ABSTRAKThesis ini menganalisis pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah di bidang
pendidikan terhadap keikutsertaan siswa dalam pendidikan, dengan menggunakan
metode effek tetap (fixed effect) terhadap data panel pada pemerintah
kabupaten/kota di Indonesia selama periode 2008-2010. Analisis dilakukan
dengan memisahkan keikutsertaan siswa dalam pendidikan dasar (sekolah dasar
dan sekolah menengah pertama) dan keikutsertaan siswa dalam pendidikan
lanjutan untuk melihat perbedaan pada keduanya. Thesis ini menemukan bahwa
setelah mengendalikan karakteristik pulau, pengeluaran pemerintah di bidang
pendidikan memiliki efek yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keikutsertaan siswa
dalam pendidikan dasar. Setelah memisahkan wilayah Indonesia bagian timur dan
barat, ditemukan bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah hanya memiliki efek yang
signifikan terhadap keikutsertaan siswa dalam pendidikan dasar di wilayah
Indonesia bagian timur. Thesis ini juga menemukan bahwa kualitas
penyelenggaraan pemerintahan tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap efektifitas
pengeluaran pemerintah di bidang pendidikan selama periode analisis.
ABSTRACTThis paper analyses the impact of government education spending on
education enrolment, using a fixed effect method on a panel data at
district/municipal level of government in Indonesia during the period 2008-2010.
The analyses separate basic education (elementary and junior high school)
enrolment and senior high school enrolment to see whether the effects are
different among them. This paper finds that after controlling for island
characteristics, government education spending has a positive, significant effect
on basic education enrolment. After separating between east region and west
region, this paper finds that government spending only has significant effect on
basic education enrolment in east region. This paper also finds that the quality of
governance has no influence on the effectiveness of government education
spending during the period of study., This paper analyses the impact of government education spending on
education enrolment, using a fixed effect method on a panel data at
district/municipal level of government in Indonesia during the period 2008-2010.
The analyses separate basic education (elementary and junior high school)
enrolment and senior high school enrolment to see whether the effects are
different among them. This paper finds that after controlling for island
characteristics, government education spending has a positive, significant effect
on basic education enrolment. After separating between east region and west
region, this paper finds that government spending only has significant effect on
basic education enrolment in east region. This paper also finds that the quality of
governance has no influence on the effectiveness of government education
spending during the period of study.]"