"Tourist destination must have four components which include tourist attraction, good accessibility of various facilities, such as accommodation, restaurants, shopping and other services and tourism organizations. This study specially focuses on an emerging tourist destination named Tamansari Ciapus in the city of Bogor, West java. It aims to examine the roles of a resort accommodation, located in the area, in supporting the new destination. The study also wants to look at the roles and potential of local village communities in developing commonity-based tourism destination. It uses descriptive qualitative method of sata collection through the surveys, field observations and interview. This study reveals that the role of resort accomodation, in this case the highland Park Hotel, is quite important in the development of Tamansari Ciapus as a new destination. In many case, the resort is the very reason the the visitors come to the area. However, such a role is not yet optimum as there is not yet a cooperation between the resort, other attraction owners in the area (silk, mushroom cultivation, and other home industries) and also the local community. The resort guests, for instance, seldom visit areas outside the resrot. The role of the community is also quite significant in developing the area as a village tourism destination. Community organizations has been formed and tour packafes have been develped although the market is still limited. Other issues that need to be addressed includes the lack of tour guides, integrated souvenir centers and professionally-managed homestay."
Jakarta: Universitas Pancasila. Fakultas Pariwisata, {s.a.}
790 JTDA
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library