ABSTRACTOne of the influential factors in the prevention of the destruction and decline of biodiversity is human resources. There is an opinion that human beings or human resources are highly influenced by its level of education. In order to improve any efforts for biodiversity to survive, human responsibility and awareness are needed, especially in rehabilitation of nature source and quality of society education, starting from basic level, in order to strengthen the idea if both responsibility and awareness.
The knowledge of nature has appeared through basic and higher levels education. However, it falls to present very basic information for student to understand the link of nature and the survival of the national. Mean while teachers unsuccessfully teach students to comprehend what are being taught, especially to apply the materials. It becomes worst when less attention for students to train them selves are given. As a consequence, students are not capable to operate any function of natural resources in everyday life. Students are mostly taught such cognitive knowledge rather than any significant applications.
This results in the student being unable to fully comprehend the importance of conserving biodiversity properly.
The Research is purpose to know :
1. The student?s perception and comprehension on the idea of biodiversity conservation. All students are rounded from basic level around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, West Java.
2. The student?s perception and comprehension on the idea of biodiversity conversation. All students are rounded from basic level around West Java Area.
The Research obtained are expected to be able to answer such as the following questions:
1. Are there any differences on the students perception of biodiversity conservation between the students from big city and Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Area.
2. Are there any differences on students comprehension of biodiversity conservation between students from big city and Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Area.
3. Are there materials of biodiversity conservation integrated on the curriculum of basic level of education, and how to perform it.
The Mount Halimun National Park which is situated about 100 km distance from West Jakarta is surprisingly more familiar to the Junior High School students of West Jakarta than to those who live within a radius of less than 25 kilometers from the Park. Indeed, students, students from both area responses similarly that conservation is very importance. They also have similar perception on how to cover any problems. They face on their studies on the conservation.
The Research moreover find that students difference on understanding the terms dealing with conservation. The number of the student who agree and disagree in naming the animal to be protected.
Analyzed results of test which have been carried out are able to indicate the effectively of the teaching process. If furthermore shows that students of SLTP around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun from the sample taken have the score average of 13,534 among them are only 45,1% capable to answers questions about conservation, on the contrary of 21,5% score average and 71,5% of the students around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun who answered correctly. So there is a significant difference between the two areas.
The Role of the Biology teachers are quite influential on the views of the students regarding biodiversity, In general, the SLTP teachers of the school around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun are mostly non native of the area. They have limited knowledge about the Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, and its surroundings.
Keeping in mind the importance of biodiversity as a renewable natural resources which can be utilized as an asset to continuous national development, an efforts has been made during the 1994 GBPP to include the topic of biodiversity in the curriculum. This decision was made as a follow up to the biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia. Which has preceded by the United Nations Conservation on biodiversity. In which it is stated that biodiversity is a topic to be taught at schools in section 13 of the 1994 law No.5.