ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas unsur intrinsik, yaitu tema, tokoh dan penokohan, alur, serta
latar dalam novel Sleep With The Devil karya Santhy Agatha dan novel Secret Fire
karya Johanna Lindsey. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan persamaan
dan perbedaan dalam novel Sleep With The Devil dan Secret Fire. Berdasarkan
penelitian, penulis melihat bahwa kedua novel memiliki banyak persamaan. Dengan
demikian, penulis menyimpulkan novel Sleep With The Devil terpengaruh novel
Secret Fire.
ABSTRACTThis thesis compares the intrinsic elements, namely theme, character and
characteristic, plot and background in Sleep With The Devil by Santhy Agatha and
Secret Fire by Johanna Lindsey. This research aims to compare the similrities and
differences in Sleep With The Devil and Secret Fire. Based on the research, the writer
concludes that both novels have many similarities and Sleep with the Devil is
influenced by Secret Fire."