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Siagian, Reinhard
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan komposisi komunitas jenis tumbuhan bawah di areal Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango.° Penelitian dilakukan di tiga lokasi yaitu lereng bawah, lereng atas, dan punggung bukit.° Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan April hingga September 1999.
Pencacahan flora menggunakan metode berpetak dengan 2 buah transek sepanjang 275 m. Pada setiap transek dibuat 25 petak berukuran lx1 m dengan jarak 10 m antar petak.
Hasil pencacahan tumbuhan bawah pada 150 petak lx1 m2 di tiga lokasi penelitian Gunung Masigit mencatat 43 jenis tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam 39 marga dan 35 suku, dengan jenis-jenis utama Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum finlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, tlrena lobata, Reds sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallrchrr, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochyllum sp, Cyperus sp.
Sebaran jenis tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian, khususnya di Lereng Bawah dan Punggung Bukit, sangat heterogen. Penyebaran jenisjenis tertentu umumnya tidak terkait dengan sebaran jenis-jenis iainnya. Komunitas tumbuhan bawah di Lereng Bawah dan Lereng Atas dapat disebut sebagai komunitas Dipteris conjugate, sedangkan di Punggung Bukit disebut asosiasi D.conjugata-B.fnlaysonianum. Karakteristik tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas tumbuhan di sana telah mengalami gangguan. Kadar air lapangan yang dimiliki jenis-jenis dominan seperti Dipteris conjugata dan Blechnum finlaysonianum, yang hanya sekitar 30 %, memiliki resiko.tjnggi terhadap bahaya kebakaran.

Composition and Structures Community Lowland Fires in Gunung Masigit and Preliminary Study of Natural Regeneration Forest Fire Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National ParkGunung Gede Pangrango National Park, is one of the Long-term Ecological Research Site in Indonesia. In the late 1997, the fires have burnt and destroyed nearly 300 ha forest in this park . Of nine location of hot spots recognized G.Masigit was the largest burnt area with the tot& of 250 ha . Undergrowth vegetation got the most severe impacts. Almost undergrowth vegetation in various location in study site were totally burnt. However, with in three months following burning new seedlings such as Omalanthus populneus, Macaranga tanarius , Trema orientalis appeared in the forest floor.°
Abdulhadi et al. (1999) reported that those species were found as the component of seed bank in a permanent plot of this forest. Thus, it is believed that those seedlings might be recruited from seed bank or seed rain.
The objective of the research is to find out the composition and structure of undergrowth forest a community after forest fire in Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National Park.
Data collection were carried out between April and September 1999 at three areas, i.e. upper slope, lower slope, ridge. Four transects of 275 m were established within each site; each two transects established in burnt and unburnt forest. A long the each 275 m transect 25 plots of l x1 m were established with the interval of 10 m.
A total of 43 species belong to 39 genera and 35 families were recorded within 150 plots of unburnt sites. The dominant species of the unburnt sites were Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum fnlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, Urena lobalata, Pteris sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallichii, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochy1/um sp, Cyperus sp.
Based on their important value indices (I V I) the plant communities in lower and upper slopes were called Dipteris conjugata community, while in ridge site was an association of D_conjugata and Blechnum fin/aysonianum. The composition of undergrowth forest community observed during this study clearly indicated that G. Masigit has experienced some kind of disturbance before the fire in the late 1997.
Field water capacities of the dominant plants of the undergrowth forest were about 30 %. It is believed that this condition makes the forest is under high risk of fires.
The species richness of born sites was higher than in unburnt sites due to occurrence of the secondary species such as Melastoma balatrichum and Omalanthus populneus, that were not found in the unburnt site. There were 38 species found on the ridge, as the richest site, followed by upper slope 33 species , and the lower slope 21 species. Based on the life form, the undergrowth species in burning area can be classified to 18 species of trees, 6 species of shrubs, 9 species of lianas, 15 species of herbs, and 5 species of ferns.
The undergrowth forest community in burnt sites was dominated by herbs and ferns indicated that the community was still in an early succession. The LVI of plant communities in burnt site showed that the lower slope was the association of Pteris sp-Flatostemma sp., the upper slope was a community of Cyperus sp, and the ridge was the association of Cyperus sp-Pteris sp.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masalah perpindahan pusat kerajaan Mataram Kuno pada abad I0 dari daerah Jawa Tengah ke Jawa Timur pernah menjadi salah satu isu penting dalam kajian arkeologi dan sejarah kuno Indonesia dalam tahun 1930-an. Namun demikian belum mendapat tanggapan yang memadai. Dalam buku monumentalnya berjudul Hindu-Javaansche Geschiedenis, Dr. N.J. Krom mengajukan pendapat bahwa Ietusan Gunung Merapi, yang dalarn kenyataannya
merupakan gunung api paling aktif di Indonesia, dianggapnya mungkin menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perpindahan tersebut, selain faktor-faktor lain yang dikemukakannya pula yaitu: pemberontakan oleh vazal yang ada di Jawa Timur, wabah penyakit epidemik, dan pertimbangan politik (Krom 19311206--9).
Seiain Dr. J.G. de Casparis (1958), yang menanggapi masalah itu dari sudut ancaman kerajaan Sriwijaya dan adanya kesadaran akan pentingnya perdagangan interinsuler, dan Dr. B. Schrieke (1957) yang melihatnya dari segi beratnya beban masyarakat dalam pembangunan sejumlah besar candi di Jawa Tengah, Boechari memandangnya dari segi letusan Gunung Merapi. Menurut Bocchari (1976) perpindahan pusat kerajaan Matararn Kuno ke Jawa Timur itn disebabkan oleh gejala alam yang hebat yaitu letusan gunung api yang dahsyat di Jawa Tengah yang tidak Iain ialah Gunung Merapi.
Sebagai hipotesis sudah tentu pemyataan hubungan sebab-akibat antara letusan gunung api dan pindalmya pusat kerajaan itu harus dibuktikan atau didukung oleh data yang memadai. Berkenaan dengan hal itulah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk lebih dahulu memberikan dan memahami perilaku alam Gunung Merapi beserta kegiatan-kegiatan dan pengaruhnya pada bentang lahan daerah Merapi Selatan, sebagai tempat di mana masyarakat Jawa Kuno masa itu bermukim dan memanfaatkan potensi lingkungan alamnya untuk keperluan hidupnya. Dengan menggunakan prlnsip uniformitarianism, informasi yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu bahan interpretasi arkeologi yang berguna sehingga akan lebih terbuka kesempatan bagi kita untuk menilai Iebih jauh apakah hipotesis tersebut dapat didukung atau tidak."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lutz, Cornelius, editor
"This book brings together experts from different fields, who used a broad spectrum of methods to investigate the physiological and cellular adaptation of alpine plants from the tree line to the upper limits. Some articles link alpine plant physiology with physiological adaptations observed in polar plants.
Tolerance against often high light intensities (including UV), cold or freezing temperatures, in addition to the need for fast tissue development, flowering, and propagation that is managed by alpine plants are to some extent underrepresented in recent research. This volume considers ice formation and winter conditions in alpine plants, the fate of cryophilic algae and microorganisms, cell structural adaptations, sexual reproduction in high altitudes, the physiology of photosynthesis, antioxidants, metabolites, carbon and nitrogen, and the influences of microclimate (temperatures at the plant level, heat tolerance), UV light, weather and ozone. Further information on life processes in alpine extreme environments may additionally yield new insights into the range of adaptation processes in lowland plants."
Wien: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Kalima
"Rattan is a spiny climbing palm that grows into the canopy of the tropical rain forest using a climbing whip in the form of cirrus or flagella. The natural distribution of rattan is from Africa, India, Sri Lanka, China, Malay Peninsula, Indonesian Archipelago, Papua New Guinea until Australia and Fiji. There are 9 genera and about 300 species of rattans in the Indonesian Archipelago.
In the forest of Indonesia, rattan grows from the lowland until the mountain area, that is from 0 to 2,900 meters about sea level (m asl). Its habitat is mostly on most area with annual rainfall above 2,000 to 4,000 mm per year.
Almost all part of rattan canes are used by people surrounding forest area for many of their everyday life. For Indonesia, rattan is a non timber forest product that gives the greatest income to the economy of the country. The country supplies 90 % of the world demands on rattan cane as the raw material for furniture.
For a management of a forest, it is believed that much basic knowledge about the nature of the forest is needed. One of them is to develop the forest as a resource of cane industry in a sustainable way. For this purpose the composition, distribution and density of rattan species in Gunung Halimun National Park (TNGH) were studied as a model. To facilitate a familiarity to the identity of rattan in TNGH, a study on the rattan flora of Java have been conducted. Hence the purpose of the study is to provide a manuscript of a field guide book of the rattan flora of Java and a study of the species composition, density and distribution of rattan in TNGH.
Data were collected from December 1994 until May 1995. For the rattan Flora of Java, all specimens herbarium at Herbarium Bogoriense and Forest Research and Development Center and Nature Conservation were observed. Quantitative characters were noted and measured to create the identification key and description of the species. For species composition on rattan in TNGH, three areas were observed namely in Gunung (G.) Kencana, G. Pameungpeuk, and G. Pangkulahan using a continues square transect method, from elevation 800 - 1,400 m asl.
The result of the study shows that, there are five genera consisting of 24 species of rattan in Java: Korthalsia (two species), Ceratolobus (two species), Plectocomia (two species), Calamus (14 species) and Daemonorops (four species). It is found that, Ceratolobus glaucescens, C. pseudoconcolor and Plectocomia longistigma are not included in the previous study done by Backer and Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jr.(1968), however this study supports their opinion that Calamus spectabilis and Daemonorops palembanicus are not found in Java.
From three areas in TNGH, it was found that there are 13 species of rattans in the region. In terms of species richness and densities, G. Pameungpeuk comes first, follows by G. Pangkulahan and G. Kencana. Calamus heteroideus, C. javensis, Daemonorops melanochaetes, and Plectocomia elongata are dominant both in seedling and nature forms. The rattans are relatively abundant in the areas less than 1000 m asl. and decrease in number of species as well as the minimal population in the higher altitude. Calanms ornatus occures in 800 - 1,400 m asl., Daemonorops ruber in 800 - 1,500 m asl., D. oblongus in 800 - 1,400 m asl . According to previous studies by DransfieId (1974) and Mahyar (1983), they were found only from 0 - 800 m asl."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogor: GHSNP Management Project, 2005
R 580 BIB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Yuningsih
"Tesis ini membahas tentang peran Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai dan partisipasi masyarakat Desa Cisantana dalam pengelolaan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai, serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan TNGC dikaitkan dengan ketahanan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah BTNGC telah melaksanakan tugas dan program kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat Desa Cisantana dengan optimal. Sementara itu, masyarakat Desa Cisantana merasa belum dilibatkan sepenuhnya dalam pengelolaan TNGC sehingga belum merasakan manfaat dari keberadaan TNGC. Perbedaan persepsi antara masyarakat Desa Cisantana dan pemerintah/BTNGC, berpotensi menimbulkan konflik kepentingan sehingga akan menggangu ketahanan daerah. Karena itu pemerintah perlu mengambil kebijakan yang dapat menyatukan persepsi keberadaan TNGC dan mencari solusi pengelolaan partisipatif bagi masyarakat yang terkena dampak penetapan kawasan TNGC.

This thesis discusses the role of the National Park of Mount Ciremai and the participation of Cisantana community in the management of the Ciremai Mountain National Park, also the perception of community on TNGC management associated with regional resilience. This study used a qualitative approach. The result obtained from this study is BTNGC has undertaken an optimal task and program activities involving Cisantana community. Meanwhile, Cisantana community has not been fully involved in the TNGC management, so it has not felt any benefit from the presence of TNGC. The difference perception between Cisantana community and the government/BTNGC, has the potential to create conflict of interest that would interfere with regional resilience. Therefore, the government needs to adopt policies that can unify the perception of the existence of TNGC and look for participatory management solutions for communities affected by the determination of TNGC region
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Junus Satrio Atmodjo
Skripsi ini merupakan monografi yang khusus membicarakan bangunan punden berundak di Gunung Penanggungan, suatu jenis bangunan kuna keagamaan Hindu yang bukan termasuk 'candi' dan biasanya hanya didirikan pada daerah sekitar gunung. Keaneka ragaman bentuk arsitektur dan penggarapan punden merupakan perhatian utama dalam skripsi ini, termasuk usaha mencari latar belakang dari alasan pendirian bangunan ini secara keagamaan maupun arsitektur.Metode yang dipakai adalah metode perban_dingan analitis. Melalui metode ini semua bangunan contoh penelitian diperbandingkan satu dan lainnya untuk mendapatkaa ciri umum dasar bentuk arsitektur yang berlaku bagi seluruh punden Situs Penanggungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua punden situs ini dibuat berdasarkan satu pola yang sama; yaitu selalu membagi badan bangunan menjadi tiga bagian terpisah. Yang oleh penulis disebut sebagai tanggul bawah, bangunan induk, dan tiga altar utama. Juga terbukti bahwa tidak ada dua atau lebih punden situs yang bentuknya mirip sama, se_tiap punden memiliki varisi bentuk dan pe_ngerjaan yang berbeda. Selain itu pemilihan arsitektur punden sendiri.yang berteras memperlihatkan adanya hubungan dekat antara praktek-praktek pemujaan arwah nenek moyang sebagai tradisi keagamaan Indonesia asli dengan unsur-unsur agama Hindu dalam-bentuk perpaduan .Secara keseluruhan disimpulkan bahwa ba_ngunan punden berundak Gunung Penanggungan adalah hasil perpaduan antara unsur budaya Indonesia asli dengan agama Hindu dalam u_jud baru yang mewakili keduanya.Yaitu bagunan berteras yang membawa corak Hindu."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steenis, C.G.G.J. van
Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2010
577.53 STE f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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