"Tesis ini membahas tentang kinerja Puskesmas Pahandut sebagai organisasi publik dengan menggunakan metode Balance Scorecard. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kinerja Puskesmas Pahandut ditinjau dari aspek-aspek Balance Scorecard, yang meliputi perspektif pelanggan, keuangan, pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran dan proses internal organisasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif deskripsi.
Hasil penelitian untuk prespektif pelanggan dinilai memuaskan untuk pelayanan yang diterima dengan yang diharapkan, perspektif keuangan masih dinilai kurang efektif karena anggaran habis untuk belanja pegawai dan setiap tahun anggaran untuk Puskesmas Pahandut menurun, perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran dinilai cukup memuaskan karena pegawai banyak yang merasa kurang menjiwai pekerjaan yang ada dan prespektif proses internal organisasi dinilai cukup memuaskan karena kurangnya fasilitas sarana dan prasana yang mendukung.
This thesis discussed about the achievement of the Pahandut Community Health Centre as the organisation of the public by using the aspect-aspectBalance Scorecard method. The aim of this research of analyse the achievement of the Pahandut Community Health Centre was considered from the Balance Scorecard approach, that covered the perspective of the customer, finance, the growth and learning and the internal process of the organisation. The research method used quantitative the description.
Results of the research to prespective the customer was judged satisfactory for the service that was accepted with that was hoped for, the perspective of finance was still being it was thought more ineffective because the budget completely for the official's expenses and every year the budget for the Pahandut Community Health Centre descended, the perspective of the growth and learning was considered quite satisfactory because of the official many that felt not all that inspired the available work and prespective the internal process of the organisation was considered quite satisfactory because of the shortage of means facilities that supported."