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Ditemukan 154038 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hilma Umar
"Pelayanan gizi rumah sakit (PGRS) sebagai salah satu sub sistem dalam sistem kesehatan paripurna di rumah sakit, dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanannya haruslah ditunjang oleh sumber daya manusia yang memadai. Dalam salah satu kegiatan PGRS yaitu penyediaan, pengolahan dan penyaluran makanan, tenaga pelaksana gizi merupakan komponen utama, dan motivasi kerja mereka yang tinggi akan sangat mendukung keberhasilan PGRS.
Motivasi kerja dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yaitu yang bersumber dari dalam diri seseorang (umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, masa kerja, jumlah anak, status perkawinan, status kepegawaian) dan faktor yang bersumber dari luar seperti kebijakan organisasi, hubungan pribadi dengan sesama/atasan, kondisi lingkungan kerja, imbalan dan pengawasan.
Untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan motivasi kerja tenaga pelaksana gizi di Sub Instalasi Pengolahan dan Penyaluran Makanan (STPP), dilakukan penelitian studi observasional dengan metode cross-sectional pada seluruh (72 orang) tenaga pelaksanan gizi di SIPP. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara langsung dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kuesioner.
Untuk melihat kemaknaan hubungan antara masing-masing dari 12 variabel bebas dengan tingkat motivasi kerja dilakukan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor status perkawinan, status kepegawaian dan imbalan mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan motivasi kerja. Dari hasil tersebut disampaikan saran untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja tenaga pelaksana gizi SIPP yaitu mengembangkan program motivasi dan penampilan kerja bagi tenaga pelaksana gizi ; menyediakan kondisi dan lingkungan kerja yang layak ; membentuk sistem supervisi untuk setiap tingkatan kegiatan dan mengembangkan standar_penampilan kerja ; mengembangkan sistem reward bagi pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) sesuai kebijakan rumah sakit ; mengembangkan dan menerapkan sistem kontrak keja yang dilengkapi dengan spesifikasi kerja dan imbalan bagi tenaga bukan PNS ; serta menganalisis dan meningkatkan sistem insentif/pengg jian secara bertahap dan berkala.
Daftar bacaan: 32 (1984 - 1999)

Nutritional care service is one of the sub systems of comprehensive health care system in the hospital. Human Resources are one of the important inputs to support the effectiveness of the whole operation of the system. Food service management system which compose namely the preparation, production, distribution of food component is the biggest working unit in nutrition department which has more than fifty percents of the total personnel's in nutrition department.
Motivation at work is influenced by many factors either the internal factor of the person (age, sex, education background, period/years of work, member of the family, marital status, employee status), or the external factors such as policy, organization, personnel relationship to others sub ordinate, working condition, reward and supervision system.
An observational cross sectional study has been conducted in June 2000 in order to identify the relationship between motivation at work and related factors on seventy two Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital food service personnel?s. The primary data was collected through interviewed using closed questionnaire.
The relationship between motivation at work and 12 independent variables were assessed using chi-square test. The study shown that marital status, employee status and incentive reward has a significant relationship with motivation at work Based in this founding, the writer recommends some aspects as followed: Develop the motivation and work performances program for food service personnel?s. Provide appropriate condition and working environment.
Formulate the supervision system for each level of activities and develop work performance standard of food service personnel?s. Develop reward system for the government's employee according to the policy of the hospital. Develop and apply the contract system with work specification and appointed salary for auxiliary personnel?s. Analyze and improve the incentive/salary system gradually and periodically.
Bibliography: 32 (1984 -1999)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riefyan Adhi
"Salah satu cara pencegahan penyakit jantung koroner dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan asupan serat perhari Bekatul merupakan bahan pangan lokal yang mengandung tinggi serat oleh karena itu bekatul digunakan untuk bahan substitusi dari tepung terigu dalam produk brownies kukus Penelitian eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan brownies dengan rasa yang enak dan mengandung tinggi serat Terdapat 4 perlakuan substitusi bekatul yaitu 100 70 30 dan 0 sebagai brownies kontrol Analisis zat gizi dilakukan di PT Saraswati Indo Genetech Bogor dan uji hedonik dilakukan di Perpustakaan Pusat UI dengan 40 orang panelis Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara rasa warna aroma dan keseluruhan brownies Brownies berbahan dasar bekatul mengandung memiliki serat tertinggi dengan 9 29 gr serat dalam satu kali penyajian 24 gr.

One way to prevent coronary heart disease can be done by increasing daily dietary fiber intake Rice bran is Indonesian rsquo s local food with high content of dietary fiber therefore rice bran used to substitute wheat flour in steamed brownies This experiment research purpose is to obtain delicious brownies with high fiber content There were 4 modification for rice bran substitution 100 70 30 and 0 as a control brownies Nutrition analysis took place in Saraswati Indo Genetech Laboratory and Hedonic test took place in University of Indonesia rsquo s library with 40 panelists Result for this experiment showed there is no significant difference in taste color flavor and the entirety of steamed brownies Brownies with 100 bekatul had the highest fiber with 9 29 gr dietary fiber per serving 24 gr
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rumah sakit merupakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan kuratif yang bertujuan untuk memulihkan pasien yang dirawat, salah satu bentuk upaya rumah sakit untuk memulihkan pasien adalah memberikan pelayanan gizi sesuai kebutuhan gizi dan termakan habis oleh pasien. Pelayanan gizi pasien di ruang rawat inap dilaksanakan oleh tenaga ahli gizi ruangan.
Di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pusat pelayanan gizi kepada pasien belum berlangsung secara optimal, terlihat dari masih rendahnya cakupan pasien rawat inap yang mendapat layanan konsultasi gizi dan masih banyaknya keluhan pasien tentang makanan selama dirawat di ruang rawat inap.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran pelaksanaan tugas ahli gizi di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pusat tahun 2004 dan sejauhmana karakteristik individu (pengetahuan, pelatihan, masa kerja, beban kerja) dan karakteristik organisasi (kepemimpinan, standard operation procedures/SOP, sarana, insentif, pengawasan) mempengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas ahli gizi di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pusat tahun 2004.
Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan maksud menggali secara mendalam data-data yang diperoleh serta melakukan eksplorasi informasi tentang pelaksanaan tugas ahli gizi di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pusat tahun 2004 melalui sumber-sumber informan. lnforman yang diambil dari manajer tingkat atas, menengah, dan bawah serta pelaksana (ahli gizi ruangan).
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan informasi bahwa pelaksanaan tugas ahli gizi di ruang rawat inap masih kurang baik tergambar dari masih kurangnya pengetahuan ahli gizi dalam gizi terapan, belum pernahnya mengikuti pelatihan, beban kerja yang berat sehingga hasil kerja yang didapat kurang maksimal karena pasien yang mendapat asuhan gizi hanya yang berdiet khusus saja dan yang mengalami gangguan dalam pelaksanaan dietnya. Hasil lainnya dari penelitian ini adalah gambaran tentang komunikasi di lingkungan kerja kurang komunikatif, sarana pelayanan khususnya trolley untuk membawa makanan pasien sudah tidak memadai, pengawasan dari atasan masih kurang.
Dengan hasil penelitian tersebut di atas saran yang diajukan oleh peneliti adalah : sebaiknya pimpinan berupaya meningkatkan pengetahuan semua ahli gizi yang ada, mengirimkan petugas/ahli gizi untuk mengikuti pelatihan yang berhubungan dengan gizi klinik/gizi institusi, menambah jumlah ahli gizi untuk mengurangi beban kerja yang berat, memperbaiki sarana: pelayanan, membuat SOP tertulis, dan melakukan pengawasan secara intensif

Hospital is curative care facility to recover the hospitalized patients. One aspect of this care is palatable nutritional care according to the need of patients. The nutritional care in in-hospital wards is implemented by the ward nutritionist.
Nutritional care in Jakarta Islamic Hospital was not optimally implemented, reflected by low coverage of patients who receive nutrition consultation and many complaints about the food provided.
The objective of this study was to know the description of work implementation of nutritionist in in-hospital care ward of Jakarta Islamic Hospital year 2004 and how individual characteristics (knowledge, training, length of work, workload) and organizational characteristics (leadership, SOP, facilities, incentive, inspection) influence the work implementation of nutritionist in in-hospital care wards.
The study was qualitative aimed at exploring information through different sources. Informants were high, middle and low level managers, and the implementer (ward nutritionist).
The study showed that the work implementation of nutritionist was not optimal reflected by lack of knowledge, particularly on applied nutrition, no training was attended, and heavy workload resulted in suboptimal and patients who received nutritional, care were limited to those followed special diet and those who had diet problems. Other study result exhibits lack of communication in work place, lack of facility especially food trolley, and lack of monitoring.
Based on the study results, it is suggested to managers to increase nutritionist's knowledge, to send nutritionist to trainings related to clinical/institutional nutrition, to add more nutritionists to reduce workload, to add necessary facilities, to provide written SOP, and to conduct intensive monitoring.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melati Ramadhani Suari
"Setiap manusia tentu memiliki keinginan di dalam diri masing-masing, termasuk keinginan memiliki tubuh yang ideal. Ketika ingin mendapatkan tubuh yang ideal tersebut, manusia akan melakukan diet. Tidak sedikit seseorang yang berhasil atas dietnya dan membagikan mengenai program dietnya melalui media sosial bahkan hingga menuliskannya dalam sebuah buku yang memuat informasi mengenai program diet. Mengenai informasi diet dalam buku tersebut dapat berasal dari seseorang yang bukan ahli gizi. Namun, diet yang dilakukan oleh seseorang tidak selalu memberikan dampak positif bagi orang lain, sehingga menimbulkan kerugian. Dalam penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen yang dirugikan akibat membeli buku mengenai program diet dari seseorang bukan ahli gizi yang ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen serta pertanggungjawaban penulis dan penerbit buku tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Setiap konsumen berhak mendapatkan kenyamanan, keamanan, dan keselamatan atas barang dan/atau jasa yang digunakannya, sehingga seorang penulis yang menuliskan buku tentu harus menuliskan bukunya secara jelas, benar, dan jujur. Selain itu, penulis buku juga harus mempertanggungjawabkan buku atau karya yang ditulisnya dengan memberikan ganti kerugian kepada konsumen yang mengalami kerugian atas buku program diet yang ia tulis.

Every human being certainly has a desire in each of them, including the desire to have an ideal body. When you want to get the ideal body, people will go on a diet. Not a few people who are successful in their diet share their diet program through social media and even write it down in a book that contains information about the diet program. Regarding diet information in the book can come from someone who is not a nutritionist. However, the diet that is carried out by one person does not always have a positive impact on others, resulting in losses. In this study, we want to find out how the legal protection for consumers who are harmed by buying a book about the diet program from someone who is not a nutritionist in terms of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and the responsibility of the author and publisher of the book. The method used in this paper is normative juridical using a statutory approach to answer the problems in this research. Every consumer has the right to get comfort, security, and safety for the goods and/or services they use, so a writer who writes a book must of course write their books, correctly, and fairly. Consumer protection is needed so that consumers can avoid losses after or a loss occurs. In addition, the author of the book must also be responsible for the book or work they wrote and can provide compensation to consumers who have suffered losses from the diet program book he wrote.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leila Sacdalan Africa
LATAR BELAKANG: Katiadaan instrumen penilaian kompetensi yang valid
menyulitkan penilaian praktik konseling terhadap tenaga gizi desa (Barangay Nutrition
Scholars, BNS) yang mendapat pelatihan konseling pemberian makanan pada bayi dan
anak (infant and young child feeding, IYCF). Studi ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan
dan memvalidasi instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS dalam memberikan konseling
METODE: Desain penelitian metodologi digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan validasi
instrumen pengukur kompetensi konseling IYCF meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, dan
keterampilan, berdasarkan frekuensi, intensitas, dan aktivitas. Instrumen ini ditujukan
penggunaanya oleh BNS, supervisor, maupun klien. Uji coba dan revisi berdasarkan hasil
analisis item dilakukan pada 320 BNS dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lapangan terhadap 280
BNS. Validitas isi (content validity) dikaji oleh beberapa pakar, sedangkan konsistensi
internal (internal consistency) dan validitas konstruk (construct validity) diuji dengan
Cronbach?s alpha dan, exploratory dan confirmatory factor analysis. Distribusi bobot
pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan dan nilai titik potong kompetensi untuk tiap
construct dan instrumen ditetapkan berdasarkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas menggunakan
ROC Curve.
HASIL: Instrumen yang valid terdiri dari: 1) 28 item terkait pengetahuan BNS dengan
tipe memilih benar atau salah suatu pertanyaan, pertanyaan dengan jawaban singkat, dan
pilihan ganda; 2) 10 item terkait sikap BNS dengan Likert scale untuk menilai pandangan
pribadi, sikap terhadap implementasi, dan hambatan yang dirasakan saat konseling IYCF;
3) 18 item menggunakan 5 skala frekuensi penilaian BNS dalam mendengarkan,
memberikan support, dan praktik penilaian dan keterampilan; 4) 18 item dengan 4 skala
nilai untuk atasan BNS menilai intensitas proses konseling, penilaian dan penggunaan
materi IYCF; dan 5) 17 item berupa daftar tilik kegiatan untuk klien menilai pemberian
support, penilaian, dan praktik keterampilan. Gabungan item masing-masing menjadi
instrumen penilaian kompetensi KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM dan KAS-COM
dengan nilai titik potong masing-masing yaitu 75%, 50%, 80% dan 65%. Berdasarkan
pembobotan 20% untuk pengetahuan, 10% sikap, dan 70% keterampilan diperoleh 30%
BNS yang kompeten dalam konseling IYCF.
KESIMPULAN: Hasil pengembangan instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS melakukan
konseling IYCF memiliki konsistensi internal dan tingkat validitas yang sedang sampai

BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations., BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been
trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a
validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to
do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate
the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the
question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the
competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling?
METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the
instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude
and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS,
supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320
BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS.
Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were
assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis,
respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off
score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and
specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS.
RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test
with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS
attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards
implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale
frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and
action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the
intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and
5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment
and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment
instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%,
80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for
knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%.
CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF
counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency
and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making
dependable judgments and interpretations.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Yeyen Fidyani
"Status gizi yang buruk terutama selama masa anak-anak berdampak negatif pada kehidupan awal, serta sepanjang siklus hidup manusia. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan status gizi anak-anak adalah bargaining power ibu. Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya masih memiliki keterbatasan: (1) penggunaan data cross-sectional, padahal status gizi (stunting) merupakan akumulasi periode sebelumnya dan bargaining power merupakan suatu proses, sehingga untuk melihat hubungan kausalitas kurang tepat jika menggunakan data cross-sectional; (2) pengukuran bargaining power masih menggunakan pendekatan tidak langsung yang umumnya berkisar pada kepemilikan ekonomi, sementara ada indikator yang lebih baik yaitu dengan pendekatan langsung melalui pertanyaan tentang pengambilan keputusan dalam rumah tangga.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh bargaining power ibu terhadap status gizi anak di Indonesia. Unit analisisnya adalah anak berusia 7-19 tahun (IFLS5) yang masih memiliki dan tinggal bersama orang tua (IFLS4). Dengan menggunakan metode estimasi OLS, hasilnya menunjukan bahwa bargaining power ibu signifikan dan positif memengaruhi status gizi anak yang diukur dengan z-score TB/U. Demikian juga dengan status bekerja ayah, pendidikan dan tinggi badan orang tua, jenis kelamin anak, pendapatan dan kepemilikan aset rumah tangga, serta status kota-desa. Sedangkan bargaining power ayah dan status bekerja ibu tidak signifikan, bahkan umur dan jumlah saudara kandung anak memiliki dampak negatif.

Poor nutritional status, especially during childhood, has a negative impact on early life as well as throughout the human life cycle. One of the factors that influence the improvement of children's nutritional status is the bargaining power of mothers. Previous studies still have limitations: (1) the use of cross-sectional data, whereas nutritional status (stunting) is the accumulation of previous periods and bargaining power is a process, so to see causality is less appropriate when using cross-sectional data; (2) the measurement of bargaining power still uses an indirect approach which generally revolves around economic ownership, while there are better indicators, namely a direct approach through questions about decision making in the household.
This study aims to see the effect of bargaining power of mothers on children's nutritional status in Indonesia. The unit of analysis is children aged 7-19 years (IFLS5) who still have and live with parents (IFLS4). Using the OLS estimation method, the results show that maternal bargaining power is significant and positively influences the child's nutritional status as measured by the z-score TB/U. Likewise with the working status of the father, education and height of the parents, the sex of the child, income and ownership of household assets, as well as the status of the urban-rural. While the father's bargaining power and mother's working status are not significant, even the age and number of siblings have a negative impact."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duta Liana
The Factors Which Related with the Operation Delay in Central Surgery Installation at Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo General HospitalIn accordance with scientific and technology development, surgery procedures are becoming a specialist and expensive health services.
There is a trend to minimize the cost of hospital services by establishing centralized of the high cost units such as operation rooms.
Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo general hospital is the type A and National top referral hospital which has full array of experts/specialists physician while the tariff of the services is relatively lower than the surrounding private hospitals. The consequence of this condition, bring this hospital has to serve patients beyond its capacity which in turn overburdened the services. This condition is also affected at the central operation room, i.e. Central Surgery Installation.
In performing elective surgery procedures, the patients should wait for operation schedule. The preliminary observation showed that there were many delayed and canceled of the scheduled surgery, so that affected the hospital management and hospital performance.
The aim of this study is to know the percentage of delayed operations and affecting factors. This is a cross sectional study using observation and interviews. The sample is all of the surgery procedures during 6 working days at 12 operation rooms, in June 1996. The data was collected as primary data by filling the form and questionnaires.
The results:
1. Delayed surgery level is 90.9 %.
The delayed percentage of the arrival of consultant surgeon who needed for teaching the resident is 80.8 %, with average time of delay is 40 minutes. Then the delayed percentage of the arrival of anesthesiology resident is 60.6 % with the average time of delay is 36.6 seconds and the delayed percentage of arrival of patients is 62.1 % with the average time of delay is 4.2 minutes.
There is statistically significant correlation between the operation delay and the arrival delay of paramedic, anesthesiology resident, surgeon assistant, surgeon, surgeon consultant, the patients and the duration of operation. But there is no statistically significant correlation between the operation delay and the kind of surgery. This study is also revealed the percentage of operation cancel lance by 12.4 % with the common cause is patient subjectivity (28.6 %).
2. There are many operations which its duration are not appropriate with allocated time.
3. Lack of appropriate and adequate amount of linen, both for patients and provider, i.e. surgery linen such as jas pack, lap pack.
Suggestions :
1. Good communication between provider inside and outside of Central Surgery Installation.
2. It is necessary to make the evaluation about the report of tasks and responsibility of Central Surgery Installation and the procedure of surgery especially about the arrival of the provider.
3. It is necessary to make good cooperation with the medical committee of the hospital to take an appropriate action in case of any mistakes.
4. It is necessary to give special attention from the hospital administrator according to linen budgeting in the Central Surgery Installation.
5. It is necessary to make the longitudinal study about surgery duration according to the kind of surgery, to increase the optimal utilization of the operation room.
Bibliography : 24 ( 1969 - 1995 )
xi + 124 pages + 36 tables + 2 figures + 5 annexes;Sejalan dengan perkembangan IPTEK maka kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan melalui tindakan bedah menjadi bentuk pelayanan kesehatan yang spesialistik, mahal.

Terdapatnya kecenderungan penghematan biaya pada pelayanan Rumah Sakit dengan melakukan sentralisasi unit-unit yang memerlukan biaya tinggi atau unit sebagai cost center diantaranya adalah kamar operasi.
Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo sebagai rumah sakit tipe A dan rujukan tingkat nasional mempunyai tenaga ahli yang lengkap dan tarif yang relatif murah menyebabkan pasien yang datang melebihi kapasitas dan perlu mengalami antrian yang panjang. Hal ini dapat terjadi di kamar operasi yang dikenal dengan nama Instalasi Bedah Pusat. Dalam melaksanakan tindakan operasi efektif pasien harus menunggu antrian jadwal operasi, sedangkan dari pengamatan awal didapatkan masih adanya keterlambatan atau pembatalan operasi sehingga pasien harus menunggu jadwal antrian berikutnya. Tentunya hal ini selain mempunyai dampak kepada pasien juga terhadap manajemen rumah sakit serta penampilan kerja rumah sakit.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase keterlambatan/pernbatalan operasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional dengan cara pengamatan kegiatan operasi dan wawancara. Adapun sampel pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh operasi pada 12 kamar operasi selama 6 hari kerja pada bulan Juni 1996 di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSCM. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer berupa formulir pengisian dan kuesioner. Analisa statistik yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil penelitian yang didapat :
1. Tingkat keterlambatan operasi 90,9%.
Diantara anggota provider, kedatangan konsulen operator yang dibutuhkan untuk bimbingan/ujian pada 26 operasi mempunyai persentase keterlambatan sebesar 80,8% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan yaitu 40 menit, diikuti keterlambatan PPDS Anestesi 60,6% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan 37,6 menit. Sedangkan pasien mempunyai persentase keterlambatan 62,1% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan 4,2 menit. Adanya hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara keterlambatan operasi dengan keterlambatan kedatangan paramedik, PPDS anestesi, asisten operator, operator, konsulen operator, pasien, lama operasi. Sedangkan tidak ada hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara keterlambatan operasi dengan jenis operasi. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat pembatalan operasi sebesar 12,4%. Dimana alasan terbanyak disebabkan faktor subyektivitas pasien (28,6%).
2. Adanya lama operasi yang belum sesuai dengan alokasi waktu (rencana) yang di tentukan.
3. Kurang tersedianya linen khususnya linen pasien, linen operasional (Jas pack, Lap pack) didalam kegiatan operasi.
Saran-saran yang diusulkan antara lain :
1. Adanya hubungan komunikasi (HAM) yang baik antara anggota provider baik yang berada di bawah atau yang tidak berada di bawah Instalasi Bedah Pusat, begitu pula dengan ruang rawat yang terkait.
2. Perlunya evaluasi terhadap laporan tertulis tentang tugas/tanggung jawab IBP dan tata tertib laksana tindakan bedah khususnya mengenai kedatangan provider yang telah disetujui oleh semua pihak yang terkait.
3. Perlunya bekerja sama dengan Direktur RSCM (komite medik) untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang dianggap perlu apabila peraturan tertulis tersebut tidak dipatuhi.
4. Perlunya perhatian administrator Rumah Sakit terhadap anggaran pengadaan linen di Instalasi Bedah Pusat.
5. Perlu diadakan suatu survai lama operasi (alokasi waktu) berdasarkan jenis operasi untuk memudahkan dalam pembuatan waktu rencana operasi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan utilisasi kamar operasi.
Daftar Pustaka : 24 (1969-1995)
xi + 124 halaman + 36 tabel + 2 gambar + 5 lampiran
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaiful Bahri
"Tuntutan dan kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu terutama dalam penanggulangan gizi buruk merupakan tantangan yang harus dipersiapkan secara benar dan ditangani secara mendasar, terarah dan sungguh-sungguh mengingal banyaknya kasus gizi buruk dari tahun ke tahun. Hasil pernantauan status gizi diwilayah kerja dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman tahun 2005 ditemukan kasus gizi buruk sebanyak 4,3%. Kasus gizi buruk memerlukan perawatan yang intensif balk dirumah tangga, puskesmas dan rumah sakit. Untuk memenuhi tuntutan pelayanan kesehatan maka yang harus dilakukan adalah melaksanakan penanggulangan gizi buruk dengan mengikuti pedoman yang dibuat dcpkes. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran kinerja tenaga pelaksana gizi (TPG) puskesmas dalam penanggulangan gizi buruk dan faktor-faktor apa yang berhubungan.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan yang digunakan adalah cross sectional, dengan sampel 23 orang yang merupakan total populasi yang dilaksanakan di kabupaten Padang Pariaman pada bulan Maret sampai April 200G. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian sendiri kuesioner oleh TPG, meliputi variabel independent yaitu umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, lama kerja, pelatihan, motivasi, sarana, beban kerja, kepemimpinan dan supervisi. Variabel dependent yaitu kinerja TPG dalam penanggulangan gizi buruk yang diperoleh dari check list dan penelusuran dokumen. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat (chi-square). Untuk pengayaan informasi dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalarn terhadap beberapa orang informan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan proporsi kinerja TPG puskesmas yang baik 52,2% dan kinerja kurang 47,8%. Hasil uji bivariat menunjukan ada 7 variabel yang berhubungan secara statistik (p-value < 0,05) yaitu pendidikan, pengetahuan, pelatihan, motivasi, sarana, beban kerja dan kepemimpinan. Faktor -faktor Iainya yaitu umur, lama kerja dan supervisi tidak berhubungan dengan kinerja TPG puskesmas dalam penanggulangan gizi buruk.
Berdasarkan basil penelitian ini disarankan bagi penentu kebijakan agar menempatkan TPG dari pendidikan profesi gizi dan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perlu diadakan pelatihan secara berkala. Untuk pimpinan puskesmas disarankan untuk dapat memotivasi TPG agar kinerjanya lebih baik, selain itu juga diperhatikan beban kerja yang diberikan sesuai dengan kemampuan petugas.

Demand and requirement of quality health service especially in handling a severe malnutrition is a challenge which must be prepared correctly and handled primarily, directional an seriously considering cases number of severe malnutrition each year. Monitoring result of nutrition status at working area of health service in district of Padang Pariaman in 2005 found 4,3% cases of severe malnutrition. Severe malnutrition cases need a good intensive care in household, public health center and hospital. To fulfill demand of health service so it is important to implement on handling severe malnutrition by following a guidance which arc made by health department of RI. Therefore goal of this research is to know describing of nutrition workers performance of public health centre handling severe malnutrition and related factors.
Research used a cross sectional design with a quantitative approach. The number of samples is 23 respondent where they are a population total which are conducted in district of Padang Pariaman from March-April 2006. Data collected has been done with answering a questioner by nutrition workers, incIiuded independent variables, such as age education, knowledge, working duration, training, motivation, equipment, work loading, supervision and leadership. Dependent variables is nutrition workers performance of public health center in handling severe malnutrition which is obtained from check list and document research. Data analysis consist of univariate analysis and bivariate analysis (chi-square). For information enrichment, they had been done a qualitative approach by a deep interview to some informants.
The result of this research showed nutrition workers at public health center with good performance is 52,2% and with less performance is 47,8%. Bivariate analysis showed there are 7 related variables significant statistically to nutrition workers performance at public health center in handling severe malnutrition (p-value < 0,05), that is education, knowledge, training, motivation, equipment, work loading, and leadership. The other factor such age, working duration and supervision are not related to nutrition workers performance.
To suggested for policies makers in order to exercise non nutrition workers by periodical training to improve knowledge. For the leader of public health centre suggested to be able to motivate nutrition workers so their performance becomes better, besides it is important to give attention of work loading which is given according to officers ability.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Gustiadi
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Aisah
"Cedera serebrovaskuler (CVA) merupakan berhentinya aliran darah ke otak yang mengakibatkan terjadi kehilangan fungsi dari otak tersebut,defisit yang umumnya terjadi yaitu kesulitan bicara dan mobilitas. Stroke juga berdampak pada kesehatan fisik dan kognitif sehingga mempengaruhi kemampuan dalam melakukan mobilisasi fisik. Kemampuan mobilisasi fisik pasien stroke iskemik fase rehabilitasi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor- faktor yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan mobilisasi fisik pasien stroke iskemik fase rehabilitasi di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional. Sebanyak 100 pasien stroke iskemik yang dipilih menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pasien stroke iskemik memiliki kemampuan mobilisasi fisik cukup baik (75%). Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan mobilisasi fisik pada pasien stroke iskemik fase rehabilitasi adalah usia (p=0,003), jenis kelamin (p=0,124), tingkat keparahan stroke (p=0,0001), fatigue (p=0,159), kekuatan otot(p=0,0001), cemas (p=0,047), efikasi diri (p=0,001), dukungan keluarga (p=0,0001) dan dukungan sosial (p=0,001). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan mobilisasi fisik pasien stroke iskemik pada fase rehabilitasi yaitu usia (OR=0,134; CI 95% 0,031-0583), tingkat keparahan stroke (OR= 63,565; CI 95% 5,386-532,719), kekuatan otot (OR=67,699; CI 95% 7,303-627,581), dan efikasi diri (OR=189,718; CI 95% 3,402-3668,197) danfaktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kemampuan mobilisasi fisik pasien stroke iskemik fase rehabilitasi adalah efikasi diri dengan nilai OR 189,718 (CI 95%= 3,402 ; 3668,1971). Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan bagi perawat untuk mencermati efikasi diri pada pasien stroke dan mengatasi pasien pasca stroke yang mengalami gangguan efikasi diri agar dapat melakukan mobilisasi fisik dengan rasa percaya diri.

Cerebrovascular injury (CVA) is the cessation of blood flow to the brain which results in loss of function of the brain, a deficit that generally occurs namely speech difficulties and mobility. Stroke also has an impact on physical and cognitive health which affects the ability to carry out physical mobilization. The ability to physically mobilize ischemic stroke patients in the rehabilitation phase is influenced by several factors. The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to the ability of physical mobilization in the rehabilitation phase of ischemic stroke patients at Dr. RSUPN. Cipto Mangunkusumo. This study uses a cross sectional method. A total of 100 ischemic stroke patients were selected using consecutive sampling technique.
The results showed that the majority of ischemic stroke patients had good physical mobilization ability (75%). Factors related to physical mobilization ability in ischemic stroke patients in the rehabilitation phase were age (p = 0.003), gender (p = 0.124), stroke severity (p = 0.0001), fatigue (p = 0.159), strength muscle (p = 0,0001), anxiety (p = 0,047), self efficacy (p = 0,001), family support (p = 0,0001) and social support (p = 0,001). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the variables most associated with physical mobilization of ischemic stroke patients in the rehabilitation phase were age (OR = 0.134; 95% CI 0.031-0583), stroke severity (OR = 63.565; 95% CI 5,386-532,719), muscle strength (OR = 67,699; CI 95% 7,303-627,581), and self-efficacy (OR = 189,718; CI 95% 3,402-3668,197) and the most dominant factor related to the ability of physical mobilization of ischemic stroke patients in the rehabilitation phase is self-efficacy with value OR 189,718 (95% CI = 3,402; 3668,1971). This study can be used as a reference for nurses to examine self-efficacy in stroke patients and overcome post-stroke patients who experience impaired self-efficacy in order to be able to carry out physical mobilization with confidence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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