristic of periodontitis. Scaling and root planing is the gold standard for periodontitis treatment. Additional local antimicrobials are recommended in patients with a probing depth of ≥5 mm.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of chlorhexidine compared to other local antimicrobials in periodontitis.
Method: Searches were conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Meta-analysis was performed on studies that met inclusion criteria after risk of bias assessment.
Results: Meta-analysis between chlorhexidine chips and other antimicrobials showed a mean difference in probing depth after one month of 0.58 mm (p<0.00001) whereas after three months the mean difference in probing depth was 0.50 mm (p=0.001), index plaque 0.01 (p=0.94) and gingival index -0.11 mm (p=0.02). Between chlorhexidine gel and other antimicrobials showed a mean difference in probing depth of 0.40 mm (p=0.30), plaque index of 0.20 mm (p=0.0008) and gingival index of -0.04 mm (p=0.83) after one month.
Conclusion: Chlorhexidine chips were more effective on the gingival index than other antimicrobials after three months. The other antimicrobials were more effective than chlorhexidine chips on probing depth after one and three months, and than chlorhexidine gels on plaque index after one month.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Anggriani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi jumlah dan bentuk akar serta konfigurasi saluran akar pada gigi molar satu atas dan bawah di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. 100 molar satu atas dan 100 molar satu bawah bawah dikumpulkan dari praktek dokter gigi. Dilakukan perhitungan jumlah akar dan derajat kelengkungangnya. Setelah preparasi akses kamar pulpa dengan bur highspeed, dilakukan pembersihan debris dengan K-file no 15, dan gigi direndam di dalam larutan sodium hipoklorit selama 48 jam. Spesimen dibilas air dan dikeringkan, setelah itu diinjeksikan barium sulfat ke dalam saluran akar dengan menggunakan jarum irigasi sampai bahan kontras tersebut keluar melalui foramen apical. Kemudian dilakukan evaluasi konfigurasi saluran akar dari aspek buko-lingual dan mesiodistal dengan radiograf digital, dan dibandingkan dengan klasifikasi Weine.
Hasil menunjukkan 100% molar satu atas dengan 3 akar, 96% molar satu bawah dengan 2 akar, dan 4% molar satu bawah dengan satu akar tambahan. Pada evaluasi kelengkungan akar ditemukan 47 akar palatal pada molar satu atas melengkung ke distal, 57 akar mesiobukal melengkung ke distal, dan 48 akar distobukal lurus. Sedangkan pada molar satu bawah 76 akar mesial melengkung ke distal, dan 65 akar distal melengkung ke mesial, dan 3 akar tambahan melengkung ke bukal. Evaluasi radiograf konfigurasi saluran akar, dari 95 molar satu bawah, ditemukan keempat tipe konfigurasi Weine. akan tetapi tidak terlalu banyak variasi konfigurasi dari 95 molar satu atas.
Kesimpulan: Walaupun kecil terdapatnya insiden akar tambahan dan variasi kelengkungan, serta tipe konfigurasi saluran akar, akan tetapi hal ini penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam perawatan endodontic.

The purpose of this study is to investigate variations of the root canal anatomy of maxillary and mandibular first molar in West Java, Indonesia. One hundred extracted maxillary first molar and one hundred extracted mandibular first molar were collected from several general dental practices. After Standardized endodontic access cavities were prepared using a high-speed handpiece with a diamond bur and water coolant, and gross pulpal debris was removed using K-file size 15. Each tooth was placed in a solution of 5% sodium hypochlorite for 48 hours. The specimen were washed in water and dried, after that Barium Sulphate was introduced into the root canal using 27 gauge and 3 ml irrigating needles syringe under hand pressure, until a jet of contrast medium was seen to emerge from the apical foramina. Each tooth was then radiographed in bucco-lingual and mesiodistal planes using digital Radiographic technique. Weine classification is take as reference during the evaluation.
The result revealed 100% of maxillary first molar with three roots, whereas in mandibular first molar 96% with two roots and 4% with two roots and one additional root in distolingual side. In the evaluation of root curvature, 47% of palatal roots in maxillary first molar are going to buccal side, whereas in mandibular first molar 76% of mesial roots are going to distal side. In evaluation of root canal configuration, its found the four type of root canal configuration according to Weine classification among the lower first molar, but not among the upper first molar.
Conclusion : even in the low incidence of root and root canal variation, the possibility of it has to be considered in clinical and radiographic examinations and also in endodontic treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Putri Arfianti
Bentuk oval pada sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah seringkali tidak dapat terpreparasi dan dapat menyebabkan kegagalan. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi variasi penampang melintang sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 80 sampel gigi, di-scan menggunakan micro-CT Bruker SkyScan 1173. Masing-masing sepertiga apikal saluran akar dipotong dengan perangkat lunak DataViewer. Rasio diameter maksimum dan minimum dihitung dengan perangkat lunak Fiji ImageJ dan dikategorikan: bulat, oval, long oval, flat. Hasil: Prevalensi penampang melintang saluran akar premolar dua rahang atas, oval 66,7 , long oval 24,6 , flat 7 , bulat 1,7 . Molar satu rahang atas akar mesiobukal, oval 68,2 , long oval 22,7 , flat 9,1 ; distobukal, oval 94,1 , long oval 5,9 ; palatal oval 100 . Molar satu rahang bawah akar mesiobukal, long oval 47,4 , oval 36,8 , dan flat 15,8 ; mesiolingual oval 100 ; dan distal, oval 68,4 , long oval 21,1 , flat 10,5 . Kesimpulan: Penampang melintang oval pada sepertiga apikal saluran akar gigi premolar dua dan molar satu rahang atas serta molar satu rahang bawah ditemukan paling banyak, kecuali pada akar mesiobukal gigi molar satu rahang bawah ditemukan long oval 47,4 .

Oval shaped in apical one third maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars often can rsquo t be cleaned and shaped, and could cause failure in the process. Objective To know the prevalence variation of apical one third cross section in root canals of maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars. Methods This research used 80 tooth samples, were scanned using micro CT Bruker SkyScan 1173. Each of apical one third root canal were sectioned using DataViewer software. Maximum and minimum diameter ratio was calculated using the Fiji ImageJ software and categorized round, oval, long oval, and flat. Results Prevalence of apical one third root canal cross section shape in maxillary second premolar, oval 66,7 , long oval 24,6 , flat 7 , round 1,7 . Maxillary first molar mesiobuccal root, oval 68,2 , long oval 22,7 , flat 9,1 distobuccal, oval 94,1 , long oval 5,9 and palatal oval 100 . Mandibular first molar mesiobuccal root, long oval 47,4 , oval 36,8 , flat 15,8 mesiolingual oval 100 and distal, oval 68,4 , long oval 21,1 , flat 10,5 . Conclusion Oval shape in cross section of apical one third in root canals of maxillary second premolars, maxillary first molars, and mandibular first molars were most found, except in mesiobuccal root in mandibular first molar was found long oval 47,4 . "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Widayati
"Injeksi PGE2 pada mukosa bukal bersamaan dengan tekanan ortodonti dapat mempercepat pergerakan gigi. Namun metode ini mempunyai kekurangan yaitu resorpsi tulang alveolar dan akar gigi yang besar serta rasa sakit. Gel digunakan sebagai media penghantar, menggantikan bentuk injeksi. Stabilitas PGE2 dalam gel, efek aplikasi gel PGE2 pada pergerakan gigi, konsentrasi RANKL pada GCF dan serum serta resorpsi tulang alveolar dan resorpsi akar gigi belum pernah diketahui.
Penelitian ini eksperimental laboratorium in vitro untuk uji stabilitas gel PGE2 lyophillized dan in vivo pada Macaca fascicularis. Mukosa bukal kaninus kanan dioleskan gel PGE2, sedangkan kaninus kiri dioleskan gel tanpa PGE2, keduanya disertai tekanan ortodonti, pada awal, jam kedua dan keempat, selama dua menit. Pengolesan gel, pengukuran pergerakan gigi, pengambilan darah dan GCF, dilakukan setiap minggu. Macaca dieuthanasia, dinekropsi lalu dibuat sediaan histologi dan dievaluasi dengan TRAP. Gel PGE2 lyophillized tidak stabil, sehingga dibuat resenter paratus.
Gel PGE2 dapat mempercepat pergerakan gigi 1,8 kali, RANKL dan resorpsi tulang alveolar lebih besar dari kontrol, serta resorpsi akar sama dengan kontrol. Gel PGE2 mempunyai prospek sebagai medikasi topikal untuk mempercepat pergerakan gigi ortodontik.

The injection of PGE2 on buccal mucosa along with orthodontic force could accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. Nevertheless, this method also has adverse effects such as pain, over resorption of the alveolar bone and root structure. PGE2 gel to substitute the necessity of injection. Hence, the effect of PGE2 gel on the rate of tooth movement and RANKL concentration in GCF and blood serum also alveolar bone and root resorption is yet to be determined.
This study was an experimental laboratory in vitro to know the stability of PGE2 gel lyophillized and in vivo in Macaca fascicularis. PGE2 gel was applied on buccal mucosa of right canine along with orthodontic force and non- PGE2 gel on left canine on beginning, second, and fourth hour each for two minutes. Gel application, tooth movement measurement, blood sample, and GCF were done every week. Macaca euthanized, and made histology ​​ and evaluated by TRAP. PGE2 gel was made resenter paratus due to instability.
Results showed that PGE2 gel enhanced tooth movement 1.8 times, RANKL and alveolar bone resorption were greater than control and root resorption was similar to control. PGE2 gel had a good prospect as topical medication to enhance tooth movement in orthodontics.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The primary tooth with caries process could be abscess and became non-vital inflammation of the pulp tissue extents into the root canals. An effort to maintain the non-vital primary teeth with fistula is
pulpectomy. The primary tooth pulpectomy is a common clinical procedure. The choice of filling material and antibacterial properties against organism to inhabit infected primary root canal is important. The choice of filling material is zinc oxide eugenol and antibacterial medicament is formocresol. One appointment formocresol pulpectomy procedure is indicated when inflammation of the pulp tissue
extend into the root canals, and possibly involves the periapical and/or bifurcation area. ln this case, after treatment with one-appointment formocresol pulpectomy in non-vital incisive lateral primary tooth with
fistula is successful in one and eight months. This procedure provides an alternative to extraction and space maintenance when the pediatric dentist encounters a non-vital primary tooth."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debora Hidayat
Impacted mandibular molars often caused by locking of the adjacent teeth, lack of space and many other reasons. Surgical extraction used to be the first choice in treating the severely impacted molars. In this article, firstly a horizontally impacted mandibular first molar and a mandibular second molar were diagnosed radiographically. By surgical crown exposure, combined with elastic traction, the teeth can be pulled occlusally into proper position. However, a thorough observation to control the position of the impacted molars during traction is still necessary."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eveline Hartanto
"The purpose of this study was to evaluate relapse on mandibular anterior teeth after orthodontic treatment using irregularity index. In total 44 subjects were included, 10 men and 34 woman, aged 15 to 37 years. All patients were Hawley retainers. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the values of irregularity index at the completion of orthodontic therapy (mean ii T2 = 0.57 mm) and in the retention periods (mean ii T3 = 2.36 mm). The changes of mandibular anterior teeth irregularity were in the minimal category for the majority of cases."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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