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Lisapaly, Leonard
"As mentioned before in the submitted proposal, the aim of this investigation is to study the wide angle reflection characteristic which has both advantage and disadvantage. The advantage we could obtain from such reflection angle is the stronger reflections (i.e S/N ratio) compared to the narrower angle reflections. This strong reflection makes the horizon identification becomes easier and its amplitudes might be used to study the rock properties using inversion technique. Its disadvantage comes from the fact that wide angle reflection involves what co-called chase distortion that affects the travel-time picking and also the amplitude measurement.
Some workers have studied the phase distortion effect and proposed some methods to overcome the problem. Choy and Richards [2] who studied seismograms produced by a caustic region found the similarities between event in the original seismograms and the Hilbert transformed seismograms. They observed that, for example, an sS-wave is a Hilbert transform pair of an SS-wave, which suggested a 90° phase distortion. To tackle the problem of obscure travel-time, they applied the matched filter to the distorted signal after Hilbert transforming the reference signal. This method, however, is limited to 913° phase distortion only.
The matched filter is a simple and straightforward method to estimate the amplitude ratio and differential travel-time of two different signals. However, it works well only when both signals have similar waveforms. When the phase distortion occurs, i.e. the original waveform is distorted, the matched filter fails to obtain an optimum amplitude and travel-time estimations. Pointer and Neuberg [8] introduced an iterative matched filter for analysing the effect of a phase distortion. First, the reference signal is phase distorted and used to find the amplitude ratio and travel-time by matched filter. The procedure is repeated ti changing the phase with a particular increment until they obtain the best cross-correlation value automatically revealing the amplitude ratio, the differential travel-time, and the phase distortion. However, the method is sensitive to the choice of the phase increment and in some cases it."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia,
LP 1999 154a
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chrisella Annabelle
"Latar belakang: Glaukoma merupakan gangguan penglihatan peringkat ketiga terbanyak di dunia, yang juga menjadi penyebab kebutaan permanen yang paling sering ditemukan. Terapi medikamentosa merupakan penanganan utama bagi pasien glaukoma primer sudut terbuka untuk mencegah perluasan defek lapang pandang yang dapat meningkatkan disabilitas pasien. Keberhasilan pengobatan bergantung kepada kepatuhan pasien terhadap rencana terapi yang telah dibuat untuknya. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian potong lintang analitik yang menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling dalam pemilihan subjek penelitiannya. Secara total, 33 subjek penelitian diwawancara melalui panggilan telepon berdasarkan kuesioner Morisky Medical Adherence Scale-8 (MMAS-8) yang diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia untuk menentukan tingkat kepatuhannya. Jenis perubahan lapang pandang ditentukan berdasarkan perhitungan laju perubahan MD dari dua hasil pemeriksaan perimetri Humphrey mata paling baik pasien. Hubungan antara kedua variabel dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil: Mayoritas subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang rendah (54,5%), diikuti dengan kepatuhan sedang (24,2%), lalu kepatuhan tinggi (21,2%). Median laju perubahan lapang pandang pasien adalah -0,30 (IQR=-1,48—0,87) dB/tahun. Sebanyak 19 (57,6%) pasien mengalami pemburukan lapang pandang. Lima (71,4%) pasien dengan tingkat kepatuhan tinggi mengalami perubahan lapang pandang yang bersifat stabil, sementara sembilan (50%) pasien dengan tingkat kepatuhan rendah mengalami pemburukan lapang pandang (p=0,335). Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara usia pasien dengan perubahan lapang pandangnya (p=0,719). Simpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemburukan lapang pandang pasien lebih sedikit ditemukan pada kelompok pasien dengan tingkat kepatuhan sedang dan tinggi, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna (p>0,05). Penelitian skala besar lanjutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan penelitian ini.

Background: Glaucoma is the third most prevalent visual disorder in the world, and also the most common cause of permanent blindness. Pharmacological therapy is used to prevent further visual field defect in open-angle glaucoma patients. Successful treatment is dependent on each patient’ adherence to their planned therapy regimen. Methods: This research is an analytical cross-sectional research which used consecutive sampling technique for subjects recruitment. In total, 33 research subjects were interviewed by phone using the translated Morisky Medical Adherence Scale-8 questionnaire to determine their adherence level. The classification of visual field progression was established based on the calculation of the rate of MD change between two Humphrey perimetry evaluations of the better glaucomatous eye on each patient. The association between the two variables were analysed using the chi square test. Results: The majority of the research subjects enrolled in this study showed low adherence (54,5%), followed with moderate (24,2%), then high adherence (21,2%). Median rate of MD change was -0,30 (IQR=-1,48-0,87) dB/year. As many as 19 (57,6%) patients experienced worsening visual fields. Five (71,4%) patients with high adherence had stable visual field changes, while nine (50%) patients with low adherence had worsening visual fields (p=0,335). No association was found between patients’ ages and their visual field changes (p=0,719). Conclusion: Data analysis suggests that less patients have worsening visual field when the adherence levels are moderate and high. However, it is not statistically significant (p>0,05). Further full-scale research to follow through this pilot study is recommended to be done to overcome the study’s limitations."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siholita, Magda
"Tujuan: membandingkan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% dengan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian timomol 0,5% pada glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronis (GPSTp kronis).
Metode: penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif, randomisasi, dengan cross over design pada 32 mata dari 16 subjek GPSTp kronis. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok travoprost dan kelompok timolol. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 8 subyek. Dua minggu setelah pemberian obat, dilakukan penyilangan kelompok. Tekanan intraocular diukur sebelum terapi, dan pada hari ke-1, hari ke-7, hari ke-14 setelah terapi. Periode wash out dilakukan pada saat sebelum diberikan perlakukan dan setelah cross over. Setiap wash out berlangsung selama 3 minggu.
Hasil: Kelompok travoprost mempunyai TIO awal rerata 25,38±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 11,44±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 6,63±2,25 mmHg. Dengan uji statistic, travoprost menurunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan timolol secara bermakna (p<0,05)
Kesimpulan: Obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% menunrunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan obat tetes mata timolol 0,5%.

Objective: To compare the reduction of intraocular after taking travoprost VS timolol in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma.
Method: We performed a prospective, randomized, crossover study of 32 eyes of 16 patients with chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Patients were randomized to 2 group: those taking travoprost once daily or those taking timolol twice daily. Each group comprise of 8 patients. Two weeks after treatment with the first drug, the second drug was substituted. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was recorded before the start of therapy, at day 1, at day 7, and at day 14. Wash out period conducted prior to initial treatment and after the cross over. The duration of wash out period was three weeks.
Results: The mean baseline IOP was 25.38±3.01 mmHg, which decreased by 11.44±1.90 mmHg with travoprost. The mean baseline IP was 25.88±2.55 mmHg, which decreased by 6.63±2.25 mmHg with timolol. By statistic test, travoprost reduced the IOP greater than timolol significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusion: 0.004% travoprost eyedrops reduce the IOP greater than 0.5timolol eyedrops.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puranto Budi Susetyo
"Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis tersamar tunggal yang bertujuan membandingkan tekanan intraokular (TIO) selama 24 jam antara terapi Travoprost 0,004% dengan terapi Timolol gel 0,1% pada pasien glaukoma primer sudut terbuka dengan tekanan yang telah terkontrol. 26 pasien yang mengikuti penelitian dibagi dua kelompok secara acak. Pengukuran TIO selama 24 jam sebanyak 8 kali dengan interval 3 jam setelah diterapi selama 4 minggu. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa fluktuasi, puncak, dan rerata TIO 24 jam Travopost 0,004% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Timolol gel 0, 1%.

This was a prospective, single blind randomized clinical trial. The purpose of this study was to compare 24 hours IOP between the use of travaprost 0.004% and timolol gel 0.1% on controlled primary open angle glaucoma. Twenty six patients enrolled this study and divided at two groups. 24 hours IOP measurement was done 8 times with 3 hours interval after 4 weeks therapy. The ressult of this study was travoprost 0.004% has lower IOP fluctuation, peak and mean IOP than timolol gel 0.1%.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Try Rachmaputra
Model kecepatan adalah parameter yang paling penting untuk Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM). Pemodelan kecepatan menggunakan inversi tomografi refleksi adalah metode untuk mendapatkan kecepatan interval. Proses ini menggunakan atribut kinematik wavefield yang diperoleh dari CRS. Dengan metode ini, kualitas gambar penampang bawah permukaan yang diperoleh dari proses PSDM akan meningkat.
Dalam studi ini, Data sesimik laut 2D diterapkan menggunakan metode ini. Input utama untuk inversi ini adalah atribut RNIP, atribut emergence angel, dan hasil picking yang diperoleh dari proses ZO CRS stack. Dari proses tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui waktu tempuh sinar normal, turunan spasial kedua waktu tempuh, turunan spasial pertama waktu tempuh, dan koordinat spasial kemunculan sinar.
Keempat paarameter tersebut menjadi data observasi untuk proses inversi tomografi. Di dalam proses inversi ini, kita dapat menghitung data forward model dan model kecepatan akhir yang didapatkan setelah nilai misfit mencapai minimum. Metode ini memiliki keluaran berupa informasi model kecepatan makro dalam satuan kedalaman. Menggunakan metode CRS stack memperlihatkan informasi lebih rinci
tentang struktur geologi bawah permukaan dibandingkan penampang hasil proses konvensional. Secara mudah menyederhanakan dan mempercepat proses picking dan memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan model kecepatan dalam situasi S/N rasio rendah atau struktur yang kompleks, untuk mengidentifikasi event refleksi yang menerus pada seismik.
Velocity model is the most important parameter for Pre Stack Depth Migration (PSDM). Velocity modeling using reflection tomography inversion is one of the methods to get interval velocity . This process uses kinematic wavefield attributes obtained from CRS stack method. By applying this method, the quality of subsurface image obtained from PSDM will be increased.
In this study, marine data 2D is applied using this methods. The main input for this inversion is RNIP attribute, emerge angle attribute, and picking of ZO samples that obtained from ZO CRS-stack method. From that process, we can find normal ray traveltime, second spatial traveltime derivatives, first spatial traveltime derivatives, and spatial coordinate. Those all parameter become observed data for tomography
inversion process. During the process we have calculate the forward modeling data, final velocity model is resulted after misfit calculated reach minimum value. Output from this methods is the macro velocity model information defined in depth unit. Using this method CRS stack shows more detailed information on subsurface geological structure than old section stack. besides that, significantly simplifies and
speeds up the picking process and allows to obtain a velocity model even in situations in low S/N ratio or complex reflector structure, to identify reflection event continuously across the seismic section."
Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Halimi
"Tesis ini merupakan implementasi nyata di bidang instrumentasi dalam bentuk sebuah prototype alat pengukur panjang kabel mengggunakan rotary encoder sensor dengan dukungan PLC sebagai otak kontrol dan Touch Scren Panel sebagai media operator untuk eksekusi operasi dan monitoring proses. Dalam pengujian kalibrasi jumlah pulsa encoder terhadap panjang aktual kabel menggunakan kabel jenis NYAF ukuran 1.5mm2 dan 2.5mm2 dengan panjang kabel sampai 100 meter. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa encoder menghasilkan sebanyak 38 pulsa/cm dengan prosentase penyimpangan korektif rata-rata sebesar 0.46%.

This thesis is an actual implementation in the field of instrumentation in the form of a prototype measuring device length of cable use rotary encoder sensor with support a PLC as a controller and Touch Screen Panel as a media for the operation and monitoring of process execution. In testing the calibration number of encoder pulses to the actual length of the cable using the cable NYAF types of 1.5mm2 and 2.5mm2 with cable lengths up to 100 meters. The results show that the encoder produces as many as 38 pulses/cm with a percentage deviation corrective average by 0.46%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Rachman Firdaus
"Pemakaian LCU dengan irradiansi tinggi secara medis berpotensi merusak jaringan pulpa gigi akibat kenaikan suhu yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh prototipe LCU menggunakan High Power LED dengan 3 mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) untuk mengontrol sinar irradiansi sinar output pada mode 1 dengan irradiansi 800 mW/Cm2, mode 2 dengan irradiansi 900 mW/Cm2, mode 3 dengan irradiansi 1.000 mW/Cm2 yang berdurasi 5 detik, 10 detik dan 20 detik dan suhu sinar output ≤ 37 °C. Lampu yang digunakan LED biru high power komersial Model LZ4-00DB10 sebagai sumber sinar.
Pengukuran irradiansi dan suhu dengan menggunakan LED Radiometer dan Thermocouple. Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan Prototipe LCU LED dengan metode kombinasi Pulse Width Modulation pada Mode 3 irradiansi 999 ± 3,16 mW/cm2 dan suhu sinar output 38,76 °C dengan durasi waktu penyinaran 20 detik. Pengaturan kombinasi PWM perlu disempurnakan lagi agar irradiansi diatas 1000 mW/cm2 dapat tercapai, sedangkan suhu sinar output LCU LED dapat terkendali tidak melebihi ≤ 37 °C.

LCU with high irradiance medically potentially damage the dental pulp tissue due to the temperature rise caused objective of this study is to obtain a prototype LCU using High Power LED with 3 modes Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the output light beam irradiance in mode 1 with irradiance of 800 mW / cm2, mode 2 with irradiance of 900 mW / cm2, mode 3 with irradiance of 1,000 mW / cm2 which lasts 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 20 seconds and the temperature of the output beam ≤ 37°C. Commercial high power blue LED as a light source LZ4- 00DB10 model.
Irradiance and temperature measurement using the LED Radiometer and Thermocouple. In this study produced prototype LED LCU with a combination method Mode Pulse Width Modulation at 999 ± 3 irradiance of 3.16 mW / cm2 and a temperature of 38.76°C output beam with a duration of 20 seconds exposure time. PWM combination settings need to be revised so that the irradiance above 1000 mW / cm2 can be achieved, while the temperature of the output beam can be controlled LED LCU not ≤ 37°C.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hatib Setiana
"Konfigurasi multi-motor terhubung paralel dengan inverter tunggal memiliki kelebihan dari segi efisiensi dan bentuk yang ringkas sehingga direkomendasikan untuk penggunaan pada kendaraan listrik. Kebutuhan performa sistem penggerak untuk kendaraan listrik mensyaratkan performa dinamik dengan respon torsi yang cepat, efisiensi tinggi pada keadaan transien maupun steady-state, dan dapat beroperasi pada berbagai kondisi medan kendaraan. Agar memenuhi persyaratan performa tersebut, penelitian ini mengkombinasikan Kendali Torsi Langsung Modulasi Vektor Ruang atau Direct Torque Control Space Vector Modulation DTCSVM dan Observer Kecepatan Adaptif untuk Kendali Motor Parallel dengan Inverter Tunggal. Implementasi DTC SVM diharapkan dapat memberikan respon torsi yang cepat dengan rugi rugi steady state akibat ripple torsi dan fluks yang minimum. Agar sistem dapat beroperasi pada berbagai medan kendaraan, eliminasi sensor kecepatan dapat menambah mechanical robustness dari sistem. Untuk memungkinkan hal tersebut, kendali speed sensorles dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan Observer Kecepatan Adaptif. Hasil uji simulasi dari sistem kendali yang dirancang menunjukan respon torsi dan fluks yang cukup cepat dengan ripple steady state yang rendah. Implementasi sistem kendali yang diusulkan dengan skema kendali paralel dasar yaitu kendali master slave dan kendali rata rata juga menunjukan respon yang stabil sesuai karakteristik dari masing masing skema pengendalian paralel motor

Single inverter multi-motor SIMM drive system has attractive advantages in terms of efficiency and compactness that makes it recommended for electric vehicle traction system. The electric vehicle drive system has dynamic performance requirements such as fast torque response, high efficiency over wide range of speed, and able to operate at hostile environtment. To fulfill these requirements, this research combines Direct Torque Control Space Vecor Modulation DTC SVM and Speed Adaptive Observer to be implemented in SIMM control system. DTC SVM is implemented to achieve fast torque response with minimum loses ripple at steady-state caused. The elimination of speed sensor can improve mechanical robustness of the system so that the system is more robust to operate at hostile environtment. To realize speed sensorless control, Speed Adaptive Observer is implemented. The simulation result shows sufficently fast flux and torque response with minimum steady state ripple. The Speed Adaptive Observer can estimate the speed of the motors satisfactorily at certain speed range. The results of the implementation of the proposed control method with basic SIMM control schemes these are master slave control and mean or average control shows good response behaviour and confirms the characteristics of each SIMM control schemes"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Endah Dewina AB
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perancangan sistem identifikasi bahan yang merupakan sebuah terobosan untuk kasus pengamatan kualitas air. Pada sistem ini terdapat sensor molekul untuk melihat karakteristik jenis-jenis air, agar bisa mengamati titik-titik ion atau molekul air pada bahan air mineral. Sistem identifikasi bahan ini memanfaatkan spektral noise empat dimensi dengan sumber tegangan 20 Volt, sinyal utama 200KHz, 500KHz, dan 800KHz, dan sinyal pengganggu (3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 300, 500, 700) KHz, (1, 3, 5, 7, 10) MHz. Air mineral yang diukur sebagai riset dalam analisa ini adalah air zam-zam, air suli5, air aquades, dan air kran DTE FT UI. Pengukuran dilakukan sebanyak 5 (lima) kali agar data yang telah didapat bisa jadi perbandingan dan terlihat jika ada perbedaan karakteristik disetiap pengukuran.

This Script describes how the design of the material identification system is a resolutin in the case of water quality observations. In this system there is a molecular sensor to see the characteristics of the types of water, in order to observe the points of ions or water molecules on the material mineral water. System material identification utilizes four-dimensional spectral noise voltage source 20 volts, the main signal is 200KHz, 500KHz, and 800Khz, and disturbance signals (3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 300, 500, 700) KHz, (1, 3, 5, 7, 10) MHz. Mineral water is measured as the research in this analysis is zam-zam water, suli5 water, distilled water and tap water DTE FT UI. Measurements were made 5 (five) times that the data has been obtained, and comparisons can be seen if there are differences in the characteristics of each measurement."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The method of least squares was discovered by Gauss in 1795. It has since become the principal tool to reduce the influence of errors when fitting models to given observations. Today, applications of least squares arise in a great number of scientific areas, such as statistics, geodetics, signal processing, and control.
In the last 20 years there has been a great increase in the capacity for automatic data capturing and computing. Least squares problems of large size are now routinely solved. Tremendous progress has been made in numerical methods for least squares problems, in particular for generalized and modified least squares problems and direct and iterative methods for sparse problems. Until now there has not been a monograph that covers the full spectrum of relevant problems and methods in least squares.
This volume gives an in-depth treatment of topics such as methods for sparse least squares problems, iterative methods, modified least squares, weighted problems, and constrained and regularized problems. The more than 800 references provide a comprehensive survey of the available literature on the subject."
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1996
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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