Ditemukan 6987 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mary Wollstonecraft
"Paving the way for modern feminist thinking, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–97) dared to challenge traditional eighteenth-century attitudes towards women. First published in 1787, this book discusses how girls can best be educated to become valuable wives and mothers. It argues that women can offer the most effective contribution to society if they are brought up to display sound morals, character and intellect, rather than superficial social graces. Wollstonecraft later developed her ideas in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (also reissued in this series), in which she attacked the educational restrictions imposed upon women. Her writings formed a cornerstone of the battle for women's rights in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Prompting deeper reflection upon the role and status of women in modern society, the present work remains an instructive and provocative read for those seeking to learn about the roots of feminism in its social and historical context."
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2014
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Kolko, Jon
Boston: Elsevier, 2011
745.2 KOL t
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
London: The Falmer Press, 1996
306.874 MOO c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Irawaty Hawari
"Bagi orang dengan penyakit kronis seperti epilepsi, kesembuhan kadang sulit dicapai dan pengobatan memakan waktu lama, sehingga kualitas hidup menjadi salah satu tujuan utama. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan skor kualitas hidup penderita epilepsi serta faktor-faktor demografik dan medik yang mempengaruhi. Penelitian potong lintang menggunakan instrumen Quality of Life in Epilepsy (QOLIE)-31 untuk menilai kualitas hidup penderita epilepsi yang berobat jalan di Poliklinik Epilepsi RSCM. Sampel diambil secara konsekutif sejak Agustus 2005-Desember 2005. Dilakukan deskripsi demografi dan medik. QOLIE-31 terdiri dari komponen kekhawatiran akan serangan, kualitas secara umum, kesejahteraan emosional, energi/fatigue, fungsi kognitif, efek pengobatan, dan fungsi sosial. Dari 145 subjek, didapatkan skor total QOLIE-31 antara 28 ? 95 (rerata = 67.6 ; standar deviasi = 14.55). Rendahnya skor total QOLIE berhubungan dengan pendidikan yang rendah, frekuensi serangan yang sering, penggunaan obat antiepilepsi (OAE) politerapi dan jenis serangan epilepsi umum. Penggunaan obat antiepilepsi politerapi merupakan faktor yang paling dominan terhadap rendahnya skor total QOLIE-31. Penelitian ini sesuai dengan penelitian sebelumnya di India, Georgia dan Korea Selatan. Di samping itu peneliti juga menemukan pendidikan sebagai faktor risiko terhadap total skor QOLIE-31. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:101-3).
Persons with chronic disease such as epilepsy, where a cure is not attainable and therapy may be prolonged, quality of life (QoL) has come to be seen as an important goal. The objective of this study was to identify scores of quality of life (QoL related to clinical factors. A cross-sectional study using QOLIE-31 instrument to identify quality of life among ambulatory epileptic patients at Epileptic Clinic of Department of Neurology-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Samples were taken consecutively from August 2005 to December 2005. Several demographic data as well as clinical were collected. QOLIE-31 components consisted of seizure worry, overall quality of life, emotional well-being, energy/fatigue, cognitive function, medication effect and social function. We found among 145 subjects the total score of QOLIE-31 ranged from 28-95 (mean = 67.6; standard of deviation = 14.55). The total score of QOLIE-31was corelated with low education, more frequent of seizures, antiepileptic drug politherapy and type of generalized seizure. antiepileptic drug politherapy was the most dominant risk factor for lowering total score of QOLIE-31. Our finding was in accordance with previous studies in India, Georgia, South Korea. In additioin we found that education was also a risk factor for total score of QOLIE-31. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:101-3)."
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Filomena Maggino
"This volume is full of cogent analysis of topics and issues related to well being and quality of life, including focused papers on specific population groupings and discrete themes. Some papers provide data on other European nations that allow for comparative assessment, while others set out fresh approaches to evaluating quality of life itself. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sesilia Adiska Niramaya
"Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk meninjau lebih lanjut hubungan antara emosi syukur dengan kepuasan hidup melalui peran mediasi pikiran positif dan makna hidup pada 585 individu dewasa. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran variabel dilakukan menggunakan Gratitude Questionnaire-Six GQ-6, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Positive ATQ-P, Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, dan Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS.
Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan model mediasi ganda seri yang dikemukakan Hayes. Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pikiran positif dan makna hidup secara signifikan, baik serial maupun independen, memediasi hubungan emosi syukur dan kepuasan hidup dengan besaran efek total sebesar 0.6405 c = 0.640, t 581 = 16.002, p.
This current study was conducted as further review of the relationship between gratitude and life satisfaction through the role of positive thoughts and meaning in life mediation in 585 adults. In this study, measurements of variables were performed using Gratitude Questionnaire Six GQ 6, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire Positive ATQ P, Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, and Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS. Data analysis was done by using serial multiple mediation model which proposed by Hayes. Findings of this study show the existence of mediational effects of positive thoughts and meaning in life significantly, both serially and independently, in gratitude and life satisfaction relationship with total effect of 0.6405 c 0.640, t 581 16.002, p"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Posener, Julius
New York: MIT Pres, 1992
720.92 POE h
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Azizatul Hamidiyah
"Tingginya angka pernikahan dini di Indonesia linier dengan banyaknya pernikahan dini yang terjadi di kalangan santri putri di Pondok Pesantren. Beberapa riset menunjukkan bahwa santri putri belum memiliki rencana kehidupan keluarga yang baik (belum tahu usia aman menikah, berencana memiliki anak lebih dari dua, belum mengetahui jarak kehamilan yang aman dan tidak berencana menggunakan alat kontrasepsi). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model peer education dalam intensi penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga santri putri di pondok pesantren (usia pertama menikah, jumlah anak, jarak kehamilan dan keluarga berencana). Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan mixed method study dengan jenis exploratory sequential design. Tahap pertama penelitian dilakukan studi kualitatif untuk menyusun modul dan buku sebagai pengembangan model pada segi content. Tahap kedua dilakukan studi kuantitatif dengan desain quasi experiment with pre-post test control group design untuk menguji efek model peer education menggunakan modul yang telah disusun dalam penelitian tahap pertama sebagai pengembangan model pada segi delivery. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga jenis pondok pesantren di Jawa Timur yaitu pondok pesantren salafiah (Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri), pondok pesantren modern (Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Sumenep Madura), dan pondok pesantren bentuk lainnya (Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Situbondo). Waktu penelitian Desember 2022 sampai Oktober 2023. Sampel penelitian adalah santri putri berusia 15-24 tahun, telah mondok lebih dari satu tahun, dalam keadaan sehat dan selama di pesantren belum pernah mengikuti program edukasi kesehatan reproduksi dan penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga. Besar sampel sebanyak 612 responden, dengan 204 responden di setiap jenis pesantren. Pada masing-masing jenis pesantren terdapat tiga kelompok intervensi (konvensional, peer education ustadzah muda, peer education rekan seasrama) dan satu kelompok kontrol sehingga pada setiap kelompok terdapat 153 responden. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji statistik Generalized Linier Model Repeated Measure. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peer education memiliki efek dalam meningkatkan intensi penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga santri putri di pondok pesantren. Peer education rekan seasrama dan peer education ustadzah muda memiliki efek setara dalam meningkatkan intensi penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga di pondok pesantren salafiah dan modern. Sedangkan peer education rekan seasrama lebih memiliki efek dalam meningkatkan intensi penyiapan kehidupan berkeluarga santri putri di pondok pesantren bentuk lain.
The high number of early marriages in Indonesia is related to the large number of early marriages that occur among female santri at Islamic boarding schools. Several studies show that female santri do not have a good family life plan (don't know the safe age for marriage, plan to have more than two children, don't know the safe space between pregnancies and don't plan to use contraception). The aim of this research was to develop a peer education model in the preparation of female santri' family life intentions in Islamic boarding schools (age at first marriage, number of children, pregnancy spacing and family planning). The research was conducted using a mixed method study with an exploratory sequential design. The first stage of the research was a qualitative study to develop modules and books as a model development in terms of content. In the second stage, a quantitative study was carried out with a quasi experimental design with pre-post test control group design to test the effect of peer education model using the modules that had been prepared in the first stage of research as model development in terms of delivery. The research was conducted in three types of Islamic boarding schools in East Java, namely Salafiah Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri), modern Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Sumenep Madura), and other forms of Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Situbondo). The research period was December 2022 to October 2023. The research sample was female santri aged 15-24 years, have been boarding for more than one year, in good health and while at the Islamic boarding school have never participated in reproductive health education programs and preparation for family life. The sample size was 612 respondents, with 204 respondents in each type of Islamic boarding school. In each type of Islamic boarding school there were three intervention groups (conventional, young ustadzah peer education, dorm mates peer education) and one control group so that in each group there are 153 respondents. Data analysis was carried out using the Generalized Linear Model Repeated Measure statistical test. The results of the research show that peer education has an effect in increasing the intention to prepare female santri for family life in Islamic boarding schools. Peer education from dorm mates and peer education from young ustadzahs have the same effect in increasing intentions to prepare for family life in salafiah and modern Islamic boarding schools. Meanwhile, peer education from dorm mates has more of an effect in increasing the intention to prepare female santri for family life in other forms of Islamic boarding schools. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Macmillan, 1995
200.1 BEY
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Makarenko, A.S.
"Buku ini merupakan novel karya A. S. Makarenko yang terdiri dari 3 babak yang terbagi dalam dua buku. Novel ini diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Ivy dan Tatiana Litvinov."
Moscow: Progress, 1973
891.74 MAK r t (II)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library