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Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Apong Herlina
"One critique, among others, delivered to the existing criminal justice system is that its decision rarely solves problem. There's always a case that the justice's decision whether to acquit or to punish the suspect be refused by related parties. At this point, a new idea of restorative justice, a model of justice which emphasizes healing for all related parties, is then introduced.
The writer proposes to combine the idea of restorative justice with another idea of diversion especially when the involved suspect is children.
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Pavlich, George
New York : Glass House, 2005
364.68 PAV g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Achjani Zulfa
""Restorative Justice" is a model approach which emerged in the 1960s in an effort to solve criminal cases. Unlike the approach used in conventional criminal justice system, this approach focuses on the direct participation of perpetrators, victims and society in the settlement process. This theory of the approach is still debated, but the view is in fact growing and it exercises a lot of influence on legal policies and practices in several countries. The UN through its basic principles considers the approach of restorative justice as the approach which could be used in the rational criminal justice system. Restorative justice is a concept of thinking that supports the development of the criminal justice system with emphasis on the required involvement of the community. It is also involving the casualties who with the current criminal justice system are excluded. In several countries, restorative justice has been translated into a variety of formulations to accommodate a variety of values, philosophical basis, terms, strategies, mechanisms, and programs. Good consultation with the perpetrators and the victims themselves may provide the public with a different mindset in preventing emerging problems. This process can involve the police, prosecutorial institution or the traditional institutions. Therefore, without excluding the work in the formal legal system, the institutional mechanism for resolution through consultation was working in the community. In the various principles and models of the restorative justice approach, the process of dialogue between the perpetrator and the victim is a fundamental and the also the most important part of the application of the restorative justice. The direct dialogue between the perpetrator and the victim gave the victim the opportunity to express what he/she felt, hope for human rights and the desire to reach a criminal settlement."
Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Latuma Erissa
"Tesis ini membahas tentang prospek penerapan keadilan restoratif dalam tindak pidana pencurian ringan. Banyaknya perkara-perkara pencurian ringan yang lazimnya dilakukan oleh golongan marjinal telah menimbulkan keresahan tersendiri di tengah masyarakat. Bagaimana tidak, perkara yang dimasukkan dalam sistim Peradilan Pidana ini memiliki konsekuensi yuridis tersendiri akibat diperkarakan dengan menggunakan pasal 362 KUHP (pencurian biasa) sebagai tindak lanjut dari sudah tidak relevannya pasal 364 KUHP (pencurian ringan) dengan perkembangan ekonomi saat ini. Hal ini kemudian berimplikasi pada terusiknya rasa keadilan masyarakat dan munculnya rasa ketidakpuasan terhadap kinerja dari sistim Peradilan Pidana yang ada. Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, penulis membagi kajian tesis ini menjadi tiga bagian yaitu, pengalihan (diversi) perkara pencurian ringan ke pendekatan keadilan restoratif oleh polisi, solusi penyelesaian kasus tindak pidana pencurian ringan dalam perspektif keadilan Restoratif, serta kendala penerapan keadilan restoratif dalam tindak pidana pencurian ringan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan sosio-legal, sementara sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari data primer yang dihimpun melalui serangkaian wawancara. Setelah menganalisa permasalahan, penulis dapat menyimpulkan beberapa hal yaitu bahwa polisi dapat menggunakan kewenangan diskresinya pada tahap praadjudikasi sebagai jalan untuk mengalihkan perkara pencurian ringan menuju pengimplementasian keadilan restoratif. Selain itu, solusi yang ditawarkan dengan pendekatan keadilan restoratif terhadap tindak pidana pencurian ringan adalah dengan memulihkan keadaan korban seperti sebelum dilaksanakannya tindak pidana oleh pelaku. Pemulihan ini dapat dilakukan pelaku dengan bekerja selama 2 (dua) hari dengan durasi waktu 4-5 jam di rumah korban. Aspek yang terakhir ialah kendala penerapan keadilan restoratif terhadap tindak pidana pencurian ringan dimana kendala yang paling substansial terletak pada ketiadaan suatu aturan normatif yang mengatur penerapannya serta korban yang tidak bersedia untuk didamaikan.
This thesis discusses about the prospect of restorative justice in petty stealing. Seriously, many petty criminal cases, that commonly conducted by the marginalized groups, have resulted a restlessness in the community. In fact, the criminal justice system as the official system that addresses the petty crime has its own juridical consequnce since it applies article 362 of the substantive of law to sue the defendant. Article 362 is being used as the response to Article 364 which is no longer relevant due to the economic development nowadays. Unfortunately, It then provoked the community attention since suing the defendant in such a way would harm the justice, especially for the marginalized groups. In order to address this crucial issue in depth, the writer comprised the focus into three discussions which covered the act of the police to divert the petty crime to the restorative justice approach, the solution to resolve the petty crime through restorative justice perspective, and the constraints which impede the implementation of restorative justice while addressing the petty crime. Furthermore, this study used a juridical normative research method with socio-legal as the approach, meanwhile the source of data was taken by a series of interviews with a number of respondents that are closely related to this study. At the end, the result of this study showed that the police, somehow, can use their authority discretion in the pre-adjudication phase to divert the petty crime into the implementation of restorative justice. Moreover, the solution that can be offered through the restorative justice perspective in addressing the petty crime covered restoring the victim before the criminal act for two days with the duration of four to five hours at the victim's residence. Finally, the most substantial constraint that hindered the implementation of restorative justice toward the petty crime relied on the absence of normative regulations to organize its implementation and the victim who is unwilling to be reconciled."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Barsky, Allan Edward
New York: Oxford University Press, 2017
303.69 BAR c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Departemen Kriminologi FISIP UI, 2011
344.028 TIM v
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini mengkaji esensi dari prinsip keadilan restoratif sebagai pendekatan dalam penyelesaian kasus pidana, dan bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang pembangunan prinsip keadilan restoratif dalam penegakan hukum pidana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip keadilan restoratif telah digunakan di berbagai pembelajaran dalam pemahaman sebagai metode penyelesaian kasus pidana alternatif, dengan cara posisi di luar sistem peradilan pidana. Ternyata dalam prakteknya, bagaimanapun, memiliki kelemahan tertentu, terutama mengingat aspek akuntabilitas dan legitimasi pendiriannya. Oleh karena itu, ada kebutuhan untuk proses penyelidikan ilmiah untuk tujuan menentukan status pihak yang terlibat dalam sebuah kasus, serta untuk posisi kasus yang bersangkutan. Berdasarkan pandangan tersebut, prinsip keadilan restoratif tampaknya merupakan pendekatan yang ideal untuk diterapkan dalam sistem peradilan pidana.
This research reviews the essence of the restorative justice principle as an approach in the settlement of criminal cases, and it aims to provide an overview of the construction of the restorative justice principle in criminal law enforcement. The outcomes of the research indicate that the restorative justice principle has been subject to frequent study in its understanding as an alternative criminal case settlement method, by way of positioning outside the criminal judiciary system. As it turns out in practice, however, it has certain weaknesses, particularly in view of the accountability and legitimacy aspects of its establishment. Therefore, there is a need for a scientific investigation process for the purpose of determining the status of parties involved in a case, as well as for positioning the case concerned. Based on such view, the restorative justice principle appears to be the ideal approach to be applied in the criminal judiciary system."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Aruan, Bonita Irene
"Penelitian ini menelaah tentang bagaimana konsep Keadilan Restoratif seharusnya dimaknai dalam penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual. Masih dimaknainya konsep Keadilan Restoratif sekedar sebagai penghentian perkara serta adanya pemahaman oleh Aparat Penegak Hukum yang menilai bahwasanya mekanisme Keadilan Restoratif yang membuka ruang dialog antara korban dan pelaku secara langsung atau
Victim-offender Mediation sebagai satu-satunya mekanisme untuk mencapai Keadilan Restoratif seringkali menjadi penghalang untuk dapat diterapkannya konsep Keadilan Restoratif secara tepat dalam penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual. Disamping itu, adanya ketimpangan relasi kuasa yang nyata dan potensi terjadinya reviktimisasi terhadap korban sedianya juga menjadi faktor lain yang menjadi penghambat keberhasilan penerapan konsep Keadilan Restoratif. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, penelitian ini hendak membahas 3 (tiga) pertanyaan penelitian diantaranya: Pertama, mengenai bagaimana konsep Keadilan Restoratif dimaknai dalam penanganan suatu perkara pidana. Kedua, bagaimana seyogyanya konsep Keadilan Restoratif harus dimaknai dalam penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual. Ketiga, bagaimana pengimplementasion konsep Keadilan Restoratif pada penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual oleh Aparat Penegak Hukum di Indonesia melalui putusan serta kasus aktual yang ditangani. Guna memperluas khazanah pengetahuan, penelitian ini juga akan turut melakukan analisis terhadap penerapan konsep Keadilan Restoratif di beberapa negara seperti Kanada, Victoria, Belgia dan Selandia Baru. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa prinsip Keadilan Restoratif sedianya masih dapat diterapkan dalam penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual dengan beberapa catatan sebagai berikut: Pertama, harus dipahaminya Keadilan Restoratif tidak hanya sebatas sebagai mekanisme penghentian perkara; Kedua, Victim-Offender Mediation (Mediasi Penal) bukanlah satu-satunya mekanisme Keadilan Restoratif yang dapat diterapkan dalam kasus kekerasan seksual dan tidak selalu dapat diterapkan dalam setiap penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual mengingat pada faktanya setiap korban kekerasan seksual memiliki kondisi psikologis yang berbeda-beda; dan Ketiga, fasilitator Keadilan Restoratif yang menangani kasus kekerasan seksual harus dibekali dengan pengetahuan dan kemampuan mumpuni terutama berkaitan dengan dinamika kontrol dalam kekerasan seksual.
This research examines how the concept of Restorative Justice should be interpreted in addressing cases of sexual violence. The prevailing interpretation of Restorative Justice merely as case termination, coupled with the understanding by Law Enforcement Authorities that the Restorative Justice mechanism, which facilitates direct dialogue between victims and offender or also known as Victim-offender Mediation, is often seen as the sole mechanism to achieve Restorative Justice frequently acts as a barrier to the accurate implementation of the Restorative Justice concept in handling sexual violence cases. Additionally, the existence of power imbalances and the potential for revictimization of the victims are other factors that hinder the success of implementing the Restorative Justice concept. By conducting normative research, this study aims to answer three research questions. First, how the concept of Restorative Justice is interpreted in handling criminal cases. Second, how the concept of Restorative Justice should ideally be interpreted in handling sexual violence cases. Third, how the implementation of the Restorative Justice concept in handling sexual violence cases by Law Enforcement Authorities in Indonesia is carried out through decisions and actual cases handled. To expand the knowledge base, this research also analyzes the application of Restorative Justice concept in several countries such as Canada, Victoria, Belgium, and New Zealand. The results of this research show that Restorative Justice principles should still be applicable in handling sexual violence cases, with the following considerations: First, it is essential to understand that Restorative Justice is not merely a mechanism for case termination; second, Victim-offender Mediation is not the only Restorative Justice mechanism that can be applied in sexual violence cases, and it may not always be the right choice given the fact that every victim of sexual violence has different psychological conditions; and third, a Restorative Justice facilitator in handling sexual violence cases must be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and proficiency, especially regarding the dynamics of control in sexual violence."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Achjani Zulfa
Depok: Inca Publishing, 2016
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library