"[Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional (EBT) adalah kekayaan warisan budaya yang
menceminkan nilai-nilai, tradisi, dan kepercayaan suatu bangsa dan masyarakat
adat. Setiap bangsa memiliki kekayaan EBT masing-masing, terutama negaranegara
berkembang, dimana Indonesia termasuk ke dalam salah satu negara yang
kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati luar biasa (mega biodiversity). EBT rentan
terhadap penyalahguaan (misappropriation dan misuse) terutama dari negaranegara
maju karena memiliki potensi ekonomi, sehingga penting agar dapat
segera terbentuk suatu sistem perlindungan EBT di Indonesia. Pendekatan yang
umum diaplikasikan untuk perlindugnan EBT adalah melalui rezim hukum HKI
konvensional yang bersifat individualistis sehingga tidak sesuai untuk
diaplikasikan pada EBT. Penulisan ini akan mengkaji efektifitas praktik
perlindungan EBT di Indonesia;Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE) is a form of cultural heritage that reflects
upon the values, traditions, and beliefs of a nation and its indigenous peoples.
Every nation has its own TCE with its unique characterizations, especially
developing countries, in which Indonesia is included as one of the countries with
mega biodiversity. TCE is prone to misuse and misappropriation by developed
countries due to its economical potential. Therefore, it is imperative that Indonesia
adopts a set of rules regulating the protection of TCE. The common practices for
TCE protection is through the intellectual property law regime with individualistic
characteristics that is not suitable for the protection of TCE. This writing will
analyze the affectivity of the protection of TCE in Indonesia;Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE) is a form of cultural heritage that reflects
upon the values, traditions, and beliefs of a nation and its indigenous peoples.
Every nation has its own TCE with its unique characterizations, especially
developing countries, in which Indonesia is included as one of the countries with
mega biodiversity. TCE is prone to misuse and misappropriation by developed
countries due to its economical potential. Therefore, it is imperative that Indonesia
adopts a set of rules regulating the protection of TCE. The common practices for
TCE protection is through the intellectual property law regime with individualistic
characteristics that is not suitable for the protection of TCE. This writing will
analyze the affectivity of the protection of TCE in Indonesia, Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE) is a form of cultural heritage that reflects
upon the values, traditions, and beliefs of a nation and its indigenous peoples.
Every nation has its own TCE with its unique characterizations, especially
developing countries, in which Indonesia is included as one of the countries with
mega biodiversity. TCE is prone to misuse and misappropriation by developed
countries due to its economical potential. Therefore, it is imperative that Indonesia
adopts a set of rules regulating the protection of TCE. The common practices for
TCE protection is through the intellectual property law regime with individualistic
characteristics that is not suitable for the protection of TCE. This writing will
analyze the affectivity of the protection of TCE in Indonesia]"