"Perubahan psikososial dan psikologi yang terjadi pada masa remaja membuat remaja rentan mengalami masalah kesehatan. Resiliensi dianggap sangat menentukan bagaimana remaja menghadapi setiap stresor dan kesulitan hidup. Faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi pada tingkat resiliensi merupakan kunci dalam perkembangan dan kesejahteraan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dari kelekatan orang tua dan teman sebaya, stres, koping proaktif, regulasi emosi, dukungan sekolah, spiritualitas, dan kondisi ekonomi terhadap resiliensi remaja. Penelitian menggunakan desain
cross sectional kepada 269 responden SMP dan SMA di Kota Depok yang diambil berdasarkan
cluster random sampling. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale dalam mengukur resiliensi responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
parent attachment (p=0,001;CI 95%),
peer attachment (p=0,001;CI 95%), regulasi emosi (p=0,001; CI95%), spiritualitas (p=0,018;CI 95%), dukungan sekolah (p=0,001;CI 95%), koping proaktif (p=0,001;CI 95%), dan stres (p=0,001;CI 95%) mempengaruhi resiliensi remaja. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan sekolah untuk dapat memaksimalkan upaya membangun resiliensi dengan mengadakan
Psychosocial and psychological changes during adolescence make adolescents vulnerable to health problems. Resilience is considered to determine how adolescents deal with each stressor and difficulties. Factors that contribute to resilience are considered as the key in the development dan well-being. This study is aimed to identify the effects of parent and peer attachment, stress, proactive coping, emotional regulation, school support, spirituality, and economic status on adolescent resilience. Research was conducted using cross sectional design to 269 junior and senior high school respondents in Depok approached with cluster random sampling. The study used the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale questionnaire to measure resilience. The results showed parent attachment (p=0,000;CI 95%), peer attachment (p=0,000;CI 95%), emotion regulation (p=0,000;CI 95%), spirituality (p=0.018;CI 95%), school support (p=0,000;CI 95%), proactive coping (p=0,000;CI 95%), and stress (p=0,000;CI 95%) affect adolescent resilience. This study recommends that schools can maximize efforts to build resilience by holding regular counseling related to factors that increase resilience."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2020