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"Tesis ini mencoba mengkaji "Perlakuan Perpajakan terhadap Sewa Guna Usaha dengan Hak Opsi dan Permasalahannya", yaitu suatu kajian terhadap peraturan-peraturan yang ruang ling kupnya mengatur tentang perlakuan perpajakan terhadap kegiatan sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi yang tercakup dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan beserta peraturan petunjuk pelaksanaannya dan Surat Edaran-Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak, terutama di bidang Pajak Penghasilan dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai.
Tujuan penulisan tesis ini ingin mengetahui dan menguraikan perlakuan perpajakan khususnya dibidang Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) serta permasalahannya atas sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi atau Financial Lease, termasuk bila terjadi pemutusan kontrak lebih cepat atau early Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan tesis ini berdasarkan pada deskriptif analitis. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data bersifat teoritis dan kajian literatur serta menggunakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bentuk full integration systemdan expert survey ditemukan beberapa kelemahan dan kekurangan yang ada pada materi Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan beserta petunjuk pelaksanaannya. Khususnya terhadap kegiatan sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi serta di bidang Pajak Penghasilan dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Diharapkan ketidaksesuaian ini agar segera disempurnakan atau diganti dengan peraturan setingkat lebih rendah dari Undang-Undang, yaitu dalam bentuk Peraturan Pemerintah (PP), agar lebih berbobot sebagai landasan hukum bagi kegiatan sewa guna usaha.
Pada kondisi/keadaan pemutusan perjanjian sewa guna usaha lebih cepat/pendek atau early termination, dalam surat edaran Dirjen Pajak dan PP belum mengatur secara tegas sejak kapan lessor harus melakukan penyusutan bila terjadi default dari lessee.
Perlakuan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) terhadap sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi dalam hal tidak terdapat hubungan istimewa, dimana lessee diharuskan membayar kembali sebagian PPN masukan yang telah dikriditkan sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Surat Edaran Dirjen Pajak. Hal ini hanya berlaku untuk default dari lessee dalam financial lease dengan cara sales type lease. Tetapi pada transaksi sales and lease back, jika barang modal yang dijual lease kepada lessor berupa Barang Karla Pajak (BKP) maka seharusnya lessee memungut PPN terhadap lessor pada saat terjadi transaksi penjualan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuryadi Mulyodiwarno
Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2018
336.2 NUR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enny Putri Kristiani
"An employee stock option issued as a form of compensation. Employee stock option are mostly offered to management as part of their executive compensation package. They are also offered to lower staff. Employee stock options (ESOP) are issued as a private contract between the employer and employee. Depending on the vesting schedule and the maturity of the options, the employee may elect to exercise the options at whatever stock price was used as the strike price. At that point, the employee may sell the stock or hold on to it in the hope of further price appreciation. There are a variety of differences in the tax treatment of ESOP having to do with their use as compensation. The fact that the benefits from employee stock option are tax at different times in different countries is a difficulties. Also, same country may tax different parts of the benefits at different times. Based on this problem, the writer is attracted to make a research on the Income Tax Treatment Analysis on Employee Stock Option.
The point of this analysis is to find when the income tax should be taxable on the benefit from the ESOP, clasiffy the benefit derived from the ESOP and analyze the international tax issue arising from ESOP. The research approach used is qualitative and the method used is descriptive. It means that the research purpose is to describe and analyze the Income Tax Treatment on Employee Stock Option. The analysis will focus on the tax treatment from the employee point of view. The data collected through in-depth interview between the researcher and the informant considered related to this research.
After the research completed, there is three conclusions of this research. First, it is concluded that the Income Tax will be taxable when the stock acquired by the option is sold. This treatment is used based on the realization of income principle. Second, the classification of benefit from ESOP treated as employment income in total or split into employment income and capital gain. And the third, a variety of differences in the tax treatment of ESOP can caused the conflict in international taxation which make double taxation and double non taxation between countries. The double taxation and double non taxation can be minimized through the credit and exemption method provided by countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ukar Sukarno
"Pajak merupakan salah satu sumber utama dalam pembiayaan negara dan pembangunan nasional yang didasarkan pada ketentuan dalam UUD Pasal 23. Dalam pemenuhan penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak ini selain dari wajib pajak dalam negeri juga diperoleh dari wajib pajak luar negeri yaitu para pihak yang tidak didirikan di Indonesia namun mempunyai aktifitas ekonomi atau kegiatan usaha di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini salah satunya adalah bentuk usaha tetap, yang merupakan wajib pajak luar negeri dengan kewajiban perpajakannya dipersamakan dengan wajib pajak dalam negeri, dalam arti seluruh kewajiban perpajakan terhadap wajib pajak dalam negeri dikenakan pula terhadapnya, misalnya kewajiban PPh Pasal 25/29, PPh Pasal 21 serta PPN/PPn BM.
Bentuk usaha tetap (BUT) merupakan wajib pajak yang diatur berdasarkan ketentuan perpajakan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (tax treaty) antara Indonesia dengan negara darimana bentuk usaha tetap itu berasal atau negara dimana BUT didirikan (berbadan hukum), kecuali tidak terdapat P3B atau tidak diatur dalam P3B maka menggunakan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan Indonesia. Pengenaan pajak atas BUT didasarkan yurisdiksi yang telah ditentukan dalam P3B tersebut. Namun demikian masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan hukum yang mungkin akan dapat menimbulkan perbedaan pandangan dari negaranegara yang merasa bahwa pengenaan pajak merupakan haknya, atau terdapat hutang pajak yang menjadi tunggakan BUT sementara BUT sudah berakhir atau kewajiban pajaknya berakhir, namun secara administrative belum berakhir.
Tesis ini mencoba menawarkan pemecahan masalah dan aturan hukum yang perlu ditinjau atau dipertegas dalam suatu perundang-undangan perpajakan dan bagaimana peranan hukum dimasa yang akan datang dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia serta guna memenuhi penerimaan negara untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat tercapai."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hidra Simon
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara reformasi administrasi perpajakan dengan motivasi kerja dan antara reformasi administrasi perpajakan dengan kepuasan kerja Account Representative pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak yang telah menerapkan administrasi modern. Terdapat tiga macam Kantor Pelayanan Pajak yang sudah menerapkan sistim administrasi modern yaitu Kantor Pelayanan Pajak LTO, Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Madya dan Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama. Sebanyak 269 AR dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini.
Dua hipotesis diuji: (1) Terdapat hubungan antara yang signifikan antara reformasi administrasi perpajakan dengan motivasi kerja AR pada tingkat LTO, Madya, dan Pratama, dan (2) Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara reformasi administrasi perpajakan dengan kepuasan kerja SR pada tingkat LTO, Madya, dan Pratama. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara reformasi administrasi perpajakan dengan motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja pada tingkat LTO, Madya, dan pratama.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan hipotesis diterima. Hipotesis pertama teruji dengan nilai Rank Spearman sebesar 0,540 (t hitung=7,62>t tabel=1,665). Sementara hipotesis kedua teruji dengan nilai Rank Spearman sebesar 0,430 (t hitung=9,56>t tabel=1,665).
Karena studi ini menunjukkan bahwa reformasi administrasi perpajakan berhubungan dengan motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja, maka pelaksanaannya di lapangan perlu diperbaiki secara berkelanjutan agar motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja AR menjadi semakin optimal.

The research intends to put to the test the correlation between the reformation taxation administration and work motivation and also between the reformation of taxation administration and the work satisfaction of Account Representative (AR) at The Tax Service Office which have applied modern administration system. There are three kinds of the Tax Service Office which have applied modern administration system. They are; the LTO Tax Service Office, Intermediate Tax Service Office and Elementary Tax Service Office. The research has involved 269 AR.
Two hypotheses put to a test: (1) There is a significant correlation between the reformation of taxation administration and the work motivation of AR on the LTO, Intermediate and Elementary level, and (2) these is a significant correlation between the reformation of taxation administration and the work satisfactions of SR on the LTO, Intermediate and Elementary level. Therefore, it could be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the reformation of taxation administration and the work motivation and the work satisfaction on the LTO, Intermediate and Elementary level.
The result of the test shows that the hypotheses are accepted on the whole. The first hypothesis given a value of Rank Spearman 0,540 (t count = 7.62>t table = 1,665) in a test. Meanwhile the second hypothesis given a value of Rank Spearman 0,430 (t count = 9,56)t table = 1,665).
Since the study shows that the reformation of taxation administration has a correlation to the work motivation and satisfaction then it is necessary to improve continually its implementation in the sphere so that it can increase the AR work motivation and satisfaction more optimally.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budy Pranowo Adi Nugroho
"Dalam Kontrak Production Sharing, hasil bagi seluruh kegiatan operasi penambangan minyak yang berupa minyak mentah, akan dibagi antara Pemerintah dengan Kontraktor dengan proporsi yang sudah ditentukan dalam kontrak. Bagian kontraktor (contractor's share) tersebut sudah termasuk pembayaran pajak. Bagian kontraktor akan selalu sama walaupun tarif pajaknya berubah.
Dalam aktivitasnya di Indonesia, sangat memungkinkan diperolehnya tambahan kemampuan ekonomis dari kegiatan dan modal atau asset yang dimiliki atau dikuasai oleh kontraktor, baik yang mempunyai kaitan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan kegiatan operasi penambangan minyak dan gas bumi dalam Kontrak Production Sharing. Tambahan kemampuan ekonomis tersebut menurut Undang-Undang Perpajakan adalah penghasilan yang harus dikenai pajak.
Di dalam Kontrak Production Sharing dengan bentuk Joint Operating Body (PSC-JOB), Pertamina mempunyai partisipasi kepemilikan (Pertamina Participating Interest) pada operasi Kontraktor dengan perbandingan sebesar 50 : 50. Dengan adanya partisipasi kepemilikan tersebut, Pertamina ikut menanggung biaya-biaya yang diperlukan dalam operasi di suatu Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan yang dikerjakan bersama antara Kontraktor dan Pertamina. Karena Pertamina belum bisa melaksanakan kewajiban pendanaan untuk keperluan operasi tersebut, maka Kontraktor akan menalangi terlebih dahulu seluruh biaya operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawab Pertamina. Apabila atas Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan yang dioperasikan bersama tersebut sudah berproduksi, maka Pertamina akan mengembalikan biaya operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dalam bentuk minyak mentah (crude oil) ditambah dengan sejumlah tambahan minyak mentah. Sejumlah tambahan minyak mentah yang diberikan kepada kontaktor sebagai kompensasi atas menalangi dana operasi yang menjadi tanggung jawab Pertatnina inilah yang dalam Kontrak Production Sharing disebut uplift.
Dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan masih terjadi perbedaan pendapat antara Pemerintah (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak) dengan Kontraktor mengenai perlakuan perpajakan atas uplift. Kontraktor tidak bersedia dikenakan pajak atas uplift dengan alasan bahwa uplift tersebut tidak ada hubungannya dengan operasi perminyakan (petroleum operation) dan bukan merupakan insentif bagi Kontraktor. Alasan lain yang dikemukakan oleh Kontraktor atas ketidaksetujuannya dikenakan pajak atas uplift adalah berdasarkan kontrak. hasil minyak yang diperoleh Kontraktor adalah sudah termasuk pajak (include tax). Di pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pajak sendiri masih terjadi perdebatan mengenai perlakuan pajak penghasilan yang tepat atas uplift. Hal inilah yang menjadi permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini.
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang penghasilan dan tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Pemilihan tipe ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan bahwa tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakan uplift memenuhi konsep penghasilan berdasarkan Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan, dan apabila memenuhi konsep penghasilan bagaimanakah perlakuan perpajakan yang tepat atas uplift tersebut serta menganalisis permasalahan yang akan dihadapi dalam implementasi perlakuan perpajakan di lapangan. Sedangkan Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uplift memenuhi konsep penghasilan berdasarkan Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan. Sedangkan perlakuan perpajakan yang tepat atas uplift adalah dikenakan pajak berdasarkan basis netto dengan tarif pajak sesuai dengan tarif Pasal 17 Undang-undang Pajak Penghasilan karena timbulnya uplift terdapat hubungan efektif kegiatan usaha kontraktor sebagai bentuk usaha tetap di Indonesia, maka uplift merupakan bagian dari business income dan suatu bentuk usaha tetap. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa penghasilan atas uplift merupakan potensi pajak dari sektor minyak dan gas bumi yang belum tergali karena berdasarkan mekanisme pembagian hasil berdasarkan kontrak, uplift belum dimasukkan sebagai penghasilan yang dikenakan pajak. Kendala dalam dalam mengenakan pajak atas uplift karena adanya peraturan khusus (lex specialis) berupa Keputusan Menteri Keuangan yang mengatur ketentuan formal dan material yang masih berlaku sarnpai sekarang.
Saran yang diberikan berdasarkan penelitian ini adalah seyogyanya ada harmonisasi antara ketentuan perpajakan dengan ketentuan teknis dalam kontrak dan peraturan pelaksanaan yang mengatur ketentuan formal dan material perpajakan dalam pelaksanaan kontrak, dan menerbitkan penegasan mengenai pelakuan perpajakan atas uplift serta mengganti Keputusan Menteri Keuangan yang mengatur ketentuan formal pemenuhan kewajiban pajak Kontraktor Production Sharing.

According to the law of Natural Oil and Gas in a Production sharing contract in Indonesia, the total production of all oil-mining operations, which is crude oil, is to be shared between the Government and the contractor with agreed proportion as outlined in the contract The contractor's share includes tax and it will remain the same even though the tax tariff would change.
In Indonesia, it is possible to get an economical added value from the activity conducted and from the capital or the assets owned or dominated by the contractor, which are either directly or not-directly involved in the natural oil and gas mining operation in the Production Sharing contract. According to the Tax Law and Regulations, the economical added value is considered as a taxable income.
According to the Production Sharing Contract - Joint Operating Body (P SC-JOB), Pertamina holds the participating interest of the contractor's operation with 50:50 proportion/comparison. Therefore, Pertamina is also responsible for the operational costs that may occur in the oil field, where they conduct the activity together. Should Pertamina is not able to take the financial responsibility during the operation; the contractor may give them an advance on the operational costs. Once the mine produces oil, Pertamina will then be responsible to pay all advances back to the contractor in a form of crude oil production plus some additional crude oil. This additional crude oil is compensation from Pertamina given to the contractor for giving them advances. In the Production Sharing Contract term, this compensation is called Uplift.
In the implementation in the field, there is a dispute over the tax for uplift between the Government (in this case is the Directorate General of Tax) and the contractor. Contractor refuses to pay tax on uplift because according to them, uplift has nothing to do with the petroleum operation and it is not an incentive either. In addition, according to the contract, the oil production received by the contractor is including tax. While in the Directorate General of Tax itself, there are also pros and cons about what most suitable income tax that should be charged to uplift. This is the main topic of this research.
The type of research used here is descriptive analysis. The consideration of using this type is to find out whether Uplift complies with the income concept according to the Income Tax Regulation. If so, then what would be the most suitable tax assessment for uplift, also, the analysis of the problem that may occur during implementation. The data of this research was collected from book references and through interview in the field.
Research showed that uplift complies with the income concept according to the Income Tax Regulation (Law). The most suitable tax assessment on uplift is a net basis tax with tariff as outlined in the Article 17 of Income Tax Regulation. Since the uplift occurred as a result of an effective activity conducted by the contractor as a fixed business in Indonesia, therefore, uplift is considered as part of the business income of a fixed business.
Research also showed that the income of uplift is potency for tax from natural oil and gas, which have not been explored yet, because, according to the sharing contract mechanism, uplift is not yet included in the taxable income roll. The problem is because there is a special rule (lex specialist) that still valid, that is Finance Ministerial Decree about formal regulation and material.
Based on the research, it is suggested that there should be a harmony between the tax and technical regulations in the contract and the implementation regulations that should outline the formal policy as well as the tax. Also, to issue a regulation about tax on uplift and to replace the existing Finance Ministerial Decree about the tax responsibility of a contractor in the Production Sharing contract.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soemarno SR
A tax reform was made by the Government of Indonesia in 1984. However, inefficiency seem to be still prevalent in the Indonesian tax system. Comparison with other countries during the period 1991 to 1994, for example, indicates that the Indonesia tax ratio is in a lower position. This thesis is intended to study the effect of the 1984 tax reform on the efficiency of the Indonesian tax system.
The level of taxation model calculates the tax ratio needed when the rate of economic growth has been determined. This model basically uses the Harrod models on economic growth as a starting point and modifies it by including tax variables. Tax capacity model correlates selected macro economic variables to the tax variables to obtain the optimum capacity of collecting tax. The tax elasticity model correlates tax elasticity with other selected economic variables. The important thing in this model is the effort to separate the growth of the tax into automatic and discretionary one. Optimization model has basically the same features with the tax capacity model, i.e., to find out the optimum tax function using certain selected variables. In the optimization model, however, objectives and constraints which are not considered in the tax capacity model are included.
The general equilibrium model includes the tax variables into the economic general equilibrium model. The econometric model developed in this thesis is basically a tax capacity type of model.
The efficiency of tax system in this study is developed using the concept of optimum "input-process-output" relationship. Output is the optimum tax collection. Input will be represented by selected economic variables. Taxes are assessed on economic activities. These activities will be reported in the macroeconomic information system where those selected economic variables are part of them. In addition to input-output relationship, the growth of taxes may also be affected by a discretionary variables (process factor). The discretionary variables, include, among others, tax policy, tax administration, tax personnel and environment. In this econometric tax modeling, the discretionary variables will be represented by a dummy variables representing tax reform.
The approach used in this study will be, first, to develop a simultaneous econometric model. The improvement on the Indonesia tax system will be tested using the model above through its dummy variable. The selected economic variables will be classified into group of activities which consist of: (1) aggregate demand; (2) balance of payment; (3) monetary; (4) government budget and; (5) aggregate supply. Variables Y (Gross domestic product), C (Consumption), I (Investment), X (Export), M (Import) and GR (Government Revenue) are selected from the aggregate demand. The balance of the payment group will be represented by X (Export) and M (Import). The monetary and government budget are represented by M2 (supply of money which indicates the economy's liquidity) and the government revenue. The aggregate supply will be represented by Y (Gross Domestic Product), number of employment (N) and Investment (I).
Description of symbols in the equations could be found in the main chapters of this thesis.
In addition to the econometric model, a non statistical analysis will also be made to support the statistical evaluation. The analysis comprises of qualitative, quantitative and correlative analysis. The qualitative analysis compares the substance of the new law against the old one. It is concluded, based on this analysis, that tax paid by the taxpayers may not decrease, although less tariff was introduced under the new law. This statement applies both for income as well as value added taxes. This conclusion has the implication that the increase in the government tax revenues will be dependent upon tax administration and law enforcement. Besides, the taxpayers' awareness and compliance will also play a role in the growth of tax revenue.
The quantitative analysis focuses on the growth and structural changes of tax revenue. There are two variables evaluated i.e., the tax revenue itself and the number of taxpayers. The average annual growth rate of tax revenue per taxpayer is 5.7% for income tax and 57.5% for value added tax. 61% of the growth rate of income tax is primarily due to the increase in the member of taxpayers while the remaining 39% is due to increase in the volume of activities. The value added tax has the reverse situation. The growth rate of value added tax is primarily due to increase in volume of activities (91 %) and the remainder is caused by the increase of taxpayers. Based on this analysis certain preliminary findings could be drawn: (1) value added tax collection is more efficient than the income tax or; (2) the effective tax rate of value added tax is higher than the income tax.
The growth analysis indicates that the value added tax grew faster than income tax. The annual growth rate of income tax were 30% and 23.5% respectively for 10 years before and after tax reform. On the other hand, the percentages for value added tax were 24% ten years before tax reform and 37.5% ten years after that. The consequences of the different growth rate above were the changes in the structure of tax revenue.
Direct taxes as a proportion to total tax revenue decreased from 41% during the period of 10 years before tax reform to 40% ten years after that. The proportion of income tax also decreased from 37.5% to 36.5% during the same period. Value added tax, on the other hand, has a different situation. The proportion of value added tax to total tax revenue has been increasing from 19% during 10 years before tax reform to 35.5% ten years after that. Meanwhile, the proportion of indirect taxes to total revenue increased from 59% to 60% during the same period.
The correlative analysis was done by relating tax revenue with selected economic variables i.e., Gross Domestic Product (Y), Export (X), Import (M), and supply of money (MD). Three types of taxes were evaluated i.e., income tax, value added tax and total tax revenue. Two method of analysis were used i.e., ratio analysis and point of elasticity. The conclusions reached based on the above analysis are:
a. The increment of value added tax revenue due to tax reform was higher than the increment of income tax.
b. Tax reform causes tax structure more regressive.
c. Tax reform seems to increase the efficiency of the Indonesia tax system.
The above conclusion is supported by data such as the fact that ratio of income tax to gross domestic product has increased from 2.54% ten years before tax reform into 3.31% ten years later. The percentages for value added tax were 1.32% before tax reform and 3.23% ten years later. The point elasticity of income tax t0 gross domestic product has increased from 1.12 to 1.42 during the same period. The related numbers for value added tax are 0.08 and 2.35, respectively.
The statistical test performed, using time series data of 1973174 to 1993194, concluded that the model is not fit to be used for estimation. Revision to the model, using logarithmic form, come up with the new one as follows:
(1) In Typph = 5,75 - 1,25 In Y-0,11 In I.2 + 0,54 In X + 0,40 In MD
(0,00) (0,00) (0,01) (0,00) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,79
(2) In TYPPN = 0,36 In 1.2 + 0,38 In X - 0,82 In M + 0,14 In MD - 0,25 TR
(0,00) (0,00) (0,00) (0,01) (0,07) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,87
(3) In TYOT = 4,56 - 0,80 In Y + 0,55 In X (0.00) (0,00) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,76
(4) In C 0,90 In Y (0,00) Calculated F: NIA Adj. R-Squared: 0,96
(5) In I = -3,33 + 1,18 In Y (0,00) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,99
(6) In X = 0,80 In MIGAS (0,00) Calculated F: N/A Adj. R-Squared: 0,87
(7) In M = 0,88 In Y (0,00) Calculated F: NIA Adj. R-Squared: 0,96
(8) In MD = -9,21 - 0,45 In r + 2,07 In Y (0,00) (0,01) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00
Adj. R. Squared: 0,95
(9) In GR = 2,42 + 0,93 In FA (0,00) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,99
(10) In Y = 0,17 In N + 0,82 In I (0,00) (0,00) Calculated F: 0,00 Adj. R-Squared: 0,99
It should be noted that with such revision, the type of the model has been changed from tax capacity to tax elasticity model. Significant results were obtained for all equation in the model during the statistical test using Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). Interpretation of the coefficients of the tax equations in the revised model concludes that:
a. Income tax has a negative elasticity relationship with gross domestic product (Y) and Investment two years lag (L2). Elasticities between income tax and export (X) and supply of money (MD) are positiive.
b. Value added tax has a negative relationship with import (I) and tax reform (TR). Positive elasticity was obtained between value added tax and two years lag investment (L2), export (X) and supply of money (MD).
c. Other taxes has a negative elasticity relationship with gross domestic product (Y) and a positive relationship with export (X).
The implication of the above results can be summarized below:
a. Tax reform has an effect on the collection of income tax. The growth of this tax was basically due to automatic growth instead of discretionary one. Meanwhile, although tax reform has an effect on the collection of value added tax, the effect was negative, meaning that tax reform did not improve the efficiency of the tax system.
b. The growth of income tax did not have a relationship with the growth of gross domestic product and two years lag of investment. This is an abnormal situation which could be interpreted that the efficiency of the income tax collection can still be improved. The positive relationship between the growth of income tax and export and supply of money is deemed to be appropriate.
c. Value added tax grew negatively if it is related to the growth of import. Additionally, this model indicates that the growth of value added tax does not have any relationship with the growth of gross domestic product. These two phenomena seem to be abnormal. It could be an indication that the efficiency of the value added tax collection can still be improved. The positive relation between values added tax and export, two years lag investment and supply of money is deemed to be appropriate.
d. Other tax has a negative relation with the growth of gross domestic product. Efficiency improvement is still probable with this kind of tax. Positive relationship with export is deemed to be appropriate.
This study comes up with certain recommendations as follows:
1. The efficiency of income and value added tax collection can still be improved. Improvement should be made on tax administration, law enforcement and certainty and clarity on rules and regulation.
2. The policy on final withholding on income tax should be implemented prudently. This policy may cause the tax system more regressive. The tax object selected should be focused on those related to individual taxpayers rather than corporate taxpayers. Additionally, the final tax withholding should be assessed on the lower income group representing the mass taxpayers.
3. Tax model should be used in the projection of tax revenue. By doing this, more justification could be provided when determining. the target for tax revenue. Additionally, this model could be used as a tool for analyzing the effects of any policies issued by the Government relating to the variables (sectors) included in the model. Preferably the tax model should be combined with the general equilibrium model of the Indonesian macro economy.
4. Tax reform has been proven as being able to increase tax revenue. It is recommended that similar reforms could be made on other taxes and non tax revenue. Attention should be made on non tax revenue, because there is a great potential to develop revenue from this sector. Pricing of the Government services should be reconsidered. At present the pricing of such services does not consider the cost of providing it mainly because it is assumed that the cost would be recovered through taxes. In the context of globalization, however, reconsideration of government services pricing is a must. By doing this, the efficiency of the whole economy may be increased. It should be noted, however, that a cross subsidy concept should also be considered in the pricing process.
5. This study also indicates that the structure of tax revenue is becoming more and more regressive. Attention should be made on income tax. Tax collection efficiency should be improved. The tax payers awareness and compliance program should be focused on this tax. The extensification program should always be continued. Meanwhile, tax rules and regulation should always be kept updated. Law enforcement should be focused on middle class individual (corporate) tax payers.
6. This study also conclude that the tax reform does not have a significant impact to the efficiency of income tax collection system. The learning period needed to reach optimum condition need to be extended. It is therefore recommended that fundamental changes should be avoided. Efforts should continually be made on the improvement of the present system, both internally and externally. The internal improvement includes updating of rules and regulations, computerization of data system and procedures and staff development. External improvement includes, extensification program, law enforcement and integration with other supporting systems such as legal and accounting.
We hope that this study will benefit the readers and stimulate other more comprehensive studies to be made."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Andi, 2011
336.2 MAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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