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Indri Alfianti
"Skripsi ini membahas pembangunan prasarana kereta api di jalur Jakarta-Bogor tahun 1981-1996. Dengan menggunakan metode sejarah, skripsi ini mengungkap latar belakang, pelaksanaan, dan manfaat dari pembangunan prasarana kereta api di jalur Jakarta-Bogor. Proyek pembangunan ini berdasarkan kerja sama antara Departemen Perhubungan dan Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yang menghasilkan rencana induk kereta api Jabotabek. Pembangunan dimulai pada tahun 1983, meliputi pembangunan jalur baru Manggarai-Depok, jalan layang kereta Manggarai-Jakarta, dan pembangunan jalur baru Depok-Bogor. Manfaat dari pembangunan ini ialah peningkatan pelayanan terhadap penumpang, naiknya pendapatan Perumka, berkembangnya area bisnis di sekitar stasiun Jakarta-Bogor dan munculnya perumahan di sekitar Bogor.

This thesis focuses on the development of railway infrastructure in Jakarta-Bogor on 1981-1996. Through historical method, the thesis revealed background, execution, and benefit of development of railway infrastructure in Jakarta-Bogor. This project based on cooperation between Ministry of Transportation and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which resulted master plan of Jabotabek railway. The development started on 1983, including development of track addition on Manggarai-Depok, track elevation on Manggarai-Jakarta, and new track on Depok-Bogor. Benefit from this development were increase of service for passenger, increase of Perumka’s income, expand of business area around Jakarta- Bogor station and spread of housing in Bogor.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farrah Eva Nabila
"Tesis ini menunjukkan wacana pembangunan revitalisasi yang dilandasi logika High-Modernism direproduksi, dilanggengkan, dan dilegitimasi sebagai bentuk pelestarian warisan budaya Kota Tua Jakarta membentuk realitas sosial baru para pedagang di kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta. Penelitian ini memadukan fieldwork dan patchwork ethnography dengan menggunakan konsep-konsep teoritik yaitu kepengaturan Negara (Governmentality) dari Foucault, penyederhanaan (Simplification) dan keterbacaan (Legibility) dari James Scott, serta produksi ruang secara sosial dari Setha Low. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk memuluskan pembangunan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta, Negara menggunakan instrumen penyederhanaan dan keterbacaan dalam pembentukan realitas baru para pedagang melalui upaya formalisasi, seperti merelokasi, melakukan pendataan dan menempatkan di lokasi binaan, melakukan penertiban, serta mengadakan pembinaan kepada para pedagang yang tunduk dan patuh terhadap aturan sehingga menyebabkan pemisahan para pedagang yang tereksklusi dan terinklusi dalam skema rekayasa pembangunan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta.Artinya, Negara dapat dikatakan mampu memperbesar kapasitasnya melakukan intervensi atas nama kepentingannya secara tepat dan efektif terhadap para pedagang untuk mewujudkan hasrat kepengaturan Negara.

This thesis shows the revitalization construction discourse underpinned by the logic of High-Modernism reproduced, denounced, and legitimized as a form of preservation of the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jakarta shaping the new social reality of street vendors in the Old Town area of Jakarta. This research combines fieldwork and ethnography patchwork using theoretical concepts of Foucault's Governmentality, Simplification and Legibility of James Scott, as well as the production of space socially from Setha Low. The results show that in order to approve the revitalization of the Old City of Jakarta, the State uses the instruments of simplification and legibility in the formation of the new reality of street vendors through formalization efforts, such as relocation, deposition and placement at the site of construction, arrangement, and construction to street vendors who are submissive and obedient to the rules resulting in the separation of excluded and inclusive street vendors in the scheme of revitalising the Old Town of Jakarta.In other words, the State can be said to be able to increase its capacity to intervene in the name of its interests properly and effectively against the street vendors in order to realize the desire of the State to regulate."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 1999
361 INT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singapore: Nasional University Singapura, 2013
720.47 CAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janice Jacob Kayan Jap
"Telah ada beberapa program pertanian perkotaan yang dipraktikkan di Jakarta sebagai salah satu strategi untuk menanggulangi isu-isu terkait ketahanan pangan, RTH, dan stimulasi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketahanan sosial. Namun, akomodasi praktik kegiatan pertanian perkotaan saat ini masih terbatas untuk menjadi bagian dari perencanaan kota. Permasalahan yang diidentifikasikan dalam penelitian ini adalah perancangan kebijakan dan insentif untuk mendukung pengembangan pertanian perkotaan masih belum disesuaikan dengan karakteristik praktek pertanian perkotaan yang sebenarnya, sehingga manfaat dari bertani/berkebun dapat dialami oleh pelaku-pelaku pertanian perkotaan belum dapat dialami secara meluas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peran pertanian perkotaan dalam mendukung kemampanan kota di Jakarta Pusat dengan pendekatan permodelan. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode campuran wawancara semi-terstruktur, focus group discussion (FGD), kuesioner dan Systems Dynamics. Penarikan sampel pelaku pertanian perkotaan yang dilakukan secara snowball menghasilkan 221 orang responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria target populasi. Dari wawancara, FGD, dan pengisian kuesioner, diperoleh data mengenai aspek-aspek berikut mengenai bertani/berkebun: motivasi, manfaat, hambatan, dan akses pelaku pada sumber daya, sarana, dan dukungan untuk bertani/berkebun. Hasil analisis data digunakan untuk membangun model perkembangan pertanian perkotaan dengan jumlah kader penanggungjawab program Gang Hijau di Jakarta Pusat sebagai salah satu stock utama. Hasil permodelan business as usual (BAU) menunjukkan jumlah pertambahan beberapa aspek pertanian perkotaan dari tahun ke tahun: jumlah kader, luas tutupan penghijauan, kohesi sosial dari bertani/berkebun, dan total pendapatan dari penjualan hasil panen. Dilakukan skenario intervensi untuk mencapai salah satu target perluasan tutupan penghijauan sesuai dengan capaian program tahun 2030.

Several urban agriculture programs have been practiced in Jakarta as a strategy to approach issues related to food security, green space, and stimulation of economic growth and social security. However, accommodation for urban agriculture activities as a part of urban planning is still limited. The identified problem in this study is that the design of policies and incentives to support the development of urban agriculture has not yet been adjusted to the actual characteristics of urban agriculture practices, so that farming/gardening benefits have not been widely experienced. This study aimed to evaluate the role of urban agriculture to support urban sustainability in Central Jakarta using a modeling approach. The research employed qualitatively approach with mixed methods including: semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), questionnaires and Systems Dynamics modeling. Snowball sampling resulted in 221 respondents who met this study's target population criteria. From interviews, FGDs, and filling out questionnaires, data were obtained on the following aspects regarding farming/gardening: motivation, benefits, obstacles, and state of access to resources, facilities, and support for farming/gardening. The results of data analysis were used to build a model of urban agricultural development with the number of coordinators in Central Jakarta's Gang Hijau program as one of the main stocks. Results of business as usual (BAU) modeling showed increase in the number of increments of several aspects of urban agriculture from year to year: number of cadres, area of ​​green cover, social cohesion from farming/gardening, and total income from sales of crops. Intervention scenario was conducted to achieve one of the targets for expansion of green cover in accordance to urban agricutlture roadmap for 2030."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muchamad Imam Fitriantoro
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis faktor-faktor penyebab munculnya konflik dalam pembangunan infrastruktur perkotaan dalam kasus pembangunan mega proyek New Yogyakarta Internantional Airport di Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Penulis menggunakan teori land-based elite domination dalam mesin pertumbuhan kota dan teori faktor-faktor penyebab dalam konflik pembangunan proyek infrastruktur. Temuan penulis membuktikan bahwa konflik dalam pembangunan tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh konflik sumber daya lahan yang muncul karena konteks ekonomi politik yang terbangun oleh ambisi pemerintah untuk merespon kuatnya tekanan pembangunan suatu wilayah rural menjadi sistem wilayah urban/perkotaan dengan konsep aerotropolis dan MICE. Tekanan tersebut muncul dari kepentingan kelompok elit ekonomi politik baik elit pusat maupun daerah. Alih-alih adanya fakta dominasi kepemilikan lahan oleh elit politik lokal di DIY. Hal ini membuat konflik yang terjadi tidak semata-mata konflik pembangunan infrastruktur melainkan juga konflik lahan yang mengakar di dalam kebijakan pembangunan perkotaan. Adapun faktor-faktor lainnya yakni faktor buruknya tata kelola proyek dan faktor sosial. Faktor-faktor tersebut turut berkontribusi pada ekskalasi dan kontinyuitas konflik dari tahun 2012-2018. Oleh karenanya penulis mengelompokkan tiga kategori analisis yakni kebijakan pembangunan proyek yang bersifat elitis, faktor tata kelola proyek, dan faktor sosial.

This study discusses the factors causing conflict in the construction of the New Yogyakarta International Airport mega project in Temon, Kulon Progo. To support this research analitically, the author uses the theory of land-based elite domination in urban growth machine and the theory of causal factors in the conflict of infrastructure project development. The author's findings show that conflict in the development project is motivated by land conflicts that arise from political economy interest of government to respond the strong pressure of regional development into urban systems with the concept of aerotropolis and MICE. The pressure comes from economic elite institutions both central and regional. Instead it includes the fact that there were land domination by local political elite in DIY. This creates conflicts that occur not only in the scope of infrastructure building project but also in the scope of urban development policies. The other factors are poor project governance and social factors. These factors contributed to the escalation and prolongation of the conflict between 2012-2018. So the authors classifies three categories of analysis that consist of elitist project development policies, governance driver of conflict, and social driver of conflict."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Any Dweyana
"Kota Tenggarong sebagai ibukota Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara mengembangkan kegiatan pariwisata dengan memanihatkan potensi yang dimilikinya yaitu potensi sejarah, kedudukannya di jalur lalu-lintas sungai dan darat, berada di tepi sungai Mahakam, adanya keinginan Pemerintah untuk menjadikannya sebagai kota wisata, adanya pembangunan jalur jalan Tenggarong-Samarinda, dan rencana pembangunan Bandara baru. Sehubungan dengan potensi tersebut, maka Tenggarong ditetapkan sebagai pusat satuan pengernbangan pariwisata kota dengan salah satu programnya adalah meningkatkan infrastruktur (sarana dan prasarana) pendukung pariwisata. Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah dimana saja terjadi perkembangan prasarana pariwisata di Tenggarong, bagaimana pola perkembangan prasarana tersebut dan bagaimana perkembangan kota Tenggarong. Prasarana pariwisata adalah adalah unsur-unsur wisata yang terdiri dari unsur primer, unsur sekunder dan unsur kondisional pariwisata. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tersebut digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian diskriptif. Sumber data adalah pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumen.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa , pertama, pada tahun 2000 prasarana pariwisata hanya terdapat pada 5 (lima) kelurahan yaitu kelurahan Panji, Melayu, Sukarame, Timbau dan Bukit Biru. Dan pada tahun 2004 telah bertambah menjadi 7 (tujuh) yaitu kelurahan Bam dan Mangkurawang. Kedua, perkembangan unsur primer terkonsentrasi pad kawasan perdagangan/jasa dan pariwisata, selanjutnya perkembangan unsur sekunder dan kondisional terkonsentrasi pada penggunaan tanah perdagangan/jasa dan mulai memasuki kawasan permukiman dan pernerintahan pada tahun 2004 dengan pola perkembangan ke arah selatan mengikuti jalur transportasi utama menuju kota-kota besar yaitu Samarinda dan Balikpapan dan dengan tingkat masih berada pada skala lokal dan regional. Dan ketiga, perkembangan Tenggarong sebagai daerah tujuan wisata berada pada tahap awal perkembangan kota wisata. Dengan demikian perkembangan prasarana pariwisata di kota Tenggarong memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan perkembangan kota.

Tenggarong city as the capital of Kutai Kartanegara Regency had developed tourism that used its potency likes history, its position in water and land traffic, lies on the edge of Mahakam Rivers, the government has a desire to change the city into tourism city, the development of road between Tenggarong to Samarinda, and the development plan of new airport. With those potention, Tenggarong city turned into the center of urban tourism development with one of the programs is raising the tourist infrastucture. The questions of the research are :Where the tourist infrastructure development is?How the pattern of its development is?and How the development of Tenggarong city is? Tourist infrastructures are the tourist elements consist of primary elements, secondary elements and conditional elements. To answer those question with used qualitative approach and descriptive research. The sources of data are observations, interviews and documents.
The research has been summaries into 3 points of conclusion. First, the location of tourist elements in 2000 consist of 5 kelurahan are kelurahan Panji, Melayu, Sultarame, Timbau and Bukit Biru and scattered to kelurahan Baru and Mangkurawang in 2004. Second the development of primary elements had concentrated in commerce. and then the development of secondary elements had concentrated in commerce landuse and started to get into housing and government landuse with development pattern to South followed the primary road toward Samarinda and Balikpapan and shows tourism development in local and regional scale. Third the development of Tenggarong City as destination lies in the beginning phase of urban tourism. Thus, tourist infrastructure have the significant relationship with the city development.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Znaniecki, Florian
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1952
306 ZNA c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Supriyono
"Local Govemment Institution Development has continuously been performed in line with the changes of decentralization policy. A basic question interesting to study is ?Can institution development which has continuously been performed created tl1e ability of local government institution to carry out government autonomy regions? This question is relevant to propose knowing that there have still been complex problems for an institution ability to cany out local government.
Realizing that the complex problems, his research is aimed to describe and analyze the ability of local govemment institution in carrying out the provision of urban infrastructures based on three dimensions of institutional development. Firstly, the effectiveness of local government institution in carrying out the functions of planning and performing. Secondly, the direction changes of local government institution in response to decentralization policy. Thirdly, institutionalizations process in local government institution. The other aim of this research is constructing models of the systems of local government institution to solve the three problems mentioned above.
Based on the above aims, approaches of qualitative and system thinking are used to carry out this research. The usage of qualitative approach was needed to examine the capability of local government institution in implementing the function of providing urban infrastructures through understanding of understanding process, while the system approach was used to analyze the relationship among the phenomenon systemically and as an effort to solve the institution development problems which was also faced systemically. The system approach used is Sof? System Methodology (SSM). The working principles of this methodology are examining phenomenon in the real world based on understanding of understanding to the phenomenon and then building a system model of solving problems through learning process based on the Same of system thinking.
Referring to the analysis results and their relevance to the research aims, some conclusions could be drawn. Firstly, the development of the structure and function of local government institution in Malang Regency in implementing the function of providing urban infrastructures shows that there are local institutions having double Emotion and post. It is indicated by the existance of conflict configuration in implementing those two functions. Secondly, based on some standardization indicators of either planning process or working implementation, local govemment institution in implementing the limction of providing urban infrastructures proves ineffective.
Thirdly, in giving response to decentralization policy local government tends to choose dynamic conservatism strategy and the model of local government performed by Malang Regency is traditional bureaucratic authority model. Fourthly, institutionalization within local government institution either in the institutional level or in the perspectives of inter-actor relationship in implementing the function of providing urban infrastructures is not yet optimal. Fiithly, based on using soft system analyses, it can be constructed four models of development systems of local government institution oriented on solving problems. The four models are: the effectivity system models of local government institution in performing the function of planning and of implementing, the direction system model of local government changes, and the institutionalization system model within local govemment institution.
This research gives tive recommendations. Firstly, the development of local government institution to increase the quality of urban infrastructure provision should be based on definite standardization conforming to the authority and function implemented by local institutions. The usage of the standardization should be directed to the efforts of overcoming the conflict happens in the unit of local government institution in carrying out its function. Secondly, local government institution should, in implementing the function of urban structure provision, involve private and commtmity participation. The institution involvement refers to the implementation of local government using either community enabling authority or marker enabling authority model, its implementation should be conformed with the social structure of local community. Thirdly, government institution needs to increase its institutionalization process in carrying out the function of urban infrastructure provision by building shared value in terms of bringing the balance between high and low formalization, independence and interdependence, and also the transformation balance between top-down and bottom-up actor behavior. Fourthly, local government institution needs to construct local government institution model system to implement the function of urban infrastructure provision along with monitor and control subsystem whose function is to control the function. The monitor and control subsystem should be formulated by stakeholders using clear performance measurement and its implementation is performed by an institution having an authority in its field."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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