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Moch. Subari Djunaedi
"Sehubungan dengan kebijakan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam rangka menyongsong Era Globalisasi, membutuhkan profesionalisme yang tinggi bagi sumber daya manusiannya (SDM). Program Diploma III Farmasi salah satu Jenjang Pendidikan Tinggi (JPT) Kesehatan harus dapat menyiapkan tenaga yang disesuaikan dengan situasi yang ada dan professional yang dibutuhkan oleh pelayanan kesehatan di bidang kefarmasian dan yang mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.
Dalam melaksanakan suatu proses belajar mengajar (PBM) yang baik, diperlukan kemampuan mendidik dari para dosennya, materi pelajaran yang sesuai dengan tuntutan, penggunaan media pengajaran yang efisien dan efektif, alat-alat yang sesuai dan prosedur evaluasi yang sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat tentang pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar praktek (PBP) di laboratorium Farmasetika.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data dari hasil wawancara mendalam terhadap para dosen pengawas praktek dan dosen responser, FGD terhadap mahasiswa serta hasil. observasi pelaksanaaan PBP di laboratorium Farmasetika AKFAR DEPKES RI Jakarta tahun ajaran 2001-2002.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik dosen pengawas PBP maupun dosen responser dalam melaksanakan semua pentahapan praktek resep mulai dari penerimaan resep sampai menyerahkan obat, secara umum belum baik karena 7 (tujuh) kompetensi yang diharapkan oleh para pengelola apotek hanya 1 (satu) kompetensi yang diprioritaskan dalam PBP yaitu keterampilan meracik obat. Keterampilan yang lainnya hanya sepintas lalu, sehingga kompetensi lulusan tidak dapat memenuhi kompetensi yang diharapkan oleh para pengelola apotek.
Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan perlu diadakan penerapan metode simulasi apotek dalam melaksanakan tahap-tahap sirkulasi resep seperti penerimaan resep, memberikan harga, menulis etiket, menulis kopi resep, meracik obat, mengemas obat dan menyerahkan obat.
Based on the policy of Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia in the occasion of towards Globalization Era, it needs high professionalism for their human resources. The program of D3 Pharmacy is one of the Colleges in health that should prepare the qualified and professional of their human resources that needed by the health service in pharmacy who is capable develop the knowledge and doing their task.
In doing the process of good teaching, it is need the ability to educate from those lecturers. The objective of this study is to determine on the implementation of job training at the pharmacy laboratory.
This study used qualitative method; the data is collected by in-depth interview to those lecturers whose control the job training and respond the question. The Focus Group Discussion is conducted to the students, and the result of observation to the implementation of Job Training at the Pharmacy Laboratory of AKFAR DEPKES RI, Jakarta in 2001-2002.
The results of study showed that both the lecturer who control the job training and the lecturer who was responding the question in doing their practice, it is starting from receive the prescription up to submit the medicine. In general, it has not showed in good yet, because there are 7 competencies that it is hoped by the management of Drug Store, but only one competence that is becoming priority in job training i.e. the ability to prepare medicine. The other skills as a glance, so the competence of their graduation could not answer the competence that is hoped by the management of Drug Store.
To increase the competence of their graduation it needed to conduct application of the simulation method at the Drug Store in doing the steps of circulation of prescription, such as receive prescription, giving price, write etiquette, write prescription copy, prepare medicine, packed the medicine and submit it.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlia Susilawati
"Farmasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat kedatangan resepnya, namun masih ada pasien yang tidak membeli obat pada farmasi rawat jalan RSHJ yang salah satu kemungkinan penyebabnya adalah waktu tunggu yang lama.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa lama waktu tunggu seorang pasien dalam membeli obat, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkannya dan mengembangkan model yang lebih baik yang dapat mempersingkat waktu tunggu.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Cross Sectional atau penelitian operasional dengan analisa kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh lembar resep yang datang ke farmasi rawat jalan RSHJ pada pukul 08.00 - 14.00 mulai tanggal 27 Mei sampai dengan 1 Juni 2002.
Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat kedatangan resep per jam selama seminggu adalah sebesar 30 lembar per jam. Rata-rata tingkat kedatangan pada saat waktu sibuk sekitar dua kali lebih besar dibandingkan rata-rata tingkat kedatangan pada saat tidak sibuk. Pola pelayanan obat jadi lebih singkat daripada pola pelayanan obat racikan, khususnya pada tahap penyiapan obat. Sedangkan lama waktu tunggu dalam sistem pada tahap penyiapan obat jadi selama 22 menit 27 detik, dan lama waktu tunggu pada tahap penyiapan obat racikan selama 41 menit 3 detik.
Untuk mengurangi lamanya waktu tunggu dibuatlah model antrian M/G/2/I/I pada tahap penyiapan obat jadi dan tahap penulisan etiket dan pengemasan obat. Hasil simulasi dari model tersebut menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu dalam sistem dapat berkurang selama lebih kurang 2.5 menit.

Development of the Prescription's Queuing System Model in the Outpatient's Pharmacy of RSHJ in 2002The prescriptions of out patients in RSHJ have increased from year to year. Some of the outpatient do not buy drug in RSHJ pharmacy. One of the reasons, probably, is the waiting time of the service.
The aim of this study was to know the waiting time in buying drug, of the outpatient the contribution factors, and how to develop a better model for shorten the waiting time.
The research uses the cross sectional or operational research by using quantitative analysis. The sample has taken from the whole prescriptions in outpatient's pharmacy in RSHJ from 08.00 AM until 02.00 PM, from May 27 th up to June 1 st, 2002.
The result from analysis by using computer. Has revealed that the average of the prescriptions per hour during one week was 30 prescriptions. The average of arrival rate at peak hours was about twice longer than the average of arrival rate at UN peak hours. The non-dispensed medicine prescription has shortened than the dispensed medicine prescriptions, especially in the prepared time. The result show the waiting time for non-dispensed medicine prescriptions is 22 minutes 27 seconds, and for the dispensed medicine prescriptions is 41 minutes 3 seconds.
The queuing model M/G/2/I/I, has use as a model in this study to analysis how to shorten the waiting time in preparing the non-dispensed medicine prescriptions, descriptions etiquette drugs, and drug's packaging. The simulation of this model show the waiting time can be shorten for about 2,5 minutes."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 8321
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tugiman Atmasumarta
"Tenaga Ahli Madya Gizi lulusan Akademi Gizi dididik dengan biaya bersumber dari pemerintah dan partisipasi masyarakat. Kebijakan pemerintah "zero growth personal", Departemen Kesehatan hanya menyerap lulusan Akademi Gizi 26,8 %, sisanya 73,2 % bekerja di sektor lain baik di pemerintah maupiun swasta.
Desain penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif, dengan rancangan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui data restrospektif dengan menueiusuri laporan yang ada. Analisis dilakukan terhadap biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan tahun ajaran 199811999, mencakup biaya bersumber dari DIP, DIK, dan BP3 yang dikelola oleh Akademi Gizi Jakarta. Komponen biaya yang menjadi variabe] adalah biaya investasi gedung, peralatan, kendaraan, pegawai, barang dan jasa, perjalanan, pemeliharaan dan bantuan beserta didik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan tahun ajaran 19981] 999 sebesar Rp 1.275.526.000,-. Sumber biaya pemerintah sebesar 77,6 % dan non pemerintah 22,6 %. Biaya pegawai merupakan komponen terbesar dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan Ahli Madya Gizi. Biaya satuan untuk menghasilkan seorang Ahli Madya Gizi pada kelas regular sebesar Rp 12.941.460,- dan kelas khusus sebesar Rp 11.932.960,-. Subsidi yang dikeluarkan untuk menghasilkan satu orang ahli gizi pada tahun 1998/1999 sebesar Rp 10.055.515,-. Perhitungan tarif tanpa subsidi Rp 1.857.155,- permahasiswalpersemester pada kapasitas 120 orang perangkatan. Perhitungan dengan tarif subsidi Rp 751.560,- permahasiswalpersemester pada kapasitas 120 orang perangkatan.
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga Ahli Madya Gizi, disarankan pengambil kebijakan di Departemen Kesehatan, hendaknya meningkatkan pendidikan tenaga iulusan Sekolah Pembantu Ahli Gizi, daripada mendidik keias reguler.

Cost analysis and tariff policy for Diploma III program for education of Nutrition Academy at "Akademi Gizi" Jakarta Ministry of Health period 1998/1999Now, the manpower of nutrition graduated from the academy of nutrition is funded by government and non government cost. The purpose of the study was to know the total of study budget, unit cost, and tariff policy. In accordance with government policy that there is " zero growth personnel ", the Ministry of Health only absorb 26.8 % of graduated as government employ and 73.2 % is absorbed by non government as private employ.
The design of research was descriptive study based on case study. The data was collected by using the annual academy report. The analysis of data was held in order to know the related thing of the academy nutrition budget on 1998/1999 especially which based on DIP, D1K, and BP3. The variables research consists of investment on building, equipment, vehicle, employed expenses, supplies and services, maintenance and loan cost student.
The result of the research indicates that the educational cost for the year 1998/1999 was Rp 1.275.526.000,- .Most of the budged is spent for the operational activity at the academy of nutrition. The actual of unit cost for completing study one of nutritionist in the academy of nutrition was Rp, 12. 941.400 for regular class and Rp, 11.932.960 for special class. In the year of 1998 the government was subsidies Rp. 10.055.515 for one person of nutritionist. Calculation of tariff without subsidies was Rp. 1.857.155 per student /semester if total of student is 120 people per batch. The total cost with subsidies was Rp. 751.650 per student/semesters.
According to this result it is suggested to decision maker of ministry of health to develop the graduated of school of assistance nutritionist (SPAG) rather than regular student."
Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amarina Anggraini
"Era perdagangan bebas yang telah disepakati dalam kerangka AFTA, APEC dan WTO mengharuskan setiap perusahaan meningkatkan perhatiannya kepada kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan. Dimana kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan tidak hanya terfokus pada keistimewaan karakteristik produk/jasa yang ditawarkan tetapi juga kualitas pelayanan yang menyertai produk/jasa tersebut, seperti waktu pelayanan dan ketepatan penyerahan.
Farmasi adalah salah satu unit di rumah sakit yang memberikan layanan produk dan jasa dalam bentuk layanan resep. Dimana bagi pelanggan mutu layanan resep farmasi yang baik umumnya dikaitkan dengan kecepatan pelayanan. Aktivitas yang terjadi pada proses operasi layanan resep diduga dipengaruhi oleh faktor jenis resep, jumlah item dan shift.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh faktor jenis resep, jumlah item dan shift terhadap efektifitas siklus aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan di RS. Haji Jakarta yang diukur dengan rasio siklus efektifitas (CE) dikaitkan dengan kepuasan pelanggan dan persepsi pelanggan terhadap waktu yang terbentuk akibat aktivitas proses layanan resep.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Unit Farmasi RS. Haji Jakarta dari tanggal 8 April sampai dengan 19 April 2002. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 231 lembar resep, penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan time motion study, survey dan wawancara mendalam.
Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas proses layanan resep di farmasi Rawat Jalan RS. Haji Jakarta memiliki nilai rata-rata CE sebesar 38,75%. Ini berarti bahwa aktifitas layanan resep masih belum efektif karena masih terkandung aktifitas yang bersifat tidak menambah nilai. Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan resep Farmasi Rawat Jalan RS. Haji Jakarta masih rendah dimana 55,4% menyatakan "kurang puas". Persepsi pelanggan terhadap waktu tunggu yang ditanggung saat menebus obatnya di Farmasi Rawat jalan RS. Haji Jakarta masih rendah dimana 45,7% menyatakan "lama" atas pelayanan resep Farmasi RS. Haji Jakarta.
Dari analisis bivariat didapat faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan yanitu faktor 'jenis resep' dan 'jumlah item' (beban resep). Dari analisis multivariat didapat variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kinerja aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan yaitu faktor 'jenis resep'.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan informasi tentang kinerja proses layanan resep Farmasi Rawat Jalan di RS. Haji Jakarta dapat dijadikan pedoman bagi proses perbaikan dalam meningkatkan mutu layanan kefarmasian. Dengan melakukan pengelolaan aktivitas yang menambah nilai akan dihasilkan kinerja yang lebih efisien.

The Free-Trade era in the result of the AFTA, APEC and WTO Agreement are driving companies to focus more on their customer needs. Not only focusing on the characteristic specialities of the products/services offered, but also the quality that comes along within the product/service itself, such as service time and deliver accuracy.
Pharmacy is a unit in the hospital that gives products and services in the form of receipt services. Whereas for the customers, a good pharmacy's receipt services quality are usually related to providing quick service. The activities that occured in a receipt services operational process are hypothetically influenced by several factors; the receipts' kind, number of items and work-shift.
This research intended to discover the influence of all the above factors on how effective the activities cycle in a pharmacy's receipt services operational process in a hospital which are measured by the Cycle Effectiveness (CE) ratio, related to customers' satisfaction and perception about the formed time after the receipt services process.
The research took place in the Pharmacy Unit of the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta from April 8th to April 19th 2002. The research samples included 231 medical receipts. The research was also done with several approaches; time motion study, survey, and deep interviews.
The analyses being used are univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The result of this research shows that the average CE value of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt services in the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta are 38,75% which mean that such activity is not effective because there are still some non-added value activities. The customers' level of satisfaction is still low where there is still 55,4% stated 'not satisfied'. The customers' perception of the time length taken to wait for the medicine is still low, where 45,7% stated 'long' for the pharmacy's receipt services in the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta.
There's a factor concluded from the bivariate analysis that related to the performance of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt service, which is the 'kind of receipts and numbers of item' factor. While from the multivariate analysis the most dominant variable related to the performance of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt service, which is the 'kind of receipts'
Based on this research, hopefully the information about the performane of the activity process in the Rumah Sakit Haji, Jakarta pharmacy's receipt services can be used as some sort of guidance to improve process and increase the pharmacy's service quality. By managing an added value and a non-added value activity we will have a much more efficient performance as a result.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avini Risda Khaerani
"Kesalahan dalam pengobatan (medication errors) yang paling sering terjadi pada antituberkulosis adalah kesalahan dosis. Tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam pengobatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan laporan adalah observasional dan deskriptif. Laporan ini ditulis dari tanggal 1 Maret hingga 1 April 2022 di Apotek Atrika, Jakarta Pusat. Berdasarkan pengerjaan laporan ini, resep Obat Antituberkulosis (OAT) yang ditebus pada Apotek Atrika masih memiliki kekurangan dari segi persyaratan kajian administratif seperti umur pasien, Berat Badan (BB), paraf dan nomor telepon dokter, dan alamat pasien. Adapun dari segi aspek klinis dan farmasetik, resep OAT yang ditebus di Apotek Atrika telah memenuhi syarat.

The most common type of medication error with antituberculosis therapy is wrong dose error. The purpose of this study were to conducting recipes screening on antituberculosis therapy recipes in order to prevent medication error occured. This observational and descriptive study was conducted on March 2022 at Atrika Pharmacy. There are some lacking on the administrative aspects of the assigned receipts of antituberculosis therapy at Atrika Pharmacy, such as the absence of weight, doctor's sign and telephone number, and patient's address. Based on the clinical and pharmaceutical aspects, the assigned receipts have meet the requirements."
Depok: 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini merupakan hasil penelilian terhadap mahasiswa tingkat III Akper di Propinsi Banten yang dilatar belakangi hasil studi pendahuluan yang menunjukkan rendahnya indeks prestasi mahasiswa dikaitkan dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional dan pendidikan keperawatan.
Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan indeks prestasi menurut karakteritik dan faktor internal mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang datanya didapatkan melalui cara responden mengisi sendiri kuesioner yang disebarkan dan studi doktunentasi kemudian dilakukan uji statistik untuk analisis univariat, bivariat, dan mul.tivariat dan hasilnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan narasi yang dilengkapi dengan pembahasan setiap variabel penelitian.
Dari hasil analisis univariat didapatkan bahwa mayoritas responden berumur muda dan jenis kelamin perempuan, sedangkan menurut asal SLTA didapatkan hasil sebagian besar responden berasal dari SMU Negeri. Setengah dari responden termasuk kategori tinggi. pada variabel nilai SUB, motivasi, minat, dan bakat, serta lebih dan setengah responden mempersepsikan baik terhadap proses belajar mengajar di Akper masing-masing, namun hanya 37,5% responden yang mendapat indeks prestasi kualifkasi B.
Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa umur muda dan jenis kelamin perempuan rata-rata indeks prestasinya lebih tinggi daripada responden yang berumur tua dan lain-laki. Responden yang berasal dari SLTA (SMU/MA) Negeri rata-rata indeks prestasinya lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang berasal dari SLTA (swasta). Demikian juga responden yang nilai STTB, motivasi, minat, bakat dan persepsi terhadap PBM tinggi/baik mendapatkan rata-rata indeks prestasi lebih tinggi pula.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disarankan kepada mahasiswa supaya belajar lebih tekun dan melengkapi catatan agar mendapatkan prestasi yang baik, sedangkan saran bagi institusi pendidikan agar meningkatkan kemampuan dosen dalam mengajar, melengkapi fasilitas belajar yang diperlukan, dan meningkatkan peran pembimbing akademik. Untuk mendapatkan mahasiswa yang berprestasi baik, maka disarankan kepada Pusat Diknakes agar hasil penelitian ini dapat dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan syarat calon mahasiswa dan melakukan tes khusus seperti tes motivasi, minat, dan tes bakat pada penerimaan mahasiswa baru serta mengadakan pendidikan tambahan bagi dosen untuk meningkatkan. kemampuan dosen sesuai dengan bidang ilmu yang diminatinya.
Pustaka 42: 82-2001

Students' Internal Factor Analysis and Study Achievement at the Academic of Nursing, Province of Banten, 2002The thesis represented the results of research done at the third grade students of the Academic of Nursing, Province of Banten. It was based on the background of a preliminary study, which proved that the GPA students had performed a low standard in connection with the goal of the national and nursing education.
This research generally intended to find out the differences of GPA, based on the student's characteristics and the internal factors. This research used the analytic observational planning with cross sectional approach. Data were collected from questioners filled by the respondents themselves and documentation study, cross sectional approach for statistical test using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results were presented in tables and narration completed with analysis of every variables of the research.
The result found from the univariate analysis, showed that the majority of the respondents were female and their ages were very young, while according to their high school originated, it was found that most of the respondents came from public school. Half of the respondents were high in the variables of school grade certificate, motivation, interest and talent, along with more than half of them percept good conduct in learning and teaching process at each of the Academic of Nursing, but only 37,5 % of the respondents got " B" qualification of GPA.
The result of bivariate analysis, showed that young aged and female respondents indicated that the average of GPA were higher than older aged and male respondents. Respondents, who came from public high school, have the average of GPA higher than those who came from private schools. The same goes for respondents with high score in school grade certificate, motivation, and interest with high and good perception of teaching and learning achievement had the average of GPA also higher.
Based on the results, it was recommended to the students that they have to study harder and complete their notes to achieve better performance, as for the educational institute, recommendation to improve the teaching staffs' performance in teaching, and to complete the required educational facilities and also to improve the role of the academic tutors. To get students with good performances, it was suggested to the Center of Health school grade certificate, motivation, interest with high and good perception of teaching and learning achievement had the average of GPA also higher.
Based on the results, it was recommended to the students that they have to study harder and complete their notes to achieve better performance, as for the educational institution, recommendation to improve the teaching staffs' performance in teaching, and to complete the required educational facilities and also to improve the role of the academic tutors. To get students with good performances, it was suggested to the Center of Health Manpower Training of the Ministry of Health also to consider this research in deciding the requirements of the candidate students and to apply special tests for motivation, interest and talent at students' admittance and also to implement further education for the teaching staffs in developing their performances in accordance with their majoring science of interest.
References : 41 (1982-2001)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cesa Radita Putra
"Kesehatan merupakan hak asasi manusian dan salah satu unsur kesejahteraan yang harus diwujudkan sesuai cita-cita bangsa Indonesia. Upaya peningkatan kesehatan sangat penting bagi pembentukan sumber daya manusia Indonesia, ketahanan dan daya saing bangsa serta pembangunan nasional. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan yaitu pekerjaan kefarmasian yang dilakukan oleh apoteker. Pekerjaan kefarmasian dapat dilakukan di Apotek. Apotek merupakan sarana Apoteker untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian. Oleh karena itu, Kegiatan Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek membuat mahasiswa mengetahui serta mendalami tugas dan peran Apoteker di Apotek. Kegiatan yang dilakukan selama Praktek Kerja Profesi yaitu pengelolaan sediaan farmasi meliputi pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pengndalian serta pelayanan farmasi klinik meliputi compounding, dispensing, pengkajian resep, pelayanan informasi obat serta swamedikasi. Tugas khusus di Apotek yaitu pengkajian resep penyakit hiperlipidemia yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerasionalan obat yang diterima pasien dan melihat drug related problem yang mungkin terjadi.

Health is a human right and one of the elements of welfare that must be realized according to the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Efforts to improve health are very important for the establishment of Indonesia 39 s human resources, national resilience and competitiveness and national development. One of the efforts undertaken is pharmaceutical work done by pharmacists. Pharmaceutical work can be done at the Pharmacy. Pharmacies are the means of Pharmacists to perform pharmaceutical practices. Therefore, Profession Practice Activity at Pharmacy makes students know and deepen the task and role of Pharmacist in Pharmacy. Activities undertaken during the Professional Practice of the management of pharmaceutical preparations include procurement, acceptance, storage, control and clinical pharmacy services including compounding, dispensing, prescription review, drug information service and swamedikasi. A special task at the pharmacy is prescribing hyperlipidemia prescriptions aimed at knowing the rationale of the drug received by the patient and looking at possible drug related problems.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Gabriella Bunga Kartika
"Apotek merupakan salah satu fasilitas pelayanan kefarmasian yang bertujuan sehingga masyarakat dapat memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang aman, bermutu dan terjangkau. Kegiatan Praktek Kerja Profesi yang dilaksanakan di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 2 Senen - Jakarta Pusat bertujuan agar mahasiswa calon apoteker dapat mengerti peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di apotek tersebut. Selain itu, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di apotek dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di apotek.
Tugas khusus yang diberikan saat Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 2 Senen - Jakarta Pusat adalah Analisis Peresepan Antiulcer Oral. Tugas khusus ini memiliki tujuan agar mahasiswa dapat mengetahui lebih dalam tentang penyakit ulkus peptikum, memahami tata laksana pengobatan ulkus peptikum, serta menilai kesesuaian resep antiulcer oral.

Pharmacy is a service facility that aims to allow people to get health services that are safe, quality and affordable. Internship Professionals Program held in Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 2 Senen - Jakarta Pusat aims to make students understand the role of the prospective pharmacist, duties, and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmacy. In addition, students are expected to have the insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to do the work of pharmacy in pharmacy and have a real picture of the problems of pharmacy jobs in the pharmacy.
Special assignment given at the Internship Professionals Program in the Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 2 Senen - Jakarta Pusat was Antiulcer Oral Prescribing Analysis. The purpose of this special task so that students can learn more about peptic ulcer disease, understanding governance peptic ulcer treatment, and to assess the suitability of prescription oral antiulcer.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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