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Rahmat Wisudawanto
"Pengukuran kualitas terjemahan satire perlu mempertimbangkan parameter kesepadanan makna dan kemiripan interpretatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pencapaian kualitas terjemahan satire yang melibatkan makna tekstual dan relevansi kontekstual. Analisis makna tekstual meliputi analisis tema, analisis naming dan proses, serta analisis polaritas dan modalitas. Analisis relevansi kontekstual digunakan untuk menentukan derajat relevansi yang menunjukkan kesamaan interpretasi maksud satire pada TSu dan TSa. Adapun analisis kualitas terjemahan digunakan untuk menentukan kualitas terjemahan satire. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berupa studi kasus penerjemahan satire dalam novel Animal Farm dengan mengkaji produk penerjemahan novel Animal Farm sebagai TSu dan novel Binatangisme sebagai TSa. Data yang digunakan berupa satire pada TSu dan terjemahannya di dalam TSa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya makna tekstual yang tetap lebih banyak daripada makna tekstual yang bergeser. Makna tekstual yang tetap berfungsi mempertahankan makna, sedangkan makna tekstual yang bergeser untuk menambahkan makna satire. Pemertahanan makna tekstual ditunjukkan dengan struktur tema, naming dan proses, serta polaritas dan modalitas yang tidak bergeser. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan derajat relevansi tinggi pada satire lebih banyak daripada derajat relevansi rendah. Derajat relevansi berpengaruh pada interpretasi satire. Pengukuran derajat relevansi satire melibatkan eksplikatur, premis terimplikasi, dan kesimpulan terimplikasi. Kesamaan premis dan kesimpulan terimplikasi menunjukkan tingginya derajat relevansi satire, sedangkan perbedaan premis dan kesimpulan terimplikasi menunjukkan rendahnya derajat relevansi satire. Makna tekstual dan derajat relevansi berkontribusi terhadap pengukuran kualitas terjemahan satire.

Translation quality assessment concerned in the equivalence of meaning and interpretative resemblance. The research aims to accomplishment of translation quality assessment satire using the textual meaning and contextual relevance. Textual meaning covers analysis of theme, naming and process as well as polarity and modality. Relevance analysis is determined by relevance degree and shows the similar interpretation of satire in source text (ST) and target text (TT). Meanwhile, translation quality analysis indicates the translation quality of satire. The study belongs to qualitative research with a case study of translation satire in Animal Farm novel. It discusses Animal Farm novel as ST and its translation Binatangisme as TT. The data is satire in ST and its translation in TT. The results show that the maintenance of textual meaning of translation satire is more than a shift of textual meaning. The maintenance of textual meaning preserves the meaning of satire, while the shift of textual meaning adds the meaning of satire. The maintenance of textual meaning indicates the preserving theme, naming and process, as well as modality and polarity. The results also describe high relevance degree in satire more than low relevance degree. The relevance degree has impacted in interpretation of satire. The evaluation of relevance degree involves explicature, implicated premises, and implicated conclusion. The similar implicated premise dan conclusion indicate the high relevance degree, while the difference implicated premise and conclusion shows the low relevance degree. Textual meaning and degree of relevance contribute to translation quality assessment of satire."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, Edgar
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1945
817 JOH t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Böll, Heinrich
Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1966
GER 837 BOL n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Literature of Satire is an accessible but sophisticated and wideranging
study of satire from the classics to the present in plays, novels, and the press aswell as in verse. In it Charles Knight analyses the rhetorical problems created by satire’s complex relations to its community, and examines how it exploits the genres it borrows. He argues that satire derives froman awareness of the differences between appearance, ideas, and discourse. Knight provides illuminating readings of such satirists familiar and unfamiliar as Horace, Lucian, Jonson, Moli`ere, Swift, Pope, Byron, Flaubert, Ostrovsky, Kundera, and Rushdie. This broad-ranging examination sheds new light on the nature and functions of satire as a mode of writing, as well as on theoretical approaches to it. "
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haidar Muhammad Azhar
"Sastra Prancis pada abad ke-19 ditandai oleh kemunculan beberapa aliran besar dalam berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, yaitu Romantisisme, Positivisme, Realisme, Idealisme, Naturalisme dan Simbolisme, dan masing-masing aliran-aliran tersebut melahirkan banyak sastrawan dan pemikir-pemikir besar yang namanya dikenal sampai sekarang. Salah satu dari sastrawan tersebut adalah Alfred Jarry, dengan dramanya yang kontroversial, Ubu Roi. Melalui drama ini, Jarry menjungkirbalikkan aturan-aturan dan norma-norma yang dianggap lazim pada masa itu, serta melayangkan kritik dan sindiran terhadap kaum borjuis melalui berbagai simbol dalam drama Ubu Roi, terutama dalam tokoh utama dari drama tersebut, Père Ubu. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap drama Ubu Roi karya Alfred Jarry, dan unsur-unsur satire yang terdapat dalam drama ini yang digunakan oleh Jarry sebagai kritik terhadap kaum borjuis. Drama ini bercerita tentang Père Ubu, yang bersama istrinya Mère Ubu, berencana untuk merebut takhta kerajaan Polandia dan membunuh semua anggota kerajaan. Artikel ini akan menggunakan metode kualitatif, bersamaan dengan teori semiotika Roland Barthes, dan skema aktan yang dikembangkan oleh A.J. Greimas untuk menganalisis struktur naratif. Struktur naratif menunjukkan bahwa cerita digerakkan oleh ketamakan Père Ubu dan obsesinya terhadap harta dan tahta. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat berbagai simbol dalam tokoh Père Ubu, dan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa simbol-simbol tersebut merupakan kritik dari Jarry terhadap kaum borjuis yang memiliki sifat tamak dan tidak peduli terhadap rakyat jelata.

French literature in the 19th century was marked by the emergences of numerous genres in various sciences, which are Romanticism, Positivism, Realism, Idealism, Naturalism and Symbolism, and each one of these genres gave birth to many great writers and thinkers whose names are still recognized even now. One of such writers was Alfred Jarry, with his controversial play, Ubu Roi. Through this play, Jarry overturned the rules and norms that were prevalent in that period, and flung numerous critiques and satires directed at the bourgeoise through various symbols in the drama Ubu Roi, particularly in the play’s protagonist, Père Ubu. This article aims to do a research on the play Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry, and the satirical elements contained within this play used by Jarry as critiques on the bourgeoise. This play tells the story of Père Ubu, who, with his wife Mère Ubu, plots to usurp the throne of Poland and assassinate the royal family. This article will be using the qualitative method, with Roland Barthes’ theory on semiotics, and the actantial model developed by A.J. Greimas to analyze the narrative structure. The narrative structure shows that the story is moved by Père Ubu’s greed and his obsession of power and riches. The analysis shows that various symbols can be found within the character Père Ubu, and the analysis results shows that the aforementioned symbols are a form of critique from Jarry towards the bourgeoise who were greedy and have an uncaring attitude towards the common people."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Greenberg, Jonathan Daniel, 1968-
"In this groundbreaking study, Jonathan Greenberg locates a satiric sensibility at the heart of the modern. By promoting an antisentimental education, modernism denied the authority of emotion to guarantee moral and literary value. Instead, it fostered sophisticated, detached and apparently cruel attitudes toward pain and suffering. This sensibility challenged the novel's humanistic tradition, set ethics and aesthetics into conflict and fundamentally altered the ways that we know and feel. Through lively and original readings of works by Evelyn Waugh, Stella Gibbons, Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes, Samuel Beckett and others, this book analyzes a body of literature, late modernist satire - that can appear by turns aloof, sadistic, hilarious, ironic and poignant, but which continually questions inherited modes of feeling. By recognizing the centrality of satire to modernist aesthetics, Greenberg offers not only a new chapter in the history of satire but a persuasive new idea of what made modernism modern."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Novitarukmi
Tesis ini menyuguhkan terjemahan beranotasi novel The Kaisho. Anotasi dilakukan untuk menjelaskan masalah penerjemahan istilah budaya dan penyelesaiannya. Keunikan novel dari segi budaya dan keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budaya latar TSu menjadi dasar penerjemahan yang menganut ideologi pengasingan, tanpa mengabaikan ideologi pelokalan. Ideologi pelokalan hanya digunakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu untuk mencapai pemahaman pembaca TSa. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis-komunikatif dengan penggunaan berbagai teknik yang mendukung kesepadanan makna dan kewajaran bentuk. Penerjemahan yang melibatkan teks sumber (TSu) yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat memerlukan upaya dari penerjemah agar tidak terjadi ?penjajahan budaya?. Keterlibatan teks sumber yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat di dalam penerjemahan ini memerlukan upaya penerjemah untuk menghindari ?penjajahan budaya?. Dalam situasi ini, penerjemah perlu mencondongkan pada lima aspek, (1) pemahaman karakteristik TSu; (2) pemahaman tentang calon pembaca TSa; (3) pemahaman budaya-budaya di dalam TSu dan budaya sasaran; (4) pemahaman makna dalam penyampaian pesan; dan (5) pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan cara pengungkapan suatu ide pada dua budaya yang berlainan.

This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the ?culturally imperialistic?.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.;This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures., This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hakim
"Sastra Indonesia adalah hasil-hasil kesastraan yang memanfaatkan bahasa Indonesia sebagai pengekspresi gagasan yang ada di sebalik karya yang bersangkutan. Setiap karya sastra yang dihasilkan oleh sastrawan di daerah, yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, merupakan sastra Indonesia. Salah seorang sastrawan yang tinggal di daerah dan menuliskan karyanya dalam bahasa Indonesia ialah A.A. Navis. Namanya mulai mencuat di tahun 1955 ketika Robohnya Surau Kami menjadi cerpen terbaik majalah kisah. Tidak hanya cerpen, ia pun menulis puisi dan novel. Melalui karya-karyanya itulah satire terhadap berbagai persoalan yang ada di sekitamya disampaikan. Penelitian mengenai satire dalam cerpen-cerpen A.A. Navis-dengan Politik Warung Kopi sebagai landasan-menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, topik-topik yang disatire terkait dengan masalah politik, ekonomi, dan moral. Kedua, satire disampaikan dengan gaya humor dan ironi. Ketiga, tokoh-tokoh yang terdapat dalam cerpen identik dengan gelar adat, nama suku bangsa, atau budaya Minangkabau. Keempat, satire disampaikan melalui tiga proses: pembuka, stimulasi, dan penyampaian. Kelima, untuk mendapatkan rima akhir yang sama, A.A. Navis melakukan manipulasi fonologis dan semantis yang menimbulkan efek humor. Keenam, pada tataran sintaksis, repetisi kata, gagasan utama, pertentangan, dan bentuk aktif-pasif dimanfaatkan untuk memberikan penekanan pada gagasan utama, sebagai bagian yang disatire."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raihan Mirza Al Kautsar
"Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis prosedur, teknik, dan metode penerjemahan yang dipakai dalam menerjemahkan lirik lagu Take Me Home, Country Roads dalam lirik lagu adaptasi bahasa Jerman Dieser Weg Führt Nach Haus (Neue Version). Lirik lagu dianalisis menggunakan teori prosedur, teknik, dan metode penerjemahan dari Newmark (1988). Penulis mengelompokkan masing-masing lagu per bait, satu bait berisi empat baris. Dengan begitu baik lirik lagu bahasa sumber maupun bahasa sasaran memiliki empat bait yang dianalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan terbatas pada analisis prosedur, teknik dan metode penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam lirik lagu bahasa sasaran atau unsur lingual saja, kalaupun ada unsur lain seperti kultural atau musikal, hanya dijabarkan sepintas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, prosedur dan teknik yang dipakai dalam adaptasi lagu ini adalah modulasi bebas dan mempunyai fungsi komunikatif dan fungsi estetik. Metode yang dipakai adalah free translation, adaptation, dan idiomatic translation. Penerjemah dalam adaptasi juga memperhatikan unsur-unsur seperti jumlah suku kata, pemilihan kata, dan rima.

This study analyzes translation procedure, technique, and methods used to translate Take Me Home, Country Roads song lyrics into German adaptation lyrics in Dieser Weg Führt Nach Haus (Neue Version). The lyrics were analyzed using translation procedure, technique, and methods theory by Peter Newmark (1988). The lyrics of two songs are grouped by verse, one verse contains four lines. Therefore both songs will have four verses to analyze. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and is limited to translation procedure, technique, and methods used or lingual matter, other matters e.g. cultural or musical are briefly discussed. According to the results, translation procedure, technique, and methods used are free modulation, communicative purpose, and aesthetic purpose. Methods used are free translation, adaptation and idiomatic translation. The translator also takes into account elements like syllable count, word choice, and rhyme."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashfi Dania
"Penelitian ini menganalisis dua cerita pendek Yusuf Idris “Arkhas Layaali” dan “Thabliyah minas-Sama’” untuk melihat gambaran isu sosial dan humor satire yang menjadi ciri khas dalam cerita-cerita Yusuf Idris. Yusuf Idris (1927-1991) merupakan penulis cerita pendek dan dramawan produktif Mesir dan dunia Arab. Kajian ini menggunakan unsur-unsur intrinsik cerita pendek dalam menganalisis humor satire dan masalah sosial dengan pendekatan strukturalisme. Berdasarkan masalah sosial dalam studi Salva Khammas (1971) serta teori humor satire Gorys Keraf (2010) dimana satire merupakan ungkapan menyindir, mengkritik, menertawakan atau menolak sesuatu. Serta unsur-unsur satire menurut David Marcus (1995) yaitu ironi, ejekan, parodi, dan fitur retoris. Analisis masalah sosial dan satire dalam kedua cerita memenuhi sifat saling mengisi karya sastra antara mendidik sekaligus menghibur. Tradisi serta keadaan sosial dalam kedua cerpen mencerminkan simpati Yusuf Idris terhadap ketidakadilan. Hal tersebut selaras dengan ciri khas cerita-cerita Yusuf Idris berupa masalah sosial, jenaka, dan mencerminkan pandangannya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat kalangan bawah Mesir pada masa hidupnya.

This study analyzes two of Yusuf Idris' short stories “Arkhas Layaali” and “Thabliyah minas-Sama" to see social issues and humor which characterizes Yusuf Idris' stories. Yusuf Idris (1927-1991) was a prolific short story writer and playwright in Egypt and the Arab world. This study uses the intrinsic elements of short stories in analyzing satirical humor and social problems using a structuralism approach. Based on social problems in the study of Salva Khammas (1971) and Gorys Keraf's theory of satire humor (2010) where satire is an expression of satire, criticizing, responding to or rejecting something. As well as the elements of satire according to David Marcus (1995) namely irony, ridicule, parody, and rhetorical features. The analysis of social problems and satire in both stories fill the literary works complementary nature of educating and entertaining. The traditions, social conditions, and characters in the two short stories reflect Yusuf Idris' sympathy for injustice. This is accord with the characteristics of Yusuf Idris' stories namely social problems, humour, and reflecting his views on the life of the Egyptian lower class during his lifetime."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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