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Ditemukan 58154 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Alief Brahmarizky Roseno
"Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) menjadi hal yang substansial dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan dalam konteks perkotaan menjadi pendukung pengembangan smart cities. Smart home merupakan turunan dari smart cities yang diterapkan di ranah hunian, dan memberi dampak positif seperti mempermudah penghuni difabel, peningkatan keamanan, dan peningkatan efektivitas pemakaian energi. Skripsi ini mencoba mencari hubungan antara penerapan teknologi smart home dengan pembangunan kota berkelanjutan, dan aspek-aspek yang mendukung pengaplikasian teknologi ini sehingga nantinya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Dari beberapa studi kasus tentang pengaplikasian teknologi smart home, tingkat literasi teknologi merupakan sebuah aspek yang penting untuk mengoperasikan perangkat smart home agar dapat dipakai secara optimal. Pemerintah juga berandil dalam pengaplikasian teknologi ini dengan melibatkan teknologi smart sebagai pendukung misi pembangunan negara seperti yang dilakukan Singapura. Dengan kebutuhan aspek yang berbeda-beda tiap wilayahnya, tetap diperlukan peningkatan literasi teknologi di daerah terkait, karena hal tersebut akan mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur teknologi yang dapat mengatalisasi pembangunan ekonomi, dan terbentuknya komunitas yang saling mendukung
.The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a substantial matter in sustainable development, and in the urban context it support the development of smart cities. Smart home is a branch from smart cities that is applied in the residential context, and has positive impacts such as facilitating people with disabilities, increasing security, and managing effective use of energy. This paper is about finding the connection between the application of smart home technology and sustainable city development, and aspects that support the application of this technology so that it can later be utilized by the community. From several case studies on the application of smart home technology, technological literacy is an important aspect on operating smart home devices so that it can help them optimally. The government can also plays a role in the application of this technology by involving smart technology as a supporter of the country's development mission as has been done by Singapore. It is necessary to increase technological literacy in related areas, because this will support the development of technological infrastructure that can catalyze economic development, and the formation of mutually supportive communities."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barlow, Mike
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2019
307.76 BAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Provides the foundations and principles needed for addressing the various challenges of developing smart cities Smart cities are emerging as a priority for research and development across the world. They open up significant opportunities in several areas, such as economic growth, health, wellness, energy efficiency, and transportation, to promote the sustainable development of cities. This book provides the basics of smart cities, and it examines the possible future trends of this technology. Smart Cities: Foundations, Principles, and Applications provides a systems science perspective in presenting the foundations and principles that span multiple disciplines for the development of smart cities. Divided into three parts - foundations, principles, and applications - Smart Cities addresses the various challenges and opportunities of creating smart cities and all that they have to offer. It also covers smart city theory modeling and simulation, and examines case studies of existing smart cities from all around the world. In addition, the book: . Addresses how to develop a smart city and how to present the state of the art and practice of them all over the world. Focuses on the foundations and principles needed for advancing the science, engineering, and technology of smart cities - including system design, system verification, real-time control and adaptation, Internet of Things, and test beds. Covers applications of smart cities as they relate to smart transportation/connected vehicle (CV) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for improved mobility, safety, and environmental protection Smart Cities: Foundations, Principles, and Applications is a welcome reference for the many researchers and professionals working on the development of smart cities and smart city-related industries"
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2017
597.48 SMA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018
307.121 6 SMA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wells, Quentin
Australia: Cengage Learning, 2013
621.319 24 WEL s (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pelton, Joseph N.
"Hackers, cyber-criminals, Dark Web users, and techno-terrorists beware! This book should make you think twice about attempting to do your dirty work in the smart cities of tomorrow.
Scores of cities around the world have begun planning what are known as “smart cities.” These new or revamped urban areas use the latest technology to make the lives of residents easier and more enjoyable.They will have automated infrastructures such as the Internet of Things, “the Cloud,” automated industrial controls, electronic money, mobile and communication satellite systems, wireless texting and networking. With all of these benefits come new forms of danger, and so these cities will need many safeguards to prevent cyber criminals from wreaking havoc.
This book explains the advantages of smart cities and how to design and operate one. Based on the practical experience of the authors in projects in the U.S. and overseas in Dubai, Malaysia, Brazil and India, it tells how such a city is planned and analyzes vital security concerns that must be addressed along the way.
Most of us will eventually live in smart cities. What are the advantages and the latest design strategies for such ventures? What are the potential drawbacks? How will they change the lives of everyday citizens? This book offers a preview of our future and how you can help prepare yourself for the changes to come."
Switzerland: Copernicus Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohan Adhi Styoutomo
"Pada tanggal 18 Januari 2022, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dan Pemerintah mengesahkan rancangan undang – undang (RUU) Ibu Kota Negara menjadi undang – undang (UU) sehingga Ibu Kota Jakarta akan digantikan dengan Ibu Kota baru yang bernama Nusantara. Berdasarkan rencana induk Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), IKN memiliki visi menjadi economic superhub melalui enam klaster dan dua enabler. Salah satu enabler adalah penerapan kota cerdas yang mendorong IKN sebagai kota berkelanjutan, bukan hanya liveable tetapi juga loveable. Tolak ukur keberhasilan kota cerdas di IKN dinyatakan melalui KPI, yaitu terpenuhinya seluruh konektivitas digital dan teknologi, informasi, serta komunikasi untuk seluruh penduduk dan bisnis. Guna mencapai target tersebut dibutuhkan infrastruktur cerdas yang merupakan salah satu komponen penting kota cerdas. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan secara wawancara dan studi dokumen terkait IKN. Penerapan best practice studi dari negara lain dijadikan sebagai pertimbangan dari analisis pemilihan rancangan awal berdasarkan analisis SWOT. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan awal jaringan fiber pada backbone menggunakan topologi double ring. Rancangan awal pusat komando dan kontrol digunakan untuk memantau sistem perkotaan, keselamatan dan keamanan, layanan pemerintah, lingkungan dan keberlanjutan, akses dan mobilitas, dan kelayakan huni. Rancangan awal pusat data di IKN diimplementasikan dengan membangun pusat data sendiri dan menjadikan pusat data IKN menjadi bagian dari pusat data nasional sehingga setiap kementerian atau lembaga tidak perlu membuat pusat datanya masing – masing. Rancangan awal penerapan infrastruktur kendaraan otonom di IKN menerapkan teknologi DSRC berbasis WiFi 802.11bd/802.11p. Implikasi teori dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi bagi penelitian selanjutnya dalam perancangan infrastruktur cerdas pada ibu kota negara atau kota cerdas lainnya.

On January 18, 2022, the People's Representative Council (DPR) and the Government passed the draft law (RUU) on the State Capital to become law (UU) so that the capital city of Jakarta will be replaced with a new capital city called Nusantara. Based on the master plan for the Archipelago Capital City (IKN), IKN has a vision of becoming an economic superhub through six clusters and two enablers. One of the enablers is the implementation of smart cities that encourage IKN to become sustainable cities, not only liveable but also loveable. The benchmark for the success of smart cities in IKN is expressed through KPIs, namely the fulfilment of all digital connectivity and technology, information and communication for all residents and businesses. To achieve this target, smart infrastructure is needed, which is one of the essential components of a smart city. The data collection process was carried out using interviews and a study of documents related to IKN. The application of best practice studies from other countries is used as a consideration in the analysis of the selection of the initial design based on the SWOT analysis. This research produces a preliminary design of fiber network strategy on the backbone using a double-ring topology. Preliminary design of command-and-control center awales monitor urban systems, safety and security, government services, environment and sustainability, access and mobility, and habitability. Preliminary design of the data center at IKN is implemented by building its data center and making the IKN data center part of the national data center so that each ministry or agency does not need to create its own data center. Preliminary design for implementing autonomous vehicle infrastructure in IKN applies DSRC technology based on WiFi 802.11bd/802.11p. The theoretical implications of this research can be used as a reference for further study in designing smart infrastructure in national capitals or other smart cities."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019
307.121 6 INS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Springer, 2016
307.1 CHI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shiddiq Sugiono
"Chatbot merupakan salah satu teknologi digital berbasiskan kecerdasan buatan yang telah dimanfaatkanberbagai perpustakaan untuk menunjang efisiensi layanan informasi. Pemanfaatan chatbot tersebut dinilai mampu menciptakan ekosistem smart library sehingga penting untuk terus dikembangkan agar pelangganmerasa puas terhadap pelayanan informasi yang diberikan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberikangambaran mengenai manfaat yang dapat diperoleh perpustakaan dari pengimplementasian chatbot untukmencapai konsep smart library. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah tinjauan literatur dari basis data Google Scholar dan Scopus. Terdapat 5 artikel sebagai data penelitian utama. Hasil penelitianmenyebutkan bahwa setidaknya terdapat 2 manfaat yang dapat didapatkan dari pengimplementasianchatbot dalam layanan informasi perpustakaan yaitu: layanan informasi terpersonalisasi serta integrasi ruang siber dengan perpustakaan. Dalam layanan informasi terpersonalisasi, pelanggandapat memperoleh informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya tanpa harus terbebani dengan informasi yangtidak diperlukan. Adapun dalam mengintegrasikan ruang siber dengan kehidupan nyata, pelanggansudahmampu mengakses layanan tanpa harus datang ke lokasi. Efisiensi menjadi kata kunci dalampemanfaatan teknologi untuk mendukung layanan perpustakaan. Penelitian empiris lebih dalammengenai chatbot, khususnya di Indonesia, perlu dilakukan untuk dapat mengembangkan serta mengevaluasi pemanfaatan teknologi tersebut."
Jakarta: Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2021
020 VIS 23:3 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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