ABSTRAKFamily-work conflict (FWC) adalah salah satu bentuk inter role conflict yaitu
tekanan atau ketidakseimbangan peran, antara peran di dalam keluarga dengan
peran di pekerjaan. Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan dari family-work conflict
adalah penurunan hasil kinerja yang ditandai dengan indikator meningkatnya
absensi perawat perempuan diluar cuti tahunan dengan alasan ketidakhadiran
karena kepentingan keluarga.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk
mengetahui hubungan antara family-work conflict yang terdiri dari time-based
conflict, strain-based conflict dan behaviour-based conflict dengan kinerja pada
perawat perempuan di RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dengan sampel
sebanyak 78 responden perawat perempuan di bagian rawat inap. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara time-based conflict (p-value 0,007),
strain-based conflict (p-value 0,007) dan behaviour based conflict (p-value 0,026)
dengan kinerja pada perawat perempuan di RSUD Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata
ABSTRACTFamily-work conflict (FWC) is a form of inter-role conflict, namely the role of
stress or imbalance, between the roles in the family with roles in the job. One
impact of family-work conflict is characterized by reduction in performance with
increased absenteeism indicators female nurse outside absences due to leave the
family's interests.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
between family-work conflict consisting of time-based conflict, strain-based
conflict and behavior-based conflict with the performance of female nurses in
hospitals Dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. Methods This study uses
cross-sectional design with a sample of 78 respondents female nurse on the
inpatient. The results show there is a relationship between time-based conflict (pvalue
0.007), strain-based conflict (p-value 0.007) and behavior-based conflict (pvalue
0.026) with the performance of the female nurses in hospitals Dr. R.
Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga."