Ditemukan 23587 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bloembergen, Marieke
"This study offers a new approach to the history of sites, archaeology, and heritage formation in Asia, at both the local and the trans-regional levels. Starting at Hindu-Buddhist, Chinese, Islamic, colonial, and prehistoric heritage sites in Indonesia, the focus is on people's encounters and the knowledge exchange taking place across colonial and post-colonial regimes. Objects are followed as they move from their site of origin to other locations, such as the Buddhist statues from Borobudur temple, that were gifted to King Chulalongkorn of Siam. The ways in which the meaning of these objects transformed as they moved away to other sites reveal their role in parallel processes of heritage formation outside Indonesia. Calling attention to the power of the material remains of the past, Marieke Bloembergen and Martijn Eickhoff explore questions of knowledge production, the relationship between heritage and violence, and the role of sites and objects in the creation of national histories."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Lee, Gwang-pyo
Seoul: I Public, 2007
KOR 913.519 LEE s I (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Kirana Anindita Parama Putri
"Semarang merupakan salah satu kota pesisir di Indonesia yang terancam oleh kenaikan muka air laut. Salah satu akibatnya adalah banjir rob di wilayah pesisir Semarang. Semarang sebagai kota tua memiliki kawasan cagar budaya dengan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah. Bangunan cagar budaya memiliki nilai historis yang harus dilindungi. Bangunan cagar budaya yang terancam banjir rob merupakan masalah dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi Kawasan Cagar Budaya Nasional Kota Lama Semarang dan masalah yang ada di dalamnya, serta memberikan solusi alternatif dalam melindungi bangunan cagar budaya. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa situs Oudestad memerlukan tambahan ruang terbuka hijau. Tiga titik peletakan ruang terbuka hijau diusulkan di kolam retensi Tawang, salah satu titik parkir, dan sepanjang jalan Empu Tantular. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah menambahkan ruang terbuka hijau dirasa perlu untuk melindungi bangunan cagar budaya yang ada di situs Oudestad
Semarang is one of the coastal cities in Indonesia which is threatened by sea level rise. One of the consequences is tidal flooding in the coastal areas of Semarang. Semarang as an old city has a cultural heritage area with historic buildings. Cultural heritage buildings have historical values that must be protected. Cultural heritage buildings that are threatened by tidal flooding is a problem from the research carried out. Thus, this research was conducted to identify the condition of the Semarang Old City National Cultural Heritage Area and the problems in it, as well as to provide alternative solutions in protecting cultural heritage buildings. The approach used is a qualitative approach with qualitative methods. The results show that the Oudestad site requires additional green open space. Three green open space placement points are proposed in the Tawang retention pond, one parking point, and along Jalan Empu Tantular. The conclusion of this study is that adding green open space is deemed necessary to protect cultural heritage buildings at the Oudestad site."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilson, Ross J., 1981-
Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
508 WIL n
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Calcuta: Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Committee, [T.th.]
954 CUL I
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Calcuta: Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Committee, [T.th.]
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Estu Raharjo
ABSTRAK Laut Indonesia yang kaya situs kapal karam merupakan berkah sekaligus menjadi masalah. Kasus pencurian Benda Berharga Asal Muatan Kapal Tenggelam (BMKT) di perairan Indonesia telah berlangsung sejak awal perkembangan arkeologi bawah laut di era tahun 1970-an, dan masih berlangsung hingga hari ini. Melihat potensi dan permasalahan Cagar Budaya Bawah Air yang semakin mengkhawatirkan, maka sangat diperlukan landasan hukum yang kuat dan langkah nyata untuk melindunginya. Ketika hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan Cagar Budaya Bawah Air tidak cukup kuat untuk melindunginya, maka Indonesia yang kaya Benda Cagar Budaya Bawah Air akan banyak kehilangan data sejarah. Tulisan ini akan mengulas peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan Cagar Budaya Bawah Air berikut permasalahan hukumnya serta menawarkan beberapa poin kritik yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam merevisi peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut dan melangkah ke depan dalam rangka melindungi Cagar Budaya Bawah Air.
ABSTRACTThe Indonesian watersterritory which is rich in shipwreck sites is both a blessing and a problem. The case of theft on valuable objects from the sinking ship cargo in Indonesian waters has been going on since the beginning of the development of underwater archeology in the era of the 1970s, and still continues to recent day. Considering potential threats of Indonesian underwater cultural heritage, a strong legal basic and concrete steps are needed for protecting them. Without the strong law enforcement, Indonesia will lose most of its valuable historical data. This paper will review the laws and regulations related to underwater cultural heritage along with legal issues and offer some points of criticism that can be used as a reference in revising these laws and regulations and moving forward in order to protect underwater cultural heritage."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dromgoole, Sarah
"The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001, which entered into force internationally in 2009, is designed to deal with threats to underwater cultural heritage arising as a result of advances in deep-water technology. However, the relationship between this new treaty and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea is deeply controversial. This study of the international legal framework regulating human interference with underwater cultural heritage explores the development and present status of the framework and gives some consideration to how it may evolve in the future. The central themes are the issues that provided the UNESCO negotiators with their greatest challenges: the question of ownership rights in sunken vessels and cargoes; sovereign immunity and sunken warships; the application of salvage law; the ethics of commercial exploitation; and, most crucially, the question of jurisdictional competence to regulate activities beyond territorial sea limits"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
930.102 804 DRO u
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Han, Sang-nam
Seoul: Saemtheosa, 2007
KOR 913.519 HAN g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayuni Yustika Sari
"Pemaknaan terhadap warisan budaya memantik sebuah pembahasan dan perdebatan terkait diskusi warisan budaya secara global. Pembahasan seputar warisan budaya memiliki asal ontologis yang cukup kompleks, mengingat kehadiran wacananya yang bersifat lintas disiplin. Terlepas dari berkembangnya minat akademis dalam politik warisan budaya, belum terdapat pemahaman secara menyeluruh terhadap literatur warisan budaya dalam bingkai Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Untuk mengisi ceruk tersebut, penulis melakukan tinjauan pustaka sistematis untuk menelaah badan literatur politik warisan budaya dalam Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Penulis terlebih dulu memetakan perdebatan, konstruksi makna, serta tata kelola warisan budaya di tingkat global. Melalui pemetaan tersebut, penulis kemudian melakukan analisis tematis terhadap globalisasi wacana warisan budaya. Tema-tema tersebut di antaranya mencakup identitas, pascakolonialisme, diplomasi, keamanan, dan arus pariwisata. Berdasarkan kajian literatur, penulis berargumen bahwa: 1) terdapat jangkauan mengenai bagaimana warisan budaya dapat diidentifikasi atas dasar pengakuan oleh aktor-aktor internasional; 2) terdapat keterikatan warisan budaya dengan identitas simbolis suatu negara; serta 3) terdapat unsur wewenang dan tata kelola khusus atas rezim warisan budaya di tingkat internasional.
The meaning-making of cultural heritage sparks sequences of discussions and debates circumscribing the globalised past. A discussion surrounding cultural heritage embodies a complex ontological source, given the multidisciplinary nature of the globalised heritage discourse. Notwithstanding the growing level of scholarly interest towards heritage politics, a comprehensive understanding of cultural heritage literature within the International Relations framework is noticeably absent. To address this gap, I conveyed a systematic literature review to identify the state of knowledge on how cultural heritage politics is being scrutinised globally. The first half of the research maps the debate, construction, and the global governance of cultural heritage. Through the aforementioned mapping, the second half contains a thematic analysis towards the globalised discourse of cultural heritage. This research pinpoints five major themes, among others, including: identity, postcolonialism, diplomacy, security, and tourism. Based on a thorough literature review, I argue that: 1) there is a notion of how certain heritage is acknowledged by international actors; 2) there is a nexus between cultural heritage and a symbolic identity of a state; and 3) there is a particular authority and governance within the international heritage regime."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library