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Research on the community structure of earthworm has been carried out on the edge area of the Gunung Halimun National Park. This research emphasizes on the population of earthworm, density, association, and the environmental effect.
Three species of earthworm were found ; Allolobophora rosea, Pheretima javanica, and P. capensis , A. rosea belongs namely to Megascolecidae family, while both species of P. jacanica and P. capensis belongs to the Lumbricidae family.
P. javanica was well distributed and found five research locations ; Citalahap, Cisarua 1, Cisarua I , Legokheulang and Cipongkor. P. capensis was not found in Cisarua I while A. rosea was not found in Citalahap.
Population of these three species were Relatively high A. rosea (60591100m2), followed by P. javanica (1191 I. 100m2), and P. capensis (863 1 100m2). Distribution patterns of the earthworm at five locations seem to be clumped together into one species group. The association of the three species at five different locations were only found in Legokheulang; between P. javanica and P. capensis, and in Cipongkor between P. javanica and A. rosea.
Beside pH and humidity of soil, other environmental factors such as air temperature, ground surface temperature, air pressure, light intensity, and thickness of mulch affect the earthworm populations.
Observation on cocoa production showed that within 90 days, A. rosea produced three pea of cocon containing one egg as an embryo. This condition leds us to believe that A. rosea production is low, it means that this species is not commercially feasible. But, from the protein point of view that the content o1 A. rosea (38.63%) can be very useful as a source protein for animal chew, human food, and medicine."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Wijaya
Penerapan pengobatan massal dalam memberantas cacingan murid sekolah dasar di kota
Depok telah bertahun-tahun dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
hubungan program pemberantasan cacingan dengan penerapan pengobatan massal
(pendekatan blankei treatmeny terhadap prevalensi cacingan serta perilaku hidup bersih
dan sehat murid sekolah dasar di kelurahan Mcmyung Depok dengan desain penelitian
rancangan potong lintang atau crow; sectional. Scbanyak 438 sampel murid sekolah dasar
dipilih secara acak dari 795 total populasi murid kelas satu, kelas tiga dan kelas lima
sekolah dasar di kelurahan Meruyung Depok.
Dari penelitian ini diperolch rata-rata prevaiensi cacingan murid adalah 1,l% dan
gambaran kondisi kebersihan murid mengalami perbaikan tiap kelasnya, separuh
respondcn keias lima memiliki sikap baik namun pengetahuan dan praktek/ perilaku
hidup bersih dari murid kelas lima umumnya buruk. Data diolah dengan menggunakan
uji chi square dan diperoleh tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengobatan
massal terhadap prevalensi cacingan dan kondisi kebersihan diri anak. Pada penelitian ini
juga dihasilkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara karaktcristik murid
dengan prcvalcnsi cacingan. Namun berdampak pada kebiasaan minum obat cacing pada
murid yang diberikan oleh orang tuanya di rumah.

Applying of' mass medication in fighting against worm infestation in primary school in
town of Depok have through years executed without existence of data survey early and
also evaluation survey. This research aim to for the influence of wormy eradication
program with applying of mass medication (approach of treatment blanket) to obtain the
prevalence on worm infestation and clean living behavior at primary school using cross
sectional study design in sub-district of' Meruyung Depok using transversal crosscut
device or sectional cross. ln amount of 438 students of primary school were randomly
selected from the 795 total population of first class student, third class student and iitth
class student in primary school in the Sub district Meruyung Depok.
From this research obtained prevalence rate of worm infestation of the student was I, 1%
and there was an improvement condition of hygiene of the student, knowledge and clean
living behavior of fifth class students majority badness. Data were analyzed using Chi
square to see the relation of mass medication to obtained the prevalence of worm
infestation. It was revealed that mass medication do not have any relation with wormy
ditterence amon the class but it took influence in habit of taking medicine worm to
children that given by their parents at home.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The current study investigated the effect of temu ireng (Curcuma aeruginosa rhizome) sequester on parasitic worm infection in primary school students located in Kecamatan Taman Sari in West Jakarta
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochida Rasidi
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: W. kalimantani ditemukan pertama kali pada tahun 1980 oleh Palmieri dkk pada lutung P. cristatus di Kalimantan. Parasit ini mirip dengan W. bancrofti yang merupakan parasit filaria terpenting di dunia. Parasit ini hanya ditemukan pada manusia, tidak terdapat pada hewan, sehingga pengobatan, patologi dan imunologi penyakit filariasis ini tidak dapat dipelajari dengan baik (model hewan yang baik sampai sekarang belum ditemukan). Ditemukannya W. kalimantani pada lutung Presbytis memberikan landasan untuk memakai parasit dan hewan tersebut sebagai model wukereriasis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perkembangan larva filaria W. kalimantani dalam nyamuk Ae. togoi sebagai vektor eksperimental. Nyamuk Ae. togoi yang dipelihara di laboratorium diinfeksi dengan mikrofilaria W. kalimantani dari lutung P. cristatus. Nyamuk disimpan dalam kamar dengan suhu 26° C dan kelembaban 80%. Setiap hari setelah infeksi 10 ekor nyamuk dibunuh, 5 ekor langsung dibedah dalam larutan garam faal untuk mempelajari perkembangan larva, dan 5 ekor lainnya dimasukkan dalam alkohol panas 70% untuk kemudian diwarnai dengan trikrom agar dapat diukur panjang, lebar dan ekor larva. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan mikrometer dengan pembesaran 100 dan 450 kali; setiap hari diukur ± 30 ekor larva.
Hasil dan Kesimputan:
1. Larva W. kalimantani menjadi bentuk infektif dalam nyamuk Ae. togoi daLam waktu 16 1/2-20 1/2 hari setelah infeksi. Panjang larva stadium III W. kalimantani tidak berbeda banyak dengan Larva stadium III W. bancrofti (1655,8-1648,7 μ).
2. Pola perkembangan larva W. kalimantani dalam nyamuk Ae. togoi menyerupai perkembangan Larva W. bancrofti dalam nyamuk Cx. guinquefasciatus. Kami berpendapat bahwa nyamuk Ae. togoi dapat dipakai sebagai vektor eksperimental di laboratorium.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Infeksi cacing merupakan salah satu infeksi kronik yang banyak menyerang anak balita dan anak usia sekolah dasar. Pada penelitian ini ingin diketahui pengaruh infeksi cacing terhadap pertumbuhan anak balita yang kurang kalori protein. Sebanyak 90 balita yang kurang kalori protein tingkat I (KKPI) dari beberapa posyandu di kelurahan Kramat, Jakarta Pusat diperiksa tinjanya dengan cara Kato-Katz. Anak yang terinfeksi cacing diobati dengan pirantel pamoat 10 mg per kg berat badan. Setelah pengobatan, berat badan anak dipantau selama 3 bulan, untuk melihat perubahan status gizi. Agaknya pengobatan infeksi cacing saja belum dapat mengubah status gizi seluruh penderita askariasis. Mungkin jumlah kalori yang dikonsumsi anak asetiap harinya kurang mencukupi untuk kebutuhan tumbuh kembang anak."
MPARIN 9 (1-2) 1996
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Telah dilakukan penelitian di daerah sekitar Kampus UI depok untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis cacing endoparasit pada saluran pencernaan tikus Rattus spp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 60 tikus yang ditangkap pada tahun 1988 dan 1991 ada 4 jenis cacing endoparasit yaitu 2 dari kelas Nematoda (Rictularia sp. dan Viktorocara sp.) dan 2 jenis lainnya dari kelas Cestoda (Raillietina sp. dan larva strobilocercus Taenia taeniaeformis). Jenis-jenis tikus Rattus yang tertangkap dan terinfeksi ada 5 jenis, yaitu R.tiomanicus, R.argentiventer, R.norvegicus, R.exulans, dan R.rattus diardi
MPARIN 6 (1-2) 1993
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi tiga macam obat cacing terhadap jumlah telur dan jenis cacing pada anak babi. Sejumlah 24 ekor anak babi yang terinfeksi cacong parasit secara alami dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok berdasarkan derajat infeksi cacing dan bobot badan. Kelompok 1 tidak mendapat obat cacing; kelompok 2 mendapat febantel 10% dosis tunggal 50mg per bobot badan; kelompok 3 mendapat albendazol 20% dosis tunggal 25mg/kg bobot badan; dan kelompok 4 mendapat oksibendazol dosis tunggal 10mg/kg bb. Sampel tinja diambil 3 hari pertama setelah pengobatan. Setelah itu penimbangan dan pengambilan sampel tinja dilakukan setiap 10 hari sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampai hari ke-60, kelompok yang mendapat albendazol tidak memperlihatkan telur cacing Ascaris, sedangkan cacing Trichuris sp. walaupun berkurang, tapi masih ditemukan telurnya. Untuk cacing tipe strongyle dan Strongyloides sp., hasil ini terlihat setelah hari ketiga pemberian antelmintik."
MPARIN 10 (1-2) 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Suatu studi mengenai pola kandungan cacing parasitik pada tikus liar telah dilakukan di Pulau Siberut, Sumatera Barat, dengan tujuan untuk mengungkap keanekaragaman jenis, habitat, inang, penyebaran dan peranannya terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Sejumlah 513 spesimen terdiri atas 499 dan 14 spesimen (10 dan 3 jenis) cacing parasitik ditemukan pada 27 ekor tikus mentawai (Rattus lugens) dari 30 ekor yang dikoleksi (90%) dan pada 3 ekor tikus pagai (Maxomys pagensis) dari 6 ekor yang dikoleksi (50%). "
MPARIN 12 (1-2) 1999
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natural forest in Java is recently limited in the mountain area. Most of these forest areas are legally protected, however these forests are still utilized illegally by people for fuel and sawn wood production. This forest has important role for life; therefore, the sustainability of the original mountain forest ecosystem should be maintained. Gunung Halimun National Park is one of the mountain rain forests having high biological diversity.
The objective of this research is to understand the composition and structure of tree communities in the national park edge area and the influence of trees to the undergrowth species, in such away the degree of forest disturbance and its causes could be identified.
Data collection was carried out between April and September 1995 in five edge national park areas, i.e. Cisarua I, Cisarua II, Legok Heulang, Pongkor and Citalahap: Floristic enumeration was done by transect-plot method. First transect-plots of 500 x 20 meter were established perpendicular to the national park border. Each transect plot was divided by 25 plot of 20 m x 20 in for trees (DBH > 10 cm) enumeration, 25 sub plot of 5 m x 5 m for sapling (2 cm < DBH > 10 cm), and 25 sub plot of 1 m x 1 m for undergrowth plants (diameter < 2 cm).
Sorensen similarity indices show the variation among the five study sites. Three sites Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulng have value more than 50 %, while the similarity of two other sites, i.e. Pongkor and Citalahap is lower, less than 36 %, indicates the different community types. Those variations seem to be resulted from different environmental conditions and degrees of disturbance.
From the five transect-plots of 500 m x 20 m, 89 trees species were recorded, belonging to the 33 genus and 62 families. Citalahap is an area having the highest species diversity, i.e. 48 species, followed by Pongkor (38 species), Legok Heulang (37 species), Cisarua II (35 species), and Cisarua I (33 species). Communities of Cisarua I, Cisarua II and Legok Heulang were dominated by Tinmannia blumei, Syzygium lineatum, Schefflera arornatica, Schima wallichii, Eurya acuminata, Quercus pycnan hum. Based on important index values, it was apparent that the Cisarua I is a consociation of Vkinmannia blumei, while Cisarua II and Legok Heulang are association of Ni,inmantiia blumei - Syzygium lineatum. The community in Pongkor area is an association of Castanopsis acurninatissima - Quercus pyriformis, dominated by Castanopsis acuminatissima, Quercus pyriforntis, Schima ~vallic/: i, Altingia excelsa; while the community in Citalahap is an association of Altingia excelsa - Quercus garnelli.fora, dominated by Altingia excelsa, Quercus gamelkflora, Quercus pyrifnrmis, Schima wallichii, and Litsea di versifolia.
Based on the sapling composition in the 125 sub plots of 5 m x 5 m, 68 species were recorded belonging to the 31 genus and 53 families. The most important species of saplings were Camellia sinensis, Macaranga triloba, Syzygium lineatum. Sciu:fera annnatica, Castanopsis acuminatissima, Gyathea contaminans.
Within 125 sub plots of 1 m x 1 in, 205 undergrowth species were recorded belonging to 72 genus and 155 families. Based on the life form, it composed of 71 seedlings, 37 shrubs, 2 palms, 14 ferns, 2 orchids, 22 lianas, 58 herbs. Composition of undergrowth plants could be classified into three communities. The first community represents Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulang. This community is dominated by light demanding (intolerant) species, such as Gleichenia linearis, Clidemia hirta, Sphaeranthus liulicus, Eupatorium intrlifoliun1. Macaranga triloba, and Helminthostachys zelylanica. The second community represents Pongkor area, dominated by shade tolerant species, such as Castanopsis acuminatissima, Maschalacotytnutio cotynrbosus, Conunc'linrt diftsa, Plectocomia elonngata, and the third community represent Citalahap area dominated by Alangium indict's, Begonia robusta, and Strobilanthes blumei. The growth of tolerant and intolerant species is influenced by tree crown covers and density. This is proved by Pongkor area which has highest trees density (373 trees/ha), and the lowest is Legok Heulang (190 trees/ha). Species diversity in five research locations is relatively high (3.46), compared with interior forest 2.49 (Hadi, 1994).
Based on calculation, basal area of trees in five research locations are lower compared with other forest areas in West Java (Yamada, 1975; Yusuf, 1988; Hadi, 1994). This means that trees in five research locations have smaller sizes. This is also indicated by class diameter distribution by which trees having diameter at 10-20 cm on the highest rank in five locations. The analysis of class diameter distribution of the sample trees from Citalahap and Pongkor area shows the normal curve (7 up-side down shaped). This means that the forest in two areas were relatively undisturbed. On the other hand, class diameter distribution from Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulang shows that the class diameter curve is not normal. Most of the diameter > 40 cm has been removed illegally by local communities. From the observation in the field, there are 32 to 88 illegal left-over cut logs per hectare with the diameter more than 25 cm. Based on this fact, it is shown that the forest area in the three locations has been very highly disturbed by local community, mainly with illegal cutting of the trees with diameter > 25 cm. In order to maintain the natural ecosystem in three locations of the Gunung Halimun National Park, the protection system in the park area should be improved."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penanggulangan penyakit cacing yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada murid sekolah dasar di Jakarta dilakukan dengan program penyuluhan dan pengobatan masal. Penelitian dilakukan di 3 sekolah dasar di kecamatan Gambir, Jakarta Pusat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan 3 macam cara pemberian mebendezol. Di sekolah I murid-murid diobati dengan 200 mg mebendezol 2 hari berturut-turut. Di sekolah II diberikan 100 mg dosis tunggal selama 3 hari berturut-turut dan di sekolah III diberikan dosis standar berupa mebendezol 100 mg 2 kali sehari selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Pemberian mebendezol selama 3 hari berturut-turut sangat efektif untuk trikuriasis, bahkan 100 mg mebendezol dosis tunggal selama 3 hari berturut-turut, memberikan hasil optimal, pemberian obat lebih mudah dan biaya operasional lebih murah daripada dosis standar."
MPARIN 8 (1-2) 1995
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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