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Moriyama, Mikihiro
Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Poupuler Gramedia), 2005.
899.223 2 MOR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stuiveling, G
Amsterdam: Em. Querido, 1958
BLD 839.309 STU e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fabiola Dharmawati Kurnia
"Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mengkonkretisasi ruang kosong teks Bali dalam dua fiksi Oka Rusmini, Tarian Bumi (2000) dan Sagra (2001). Ruang kosong merupakan teks abstrak yang tidak tertulis di samping ruang isis yang konkret dengan teks tertulis. Dengan memfungsikan pengetahuan lokal yang dilandasi oleh tradisi sastra wiraga-wirama-wirasa mabebasan pada ruang kosong teks tarian bumi dan sagra diperoleh temuan bahwa budaya Bali sarat dengan harmoni dalam sebaran keseimbangan dualistik poleng rwa bhineda, dua unsur bertolak belakang dan saling melengkapi yang hadir bersamaan. Ruang kosong teks tarian bumi mengkonkretisasi harmoni sebaran keseimbangan poleng ' yang lain' dengan 'yang umum' dengan komposisi dualistik wiraga aturan brahmana-sudra, hiburan cinta birahi pasangan heteroseks-nonheteroseks, alur progresi-digresi pengisahan, latar juba-jero, wirama bernuansa tegar-longgar dan liar-hening, dan wirasa yang menyatukan isi dan jiwa teks dalam cita dualistik sekala-niskala. Ruang kosong teks Sagra mengkokretisasi harmoni sebaran keseimbangan "kematian" dan "kehidupan" dengan komposisi dualistik wiraga bertipografi cetak tegak-miring, jeda-subjeda, aturan brahmana-sudra dengan hiburan cinta birahi pasangan heteroseks-nonheteroseks, alur progresi-digresi pengisahan, latar jaba-jero, wirama bernuansa tegang-longgar dan liar-hening, dan wirasa yang menyatukan sebaran keseimbangan isi dan jiwa teks dalam cita dualistik sekala-niskala kematian-kehidupan pertanyaan-pertanyaan rahasia keberadaan manusia. Harmoni dualistik unsur 'yang lain' dan 'yang umum' dalam ruang kosong teks TB dan unsur 'kematian' dan 'kehidupan' dalam ruang kosong teks S memiliki keselarasan dngan dualistik 'barong-rangda' dalam teks nasihat GC. Konsistensi harmoni dualistik pada teks fiksi dan teks nasihat merupakan pengejawantahan dinamika kearifan lokalbudaya Bali dalam harmoni sebaran keseimbangan dualistik paleng rwa bhineka. Generalisasi keselarasan temuan tesis lokal teks TB dan S dengan panduan umum pada teks GC menunjukkan bahwa antara konsep lokal dengan yang umum terdapat harmoni hubungan keseimbangan, yang umum memiliki sifat lokal dan sebaliknya yang lokal juga memiliki sifat umum. Dengan demikian dinyatakan bahwa temuan aspek lokal dualistik poleng rwa bhineda memiliki sifat universal dalam harmoni sebaran keseimbangan sehingga dapat dimunculkan sebagai teori umum. Teori umum harmoni dualistik sebaran keseimbangan bidang sastra ini melengkapi teori harmoni sebaran biner komplementer yang merupakan analogi dari sebaran unit dalam bidang linguistik, dan oleh karena itu, keberadaannya selanjutnya dinyatakan sebagai sumbangan penelitian ini bagi perkembangan dunia sastra indonesia.

Roman Ingarden's spots of indeterminacy initiate the role of the concretization in two of Oka Rusmini's fictions of Bali, Tarian Bumi (TB, 2000) and Sagra (S,2001). The concretization itself is an act of reading in which Wolfgang Iser postulates as the interaction between the reader and the text. The text has a mixture of determinacy and indeterminacy and such a two-way communication can be conceived interms of harmony when the reader makes use of the texture of the text as aguide for actualization as he simultaneously has to free himself from what he is and to escape from the restrictions of his own social life while actively incorporating the text into his treasure-house of experience. ANd to incorporate with the text, Geertz mobilizes the native's point of view. From this native's point of view, the Balinese execises the notion of rwabhineda - a cultural enactment of Hindu Balinese balance, originating in the classic Geguritan Calonarang (GC,1873) - the Barong-Rangda deities in which each symbolizes the struggle to maintain balance, to maintain an equilibrium of opposites powers. The Balinese has the tradition of mabebasan-reading classic lontars in religious ceremonies to accentuate spiritual life. Mabebasan in GC embodies the aspects of wiraga-wirama-wirasa 'form-atmosphere-spirits' of the traditional brahmana-brahmani norms. The connectability of the respective reception theory, native's point of view and local concept rwa bhineda in TH dan S makes use of mabebasan in GC as an illustration. TB unfolds the indeterminacy of poleng rwa bhineda in distributional equivalence within the harmony of the 'otherness' with the traditional norms in holistic composition; those of the wiraga between the law of brahmana-sudra, the love in sexual drive entertainment of heterosexual-non-heterosexual pair, progressive-digression plot action in a setting of desa-kala-patra - 'space-time pattern' of jaba-jero - 'laymen-lords': the wirama brings about tense-loose and wild-serene atmosphere; and the wirasa united the aspects of the content and spirits of the text in dualistic sekala-niskala, the tangible-intangible' universe. The analysis of mabebasan in S unfolds the indeterminacy of poleng rwa bhineda in distributional equivalence within the harmonyof death and life in holistic composition; those of the wiraga between the typographical printing initalics-erective layout as death-life access imbued in narrator-sub narrator episodes as found in the law of brahmana-sudra, the love in sexual drive entertainment of heterosexual-non-heterosexual pair, progressive-digressive plot action in a setting of desa-kala-patra of jaba-jero; the wirama brings about tense-loose and wild-serene atosphere, and the wirasa united the aspects of the content and spirits of the text in dualictic universe of sekala-niskala in deathlife, rhetorically questioning he secret of human existence. The consistent dualistic concept of brahmana-sudra harmony in the two fictions coincides with the dualistic concept of Barong-Rangda brahmana-brahmani in GC. Such harmony in manifested in the dynamic poleng rwa bhineda equilibrium, asyntheses of the local theses. And such collateral process sets for an acknowledgement of wide access in literary practice, and, therefore, as its earlier theory of the distributional units - i.e. the complementary distribution units; the distributional equivalence unit in harmoni of the Balinese poleng rwa bhineda concretizes the indeterminaciess in Oka Rusmini's two fictions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunu Wasono
"Salah satu rubrik yang terdapat dalam majalah Panjebar Semangat adalah Alaming Lelembut. Pada rubrik ini, dimuat dongeng lelembut yang berkisah tentang lelembut dalam kaitannya dengan manusia. Disertasi ini berusaha mengungkapkan ciri yang menandai dongeng lelembut. Di samping itu, disertasi ini juga menunjukkan fungsi dongeng lelembut bagi Panjebar Semangat dan masyarakat Jawa. Dengan pendekatan tekstual dan sosiologis terungkap bahwa dongeng lelembut menunjukkan ciri sebagai berikut. Dongeng lelembut menampilkan tokoh jenis arwah gentayangan dan nonarwah gentayangan yang tersaji dalam pola cerita yang sama dan berulang dengan latar kisah pada malam hari. Unsur seram yang juga menjadi salah satu ciri dihadirkan melalui penggambaran rupa tokoh yang menjijikkan, pelukisan peristiwa dan suasana yang nyalawadi aneh dan tidak masuk akal. Namun, gambaran yang seram itu diimbangi dengan kehadiran unsur seks sebagai rempah-rempah dan bumbu penyedap cerita. Terkait dengan posisinya sebagai pengisi atau bagian dari Panjebar Semangat, dongeng lelembut bersama dengan rubrik lainnya berfungsi menjaga/mempertahankan eksistensi Panjebar Semangat. Di samping itu, secara sosiologis dongeng lelembut juga berfungsi sebagai sarana menghibur pembaca dan menanggapi berbagai masalah sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jawa.
'Alaming Lelembut' is one of many rubrics in Panjebar Semangat magazine.This rubric contains 'dongeng lelembut' or lelembut fairy tale, a story about lelembut or supernatural beings in relation to humans. This dissertation tried to express the traits that mark lelembut fairy tale. In addition, this dissertation also shows the function of lelembut fairy tale for Panjebar Semangat magazine and the Java community. With textual and sociological approach revealed that the lelembut fairy tale shows the following characteristics. Lelembut fairy tale featuring character type of spirits roaming and non spirits roaming presented in pattern and repeating the same story with the background story of the night. Spooky elements who also became one of the characteristics presented through visual depiction disgusting figures, depictions of the events and atmosphere nyalawadi odd and unreasonable. However, the grim picture was offset by the presence of the element of sex as spices and seasonings story. Lelembut fairy tales along with other rubric serves to keep or maintain the existence Panjebar Semangat magazine. Sociologically, lelembut fairy tale also serves as a means of entertaining the reader, and respond to social problems in the Javanese community. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teeuw, Andries, 1921-
The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1979
899.2 TEE m I (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asai, Shojiro
Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas, 2002
808.81 AMR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajip Rosidi, 1938-
"History of Indonesian literary works."
Bandung: Pustaka Jaya, 2017
899.221 AJI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umar Junus
Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1984
899.309 UMA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"From the time of the earliest settlements the Europeans had seen America as a New World which would give them unlimited opportunity in the future. This image was cherished especially by those who had left their homelands for greater economic opportunities. Between 1620 and 1635 England suffered from economic difficulties. Many people lost their jobs. This deteriorating condition was aggravated by insufficient crops, because most of the lands were used for sheep-raising to meet the increasing demand for wool for England's expanding wool industries. To the first immigrants, then, the new land became the land of hope.
Many settlers believed that God had granted them the American land as a second chance for them to live on after the first chance had been ruined in their previous home country. America was really a place of relief for the people who were weary of too much suffering. It was stated that when the first immigrants were approaching the American shore, they felt that "air at 12 leagues' distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden-. (US IS, 1978: 1-3).
Those people considered America just like the second Garden of Eden they were always dreaming about. The vast, virgin forest, extending along the eastern seaboard from the north to the south, and rich in natural resources, resembled the earthly paradise and then became the object of pursuit for the suffering people.
This Edenic possibility continued to be a strong attraction and since America's beginning, the development of American society had been marked by the great tide of immigrants toward the west. This Edenic dream also became a motivating factor for the waves of later immigrants to the new world in the centuries which followed, especially in the 19th Century, where the Edenic dream was transformed into myth that had spread among the pioneers who moved west. The people believed that because the western areas were still virgin, a promising future lay ahead, in the treasure island which became a rich source of raw materials for the development of the country. .As the coastal seaboard became densely populated and the soil became incapable of producing grain, these unfavorable conditions stimulated migration to the western regions, and there came a steady stream of men and women who left their coastal farms and villages to take advantage of the frontier life of the continent. "
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pada masa pemerintahan dinasti Zhou Timur, Cina mengalami pergolakan politik dan perubahan sosial, sehingga mendorong para filsuf mengeluarkan pemikiran-pemikirannya demi menciptakan perdamaian di dunia. Periode ini dikenal sebagai ?Seratus Aliran Pemikiran? (诸子百家zhūzǐ bǎijiā). Salah satu filsuf pada masa ini adalah Mozi (墨子). Diantara pemikiran-pemikiran Mozi, pemikirannya yang paling terkenal adalah Jian Ai (兼爱). Banyak cendekiawan asing telah menganalisis teks Jian Ai, namun cendekiawan Indonesia justru belum pernah menganalisisnya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian skripsi ini penulis akan membahas makna Jian Ai dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam teks Jian Ai dikaitkan dengan latar belakang sejarah Cina kuno.

During the reign of Eastern Zhou dynasty, China experienced political turbulence and social change that encourage many philosophers to show their thoughts in order to achieve world peace. This era was known as ?Hundreds of School Thought? (诸子百家zhūzǐ bǎijiā). One of the philosophers during this era is Mozi (墨子). Among all his works, Mozi most famous work is Jian Ai (兼爱). Many foreign scholars have analyzed Jian Ai text, but Indonesian scholars have never analyzed it. Therefore, this essay will analyze Jian Ai meaning and the values of Jian Ai text in relation to historical background of ancient China."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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