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Aloysius Suratin
"Konversi hutan dan lahan adalah masalah utama untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan rendah karbon inklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis preferensi, perilaku, efek perilaku pengguna lahan, situasi prisoner’s dilemma, insentif berbasis perilaku, mengembangkan model dan merumuskan kebijakan PRK yang lebih inklusif dan efektif. Data dikumpulkan dari 740 pengguna lahan di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Tiga metode yaitu partial least square equation modelling, game theory, dan permodelan system dynamics digunakan untuk analisis data.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan preferensi pengguna lahan dari status quo menjadi ambivalen. Perilaku dominan pengguna lahan adalah Altruis-Mumpung (50,00%, N=740), yang meyebabkan Kapasitas Sekuestrasi hanya mencapai 0,98% dari emisi dan Intensitas Emisi meningkat 8,37% per tahun. PRK juga tidak inklusif karena terjadi prisoner’s dilemma. Insentif berbasis perilaku potensial meningkatkan inklusivitas dan efektivitas PRK. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa insentif berbasis perilaku berdasarkan Kategori Pilihan Hiperekuitas dan prinsip keadilan Rawlsian berhasil meningkatkan efektivitas PRK inklusif.

Forest conversion is a major problem for achieving inclusive, low-carbon development. This study aims to analyze land users' preferences, behaviours, behavioral effects, the prisoner's dilemma, behavior-based incentives, develop a model, and formulate more inclusive and effective low-carbon development (LCD) policies. Data for this research was collected from 740 land users in East Lombok Regency and analyzed by using partial least-square equation modelling, game theory, and system dynamics modelling. The research results indicate a shift in land users' preferences from the status quo to ambivalent. Altruist-Mumpung as a dominant behaviour (50.00%, N = 740) causes sequestration capacity 0.98% of the total emissions, and emission intensity increases by 8.37% annually. Prisoner’s dilemma observed made the LCD not inclusive. Behaviour-based interventions have potential for increasing LCD inclusiveness and effectiveness. This study concludes that the behaviour-based incentive design based on the Hiperequity Choice Category and the Rawlsian justice principle has been proven to make inclusive LCD policies effective."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaluemwut Noyunsan
"Assessing trustworthiness of social media posts is increasingly important, as the number of online users and activities grows. Current deploying assessment systems measure post trustworthiness as credibility. However, they measure the credibility of all posts, indiscriminately. The credibility concept was intended for news types of posts. Labeling other types of posts with credibility scores may confuse the users. Previous notable works envisioned filtering out non-newsworthy posts before credibility assessment as a key factor towards a more efficient credibility system. Thus, we propose to implement a topic-based supervised learning approach that uses Term Frequency-Interim Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and cosine similarity for filtering out the posts that do not need credibility assessment. Our experimental results show that about 70% of the proposed filtering suggestions are agreed by the users. Such results support the notion of newsworthiness, introduced in the pioneering work of credibility assessment. The topic-based supervised learning approach is shown to provide a viable social network filter."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:7 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Khanifan Akhsani Taqwin
Dalam persaingan yang ketat di dunia industri, khususnya dalam industri telekomunikasi semakin ketat. Oleh karena itu, masing-masing operator telekomunikasi berlomba-lomba untuk memberikan layanan terbaik agar dapat menarik konsumen yang lebih banyak. Namun, sebelum membuat suatu layanan telekomunikasi, haruslah ada analisis pasar khususnya pelanggan, agar dapat diketahui layanan seperti apa yang dibutuhkan dan diinginkan oleh pelanggan tersebut. Dengan perkembangan sistem informasi, analisis menggunakan data mining menjadi pilihan. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu model KDD Knowledge Discovery Data dengan menggunakan algoritma sistem rekomendasi yang dikombinasikan dengan social network analysis untuk memprediksi suatu layanan apakah diterima oleh pelanggan atau tidak. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat empat macam model sistem rekomendasi, yaitu collaborative filtering, content based filtering, hybrid filtering dan stochastic gradient descent. Kemudian hybrid filtering dan stochastic gradient descent dikombinasikan dengan hasil analisis dari jaringan sosial yang berupa nilai-nilai pagerank, eigenvector, modularity, degree dan sebagainya. Hasil dari kombinasi hybrid filtering dengan hasil analisis jaringan sosial tidak terlalu signifikan dan cenderung tetap, sedangkan hasil dari kombinasi stochastic gradient descent dengan hasil dari analisa jaringan sosial dapat menurunkan nilai RMSE dan MAE sebesar 0,001 sampai 0,010 dan 0,011 sampai 0,013.

In the fierce competition in the industrial world, especially in the telecommunications industry is getting tighter. Therefore, each telecommunicationoperator will compete to provide the best service to attract more consumers. However, before performing a telecommunication service, there must be a market analysis, especially customers, to know what kind of service is needed and desired by the customer. With the development of information systems, analysis using data mining becomes an option. In this research will be made a model of KDD Knowledge Discovery Data using a recommendation system algorithm combined with social network analysis to predict a service whether received by customers or not. In this research, there are four models of the recommendation system they are collaborative filtering, content based filtering, hybrid filtering and stochastic gradient descent. Then hybrid filtering and stochastic gradient descent combined with the results of analysis of social networks in the form of PageRank values, eigenvector, modularity, degree and so forth. The result of hybrid filtering combination with social network analysis result is not very significant and tends to remain, while the result of stochastic gradient descent combination with result of social network analysis can decrease RMSE and MAE value about 0.001 to 0.010 and 0.011 to 0.013."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paehlke, Robert C.
Cambirdge: MIT Press, 2003
306.2 PAE d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tedjo Darmanto
"One way to model fractal object is by IFS (Iterated Function Systems) model based on affine trans-formation functions. Rotational effect of star-like object in IFS fractal model can be exhibited by means of metamorphical animation method instead of by the affine rotational operation of non meta-morphical animation method. The metamorphical version has an advantage over the non metamor-phical version in the independency of object?s relative position to the fixed point as an absolute cen-troid. Therefore, the rotational effect can be exhibited at any positions. In addition, it can be combined with rotational effect of the local centroid itself around the absolute centroid as a fixed point by the primitive rotational operation to form an interesting behaviour of orbital trajectory. So based on the hybrid of both animation methods, the animation simulation of orbital trajectory on a twin stars rota-ting to each other as a system can be done. Both objects are rotated in the same angular direction, but started in the opposite position around two closely different fixed points. So, the orbital trajectory yielded forms an elliptical path. The two similar objects can be created efficiently by cloning-scaling technique. In general, the animation method can be modeled as an animation framework.

Salah satu cara memodelkan objek fraktal adalah dengan model IFS (Iterated Function Systems) berdasarkan transformasi affine. Efek rotasi objek yang menyerupai bintang dari fraktal IFS dapat dijalankan melalui metoda animasi metamorfik sebagai pengganti operasi rotasi affine pada metoda animasi non metamorfik. Kelebihan metoda animasi yang metamorfik dibandingkan metoda animasi yang non metamorfik adalah dalam hal ketidakbergantungan posisi objek terhadap titik tetap sebagai titik pusat (centroid) absolut, sehingga efek rotasi dapat terjadi di manapun objek berada dan selain itu memungkinkan dikombinasikan dengan efek rotasi di seputar centroid lokal dengan efek rotasi operasi rotasi affine objek tersebut terhadap centroid absolut, sehingga menghasilkan hasil animasi berbentuk jejak orbit objek yang menarik untuk diobservasi. Jadi berdasarkan hibrida kedua metoda animasi, maka memungkinkan simulasi animasi yang menghasilkan jejak orbit sistem bintang ganda dapat dilakukan. Kedua objek bintang berotasi dengan arah rotasi yang sama tetapi berada pada posisi berlawanan seputar dua titik tetap berbeda, maka jejak orbit kedua objek tersebut berbentuk lonjong. Kedua objek dapat dikonstruksi secara efisien dengan teknik cloning-scaling. Secara umum hibrida metoda animasi dapat dimodelkan sebagai framework animasi."
Bandung: STMIK AMIK-Bandung, Department of Informatics, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadhli Adwani
"Transportasi merupakan pendorong biaya utama dalam logistik perkotaan, yang semakin rumit dengan meningkatnya e-commerce dan jumlah pelanggan. Masalah krusialnya adalah menemukan rute distribusi yang optimal, yang dikenal dalam optimasi kombinatorial sebagai Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). Penelitian ini melakukan analisis komparatif antara algoritma simulated annealing dan iterated local search untuk menyelesaikan capacitated VRP. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode tersebut pada contoh masalah dan studi kasus PT. X, salah satu perusahaan pos terbesar di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa algoritma 1 unggul dalam menyelesaikan contoh masalah, sementara algoritma 2 memberikan kinerja terbaik untuk data studi kasus. Penelitian ini menyediakan model optimasi untuk kedua skenario tersebut.

Transportation is a major cost driver in urban logistics, increasingly complicated by the rise of e-commerce and the growing number of customers. A critical issue is finding optimal distribution routes, known in combinatorial optimization as the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). This paper conducts a comparative analysis of simulated annealing and iterated local search algorithms to solve the capacitated VRP. The research applies these methods to both problem instances and a case study of PT. X, one of Indonesia's largest postal companies. The results show that while algorithm 1 excels in solving problem instances, algorithm 2 achieves the best performance for the case study data. This research provides optimized models for both scenarios."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Luthfi Mufadel
Setiap permintaan koneksi yang terjadi di jaringan seluler perlu melewati prosedur random access. Dalam jaringan 5G, terdapat minimal tiga layanan yaitu mMTC, eMBB, dan URLLC. Setiap layanan yang ada pada jaringan 5G dapat dibagi-bagi resource yang ada dengan menggunakan teknologi network slicing. Resource yang digunakan dalam prosedur random access yaitu preamble. Preamble dikonfigurasikan untuk setiap slice agar mencapai kebutuhan tiap layanan yang ada. Selain preamble, performa dari jaringan ditentukan oleh jumlah transmisi dan durasi backoff window, semakin besar kedua variabel tersebut maka jumlah perangkat yang dapat dilayani akan semakin banyak. Tetapi semakin banyak jumlah transmisi dapat menyebabkan borosnya daya yang dipakai dan semakin lama durasi backoff window menyebabkan delay yang tinggi. Pengaturan jumlah preamble, jumlah transmisi, dan lamanya backoff window pada masing-masing slice diperlukan untuk memenuhi kriteria yang diperlukan agar mendapatkan performa yang baik.

Every connection request that occurs on a cellular network needs to go through a random access procedure. In the 5G network, there are at least three services namely mMTC, eMBB, and URLLC. Every service on the 5G network can be shared with existing resources using network slicing technology. The used resource in the random access procedure is preamble. The preamble is configured for each slice to meet the needs of each existing service. Besides the preamble, the performance of the network is determined by the number of transmissions and the duration of the backoff window, the larger the two variables, the more devices can be served. But the greater number of transmissions can increase power usage and the longer duration of the backoff window causes a high delay. Setting the number of preambles, the number of transmissions, and the length of backoff window in each slice is needed to meet the criteria needed to get good performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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