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"Latar belakang: Saat ini debu tepung masih dianggap sebagai bahan yang tidak berbahaya/debu inert, sementara pada industri tepung terigu PT.ISM BSFM terdapat tendensi peningkatan gangguan saluran napas atas maupun saluran napas bawah. Penelitian bertujuan mencari hubungan antara gangguan faal paru pada pekerja dengan pajanan debu tepung dan faktor lain yang berhubungan, prevalensi keluhan serta prevalensi penyakit paru kerja.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain studi Cross sectional internal kompartif terhadap dua kelompok pekerja yang terpajan rendah dan terpajan tinggi berdasarkan hasil pengukuran personal dust sampler(debu respirable). Studi dilakukan dengan mewawancarai 119 responden memakai kuesioner Pneumobile project Indonesia 1992, mengukur faal paru dengan spirometri dan pengukuran Arus puncak ekspirasi.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Kadar debu di bagian pengemasan dan penggilingan sangat tinggi mencapai 3 kali NAB. Terdapat penurunan faal paru berupa restriksi pada 37 % responden dan obstruksi 7,5%, di mana terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara penurunan fungsi paru dengan status gizi, pekerja yang terpajan tinggi, lama merokok, umur dan lama kerja. Prevalensi keluhan batuk kronik 21,8 %, berdahak kronik 13,4 % dan sesak napas 18,5 %, sementara prevalensi penyakit paru kerja didapat 4,2 % responden yang menderita bronkitis kronik dan 14,3% asma di mana 1,7 % merupakan asma kerja.

Back ground: Today grain flour dust is still assumed as nontoxic dust, while several respiration disease (upper and low) are increase at PT.ISM BSFM the biggest grain mill in Indonesia. The goal of this study was to identify relation between the decrease of lung function and the exposure of grain flour dust, with some other related factor. To find prevalent of symptom and prevalent of occupational lung disease.
Method: Design of the study was a Cross-sectional study, with internal comparative of the two group workers (high exposure and low) that base on result of measurement of personal dust sampler (respirable dust). A simple working survey using Pneumobile Indonesia questioner was carrying out to 119 respondents, measurement lung function by spirometri and peak flow expiration.
Results and Conclusion: Study finding the high exposure of dust at the packing unit and milling unit, the concentration is 3 time greater than TLVs. Result of the lung function measurement found 37 % respondent were restriction and 7.5% obstruction, this respondent have significant relation with their body mass index, working in the high exposure place, length time of smoking, age and length time of working. Prevalent of chronic cough 21.8 %, chronic sputum 13.4 % and breathing difficulty 18.5 %, while prevalent of occupational lung disease were 4.2 % respondent with choric bronchitis and 14.3% asthma included 1.7 % occupational asthma.
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusak B. Ibrahim
"Ruang lingkup dan Cara penelitian : Bahan dasar uang kertas adalah serat kapas. Di Bank X uang kertas tak layak edar dihancurkan menjadi debu dan serpihan-serpihannya. Banyak laporan mengatakan debu dan serat kapas berpengaruh negatif pada fungsi paru tenaga kerja dengan menyebabkan terjadinya obstruksi. Selama ini belum diketahui dengan pasti pengaruh debu uang kertas terhadap fungsi paru. Suatu studi cross sectional dengan pembanding telah dilaksanakan di Bank X Jakarta untuk mengetahui prevalensi gangguan faal ventilasi paru yang berupa obstruksi kronik dan akut serta restriksi dan dianalisis hubungannya dengan kadar debu total, umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, gejala klinis serta riwayat alergi. Sampel adalah tenaga kerja di Bagian Kas sebagai kelompok terpajan dan tenaga kerja pada Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) sebagai kelompok tidak terpajan. Data keduanya dianalisis dan dibandingkan.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Kadar rata-rata debu total pada Bagian Kas 243,0 hg/m3 dan Bagian SDM 42,8 pg/m3. Kadar debu tersebut berbeda bermakna ( p = 0,00 ). Kadar ini tidak dapat dibandingkan. Gejala klinis yang menonjol adalah batuk-batuk (pada Bagian Kas 51,3% dan Bagian SDM 11,3% ) yang secara statistik berbeda bermakna (p = 0,00 ). Prevalensi obstrukai kronik pada Bagian Kas 19,4% dan di Bagian SDM 32,3% ; obstruksi akut di Bagian Kas 7,7%, di Bagian SDM 8,1 %; dan restriksi di Bagian Kas 14,1 %, di Bagian SDM 11,3 % . Uji statistik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara obstruksi kronik dan akut serta restriksi dengan kadar debu, umur, lama kerja, merokok,- gejala klinis yang berupa batuk-batuk serta riwayat alergi. Efek debu uang kertas pada kelainan faal ventilasi paru belum terlihat.

Analysis on the Relationship between Exposure to Paper-Money Dust and Lung Function Disturbances in Workers of Bank X, 1996Scope and methods :
The main ingredient of paper money is cotton fibers. In Bank X used paper money which is not proper for circulation is destroyed into dust and very fine pieces. Many reports state that cotton dust and fibers negatively affect the lung function by causing obstruction. So far until recently the actual effects of paper money dust to the health of the lungs have not been exactly known. A cross-sectional study with the use of control group has been carried out in Bank X, Jakarta to ascertain the prevalence of pulmonary ventilator disturbances in the forms of chronic and acute obstruction as well as restriction, and analysis has been done on their correlations with total dust concentration in the workroom air, age, length of employment, smoking habits, clinical symptoms and history of allergy. The study samples have covered the workers of the Division of Finance as the exposed and entire workers of the Division of Human Resources Development (HRD} as the unexposed group. Data collected from these two groups were analyzed and compared.
Results and Conclusions :
The average concentrations of paper-money dust were 243.0 ug/m3 at the Division of Finance and 42.8 ug/m" at the Division of HRD. These dust concentrations were of statistically significant difference ( p = 0.00 ). The prominent clinical symptom was coughs found in 51.3 % of workers of the Division of Finance and 11.3 % in the Division of HRD. Statistical analysis has shown significant difference (p = 0.00). The prevalence rates of chronic obstruction were 19.4 % in the Division of Finance and 32.3 % in the Division of HRD. The prevalence rates of acute obstruction were found 7.7 % in the Division of Finance and 8.1 % in the Division of HRD_ The prevalence rates of restriction were 14.1 % in the Division of Finance and 11.3% in the Division of HRD. The statistical analysis has not shown significant correlations among chronic and acute obstruction as well as restriction with dust concentration, age, length of employment, smoking habits, and clinical symptom (coughs) and history of allergy. Exposure to paper-money dust has resulted in clinical symptom i.e. coughs, but its effects to the lung function have not been revealed by this study.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mariana Kasmara
"Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Dalam proses produksinya suatu pabrik semen telah menyebabkan pencemaran limbah debu di lingkungan kerjanya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa disamping manfaatnya dalam pembangunan, proses produksi semen juga dapat mengganggu kesehatan paru tenaga kerja. Berhubung masih terdapat kontroversi mengenai jenis kelainan paru yang disebabkan debu semen, maka dilakukan penelitian di pabrik semen. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh data mengenai prevalensi penyakit dan gangguan faal paru di kalangan tenaga kerja Plan III/IV pabrik semen dan kadar debu rata-rata dimana tenaga kerja- terpapar, serta melihat hubungan antara kadar debu dan lama paparan dengan prevalensi tersebut. Secara deskriptif menggunakan disain 'cross sectional' telah diperiksa sejumlah 176 tenaga kerja laki-laki berumur 18-55 tahun dan telah bekerja selama 2 tahun. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik, faal paru dan foto toraks. Pengukuran kadar debu dilakukan dengan teknik 'low volume dust sampler' sedangkan untuk silika bebas dengan mikroskop polarisasi.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Kadar silika bebas di beberapa tempat menunjukkan kadar >1% dan kadar debu di beberapa tempat melebihi NAB. Prevalensi penyakit yang ditemukan rendah sekali, yaitu silikosis 1,13%, tersangka silikosis 1,7%, asma 0,6%, TB 3,4%, sedangkan bronkitis dan emfisema tidak ditemukan. Gangguan faal restriktif ditemukan sebesar 19,9% dan gangguan obstruktif 2,3%. Tidak ditemukan hubungan antara besar risiko dengan gangguan faal paru dan prevalensi penyakit. Demikian pula tidak ditemukan hubungan antara gangguan faal paru dengan kelainan radiologis, umur dan kebiasaan memakai pelindung. Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dan gangguan faal paru; gangguan restriktif lebih banyak ditemukan pada bukan perokok (p <0,05).

Pulmonary Diseases And Lung Function Abnormalities Among Workers At A Cement FactoryScope and Method of Study: The main hazard during cement processing is dust. This indicates that besides its benefit on our National Development, the cement industry may have some drawbacks on our workers' health. A cement factory was surveyed, since there are still different opinions on the pulmonary effects of cement dust until now. The aim of this study is to measure the level of dust exposure and the silica content at Plant II1/IV of the factory, to study the prevalence of pulmonary diseases and lung function abnormalities of cement workers at Plant III/IV and to observe if there is any relationship between both studies. In this cross-sectional study, 176 cement workers of Plant II1/IV aged between 18 to 55 years were surveyed. A questionnaire, physical examination, chest roentgenogram and Spiro gram were obtained on each person. Dust concentrations were measured with a low volume dust sampler and free silica was measured with a polarizing microscope.
Findings and Conclusions: At some workplaces the dust and silica concentrations were above the threshold limit value. The overall prevalence rate of silicosis was 1.13%, suspect silicosis 1.7%, tuberculosis 3.4% and asthma 0.6%, while no signs of bronchitis and emphysema were noted. The vital capacity in 19.9% workers and the FEV1 in 2.3% workers was reduced. No relationship was noted between dust exposure, pulmonary diseases and lung function abnormalities. Neither was there any relationship noted between lung functions abnormalities, smoking habits, roentgen graphic changes, age and the usage of respiratory protective. A significant relationship was noted between smoking habits and lung function abnormalities; restrictive impairments were most pronounced in nonsmokers (p C 0.05)."
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasmi Maha
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfahtun Ni`mah
"Debu batu kapur dihasilkan oleh kegiatan penambangan batu kapur, salah satunya adalah PM2,5. Paparan PM2,5 dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi paru-paru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan hubungan keterkaitan PM2,5 dengan penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional dengan teknik total sampling 30 pekerja. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner untuk wawancara, Dusttrak II TSI untuk mengukur konsentrasi PM2.5 dan spirometri untuk mengukur fungsi paru-paru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai konsentrasi PM2.5 tertinggi adalah 987 μg / m3 dan terendah 14 μg / m3. Hasil analisis menggunakan Chi-square diperoleh korelasi antara penggunaan alat pelindung diri dengan gangguan fungsi paru-paru (p = 0,000). Selanjutnya, hasil menggunakan uji eksak Fisher, ada korelasi antara konsentrasi PM2,5 dan penurunan fungsi paru (p = 0,002) dan tahun kerja dengan penurunan fungsi paru (p = 0,000). Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan untuk memperkirakan berdasarkan asupan.

Limestone dust is produced by limestone mining activities, one of which is PM2,5. Exposure to PM2,5 can cause a decrease in lung function. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of PM2.5 linkages with decreased lung function in workers. This study uses a cross-sectional study with a total sampling technique of 30 workers. The instruments in this study used questionnaires for interviews, Dusttrak II TSI to measure PM2.5 concentrations and spirometry to measure lung function. Based on the results of the study, the highest PM2.5 concentration values ​​were 987 μg / m3 and the lowest was 14 μg / m3. The results of the analysis using Chi-square obtained a correlation between the use of personal protective equipment with impaired lung function (p = 0,000). Furthermore, the results using Fisher's exact test, there is a correlation between PM2.5 concentration and decreased lung function (p = 0.002) and years of work with decreased lung function (p = 0,000). Further research is needed by using environmental health risk analysis to estimate based on intake."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Adelina
"Industri keramik saat ini sedang berkembang dengan pesat, berdasarkan data dari depnaker Tangerang bahwa khusus didaerah ini diperkirakan sekitar ribuan tenaga kerja yang bekerja di industri keramik. Seperti telah diketahui bahwa industri keramik adalah industri yang menghasilkan banyak debu baik dari mulai pengolahan bahan baku, glosir maupun pengepakan.
Pemajanan debu keramik dalam kurun waktu lama walaupun dengan konsentrasi kecil telah diketahui akan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kelainan fungsi paru. Walaupun ada beberapa faktor lain yang ikut memperberat terjadinya kelainan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana gangguan fungsi paru yang terjadi terhadap tenaga kerja di industri keramik " A " akibat pajanan debu keramik ditempatnya bekerja.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan faal paru yang di lakukan dengan memakai alat spirometri dan pengukuran kadar debu total lingkungan. Namun banyak keterbatasan - keterbatasan yang penulis hadapi, dimana tidak dapat diukurnya kadar debu respirable maupun ukuran dari partikel debu.
Selain itu dalam penelitian ini penulis dibantu oleh pihak lain terutama dalam hal pengukuran faal paru dilapangan, sehingga beberapa kesalahan terjadi pada saat pemeriksaan. Sebagai dampaknya banyak hasil uji fast pan" responden yang tidak seperti yang diharapkan. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil konsentrasi debu yang berada di bawah nilai ambang batas serta pekerja yang selalu memakai alat pelindung diri ( masker ) selama bekerja, sehingga kedua parameter tersebut tidak berdampak terhadap kelainan fungsi paru.
Namun dicoba mencari hubungan dengan beberapa variabel lain yang kurang lebih dapat mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi paru seperti umur pekerja, masa kerja, status gizi dan kebiasaan merokok.
Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh hubungan antara usia pekerja, status gizi pekerja dan kebiasaan merokok dari pekerja.
Dengan adanya keterbatasan - keterbatasan yang telah disebutkan sebaiknya dilakukan pengukuran debu respirable, ukuran pertikel debu dan persiapan yang baik sebelum melakukan uji faal paru. Sehingga hasil yang diperoleh akan sesuai seperti yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini.
Daftar bacaan : 44 ( 1984 - 1999)

Relation between Exposure of Ceramic Dust to Lung Function Disorder Workers in Ceramic Industrial " A " in Tangerang Regency, Banten 2004Ceramic industrial is have develops year and years, in Tangerang regency we can found about 1 millions workers in ceramic industrial.
Ceramic industrial is industri that product very much dust in workplace, like product department until packing department .
Exposure of ceramic dust in long time although in small concentration can make lung function disorder , but there are some variable can make this disorther more heavy.
This research was want to know how the ceramic dust in the future can make lung function disorder to teh workers in teh workplace.
This research use questioner method, physical examination, lung function test with use spirometry test and measured dust concentration that exposure of the workers.
As long as this research was have some weakness, where ever we cannot measure teh respirabel dust concentration or dimension of teh dust.
And this research , when lung function test was measured, there is some problem with person whose measured teh test.
Dust of ceramic in ceramic industrial " A" was very small concentration (< 10 mg/m3 ), and used teh personal protective device when workers in the work place , so we can found the lung function disorder because of ceramic dust. There is no correlation between dust concentration in work place with lung function disorder.
But there are some variables in this cases have correlation with lung function test, this correlation not significant to make lung function disorder.
There are the weakness that we have explained before , in research furthermore we must measure respirable dust, dimension of dust and arrange the method of lung function test before with the result we can have good outcome later.
Bibliography : 44 ( 1984 -1999 )
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
L. Meily Kurniawidjaja
"Latar Belakang. Industri semen di Indonesia telah berkembang dengan pesat, terutama dalam tahun-tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini disebabkan antara lain karena permintaan yang meningkat baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Peningkatan industri semen di dalam negeri sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Pemakaian semen meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan pembangunan di sektor pemerintah maupun swasta, seperti pembangunan prasarana jalan dan jembatan, perumahan, gedung-gedung bertingkat, bendungan dan irigasi. Gambar 1 menunjukkan kenaikan konsumsi semen di dalam negeri dari tahun 1978 sampai dengan tahun 1990 <1). Peningkatan permintaan dari luar negeri dimulai sejak awal 1988. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan oleh karena Jepang mengurangi produksi semennya secara drastis. Sebelumnya Jepang adalah pemasok semen terbesar di dunia dengan kapasitas lebih dari 70 juta ton pertahun (2). Indonesia adalah satu-satunya negara di kawasan ASEAN yang mengalami surplus semen, dengan kapasitas terpasang nasional sebesar 17,41 juta ton per tahun pada akhir Pelita 2 lalu. Semen Indonesia yang diproduksi oleh 10 grup pabrik semen, berpeluang besar untuk meningkatkan produksi pada tahun-tahun mendatang.
Gambar 1. Konsumsi Semen di Indonesia, 1978 ? 1990 (Untuk melihat gambar silahkan link ke file pdf.)
Meningkatnya produksi semen sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Namun demikian, kewaspadaan terhadap kemungkinan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh proses produksi semen harus selalu mendapat perhatian. Termasuk dampak negatif debu semen yang beterbangan di udara. Paparan debu semen dengan kadar tertentu di udara dapat menimbulkan penyakit, seperti penyakit saluran napas, penyakit kulit serta penyakit saluran cerna (3 - 9).
Penelitian mengenai pengaruh debu semen terhadap saluran napas telah banyak dilakukan. Di Indonesia penelitian tersebut antara lain dilakukan oleh Hariadi dan Hargono di Surabaya (1979), Harsono dan Musauaris {1983). Soedirman (1987) dan Hariana di Citeureup {I98E3) (10-14). Penelitian-penelitian tersebut menunjukkan keragaman hasil sesuai dengan latar belakang penelitian masing-masing, namun pada umumnya menyimpulkan bahwa upaya perlindungan khusus terhadap bahaya debu semen belum sepenuhnya dilakukan secara memadai dan menyeluruh. Lebih lanjut dikemukakan bahwa, untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit saluran napas perlu dilakukan upaya pemantauan secara berkelanjutan. Dengan pemantauan ini diharapkan bahwa apabila sewaktu-waktu terjadi penyimpangan dapat segera diketahui dan segera dilaksanakan tindakan koreksi yang diperlukan (3,15).
Pemantauan ini secara khusus dilaksanakan terhadap para pekerja, untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan timbulnya penyakit sedini mungkin melalui pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala serta pemantauan terhadap lingkungan kerja. Cara ini dapat dipandang sebagai diagnosis dini yang mempunyai peran amat penting, sebagai salah satu indikator paparan debu di lingkungan kerja, untuk kemudian dilakukan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan dan bila perlu pengobatannya (3,15)?"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Royani Nurrohman
"Latar belakang : Kemajuan sektor industri memberi dampak baik dan buruk. Debu yang dihasilkan dalam proses industri dapat berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan paru. Belum ada penelitian tentang efek debu karbon hitam terhadap keluhan respirasi dan gangguan faal paru di Indonesia.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini mencari keluhan respirasi dan faal paru pekerja yang terpajan debu karbon hitam di PT X Bogor yang berdiri tahun 2006.
Metode : Penelitian potong lintang sejak bulan November 2012-April 2013. Sejumlah 248 subjek diperiksa dengan total coverage sampling kemudian dipilih sesuai kriteria inklusi. Dilakukan wawancara dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis, foto toraks, spirometri dan pemeriksaan carbonmonoxyde (CO).
Hasil : Ada 207 subjek inklusi dengan kebanyakan laki-laki (81,2 %), didapatkan keluhan respirasi sejumlah 68 (32,8 %) berupa flu, sesak, batuk, dahak kronik, batuk dahak, dahak, batuk kronik dan mengi. Hasil spirometri rerata VEP1/KVP 93,5± 4,4 (79,2 - 98,8). Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara jenis kelamin, usia subjek, tingkat pendidikan, status gizi, status perokok, kadar CO, kondisi debu, penggunaan masker, kelainan foto toraks dan lama kerja dengan terdapatnya kelainan faal paru.Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara jenis kelamin laki-laki, status perokok aktif dan kadar CO ≥10 dengan terdapatnya keluhan respirasi dengan nilai p < 0,05.
Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan antara kadar debu dengan keluhan respirasi dan kadar debu dengan faal paru yang bermakna secara statistik pada penelitian ini.

Background : Advances in the industrial sector gives good and bad impact. Dust generated in industrial processes may adversely affect the health of the lungs. No studies on the effects of carbon black dust on respiratory complaints and lung function disorders in Indonesia.
Objective : This research looks at respiratory complaints and lung function of workers exposed to carbon black dust X Factory in Bogor which was founded in 2006.
Methods : A cross-sectional study from November 2012-April 2013. A total of 248 subjects examined by total coverage sampling then selected according to the inclusion criteria. Conducted interviews with questionnaires, physical examination, chest Xray, spirometry and carbon monoxide (CO) inspection.
Results : There were 207 subjects with the inclusion of mostly male (81.2%), respiratory complaints obtained a number of 68 (32.8%) in the form of the flu, tightness, cough, chronic sputum, phlegm cough, phlegm, chronic cough and wheezing. Spirometry results mean 93.5 ± 4.4 FEV1/FVC (79.2 to 98.8). No statistically significant between sex, age of subjects, level of education, nutritional status, smoking status, the rate of CO, dust conditions, the use of masks, chest X-ray abnormalities and work duration with lung function abnormalities. There is a significant relationship between male gender, current smoking status and CO levels ≥ 10 with the presence of respiratory complaints with p <0,05.
Conclusion : There is no correlation between the dust with respiratory complaints and of dust with lung function statistically significant in this study.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Sri Haryanti
"Sebagian besar industri otomotif masih menggunakan thinner yang mengandung VOC (terdiri dari benzene, toluene, xylene dan lain-lain). Efek kesehatan dari VOC diantaranya adalah iritasi pada hidung dan tenggorokan dan serta kerusakan paru-paru (Ismail, 2011). Pajanan thinner kepada pekerja secara terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan iritasi saluran napas dan gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pajanan thinner dengan gangguan fungsi paru-paru setelah dikontrol variabel confounding pada pekerja bagian painting di industri otomotif. Setelah dikontrol dengan penggunaan APD, perilaku merokok dan terpajan sedikit thinner dan zat kimia lain diketahui bahwa risiko pekerja yang terpajan sebagian thinner untuk mengalami gangguan fungsi paru adalah 1,87 (95% CI = 0,74-4,71). Pada pekerja yang terpajan thinner penuh memiliki resiko untuk mengalami gangguan fungsi paru sebesar 3,23 (95% CI = 1,36-7,59). Semakin besar pajanan terhadap thinner maka semakin tinggi resiko untuk terkena gangguan fungsi paru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka disarankan agar perusahaan melakukan upaya promosi kesehatan untuk meminimalkan risiko terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja pengecatan mobil.

Most of the auto industry still use paint thinner containing VOCs (consisting of benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.). Health effects of VOCs include irritation of the nose and throat and impaired lung function (Ismail, 2011). Exposure paint thinner to workers continuously can cause respiratory irritation and lung function impairment in workers. This study is a cross-sectional study aimed to determine the relationship between exposure of thinner with impaired lung function after controlled confounding variable on painting workers in the automotive industry. After controlled by using mask variable, smoking behavior and exposure to a little thinner plus other chemicals, known that the risk for the paired exposed of thinner to suffer lung problems was 1.87 (95% CI = 0.74 to 4.71). In workers exposed to thinner at risk for developing impaired lung function of 3.23 (95% CI = 1.36 to 7.59). Greater and greater exposure to paint thinner, the risk for developing lung problems is higher. Based on the findings, it is recommended that companies conduct health promotion efforts to minimize the risk of impaired lung function in painting workers."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar belakang : Penelitian ini merupakan studi awal untuk mengukur kapasitas
difusi paru DLCO-SB ipada pasien PPOK di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta untuk
mengetahui prevalens penurunan nilai DLCO pada pasien PPOK.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang (cross sectional
study) pada pasien PPOK yang berkunjung di Poliklinik Asma-PPOK RSUP
Persahabatan Jakarta. Dilakukan uji spirometri dan DLCO pada pasien PPOK
yang diambil secara konsekutif antara bulan Mei-Juli 2015. Komorbiditas juga
Hasil : Uji Spirometri and DLCO dilakukan pada 65 subjek didapatkan 7 subjek
(10,8%) termasuk kedalam PPOK Grup A, 19 subjek (29,2%) PPOK Grup B, 21
subjek (32,3%) PPOK grup C dan 18 subjek (27,7%) PPOK grup D. rerata usia
64,15 (45-89) tahun;rerata VEP
% 46,05%, rerata nilai DLCO 19,42
ml/menit/mmHg dan rerata DLCO % adalah 72.00%. prevalens penurunan
DLCO pasien PPOK adalah 56,92% (37/65 subjek) sedangkan 28 subjek dengan
nilai DLCO normal. Ditemukan 15 subjek (23,07%) dengan penurunan ringan, 18
subjek (27.69%) penurunan sedang dan 4 subjek (6,15%) dengan penurunan berat.
Ditemukan 47 subjek (72,3%) memiliki komorbid. Terdapat hubungan bermakna
antara grup PPOK, derajat spirometri, VEP
, IMT dan komorbiditas dengan nilai
hasil uji DLCO. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara nilai DLCO dengan
jenis kelamin, umur, riwayat merokok, Indeks Brinkmann, obstruksi-restriksi dan
lama terdiagnosis PPOK.
Kesimpulan : Proporsi penurunan nilai DLCO pada pasien PPOK adalah
56,92%. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara grup PPOK, derajat spirometri,
, IMT dan riwayat TB dengan nilai hasil uji DLCO. Tidak terdapat
hubungan bermakna antara nilai DLCO dengan jenis kelamin, umur, riwayat
merokok, Indeks Brinkmann, obstruksi-restriksi, komorbid dan lama terdiagnosis
Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period. ;Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period. ;Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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