"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola kegiatan humas dalam organisasi olahraga di Indonesia yang meliputi berbagai aspek seperti keberadaan dan fungsinya, pelaksanaannya, kekuatan dan kelemahan humas pada organisasi olahraga agar organisasi olahraga di Indonesia mampu mengkaji dan memanfaatkan kegiatan humas dengan baik untuk memajukan organisasinya.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi survey ke seluruh Induk Organisasi Cabang Olahraga di Indonesia. Untuk pengumpulan data digunakan kuesioner dan wawancara sebagai data primer, sedangkan untuk data sekunder digunakan berbagai dokumen yang ada di Induk Organisasi dan di KONI Pusat sebagai induknya. Pengolahan dan Interpretasi data digunakan analisis prosentasi dari tiap-tiap faktor kegiatan humas. Pengolahan juga dilakukan dengan statistik cluster untuk mengelompokkan organisasi olahraga berdasarkan pola kegiatan kehumasannya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola kegiatan humas pada organisasi olahraga di Indonesia secara umum masih belum ditangani secara profesional. Humas pada organisasi olahraga hanya kuat pada aspek internal organisasi, namun untuk aspek-aspek eksternal sebagian besar belum digarap dengan baik. Dilihat dari segi kehumasan dikaitkan dengan marketing maka organisasi olahraga masih belum banyak yang mampu bergerak untuk memasarkan olahraga dengan baik. Mereka baru mampu memasarkan olahraganya pada kalangan internal.
Hasil dari analisis cluster menunjukkan ada 31% organisasi olahraga yang humasnya masih bersifat amatir dimana humas tidak bekerja secara terencana dan hanya bersifat insidental. 31% organisasi bersifat birokrat dimana struktur humas daiam organisasi sudah ada, kegiatan internal cukup baik namun untuk kegiatan eksternal masih sangat tergantung pada pejabat struktural di atasnya dan masih bersifat insidental. Sementara itu 38% organisasi dapat dikategorikan aktifitas humasnya profesional, mereka telah merencanakan dan melaksanakan kegiatan mereka dengan hasil yang baik.
Hambatan terbesar pada lemahnya program humas dalam organisasi olahraga ini adalah popularitas cabang olahraga yang rendah miasalnya beberapa cabang olahraga tidak digemari oleh masyarakat. Prestasi olahraga yang jelek juga merupakan kendala dari kinerja humas. Perhatian elit pengurus organisasi terhadap bidang humas termasuk salah satu masalah dalam organisasi olahraga yang menyebabkan humas organisasi olahraga belum mampu bekerja secara optimal.
The pattern of Public Relation Activities of the Sport Organization in Indonesia This research is aiming to distinguish the pattern PR activity of the Sports Organizations in Indonesia, covering various aspects, such as its existence and functions, how it carried out its activity. This also aimed to spot where its strength does and weaknesses lie. It is hoped that the Sports Organizations in Indonesia would be able to look into this result and make the most of PR activity to their advantage.
This research constitutes a survey study in all of the Sports Organization in Indonesia. For compilation of primary data, it has been collected through the result of questionnaires and interviews, whereas for secondary data was through available documents of the Organizations and the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KON1). For data processing and interpretation, percentage analyses of each PR factor activity were used. Cluster statistic was also used in m the data processing as a way to group the sports organizations into the pattern that based on their PR activity.
The result shows that, in general, the management of the PR activity of the Sports Organizations in Indonesia has not been professionally handled, for the PR has only had its strength in internal aspect, while external aspect has not been properly processed. Seen from the PR point of view and in relations to the marketing, there had not been many of sports organizations which were able to properly market their sport. They had only been able to do it within internal circle.
According to the result of cluster analyses there were 31% sports organizations with amateurish PR, for they worked only incidentally and without plan. There were 31% bureaucratic sports organizations with structured PR that has had sufficient internal activity, while for external activity they have much depended on their above bureaucratic officials, and also still incidentally. In the mean time there are about 38% organizations, which can be put in the category of organizations with professional PR activity; they worked according to planned schedule and carried out their activities with satisfactory result.
The problems that mostly hamper the PR activity in the sports organizations were the less popular sports among the people. Low performances of athletes in sports have also been one of the obstacles in the PR activity. Lack of elite sports officials attention on the PR section has become one of the main problems of organizations for it caused the PR to unable carry out their work optimally."